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21 Jul 2021, 7:56 am

When "Sean Hannity" Implores "The Deplorables" to
Get Vaccinated, Praising the Scientific Efficacy, to
Curb A Deadly Pandemic Variant; Ya Know the SH8T SHoW

IS A Fixin' to Hit the 'Fans'...

Make No Mistake, Yes,

The Deep South May Be A Nice
Place to LiVE iN; Yet, Not So Much

For The Ignorance of the Folks, Faux News
Fed On TV And Church/State As Ignorance Is Blind
to the Reality of the Dystopia It Already LiveS iN NoW


For Those Who See...

Now It's True, Some Folks
Don't Like to See New Chapters
Added to their Books; Now It's True,

Human Beings Bound to Tradition Will
Stick to Whatever Hell or Heaven is Provided
Spoon-Fed From Birth; Like The Belief in the After
Death Is More Important to Worship than What comes Now When

We Breathe...

Heroes, According to 'Pop Psychology
Courses' Are Not Much Different than

Villains; Both Are Willing To Break the Rules
At Hand to Achieve Their Intents in Life; What
Separates them; The Only Thing That Separates
Them is Empathy/Compassion That Cares for Everyone to the Point

That A Hero Has Difficulty

Separating Their Self

From the Needs of

Others; Whereas, Sean
Hannity, Trump, Gaetz, Trump,
Others, Majorie Taylor Green, Tucker
Carlson; And Yuck, Governor DeSataNis,
From Florida, Who Recently Signed A Bill
Preventing Schools From Requiring Children
to Be Vaccinated in the Midst of An Ever Growing
Deadly Delta Variant Pandemic, Additionally Selling T-Shirts

to Dismiss

The Leadership
of Science With Stellar
Science Citizens Like Fauci

Are only Concerned For Their OWN
Selfish Ego's; No Matter What Happens
to Others; of Course until it gets to the

Point Now

Where The

Clown Show

is Hitting 'the Fans'...

True, The Deep South Ain't that
Bad, Unless You Are Sitting in An
Evangelical First Baptist Dinner in
A 'Texas Road House' Where Most Everyone
Drives a Four Wheel Drive And Believes

Sitting Down With Their Children

In An Extremely Packed

Restaurant to

Order Some
Roast Beast;

Yes, Where They All Believe
A Life Saving Vaccination is
A 'Kill Shot'; Instead of a Tool

To Prevent Great Dystopia Far
Extending Its Reach At the Hands,

At the Usual Hands of Faux News and
Associated Church And State That Feeds

Off Group Think in Areas of Socio-Economic-
Emotional-Spiritual SCaRCiTIES Like Trump-Town
USA, Where i Live; Again, Analogous to the 'Beneath the
Planet of the Apes Mass' Where me and 'Eve/Nova/Whatever
my Wife's Name is these Days' Watch Aghast as 'The Deplorables'

Still Take Off their
Masks Unvaccinated
in the 'Texas Road House
Restaurant Sunday Dinner'

Where Human is Served Ignorance

to the Point it Kills them Dead, Dead
As Road Kill oF iGnorance Clothed Comes...

Ironically That's What We Had

For Lunch, Something

They Sell


Cheap at
the Restaurant

Called 'Road Kill' for $9.99...

(It's Actually, Pretty Tasty)

It's Easy to Save Frogs on the Road
At Night in Florida, July Monsoons, From
Big Four Wheel Drives; You just gently Nudge
or Pick them Up and Put them in the Freer Green Grass...

The Locals:

Just Do Beware...

Nothing You Can Do to Help them
at this Point; For There Are Even
More Evil Avenues For Their Dystopia

Than Sean Hannity; AS HiStory continues to SHow...

Make No Mistake; The Dystopian God Of This Country is Money At All Costs...

The Only Way to Defeat That God Is to Stop consuming the 'Soylent Green'....

The People

In Darkness

Have Seen A Great Ignorance

And They Are STicKinG with Doomsday;
TicKinG With it, Until Their Blind Living Dead Demise...

36.8 Percent of the Population Are Fully Vaccinated Here;
Close to the Percentage of Folks Who Did Not Vote For Trump...

This Human
Condition is
Strangely Predictable, InDeed...

Anyway, The Essay 'You Wrote' Makes
Total Sense to me; Great Job, Keep Writing...

A Key to Life is Balance In Change; A Key
To Life is Always A Free Pen At Hand to Write, Play,
And Act a New Page in Life, Freer In Flow, in Human Potential in Ease



Within Now
to Give, Share,
Care Fearless Freely With All...

i Ain't Afraid of 'the Locals'..

Yet i Do Pity THeir Lot in Life...

It's Not Any More Fair than the
Smooshed Frogs on the Highway to Someone Else'S Hell Now...

True, WHere i LiVE, ReaLiTY iS A Story More Interesting/Strange than Fiction..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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25 Jul 2021, 8:31 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
You didn't do anything wrong either. I saw the word "essay", and scrolled really quickly without reading the intro. I saw biblical quotes and the word "she" all over the place but that's about all because I didn't feel qualified to evaluate a paper on Religion. :P

I've read it now. You have a nice writing style and I can see that you're creating a fictitious dystopia. Unfortunately I'm still not in a position to critique it because I have no frame of reference. I don't read anything dystopian and in fact Hand Maid's Tale is one of my pet peeves (I've seen some scenes on TV). I don't even read sci fi or anything set in the future. On top of that I go to church but I've never read the Bible and I wouldn't pick up on the satire or double standards. I'm not American and I don't follow American politics, either. It was just really out of my reading-comfort zone and I couldn't formulate an opinion on the subject matter except to say I doubt America will be like that in 150 years.

That's not to say it wasn't interesting. I'd like to know more about that woman though, via her thoughts and feelings, so that she seems more sympathetic and relatable.

Isabella, I'll see if I can come up with something.


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19 Jul 2022, 5:29 am

Isabella, if you're still on here I think I may have an idea as to the direction I want to take this. I've read a bit more of the Bible and other Christian's commentary on it. They talk about the concept of the Jezebel spirit.

Here is an example of an article written by a Christian. ... ion-218-29

I want to take this in the direction in which this autistic lady is accused of having a Jezebel spirit, found guilty in spite of the defense trying to present a defense of blindness and that blindness can take many forms including but not limited to sight of the eyes.


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15 Oct 2023, 10:39 am

Part Two: The Trial and Execution

As the news of the young woman's controversial teachings spread, it sent shockwaves through the community of the New Christian States of America. Many believed her interpretations of the Bible to be heretical, while others saw her as a beacon of hope, challenging the status quo. Her actions had not gone unnoticed by the authorities, and soon, she was brought up on charges of heresy.

The Trial:

In a dimly lit courtroom adorned with religious symbols, the young woman stood before a tribunal of elders and religious authorities. The prosecutor, a stern-faced man, presented the charges of heresy and blasphemy, accusing her of twisting the sacred words of the Bible. The atmosphere was tense as the trial began.

The young woman, now dressed in simple garments, faced her accusers with unwavering resolve. She took a deep breath, her voice unwavering, and began to defend herself, citing the very scriptures she had questioned:

"I stand before you today to declare that my teachings are rooted in the very words of the Bible, which calls us to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. The Parable of the Sheep and Goats demonstrates that our love for God is inseparable from our love for others. I implore you to reconsider the teachings that have led to my prosecution. Are they not aligned with the essence of our faith?"

Her eloquent defense left the tribunal divided, with some nodding in agreement while others looked upon her with anger and fear.

The Verdict:

After a lengthy deliberation, the tribunal reached its verdict. The leader of the tribunal, a high-ranking priest, stood to deliver the judgment:

"You have been found guilty of heresy and blasphemy for your interpretations of the sacred texts. We hereby give you one final opportunity to repent and recant your beliefs."

The young woman, resolute in her convictions, shook her head gently.

"I cannot recant what I believe to be the truth, a truth I have discovered in the pages of our Holy Scriptures."

The Execution:

With the young woman's refusal to repent, her fate was sealed. The tribunal sentenced her to stoning, a punishment they deemed fitting for her perceived transgressions.

She was led to a public square, where a crowd had gathered, a mix of supporters and detractors. As she stood in the center, her executioners, including some of the women she had once preached to, picked up stones. The first stone was thrown, and then another, and another.

As the stones struck her, she remained steadfast, uttering her last words:

"I die for what I believe is true, for a faith rooted in love and compassion. May my death be a testament to the power of faith, and may it one day bring change and unity to our society."

With her final breath, the young woman fell to the ground, a martyr for her beliefs, while the crowd watched in a mix of reverence and horror.

The story ends with her death, but her legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of those who had heard her message. It is a powerful tale of conviction, sacrifice, and the struggle to challenge the established norms of a society bound by strict religious dogma.


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15 Oct 2023, 10:40 am

Part Three: The Fall of the New Christian States of America

The stoning of the young woman sent shockwaves throughout the New Christian States of America. Her martyrdom inspired a quiet but growing movement of people who questioned the rigidity of their society's beliefs. Over time, these dissenting voices began to challenge the established norms, ultimately leading to the downfall of the New Christian States of America.

1. Underground Movements:

In the wake of the young woman's execution, underground movements began to emerge. Secret gatherings were held, where like-minded individuals discussed her teachings and the injustices they had witnessed. These gatherings took place in hidden locations, away from the watchful eyes of the religious authorities.

2. A Growing Network:

As the underground network grew, it became more organized. Dissenters began to share their thoughts with trusted confidants, spreading the young woman's message that love, compassion, and charity were at the core of their faith. They used discreet methods to communicate, including coded messages and symbols.

3. Expanding the Message:

In an attempt to expand their influence, members of the underground movement started distributing handwritten pamphlets that contained the woman's interpretations of the Bible. These pamphlets found their way into the hands of ordinary citizens, many of whom had never encountered such alternative interpretations.

4. Quiet Resistance:

The society's authorities attempted to suppress the growing dissent, but it was challenging to quell the fervor of those inspired by the young woman's teachings. Quiet resistance was everywhere, with individuals subtly disobeying certain laws and customs, all while professing their unwavering devotion to the faith.

5. International Pressure:

Outside the borders of the New Christian States of America, other nations began to express concern about the religious extremism within the country. Diplomatic and humanitarian efforts were initiated to address the human rights abuses taking place.

6. A Tipping Point:

Years after the young woman's death, a tipping point was reached. A charismatic leader emerged from within the underground movement, unifying the various dissenting groups. They called for a return to the core principles of love and compassion and rallied people to stand against the oppressive religious authorities.

7. Public Demonstrations:

Large-scale public demonstrations were organized, where thousands of people, once silenced by fear, took to the streets. They demanded an end to the harsh religious doctrines that had divided their nation.

8. International Intervention:

With the world's eyes now firmly on the New Christian States of America, international pressure mounted. Diplomatic negotiations and sanctions were imposed, forcing the government to reconsider its positions.

9. Reform and Reconciliation:

The government eventually bowed to the demands of the people, who called for reform and reconciliation. A new leadership emerged, promising to reevaluate the religious doctrines and to protect the rights of all citizens.

10. A New Beginning:

The New Christian States of America embarked on a journey of transformation. With the guidance of the underground movement's teachings, they sought to reconcile faith with compassion, and slowly but steadily, they worked to rebuild a more inclusive and just society.

The fall of the New Christian States of America serves as a powerful example of how the actions of one individual can ignite change and inspire a movement for justice, compassion, and reform. The legacy of the young woman's teachings and her ultimate sacrifice left an indelible mark on the history of her nation, leading it towards a new beginning and a brighter future.


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15 Oct 2023, 2:02 pm