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24 Jan 2013, 4:31 pm


...that the CIA overthrew a democratically elected leader in Iran in the 1950's and installed an absolute monarchy over international oil interests.

That's a cuoochy, crazy conspiracy theory. ...Oh wait, that actually happened and its varifiable through declassified documents?

Wait let me try again

...that the US government continued to sell weapons to the Indonesians while Suharto's regime carried out a genocide against East Timor over oil.

Oh s**t, that's another conspiracy fact. Hmm, let me try again

...that the CIA funded a psychiatrist in Canada who used unsuspecting hospital patients as guinea pigs in electro-shock and drugging experiments to figure out ways to erase human memmory for MKULTRA.

Oh damn it, I'm having a hard time with this,


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24 Jan 2013, 5:27 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
BlueAbyss wrote:
Another, not a favorite actually. It drives me bananas because of how many people believe it without a shred of evidence. Actually it's a whole family of conspiracy theories, all about shadow governments, especially those with a New Age or channeled source as the whole basis of the "theory." It makes me question the intelligence of a few people that I care about. Why do we (people) swallow this stuff? It expands into the Zecharia Sitchn materials about hidden planets, and alien intervention in human affairs, UFO coverups and so forth. It's mind blowing how much material there is, that all just seems to come out of people's imaginations.

From a pedestrian walkby you'd think people are high on something who wouldn't pass it off as patent absurdity on a knee-jerk reflex but, if you ever have the time to really research deeper metaphysics and theosophy, the UFO phemonena, psychedellics, etc.. it gets a lot clearer as to how and why its compelling.
Why do you make assumptions about what I've researched and what I haven't? You have no idea. Do you think reading about things automatically means someone should believe them? Having an open mind is great as long as you don't swallow everything without question. I know people who use unfounded ideas to execute their lives, and are the worse for it. All because they don't bother to think for themselves. If I have a crappy life because I thought for myself but wound up with a crappy life anyway, at least I put some effort into it. If I have a crappy life because I listened to every self-proclaimed guru or conspiracy theorist that came along, without ever considering they might be full of it, then it's my own damn fault for being so gullible.

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
BlueAbyss wrote:
I am fascinated by crop circles, myself, but beautiful as they are they seem to flip some sort of switch in people's brains that turns them into New Age conspiracy chasing zombies. ;)

You'd have to research those too. The going take is that its not a UFO phenomena causing that but rather the world getting 'hotter' in certain energetic senses (possibly the some 7 billion people) and having things break through the veil of their own accord.
More likely it has something to do with the collective unconscious, and is something people need to work on within themselves, on a deeply personal level, while at the same time living a reasonably level-headed outer life, rather than getting carried away with the fantasy and waiting around for spaceships to come and rescue our planet while we use up our resources and let the very obvious, non-shadow, plutocracy take over. The problems in the real, outer world are mostly right in front of us, they're just too difficult for some to face and deal with. It's our internal issues that are more subtle, and to be managed on an individual basis, not collectively.

As Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see..."



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24 Jan 2013, 6:13 pm

BlueAbyss wrote:
Why do you make assumptions about what I've researched and what I haven't? You have no idea. Do you think reading about things automatically means someone should believe them? Having an open mind is great as long as you don't swallow everything without question. I know people who use unfounded ideas to execute their lives, and are the worse for it. All because they don't bother to think for themselves. If I have a crappy life because I thought for myself but wound up with a crappy life anyway, at least I put some effort into it. If I have a crappy life because I listened to every self-proclaimed guru or conspiracy theorist that came along, without ever considering they might be full of it, then it's my own damn fault for being so gullible.

The best I can say is I'm sorry about your relatives. I can't deny your life experiences of the people you know and whether or not you may very well be correct in their case, just like I can't edify or deny your resources regarding this stuff. At the same time I can claim that my primary push in life has been trying to sort the bottom-line out and I haven't spared the mental legwork either, much like I definitely don't believe everything I read simply because I read it.

BlueAbyss wrote:
More likely it has something to do with the collective unconscious, and is something people need to work on within themselves, on a deeply personal level, while at the same time living a reasonably level-headed outer life, rather than getting carried away with the fantasy and waiting around for spaceships to come and rescue our planet while we use up our resources and let the very obvious, non-shadow, plutocracy take over.

I'm of the opinion that people like this really need to watch what they wish for. Who's to say any of it's benevolent.

BlueAbyss wrote:
The problems in the real, outer world are mostly right in front of us, they're just too difficult for some to face and deal with. It's our internal issues that are more subtle, and to be managed on an individual basis, not collectively.

Invention is really our best shot at fixing the environment. The people who grieve the current environment the most would make the best Edisons of our era. Politics will never get it done.


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24 Jan 2013, 6:15 pm

JNathanK wrote:

...that the CIA overthrew a democratically elected leader in Iran in the 1950's and installed an absolute monarchy over international oil interests.

That's a cuoochy, crazy conspiracy theory. ...Oh wait, that actually happened and its varifiable through declassified documents?

Wait let me try again

...that the US government continued to sell weapons to the Indonesians while Suharto's regime carried out a genocide against East Timor over oil.

Oh sh**, that's another conspiracy fact. Hmm, let me try again

...that the CIA funded a psychiatrist in Canada who used unsuspecting hospital patients as guinea pigs in electro-shock and drugging experiments to figure out ways to erase human memmory for MKULTRA.

Oh damn it, I'm having a hard time with this,

I heard somewhere that we dont actually elect our presidents.
And that they are really elected FOR us by something called the "Electorial College"!

And that if it wasnt for the electorial college al gore wouldve been president because he got the popular vote. What a laugh! I looked it up and...well actually al gore DID get more of the popular vote. I dunno. all sounds like somekind of alligators-in-the-sewers sorta urban legend to me!

I mean... an "Electorial College"?

Does it have fraternities and sororities and a football team as well?

And Ive also heard it said that the citizens of the City of Washington DC pay federal taxes, but have no representation in congress- and for a long time-were not even allowed to vote!

Can you imagine anything more absurd.

We finnally get the Iraqi people to stage in election. But imagine what would happen if we told the Iraqis that "the rest of Iraq. can elect members of parlaiment..but the citizens of the city of Bagdad cant be allowed any representation in you parliament. Oh...and by the way.. nobody in Iraq REALLY votes...their prime ministers have to be chosen for them by a mickey mouse thing called "the electorial college".

The Iraqi elections would be branded around the world as "a fraud and a mockery " if we presuaded them to do crazy nonsense like that!


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24 Jan 2013, 6:22 pm

That the claims that president obama was born in kenya are a misinformation campaign created by president obama to distract the public from paying attention to his policies.


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24 Jan 2013, 8:35 pm

yelekam wrote:
That the claims that president obama was born in kenya are a misinformation campaign created by president obama to distract the public from paying attention to his policies.

They want to THINK that the American government is run by reptoids from acturus. So you wont suspect the TRUTH! That the american government is REALLY by the Rothchilde's. it that they want you think that its run by the Rothchilde's - so you wont suspect that its really run by the Reptoids?


I can never keep it straight!


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25 Jan 2013, 11:16 am

naturalplastic wrote:
yelekam wrote:
That the claims that president obama was born in kenya are a misinformation campaign created by president obama to distract the public from paying attention to his policies.

They want to THINK that the American government is run by reptoids from acturus. So you wont suspect the TRUTH! That the american government is REALLY by the Rothchilde's.

Jebus H. Kryst on a Krutch! The Rotschild's have not been major players for nearly a century.

When in doubt blame the Jews for the ants that spoiled your picnic.



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25 Jan 2013, 8:13 pm

ruveyn wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
yelekam wrote:
That the claims that president obama was born in kenya are a misinformation campaign created by president obama to distract the public from paying attention to his policies.

They want to THINK that the American government is run by reptoids from acturus. So you wont suspect the TRUTH! That the american government is REALLY by the Rothchilde's.

Jebus H. Kryst on a Krutch! The Rotschild's have not been major players for nearly a century.

When in doubt blame the Jews for the ants that spoiled your picnic.


Sorry if I offended anyone.

Maybe that was a bad choice.

I was trying to make fun of people who believe in crazy things like- "the Rothechildes run the world".

But- yeah- maybe I should of said-say- "the Bilderburgers" - or the trilateral commission or some other cliche target of conspiracy theories (there are so many)-as joke fodder instead of using the Rothchildes because with the Rothchildes you get into antisemitism as an issue on top of paranoid conspircy theories in general as an issue.


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26 Jan 2013, 12:41 am

I think the most dangerous conspiracy is the one misleading the masses into believing in a world that doesn't exist. Our lifestyle isn't sustainable. Bailouts are not long-term solutions. The world financial system is hanging is flawed. Wars are not really fought because we love spreading "democracy". Politics is an illusion. All conspiracies seem to fall under this desire to mislead and take advantage of our perception of reality.


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26 Jan 2013, 11:28 am

That vicious and dastardly fiction: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is the quintessential Conspiracy Theory. It is so absurd that it is believable by those who take absurdity for truth. If it isn't the Elders of Zion than it is the Freemasons, or the Illuminati or the Bilderbergers or the Trilaterals. It is always a committee of THEM that is running the world. And if you bring evidence showing that this theory is false, that is further evidence of how clever THEY are.


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27 Jan 2013, 10:33 pm




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28 Jan 2013, 1:07 am

unfortunately there are a lot of people where I live who believe 9/11 was an inside job, American/Israeli conspiracy (some just say American inside job). I'm ashamed to admit my sister's boyfriend believes this.

that the holocaust never happened

that man never landed on the moon. :roll:


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28 Jan 2013, 1:21 am

Nambo wrote:
Tequila wrote:
My favourite one has to be the one about Jews ..... being the primary promoters of multiculturalism, even as they're being driven out of Northern Europe by hate-filled, uncivilised Muslim immigrants. It is hard to beat that.

Mind you, sometimes they dont help themselves :-


I don;t get it ......what's so horrible about what she says? She supports multiculturalism and says there will be no longer a uniform culture in Europe in the future.

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28 Jan 2013, 1:35 am

I assume it's the "they will have to accept the Jews' leadership in this cultural shift" comment she made. It certainly could be easily twisted by a conspiracy theorist as "proof" of multiculturalism being engineered by "the Jews".


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28 Jan 2013, 1:55 am

daydreamer84 wrote:
xenon13 wrote:
One hilarious conspiracy theory is the one that says that Palestine really was a land without a people until the world Anti-Semitic Conspiracy got together when they figured out that the Jews wanted it and rushed people to Palestine, racing the Jews in order to thwart the Jews because everyone is just dying the thwart the Jews at every turn.

the population was very small in Palestine at the time when jews started settling there after w.w. 2 -small pockets of arabs-small villages- most of the land was undeveloped and uninhabited at the time.....Tel Aviv was a swamp before the jews cultivated the land-that's historical fact. This is probably where people got the idea that "Palestine wasn't really a land"-of course it was real land and there were some arabs living there-and some jews =-even fewer-but very few people all together-and not an established nation state. It is also fact that a lot of land was bought legally by jews from arabs landlords who lived in other countries at this time. Do some research...check with the U.N. or historical records....not just Internet... because a lot of info is biased or untrue. These things are true.

EDIT: i meant what I said is true...not the original conspiracy theory comment you made in its entirety...I don;t agree with it. However some arabs did come to settle in Palestine to fight the arab israeli war which ended in 1948- don't remember the start date. This may be where the idea of bringing people in comes from..


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28 Jan 2013, 1:59 am

Philosoraptor wrote:
I assume it's the "they will have to accept the Jews' leadership in this cultural shift" comment she made. It certainly could be easily twisted by a conspiracy theorist as "proof" of multiculturalism being engineered by "the Jews".

eh, fair enough.....btw I've never heard that particular conspiracy theory before this thread...although I've heard many about jews. ... bizarre........