Coulter tells Haley to “go back to own country”

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19 Feb 2023, 10:58 pm

Ann Coulter tells Nikki Haley to ‘go back to your own country’ in racist rant against new GOP presidential candidate

In an appearance on the "The Mark Simone Show" podcast this week, Coulter made several xenophobic comments about Haley, the former governor of South Carolina who was born in the U.S. to Indian immigrant parents. "Why don't you go back to your own country?" Coulter said.

"Her candidacy did remind me that I need to immigrate to India so I can demand they start taking down parts of their history," she said. "What's with the worshipping of the cows? They're all starving over there. Did you know they have a rat temple, where they worship rats?"

Coulter also called Haley a "bimbo" and a "preposterous creature," criticizing her for having advocated removing the Confederate flag from the grounds of the South Carolina Statehouse in the wake of the 2015 shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston.

"This is my country, lady," she said. "I'm not an American Indian, and I don't like them taking down all the monuments."

There is still 11 months before the first vote, if the campaign for the Republican nomination is like this now….

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Last edited by Cornflake on 20 Feb 2023, 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.: Removed multiple quotes


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19 Feb 2023, 11:40 pm

What's with the same quote being repeated three more times?

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19 Feb 2023, 11:43 pm

Let’s hope the Republicans become so divided that they shoot themselves in the foot.


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20 Feb 2023, 5:01 am

Didnt Ann coulter just get through calling Trump "an idiot"?

If she doesnt like Trump OR Haley than what GOPer does she like?

Must be a De Satan supporter. But WAIT...he is also a Wog...descended from brown skinned immigrants from the land of bean pickers.

And she calls Haley a "bimbo".

Don Lemon just called Haley "past her prime" (as a woman?).

A conservative straight White woman brands her as a playboy bunny pin up girl, but a Black gay liberal reporter just got famously fired for implying that she is hag. So now Im confused! Which bad thing IS she? Too sexy. Or not sexy enough?:lol:

And does either thing matter? Shows a decline in the level of discoure on both sides of the partisan divide.

Also Coulter seems to be illiterate.

An American cant "immigrate to India". An American can only 'emigrate' to another country.

And an American of South Asian extraction is "an Indian American". NOT "an American Indian" which is a different thing altogether.

American Indians are now called "Native Americans" because they were here before immigrants from Europe (Like Ann Coulture's ancestors) got here. I dont think that IMMIGRANTS like Ann Coulter should tell us Americans who to vote for! :lol:


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20 Feb 2023, 7:51 am

The discourse is so low and petty at both sides.

If only the Democrats put up a relatively united front, they would have quite a decent chance in 2024.

I’m glad the Republicans are sniping at each other.


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20 Feb 2023, 8:00 am

Her bag is just to say outrageous things to garner attention. She's lucky she doesn't have an employer to fire her.

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20 Feb 2023, 11:12 am

Ann Coulter being Ann Coulter, who's surprised?

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20 Feb 2023, 12:59 pm

RATS! Woooooaaaahoooow oooooooow!


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21 Feb 2023, 7:14 pm

This is not surprising at all. :roll:

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