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01 Nov 2016, 3:05 am

Okay so basically at this point I have decided to write a story just for fun for a world where Donald Trump wins the 2016 US election then is challenged by Kanye West four years later. What would be your ideas for how a Trump Presidency would play out and is their any advice you would give for this?

Keep in mind I am trying to make this story as plausible as possible.

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01 Nov 2016, 6:01 am

Kanye would be the most talented and most disliked person ever to run for the presidency, which would be impressive after 2016.

I suspect Trump begins construction on the wall and then becomes much less politically active, essentially deferring to Pence on day-to-day affairs. There's probably at least one impeachment attempt, but obviously he survives it for the purposes of your story.

America's standing in the world is weakened. Its relationships with long-standing allies have soured due to Trump's hostility and his destruction of trade deals. Although the world economy entered a global recession in 2017, it's recovered almost as quickly as it did after 2008. America's economy hasn't recovered quite as well, and tax takings in particular are right down because Trump's only response to the recession was to keep slashing taxes, Scott Walker style. There is a deadlock in Congress and very little is being passed. It's even worse than the Obama years.

Trump has talked at times of not running in 2020, but he's always retracted that within 24 hours. Although he faced a serious challenge from Paul Ryan, and briefly looked like he wouldn't win the nomination, he won support from his own supporters as well as the socially conservative wing of the party; Ted Cruz elected not to run when he found a lot of his natural supporters would rather stick with Trump, who had defunded Planned Parenthood and appointed two socially conservative judges to replace Scalia and Ginsburg.

The Democratic field was truly open for the first time since 2008. Serious contenders included Congressmen Joseph P. Kennedy III (MA) and Joaquín Castro (TX), Senators Amy Klobuchar (MN), Tim Kaine (VA), Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) and Cory Booker (NJ), and former Governor Andrew Cuomo (NY). Kennedy stood out by flaunting his progressive credentials whilst also having wider appeal than Bernie Sanders, but large sections of the public maintained reservations about his background. There was little hunger amongst Democrats for a neoliberal like Booker or Cuomo to come in and repair the economic damage done by Trump, causing many moderate Democrats to switch their registration and throw their weight behind Ryan.

A minor scandal involving a cousin's Senate bid damaged Kennedy's credibility, and West's "common sense" straight-shooting progressivism saw him massively grow in stature. West's policies included huge tax breaks for "culture", a Toibin tax, a $20 minimum wage, scrapping tuition fees and providing grants to all students, an "artist's benefit" for low-paid artists, strict affirmative action in police forces, legalising recreational marijuana, ecstasy and codeine, decriminalising drug possession for personal use, ending mandatory minimum sentences, raising corporation tax, and demolishing the wall, as well as replacing some prison sentences with compulsory attendance at a place of worship and ever-promised campaign finance reform. West built a popular movement which overcame his personal unpopularity by appealing to leftists, progressives, social libertarians, and even religious groups. He does particularly well in states which hold caucuses and narrowly beats Gillibrand to the nomination. He nominates Terrence Thornton as his running mate.

For his part, Trump promises to scrap the minimum wage and other "job-killing" regulations, as well as further cutting taxes, ending Medicaid and social security, and creating jobs by doubling the size of the police force and investing in building roads, schools, and prisons. He will also expand biofuel subsidies to encourage energy independence and will scrap the National Parks scheme. Entire federal government departments will be closed and deferred to the states.

There's a huge dissatisfied moderate group who are forced to choose between two candidates they don't really see as viable, likeable, or tackling the issues that they are concerned about. That's something you could look to explore in your story - where does the Third Party do well?


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01 Nov 2016, 6:04 am

Not sure about the presidents, and I am no fan of Trump, but I would rather have Melania as first lady than Kim Kardoucheian.

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01 Nov 2016, 7:47 am


Kanye 2020 - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger is his campaign slogan.
He teams up with DeRay as running mate and there is a conspiracy that Soros is funding their entire op.

Each debate Trump and his paid moderator is interrupted even on his own Trump TV station by Kanye as he continues to say "Imma let you finish but.."

Kanye's policies are reparation taxes on anyone registered as caucasian, demilitarisation and de-policing of the country and instating Black Panthers as a nationwide militia. He is pro choice (on everything). Outside of the black, hispanic, latino and SJW vote his most popular policy is about the installation of music academies around the country which are subsidised by corporation taxes.


Having almost completed "The Wall"...Trump has completely reshaped America for better or for worse. Completely new police organisations exist. The GOP is barely recognisable and holds most of the house and the senate. While social unrest is at an all time high, on the upside Americans are enjoying some of the lowest taxes and premiums they will ever see in their lifetime. People are investing, spending, enjoying their money once more. International relationships have been turbulent with the UN and G trade summits, however some unlikely trade deals have been struck and domestic trade is seeing a turnaround. The cost of fruits and vegetables are at record lows, for example, but imported goods now cost more than ever and Trump is proposing an increase in import taxes, with a rebate scheme for businesses.

Trump's campaign slogan for 2020 is "Great Again" :lol: the WWE chants from his cult-like following this time round are "His music sux!" "Glock him up!"

Debate tactics for this time round as an incumbent, Trump will hit purely with the policies that worked for him in his current 4 year term, and talk about the direction he wishes to take in the next 4 years. Confident by the current trend in politics and not much dirt existing on Kanye he stays away from the negative ads that plagued the Clinton campaign and his past opponents in the 2016 primaries.

The polls have Kanye winning most of the election cycle, and he gets the highest Democrat or Independent voter turnout in 12 years. Having revitalised the Republican vote and already converting a lot of non-Republicans the race to the white house finishes at a Bush/Kerry dead heat. The winner I shall live up to the author of the OP!

Yours sincerely, some dude.

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01 Nov 2016, 8:45 am

TheSpectrum wrote:
not much dirt existing on Kanye

u wot m8

Kanye is probably the only public figure with as much dirt as Trump. Other people have stickier dirt, or smellier dirt, but for sheer volume Kanye wins. He's a womanising philanderer who has threatened to move to China, compared himself to Jesus, and worst of all, embarrassed Taylor Swift. He's frequently accused of antisemitism, sexism, anti-whiteness, and even homophobia. He speaks openly about drug use and he's on SSRIs, with insinuations that he might be bipolar. Middle America would not like that.


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01 Nov 2016, 9:52 am

A black version of Trump isn't someone Trump wants to dig up dirt on! Though I hasten to add they are different on race and nation. Kanye hates white people and Trump dislikes non integrating or illegally entering foreigners.

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01 Nov 2016, 12:48 pm

It would mean that generals disobeyed an orders by a tantrum throwing Trump to launch nukes so we are still here.

I can see a scenario in which establishment Republicans and Democrates impeach and convict him. Then it gets interesting. According to the Constitution

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

So it seems he could run but can not become President. Would states allow his name on the ballot?

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01 Nov 2016, 2:25 pm

Okay I like what I am hearing so far, but would it also be a good idea for West to first gain political experience by running for political office before running for president?

I would say in the first few years of the Trump presidency he gets allot done. Obamacare is struck down, a wall is built and migration from Central Asia and the Middle East is suspended. However in 2018 their is a backlash against his policies and the House becomes Democratic and Kanye West may win a political position giving him prominence in politics.


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01 Nov 2016, 4:18 pm

The_Walrus wrote:
...and worst of all, embarrassed Taylor Swift.

I would actually argue that "worst of all" was when he participated in the LIVE Katrina benefit, and ranted about how he thought W hated blacks----then, when he did that thing with Taylor Swift, I pretty much washed my hands of him (I'm not a fan of Taylor's, but that was the final straw for me----and, I say "pretty much" cuz I'm not gonna TOTALLY wash my my hands of him, cuz when he says / does something stupid again, I don't wanna miss it! LOL).

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01 Nov 2016, 4:57 pm

A politician whom you cant dig up dirty linen on...because you dont have to "dig it up" because he has already built a career on boasting, and bragging, about his dirty linen in hit rap songs for years?

What a concept!

I think that the Rump ( reality TV star) is the perfect evolutionary link between the traditional politician (who tries to hide dirty linen) and Kanye West who boasts about it.

In the age of Trump Kanye West would not need to run for lower offices. In the old days even Reagan had to be a state governor first before running for the White House. But after Trump showbiz stars can just go straight to the White House.

But embarrassing Taylor Swift he has pretty much lost both the young female vote, and the middle aged male vote! That IS a problem.

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01 Nov 2016, 5:20 pm

TheSpectrum wrote:
A black version of Trump isn't someone Trump wants to dig up dirt on! Though I hasten to add they are different on race and nation. Kanye hates white people and Trump dislikes non integrating or illegally entering foreigners.

I don't think Kanye can be fairly described as "hating white people" -he married one after all, and he's worked with loads - he just sees them as the beneficiaries of racism.


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01 Nov 2016, 6:07 pm

How is this for the first part?

On the 8 of November 2016 the votes were cast and the so called joke that had ruled American politics for the past year, Donald Trump claimed victory. With that victory the celebrity, the businessman, the media sensation now held the rails of the most powerful country in the world. We did see it coming but only when it was too late.

In the ensuing days following the election, the pundits were baffled. Trump had been hit by scandal after scandal how could that not bring him down. Then after a few days the conclusion came to us, Donald Trump had won in part because of his personality, a tool he harnessed to sway voters, most notably his ego. This was important as by utilizing ego Donald Trump came to appear as being confident. The level of self-assurance he displayed allowed voters to feel as though he knew what he was talking about and ultimately how to get the job done. By contrast this was not displayed by Hillary Clinton, who by appearing unsure of herself left us in doubt over whether she could be a good president. When she would answer a question at times she would sound hesitant leading voters to question whether the candidate knew what she was talking about. During the course of the first debate this was its worst, Hillary Clinton came across as unhinged and anxious whilst Donald Trump embodied a cat brutally pulling the shy mouse out of its hole. On questions like NAFTA Trump unleashed the anger of the working man onto Hillary, pointing out that whilst in the White House the Clintons brokered Trade deals that drove the Americans out of job. Hillary was soon left cornered and there was no escape.

The painful lack of confidence displayed by Clinton proved a point that being if a Presidential candidate wanted to win they would the ego and the confidence needed to compete with the Donald. Luckily for the Democrats salvation would come in the form of Kanye West.

Following the 2016 Election the position of the each respective party in Congress had not changed the Republicans had a firm majority in the House and the Senate despite the loss of a few seats. Because of this to many the next four years represented a brilliant chance for conservative policies to take root. Donald Trump for many resembled the new Reagan, after years of endless welfare spending and debt it was going to be him that was going to return the country to the shining light of prosperity. For many conservatives across the country it appeared as though a new dawn had broken. And the promise look likely, Congress was now firmly in the hands of the Republicans and the new president had the business savvy many thought the country needed.

The congressional elections of 2016 were nonetheless a mixed bag for the GOP. In the Illinois Senate Race, the Republican incumbent, Mark Kirk lost his battle for re-election. However to many he was just a liberal who collaborated more with the Democrats than his own party and his absence was not missed. This loss in the Senate was quickly made up however by a victory in Nevada during which a conservative Republican, Joe Heck won a senate Seat from the retiring, Harry Reid.

In spite of this the Republicans still made a net loss in the Senate by a mere one seat. This has to do with the fact the Republican senator; Lindsey Graham changed his party affiliation to independent wanting to avoid having to comply with the dark Trump administration, whose actions he feared. In explaining his decision he spoke, “I don’t know what this guy is gonna do and when I go back to Washington in January, quite frankly I don’t wanna end up working with a guy who wants us to warm up to Putin and ban Muslims, I have convictions and supporting those actions is not what I'm going to do.”

This fear was not widespread across the Republican Party however and the words of former Florida Governor, Jeb Bush proved to be a testimony to it. On a Fox News Panel he spoke out, “People think a Trump Presidency will be a disaster, but the fact of the matter is half the stuff he says is just big talk, and I think if people moved beyond it they would see that the next four years are perfect chance to bring about the good change the Obama didn’t failed to bring.” Jeb was not alone in his optimism, Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich also spoke about how Trump was going to be good for the working man. Sarah Palin praised the fact they had gotten a president with business sense and not the cluelessness of a politician.

Last edited by Shahunshah on 01 Nov 2016, 10:08 pm, edited 4 times in total.


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01 Nov 2016, 9:24 pm

You did alright (except White House is 2 words; each beginning with a capital letter), until THIS part:

The painful lack of confidence displayed by Clinton proved a point that being that the Presidential candidate wanted to win they would the ego and the confidence needed to compete with the Donald.

There seems to be a couple of things wrong, there.

In paragraph 4, you said:
"...the Republicans had a firm majority in the House and the Senate."; then, in paragraph 6, you said: "In spite of this the Republicans still made a net loss in the Senate by a mere one seat."; but, maybe I misunderstood. Also, I think you meant "lookED", here: "promise look likely", in paragraph 4.

Paragraph 7, you said:
"former Florida Jeb Bush"; you just accidentally forgot the word "Governor". Next sentence: I think you meant "THAT Obama didn’t bring". Last sentence: I think you meant "cluelessNESS"----unless it's different in NZ.

Other than that, if you want to publish this I would suggest using some more commas----including, bookending "frankly" ("Washington in January frankly I don’t wanna") and "however" ("made up however by a victory"), and one after "However" ("However to many he was just a liberal"); again, unless it's different "Down-Under".

Hopefully, our resident politics experts (Jacoby and The_Walrus) will double-check the correctness of people / places, for ya.

GOOD JOB----WAY COOL!! I'm looking forward to the development of the "character", Kanye West.

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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Last edited by Campin_Cat on 01 Nov 2016, 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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01 Nov 2016, 9:38 pm

Campin_Cat wrote:
You did alright (except White House is 2 words; each beginning with a capital letter), until THIS part:

The painful lack of confidence displayed by Clinton proved a point that being that the Presidential candidate wanted to win they would the ego and the confidence needed to compete with the Donald.

There seems to be a couple of things wrong, there.

In paragraph 4, you said:
"...the Republicans had a firm majority in the House and the Senate."; then, in paragraph 6, you said: "In spite of this the Republicans still made a net loss in the Senate by a mere one seat."; but, maybe I misunderstood. Also, I think you meant "lookED", here: "promise look likely", in paragraph 4.

Paragraph 7, you said:
"former Florida Jeb Bush"; you accidentally forgot the word "Governor". Next sentence: I think you meant "THAT Obama didn’t bring". Last sentence: I think you meant "cluelessNESS"----unless it's different in NZ.

Other than that, if you want to publish this I would suggest using some more commas----including, bookending "frankly" ("Washington in January frankly I don’t wanna") and "however" ("made up however by a victory"), and one after "However" ("However to many he was just a liberal"); again, unless it's different "Down-Under".

Hopefully, our resident politics experts (Jacoby and The_Walrus) will double-check the correctness of people / places, for ya.

GOOD JOB----WAY COOL!! I'm looking forward to the development of the "character", Kanye West.

Thanks for the feedback. And the edits have been done.


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03 Nov 2016, 2:55 am

Anyone else have ideas?


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03 Nov 2016, 7:05 am

Shahunshah wrote:
Anyone else have ideas?

Only ones of comedic value.

Yours sincerely, some dude.