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Mona Pereth

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30 Nov 2022, 9:35 am

Dox47 wrote:
I'll bet there aren't enough of them in the US to fill a mid sized sports arena, there are probably more false flag "Nazis" running around these days than real ones.

Twenty years ago, I would have agreed with this. But the number of extremists, of various kinds, has certainly grown since then.

- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
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01 Dec 2022, 4:58 am

Mona Pereth wrote:
Twenty years ago, I would have agreed with this. But the number of extremists, of various kinds, has certainly grown since then.

Why would you think that?

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Mona Pereth

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02 Dec 2022, 2:16 am

Lots of reasons. For example:

1) Polls, such as Public Religion Research Institute' survey discussed here, show increasing political polarization.

2) Oddball subcultures of many different kinds have grown quite a bit during the past 20 years, thanks to the Internet. Political extremists are no exception.

3) Obvious crackpots like Alex Jones, whose names were known only to very small numbers of people 15 to 20 years ago, became household names in 2016 and afterward, thanks to Trump.

4) The rise of QAnon.

Do you really mean to deny that the number of political extremists has grown?

Regarding neo-Nazism and other forms of out-and-out white nationalism, in particular, see, for example:

- It is happening here: Massachusetts has a growing neo-Nazi movement - GBH 89.7, Boston's Local NPR, May 18, 2022.
- Analysis: The neo-Nazi plot against America is much bigger than we realize - Guardian (U.K.), Sun 3 Mar 2019
- Transnational Neo-Nazism in the USA, United Kingdom, and Australia, Program on Extremism at George Washington University, February 2020
- US neo-Nazi groups on the rise under Trump: report, 02/22/2018
- How White Supremacy Returned to Mainstream Politics, Jul 1, 2020.

- Autistic in NYC - Resources and new ideas for the autistic adult community in the New York City metro area.
- Autistic peer-led groups (via text-based chat, currently) led or facilitated by members of the Autistic Peer Leadership Group.
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02 Dec 2022, 3:49 am

Dox47 wrote:
Mona Pereth wrote:
Twenty years ago, I would have agreed with this. But the number of extremists, of various kinds, has certainly grown since then.

Why would you think that?

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02 Dec 2022, 6:41 am

cyberdad wrote:

Doesn't do you any good considering most of what you read are lies, based on what you post here.

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02 Dec 2022, 6:43 am

Mona Pereth wrote:
Lots of reasons. For example:

1) Polls, such as Public Religion Research Institute' survey discussed here, show increasing political polarization.

2) Oddball subcultures of many different kinds have grown quite a bit during the past 20 years, thanks to the Internet. Political extremists are no exception.

3) Obvious crackpots like Alex Jones, whose names were known only to very small numbers of people 15 to 20 years ago, became household names in 2016 and afterward, thanks to Trump.

4) The rise of QAnon.

Do you really mean to deny that the number of political extremists has grown?

Regarding neo-Nazism and other forms of out-and-out white nationalism, in particular, see, for example:

- It is happening here: Massachusetts has a growing neo-Nazi movement - GBH 89.7, Boston's Local NPR, May 18, 2022.
- Analysis: The neo-Nazi plot against America is much bigger than we realize - Guardian (U.K.), Sun 3 Mar 2019
- Transnational Neo-Nazism in the USA, United Kingdom, and Australia, Program on Extremism at George Washington University, February 2020
- US neo-Nazi groups on the rise under Trump: report, 02/22/2018
- How White Supremacy Returned to Mainstream Politics, Jul 1, 2020.

Oh look, a whole slew of organizations with a vested interest in promoting the idea that there are more of these extremists out there, not a trustworthy name among them.

Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.

- Rick Sanchez


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02 Dec 2022, 7:54 am

Dox47 wrote:
Oh look, a whole slew of organizations with a vested interest in promoting the idea that there are more of these extremists out there, not a trustworthy name among them.

Just who the f**k DO you trust, anyway?

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02 Dec 2022, 11:33 am

Mona Pereth wrote:
Lots of reasons. For example:

1) Polls, such as Public Religion Research Institute' survey discussed here, show increasing political polarization.

2) Oddball subcultures of many different kinds have grown quite a bit during the past 20 years, thanks to the Internet. Political extremists are no exception.

3) Obvious crackpots like Alex Jones, whose names were known only to very small numbers of people 15 to 20 years ago, became household names in 2016 and afterward, thanks to Trump.

4) The rise of QAnon.

Do you really mean to deny that the number of political extremists has grown?

Regarding neo-Nazism and other forms of out-and-out white nationalism, in particular, see, for example:

- It is happening here: Massachusetts has a growing neo-Nazi movement - GBH 89.7, Boston's Local NPR, May 18, 2022.
- Analysis: The neo-Nazi plot against America is much bigger than we realize - Guardian (U.K.), Sun 3 Mar 2019
- Transnational Neo-Nazism in the USA, United Kingdom, and Australia, Program on Extremism at George Washington University, February 2020
- US neo-Nazi groups on the rise under Trump: report, 02/22/2018
- How White Supremacy Returned to Mainstream Politics, Jul 1, 2020.

Are there more extremists or have the few that were around become more emboldened and in some cases gained power due to the factors you listed above? Either way very bad trend.

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02 Dec 2022, 1:41 pm

SMiLes, i LiVE iN One of the Most 'Backwards' Ignorant Places

in the United States; YeS, in North Florida, 'Matt Gaetz Land' That

Continues to Support Donald J Trump, No Matter How Many Times

He Pulls a 'Revolver on 5th Avenue' As Metaphor For All THE CR8P He

Has Rained Down

on the United States
Since 2015, Entering

Seriously Into American Politics Then
From Childhood Bullying Techniques

Calling Folks Names Like Kids, Who Were
Abused By their "Big Daddy's," On Playgrounds in Schools;

Yep, Usually Where 'Little Man Syndrome' Comes From; Sure,
We May Give 'Great Thanks' to the "Donald's Father" And SADLY

'The Little Boy' Inside Who Will Never Ever Measure Up No Matter

How Much
Hell He Rains
DowN ON EartH For Real...

Obviously, 'The Donald,' Is Not the

Only Human Who Views Reality Similar to this;
Whether it Comes From 'Little Matt Gaetz Syndrome'

or Little 'Majorie Taylor Greene Syndrome' or the "IN Between"

As Modern Science Shows The Dopamine and Adrenaline Generated

By Misery 'Loves' Company of Fear, Anger, Hate, And Associated Up to Violent

Rhetoric, And YucK, Even Violent Actions is Very Addictive Indeed For Those Who

May Have Not Been

Warm and Fuzzy

Loved Much As A Child
And In Other Paths of Life;

True, it often Takes the Place

of the Warm Loving Neurohormone Oxytocin
That Actually Lessens Pain and Anxiety Yet

True, On the Other Hand As Far as Empathy

And Love Goes, Folks Will Warmly Bond Around

A Common Bind of Darkness as Enemy if Those in Authority

Convince Them So, of Value in Binding and Bonding Over Darkness ThiS WaY;

Yes, Like 'the Patriotism' of Killing Hundreds of Thousands of 'Brown Folks' 'Over There,'

If Ya Can Alter the

Enemy of Pilots From

Saudi Arabia Over to

Non-Existent Weapons

of Mass Destruction in Iraq,

To Tear the Country Down and

Rebuild IT For Profit for the Industrial Military Complex

With Cronies in Politics AS High as Dick Cheney And The Such...

In Other Words, This Story And This Explanation is Not New by far by far....

Particularly, As the Folks

Who Have the 'Qanon' And

Such Bumper Stickers Plastered

Over Their Beat-Up Old Cars, Mostly

Living in SCaRCiTY of Poverty too; Seeing

The World As More of Enemy Than FRiEnD;

Often Cold Inside, Just Looking For Some Meaning

And Purpose in Life, Even if it is Darkness to Bond and Bind Over

As Lies

into 'Truth Social' For Them;

True, Often Accompanying Those

Conspiracy Theories Behind the Car



BURNING FOREVER TOO; Indeed Same Old Story

Just Different

Characters in

The Dark As Lies

Become 'Truth Social'...

Yawn, i've Seen These Folks Get Out of Their Vehicles;

They Are Far From Any Formidable Enemy for the Most Part; Yet

True, Ya Get Relatively A Few REALLY Bad Apples Blowing Up Abortion
Centers And Trying to Usurp Representative Democracy for 'Truth Social' too

Yet Most of them, i Honestly Just Feel Sorry for And Wish i Could Reach Them

On the



of Heaven for Real...

All i Can Really Do is Dance Free For Them...

And if They Ever Give me Any Problems, i Just

Ask them, "Do You Know Jesus," And i Have A FRiEnD Forever;

Particularly, as i often Remember Their Bible Verses more than them...

Yes, Particularly,

Luke 17:21

And John 14:12;

When in 'RoMe,' You
Blend in, You Survive,

And Truly Thrive if You Are Clever Enough to Truly 'Win'...

The Young Folks Came Through in Voting in the Last Election;

They Are The Future, Eventually 'Old Bumper STickers' Lose THeir Print...

And to Be Clear, Of Course We Had Similar Folks in About 7 Percent of the
'Black Lives Matter Protests' Before The January 6th, 2021, Insurrection at the Capitol;

Go Figure, Humans Are Similar and Different As Far As Bad And Good Apples, All Around;

Yet, Let's Also Face it; Yes,

It's A Fact, Some Humans

Are More Ignorant and

Less Educated Than Others;

Yet, Let's Also Face It, Some Folks

Have Been Spoon-Fed Similar CR8P in Church

From Childhood too; OH Yeah, One More 'Thing,'

Science Shows Modernly That Humans Are Not Particularly

Rational at Core...

This Life 'Thingy'

is Much More oF An
Art Than Science; Yep,

Get All Rigid About IT,

And Honestly, Ya May Have
Little Clue About The Heaven oF iT,


Of Purgatory



True, i Surely Don't Have A Grasp on All the

Explanations, And If Anyone 'Thinks' They Do;

Perhaps, 'They' Could Use A New Prescription of Glasses, Hehe,

To Drink Clearer

Water Out oF For ReaL...

In Other Words, "Always Room to Improve"...

Yet It's True, "People are Alike All Over," It Seems to me too...

And i Ain't Gonna

Lie, i'm Living

in An

'Ivory Tower'

Just Coming
Down From the
'Mountain' to Dance
And Sing For Free..

Sadly, Some Folks

LiVE WHeRE THeRE Are No 'WiNDoW' Views...

Indeed, It's A Long Held 'PRiSoNeR Tradition' of 'Humans'... True...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !

Mona Pereth

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03 Dec 2022, 8:39 pm

Dox47 wrote:
Oh look, a whole slew of organizations with a vested interest in promoting the idea that there are more of these extremists out there, not a trustworthy name among them.

But it's consistent with what I already know, from both my own personal experiences and the experiences of people whom I know, such as my boyfriend.

For example, in 2015 to 2016, my boyfriend (who was then a Republican) had two online friends who became early Trump supporters -- and who, at the same time, either became much more bigoted or felt much freer to express their bigotry than before.

This experience convinced my boyfriend and me that the rise of Trump was a major threat to the social and political fabric of the U.S.A. -- and we began worrying about this before anyone in the mass media sounded the alarm, and before anyone in the mass media thought that Trump could possibly win the Republican nomination. It was obvious to us that the rise of Trump was enabling bigotry. It was also obvious that the rise of Trump was very likely to enable the growth of right wing extremism, given Trump's habit of retweeting stuff from right wing extremists.

In any case, it should be obvious to everyone that the U.S.A. as a whole has become much more politically polarized over the past 10 years or so. I cited a poll showing this, but we don't really need a poll to tell us this. Almost everyone here on Wrong Planet who lives in the U.S.A. has personally experienced the increasing polarization. Depending on our own political views and on where we live, some of us complain about the right wing getting more extreme, while others (such as you) complain about the left wing getting more extreme, while still others complain about the increasing difficulty of having a conversation about politics generally without it turning into a shouting match. All, in their own way, attest to the increased polarization all around.

Another relevant fact that should be obvious to everyone on WP is the rise of QAnon and related grand conspiracy ideologies. We've seen evidence of that right here on WP, in the form of people here actually advocating these ideas. And I'm sure many of us have seen this elsewhere too.

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04 Dec 2022, 1:32 am

Lot of people who became more open with their bigoted thoughts were just cowards because they didn't have the balls to express it before until Trump took office.

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04 Dec 2022, 4:19 am

League_Girl wrote:
Lot of people who became more open with their bigoted thoughts were just cowards because they didn't have the balls to express it before until Trump took office.

It's the mob mentality. They feel emboldened if they think others will stand behind their bigoted thoughts.


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04 Dec 2022, 11:30 am

The Trump phenomenon has accelerated bringing extremism to the fore, not only the obvious anti black racism, but the anti white racism of all whites are privileged racists type.

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