Japan managed to win its war on drugs. Why can't we?

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14 Feb 2019, 4:36 pm

Just grow your own! Or come chill in Colorado, I'll give you free weed. :mrgreen:

Some grotesque, evil plot that is. I don't know of any large businesses selling Marijuana, in relative terms, they're all tiny. For that matter, Phillip Morris is tiny compared to businesses I've worked in & I get baked almost every day.

Think about that next time you call hippies useless. This one is geared up to throw that back in your face.

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14 Feb 2019, 7:32 pm

Without consistent drugs wars there would be no Narcos on Netflix, and I like watching that series.

just enjoy the legal drugs aka alcohol while you can or move to Holland where weed is legal. Less drug related crime there I guess? at least regarding those "natural" drugs. Cannabis and pot have a very positive rap because they are natural however they are not as friendly and harmless as one would think. Still way way better than the other stuff, Crack, X, Heroin, the really harmful heavies.


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14 Feb 2019, 10:28 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
Queuing this up, I think it'll be worth the watch:

Definitely watch this one. It was very interesting and covered negatives and positives for herb usage yet still shows that a lot of research still needs to be done. They need to drop the federal laws so marijuana can actually be studied, that's the main hold up. It's very educational, a doctor that promote in a medical stance from Canada debating with a journalist who wrote a book demonizing it. Though I will add that it seems the journalist did a lot of s**t talking and wrote the book from a bias prospective leaving out the positives, it was nice to have the doctor and Rogan challenging him and calling him out, he admits that yes, he did write it with a negative bias to counter positive bias. Not the way to go, it should just be an honest approach, no bias. I'm just re-posting and encourage anyone who didn't watch it to do so.


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14 Feb 2019, 10:31 pm

cberg wrote:
Just grow your own! Or come chill in Colorado, I'll give you free weed. :mrgreen:

Some grotesque, evil plot that is. I don't know of any large businesses selling Marijuana, in relative terms, they're all tiny. For that matter, Phillip Morris is tiny compared to businesses I've worked in & I get baked almost every day.

Think about that next time you call hippies useless. This one is geared up to throw that back in your face.

I wish. I live in georgia :( It's only legal for a few serious conditions yet there is no way to legally import it and no way to legally obtain it for patients who even have prescriptions. Here, use this marijuana prescription that you can't get filled??? :roll:


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15 Feb 2019, 12:26 am

Crimadella wrote:
Definitely watch this one. It was very interesting and covered negatives and positives for herb usage yet still shows that a lot of research still needs to be done. They need to drop the federal laws so marijuana can actually be studied, that's the main hold up. It's very educational, a doctor that promote in a medical stance from Canada debating with a journalist who wrote a book demonizing it. Though I will add that it seems the journalist did a lot of s**t talking and wrote the book from a bias prospective leaving out the positives, it was nice to have the doctor and Rogan challenging him and calling him out, he admits that yes, he did write it with a negative bias to counter positive bias. Not the way to go, it should just be an honest approach, no bias. I'm just re-posting and encourage anyone who didn't watch it to do so.

The thing that I did appreciate is that Alex was honest about being one-sided and explained why he felt that he had to, ie. if he hadn't been the book never would have cut through the noise and made it into public discourse.

I think the thing that annoyed me with Michael was that for all of the helpful information he did have to offer he also had a tendency to do his own cherry-picking of data. I'd say, maybe not surprisingly, that I'm probably closest to Joe's current position. CBD seems to be clearly the safest most useful byproduct. At the same time from my own life experience and knowing a lot of people like me, and adding Joe's talk about edibles in sensory deprivation tanks, there are a lot of ways to use mind-altering substances to challenge yourself, to drill deeper into your own unconscious to excavate and resolve things that are bothering you, or even to aid in invention/innovation in that psychedelics especially have a way (and Bret Weinstein underscored this with Sam Harris in Waking Up #109) of bringing thoughts, ideas, or observations to conscious awareness that were otherwise there but out of reach.

The psychological work-out, challenge, and self-initiatic value are high enough that total illegality would be a loss equal to or greater than the fallout in the other direction. The trouble with marijuana is there's no strict legality / strict illegality that doesn't have horrible fallout in some way, shape or form. With total legality and assuming no education we have people with genetic predispositions having a rough go of things, OTOH with total prohibition we have people trying these things at the risk of their own freedom and worse - an infantilized populace whose living on Salem-style dogma and stigma, which is never good for integrity and is the sort of thing that leads people to follow anyone off a cliff (the way the world is going it's getting too dangerous to have masses of unthinking followers - the right algorithm with feigned social authority could be devastating). The upsides of marijuana and psychedelics is something that's likely impossible to understand for anyone whose never smoked hash or, especially with psychedelics, never tripped - ie. it's a think people have heard of other people doing, who they gather must be degenerate in some way, and any support of such things is simply a flimsy unfounded/unsupported excuse for their degeneracy. It's a conversational gap that can't be closed by reasoning because if they don't have the experience they have nothing to connect the dots with. In a way it's like trying to argue for the value of mystical experiences with someone who has no idea what that is.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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15 Feb 2019, 7:25 am

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
That didn't get digested so I'll explain the point of bringing that up.

I got it fine, I just think you are being naive about how corporations will handle this and how people will behave. We are on a road where drugs will be sold in neat, pretty, plastic packaging available to purchase from the same place you pick up your groceries. This is a habit-forming product with a very high margin. It cannot be anything else but a total corporate dog pile: lawyers, accountants, IP, patents, crop strains, advertising. All of this sort of thing is going to pour into the nascent drugs industry. You might say they already have and are just waiting for the starting pistol to go off. I'm sure the guy who tends his plants every day with a little spray bottle will be happy to no longer fear the law, but you are helping to unleash something as bad, if not worse than tobacco on our societies.

Crimadella wrote:
What about obesity? That has very large impacts on the individual and society. Should obesity be outlawed? It still seems that you are trying to attack one substance while neglecting many other things that also impact the individual and society.

Good point. What about obesity? Do you think corporate infrastructure has any role to play in the obesity crisis? Sugar added by the ton to food to make it more palatable? Huge amounts of processing to help the bottom line? Poor sourcing? Low standards? Advertising? And you would trust these people with drugs!? It's these guys that are funding the campaign for legalisation. Pot martyrs don't have the cash.

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15 Feb 2019, 7:58 am

VegetableMan wrote:
About the last thing someone smoking pot wants is to cause trouble. They usually just want a really big bag of Cheetos.

This is false propaganda. I have no doubt that a causal link between repeated cannabis usage and violence will eventually be proved. But we can at least put this lie - that cannabis induces peaceful behaviour - to bed. An awful lot of horrendously violent crimes, including many school shootings and terrorist attacks and are committed either under the influence of cannabis or by regular cannabis users.


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15 Feb 2019, 8:18 am

Oh and more on the Big Tobacco parallels. Does this ring any bells:


They are more clever these days, but you shouldn't fall for the medical marijuana nonsense. Once it's legal we will never hear anything about medical uses again because cannabis is a "medicine" in the same way rubbing heroin into your genitals is a medicine - are you actually getting better or are you just feeling better because you are drugged out? It's almost impossible to perform double blind trials (the foundation of medicine trials) on cannabis because patients know if they are high or not. The whole thing is very sloppy from the point of view of a serious clinician, but that doesn't stop the campaigners banging on about medical uses.

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15 Feb 2019, 9:24 am

Mikah wrote:
Oh and more on the Big Tobacco parallels. Does this ring any bells:

They are more clever these days, but you shouldn't fall for the medical marijuana nonsense. Once it's legal we will never hear anything about medical uses again because cannabis is a "medicine" in the same way rubbing heroin into your genitals is a medicine - are you actually getting better or are you just feeling better because you are drugged out? It's almost impossible to perform double blind trials (the foundation of medicine trials) on cannabis because patients know if they are high or not. The whole thing is very sloppy from the point of view of a serious clinician, but that doesn't stop the campaigners banging on about medical uses.

I understand what you are saying about advertisements, but the fact is It does have benefits, therefor it can and is prescribed as a medication, most medications if not all medications can have negative side effects, also it is a recreational drug. Their are people on both sides drawing conclusions from theories(Bad Idea). The fact is we want have any conclusions until drug trials are preformed. At the least the federal government needs to stop pretending it has no medical use and allow it to actually be studied. To me, they are the blame for lack of sufficient evidence. And I really hate the DEA's take on it, they aren't looking out for people, they are simply making easy attacks. Take CBD for example, it is not a recreational drug, it does not get you high, yet they are using the loop hole of it being derived from hemp or marijuana plants and saying it comes from these plants so it's illegal.

I hate how our country operates, it seems more than often they have no real interest in humanity. Like I said before, even prescription opioids are being falsely attacked. I have read studies and heard doctors talk about studies showing that prescription opioids aren't as bad as people are making them out to be. For anyone who managed to miss it, the CDC is propping up false statistics to falsely claim that thousands of people are dying from prescription opioids when in fact the majority of overdoses are from illegally imported Fentanyl sold as heroin. What they are doing is so very wrong and horrific for chronic pain patients. They are using herion user deaths (when sold Fentanyl) as prescription opioid overdoses. It's sad to see that even Rogan and that doctor have not caught onto the scam at play. There are tons of evidence to support this.

https://www.drugabuse.gov/drugs-abuse/e ... nds-alerts

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/pol ... 727015002/

https://www.acsh.org/news/2017/01/24/do ... -cdc-10758


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15 Feb 2019, 9:29 am

Mikah wrote:
techstepgenr8tion wrote:
That didn't get digested so I'll explain the point of bringing that up.

I got it fine, I just think you are being naive about how corporations will handle this and how people will behave. We are on a road where drugs will be sold in neat, pretty, plastic packaging available to purchase from the same place you pick up your groceries. This is a habit-forming product with a very high margin.

It might be worth checking the the tax situation for cannabis in states that have legalized. Unless they're thinking about selling marijuana at a loss for years it doesn't make sense.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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15 Feb 2019, 11:46 am

Crimadella wrote:
but the fact is It does have benefits, therefor it can and is prescribed as a medication

Are you sure? The medicinal cannabis lobby is just an arm of the recreational lobby as far as I can tell, just as the tobacco lobby co-opted doctors to push their poison and disseminate disinformation. There's little doubt that cannabis is a decent painkiller, but the legalisation lobby does not want parallels drawn with painkillers like heroin as they could never get something like heroin legalised on the similar terms, at least not before cannabis. So cannabis has to be so much more than a painkiller, it has to be a wonder drug than can help everything from MS to cancer to epilepsy. The actual clinical evidence is sketchy at best (though you wouldn't know it from the pro-cannabis folks) and all the money poured into dodgy studies and questionable doctors will dry up once the corporates have their route to market and no longer need the "red herring" of medicinal cannabis (Keith Stroup said it in 1979- look it up).

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
It might be worth checking the the tax situation for cannabis in states that have legalized. Unless they're thinking about selling marijuana at a loss for years it doesn't make sense.

Everything is a step along a road, the corporate suits are patient.

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15 Feb 2019, 12:22 pm

VegetableMan wrote:
Prohibition gave us the crime syndicate.

There's a massive difference between taking something that's already in society then trying to completely eradicate it and trying to nip a dangerous drug in the bud before it gets too late. No pun intended.

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15 Feb 2019, 12:31 pm

Mikah wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
but the fact is It does have benefits, therefor it can and is prescribed as a medication

Are you sure? The medicinal cannabis lobby is just an arm of the recreational lobby as far as I can tell, just as the tobacco lobby co-opted doctors to push their poison and disseminate disinformation. There's little doubt that cannabis is a decent painkiller, but the legalisation lobby does not want parallels drawn with painkillers like heroin as they could never get something like heroin legalised on the similar terms, at least not before cannabis. So cannabis has to be so much more than a painkiller, it has to be a wonder drug than can help everything from MS to cancer to epilepsy. The actual clinical evidence is sketchy at best (though you wouldn't know it from the pro-cannabis folks) and all the money poured into dodgy studies and questionable doctors will dry up once the corporates have their route to market and no longer need the "red herring" of medicinal cannabis (Keith Stroup said it in 1979- look it up).

Speaking from experience. I have about seven degenerated discs, 3 in my neck including 3 pinched nerves. Smoking marijuana is how I got by without medical attention up until age 32 or so. Marijuana was no longer strong enough to keep my pain level at a reasonable level so I could go to work doing physical labor(City maintenance employee , road repair, water line repair, on cal 24-7(small town, 3 employees)). The discs in my neck give me the most trouble, my shoulder muscles are always swollen and rock hard, I also have EDS, (musculoskeletal hypermobility form) which also contributes a lot of pain in the same area, the tension rises through the day, the discs always radiate pain but increases through the day, after so many hours, typically 4-5, the pain makes it up to the back of my head which pounds so hard I can hear my pulse.

I was forced to stop smoking marijuana so I could go to a pain clinic. They gave me 90 muscle relaxers a month(flexeril 10mg), Highest dose of diclofenac(I think 150mg a day, anti-inflammatory), toradol shots(maximum dosage 60mg a month), and 120 Tramadol a month. I kept telling the doctor my pain medication isn't strong enough, I went to the clinic for 7 months, they wouldn't give me anything stronger for pain because I 'Look' like a drug addict(autism, socially awkward), I was in more pain than I was when I was smoking marijuana only. If I would had been allowed to smoke marijuana and have the other meds it would have been sufficient. I know this because it took two months to get an appointment so for the first month I continued to smoke marijuana.(My physician gave me enough meds for me to make it to my appointment.)(I was honest about smoking marijuana, therefor he sent me to a clinic which gave me a drug test every month, and I passed them all because I stopped smoking a month before my appointment). I eventually got tired of still being in too much pain having to constantly get off work after so many hours and having to drive 40 minutes for a doctor to spend 2 minutes with me and then tell me he wasn't going to adjust my meds. It's really messed up considering they also did physical therapy yet never offered it to me, I found this out when I stopped going and went back to my physician to get all my meds except Tramadol. I started back smoking marijuana, I discontinued my other meds once I ran out and didn't go back to the doctor(I dislike paying for people to not help me). So, what I quickly noticed is the other meds didn't really help at all, the muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories and the monthly shot. I was in less pain by simply smoking marijuana. Of course, it still wasn't enough which eventually left me unable to work(among other conditions from autism and severe anxiety and server social phobia. Maybe it doesn't work for everybody, but i dislike people making claims that it is non-effective when it most certainly was effective for me. Obviously people are wrong when they suggest it can't help with pain, though I will add, it's not like a pain pill, it prevents inflammation, it reduces muscle tension, I could have made it with marijuana and tramadol.


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15 Feb 2019, 12:34 pm

Mikah wrote:
techstepgenr8tion wrote:
It might be worth checking the the tax situation for cannabis in states that have legalized. Unless they're thinking about selling marijuana at a loss for years it doesn't make sense.

Everything is a step along a road, the corporate suits are patient.

Is your theory falsifiable at all?

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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15 Feb 2019, 12:41 pm

because cannabis is a "medicine" in the same way rubbing heroin into your genitals is a medicine

So you've tried both huh?

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15 Feb 2019, 12:42 pm

JohnPowell wrote:
VegetableMan wrote:
Prohibition gave us the crime syndicate.

There's a massive difference between taking something that's already in society then trying to completely eradicate it and trying to nip a dangerous drug in the bud before it gets too late. No pun intended.

Marijuana is the number one cash crop in the U.S. It's been around forever, it's been used forever. Let's eliminate the crime factor, 'cause you ain't gonna stop people from smoking it. In fact, teens can get pot way easier than alcohol.

It's was already too late centuries ago,

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