Roger Stone says trump should “declare martial law” to

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14 Sep 2020, 6:33 pm

eyelessshiver wrote:
DeathEmperor413 wrote:
For the record, the Romans at one point thought that they had the most powerful army in the world and that nothing could ever possibly conquer them.

Hmm... sound familiar? The United States military is not going to stay the most powerful force in the world forever. It's downright ignorant for anybody to actually believe that.

LOL. Ok. I didn't say America is going to take over the world and always stay the most powerful nation, I said that the U.S. military in its current state is plenty powerful to stand up against its own insurgents.

The issue here is that, although the country is divided, it's military forces are not. There cannot and will not be a civil war unless there is military division.

There's no need for a condescending tone of speech. :D



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14 Sep 2020, 6:45 pm

DeathEmperor413 wrote:
eyelessshiver wrote:
DeathEmperor413 wrote:
For the record, the Romans at one point thought that they had the most powerful army in the world and that nothing could ever possibly conquer them.

Hmm... sound familiar? The United States military is not going to stay the most powerful force in the world forever. It's downright ignorant for anybody to actually believe that.

LOL. Ok. I didn't say America is going to take over the world and always stay the most powerful nation, I said that the U.S. military in its current state is plenty powerful to stand up against its own insurgents.

The issue here is that, although the country is divided, it's military forces are not. There cannot and will not be a civil war unless there is military division.

There's no need for a condescending tone of speech. :D

Whatever. I've made my point.


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14 Sep 2020, 6:53 pm

DeathEmperor413 wrote:
For the record, the Romans at one point thought that they had the most powerful army in the world and that nothing could ever possibly conquer them.

Hmm... sound familiar? The United States military is not going to stay the most powerful force in the world forever. It's downright ignorant for anybody to actually believe that.

I'm not saying that, I'm saying the U.S. military is drastically more politically stable & moderate than the commander in cheeto.

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14 Sep 2020, 6:55 pm

cberg wrote:
DeathEmperor413 wrote:
For the record, the Romans at one point thought that they had the most powerful army in the world and that nothing could ever possibly conquer them.

Hmm... sound familiar? The United States military is not going to stay the most powerful force in the world forever. It's downright ignorant for anybody to actually believe that.

I'm not saying that, I'm saying the U.S. military is drastically more politically stable & moderate than the commander in cheeto.

Exactly. This is well-said. Everyone always loses their heads over a bit of unrest and I find it pretty ridiculous. Why can't people see when they're going overboard? It's like Y2K all over again.


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14 Sep 2020, 6:56 pm

cberg wrote:
... the U.S. military is drastically more politically stable & moderate than the commander in cheeto.
I thought he was the Demander In Chief (DInC) ... ?

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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14 Sep 2020, 7:06 pm

You can call it arrogance if you want. I don't see it that way, but it's irrelevant in the big picture. What matters to me is that I'm standing up for what's right and pointing out when people are spewing farfetched ideas, and that I'm supporting my arguments and debunking theirs. That's just the way I am. It's nothing personal to you. If you have a good argument I will accept it. I understand it's a scary time for a lot of people and yeah there are bad things happening. But I like to think I'm being helpful here by helping to keep people anchored in reality. If you can't see that and get is that my problem?


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14 Sep 2020, 7:11 pm

eyelessshiver wrote:
You can call it arrogance if you want. I don't see it that way, but it's irrelevant in the big picture. What matters to me is that I'm standing up for what's right and pointing out when people are spewing farfetched ideas, and that I'm supporting my arguments and debunking theirs. That's just the way I am. It's nothing personal to you. If you have a good argument I will accept it. I understand it's a scary time for a lot of people and yeah there are bad things happening. But I like to think I'm being helpful here by helping to keep people anchored in reality. If you can't see that and get is that my problem?

See it's kind of an oxymoron to say "I'm helping people here" and "How is that my problem?" in the same paragraph. If you really cared about helping people you wouldn't have such a condescending attitude towards them just because you believe that they're stupid for believing something different from what you believe.

But whatever. I don't care anymore. We're getting way off topic now and I don't like arguing with arrogant people.

I'm gonna go prepare for that new civil war you say is never going to happen.



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14 Sep 2020, 7:27 pm

DeathEmperor413 wrote:
eyelessshiver wrote:
You can call it arrogance if you want. I don't see it that way, but it's irrelevant in the big picture. What matters to me is that I'm standing up for what's right and pointing out when people are spewing farfetched ideas, and that I'm supporting my arguments and debunking theirs. That's just the way I am. It's nothing personal to you. If you have a good argument I will accept it. I understand it's a scary time for a lot of people and yeah there are bad things happening. But I like to think I'm being helpful here by helping to keep people anchored in reality. If you can't see that and get is that my problem?

See it's kind of an oxymoron to say "I'm helping people here" and "How is that my problem?" in the same paragraph. If you really cared about helping people you wouldn't have such a condescending attitude towards them just because you believe that they're stupid for believing something different from what you believe.

But whatever. I don't care anymore. We're getting way off topic now and I don't like arguing with arrogant people.

I'm gonna go prepare for that new civil war you say is never going to happen.

Just calling me arrogant doesn't make it true. The simple fact is you don't know me that well. All you know is that I don't like your ideas and think they're stupid. Doesn't make me arrogant. After a while, I no longer care about you if you're just going to deny the facts. I care about people in general, doesn't mean I care about you unconditionally if you're just going to contradict what I say and get defensive when I'm making good points...So yeah, ok buddy, go prepare for the civil war that's never going to happen. First time you've admitted it's not going to happen, that's progress right there.


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14 Sep 2020, 7:31 pm

No flame wars please. Not even here on PPR. It just escalates and does no-one any good, and threads get locked which penalises the non-flamers. So cool it please.


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14 Sep 2020, 8:06 pm

Just Walking Around my Neighborhood Block, Late This Afternoon With
Wife And Sister, In the Panhandle of Florida That is About As Trump
Oriented as it gets in the United States; Record for Most Churches too;

About 3 Homes in a Subdivision of 50, Are Not Extreme Supporters of
Trump, Moving the Biden Way; One Retired Marine who Does Support
Biden, Raised a Sign in Support as We Chatted with a Law Enforcement
Officer Who is a Heavy Supporter of Trump; 4 Biden Supporters, Ironically,
in A Neighborhood 'against' 1 Trump Supporter And It could't be any more
Friendly Face to Face...

In Other Words, What We Hear on TV and Are 'Brave' Enough to Say Behind
Anonymous Names; or Even Our Real Names on the Internet May Be Totally
the Anti-Thesis of Friendly in What We Do Face to Face as Cooperation is More
The Count in Every Day Reality; It's Highly Unlikely That if Obama Getting Elected
Didn't Cause Martial Law To Come; That Biden Who is Actually More Conservative
in Empathy for Other Human Beings Than Trump Getting Elected is Gonna Cause
Some kind of insurrection more than Rogue Domestic Terrorism That the DHS Has
Already Pointed Out is a Concern through 2021, as far as that concern goes.

'Roger Stone' is Just a Part of the '3 Ring Circus' That is Everything Trump
That is Full of Hot Wind and not much Substance; True, Empowering
Inspiring Rogue Domestic Terrorism but no, Not likely Large Scale Insurrection Requiring Martial Law

As i already Linked, the Scientifically Done Study that Shows 93 Percent of the Protests Have Been Peaceful.

Highly Unlikely for Most Folks Who See/Feel the World For Real Getting Out and about with other Folks Now...

In General; People want to live...

It's a Little Bit Different to Do Blood
Shed that one will visualize more than going Unmasked
in An Invisible Pandemic, until someone 'they' know dies dead...

And Here; away from the Most 'Rabid Trump Supporters' at
Rallies without masks; About 95 Percent are Complying
With Local And Commercial Stores Requirements for Masks;
Sadly, the Place that establishes the Least Requirement
For Masks, Church, Where i visit is among the worst offenders in the Area, overall

Now That's
Both Ironic And
Sad for the 'Sanctity of Life' Now...

Anyway, We Are Awaiting 'Sally'
And just Kidding around at close
to 7 PM; i said wait and see i'll make
A Rainbow Happen; By coincidence in
The Totally Cloudy eve; 1 Minute later
a Rainbow Came in the Clouds; my Sister
Said it made Shivers go up her Spine; i said
Just another Miracle of Coincidence; happens all the 'time'...

Just Like the Magic of Synchronicity; All Natural Just 'the intuition' of the Moment at hand;

And yes, i got a Photo Time Dated, Stamped as well by iPhone way; i see it as a Good Sign...

But i'm a Glass
Kinda Dude, Anyway...
Most Definitely Works for me at least...
We Sort of Create Our Own Realities this way too....

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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14 Sep 2020, 8:13 pm

B19 wrote:
No flame wars please. Not even here on PPR. It just escalates and does no-one any good, and threads get locked which penalises the non-flamers. So cool it please.

What I really don't like is that I know why one of the posters responds the way he does and letting him know could greatly improve his life but the rules won't allow me to say it.


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14 Sep 2020, 8:17 pm

So please refrain from such efforts. They amount to flaming too.


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14 Sep 2020, 8:27 pm

emotrtkey wrote:
B19 wrote:
Do you believe that Trump is a holy person?

I don't like to judge people but I don't know anyone who likes Trump because they think he is holy. I wouldn't vote for him to be part of the clergy. People like Trump because he stands up for what is right and defends religions freedom. He doesn't need to be a Christian or have good morals to do that. For example, he's not a Catholic but he saved the Little Sisters of the Poor from religious persecution. Obama tried to force them to provide contraception despite it being a mortal sin according to Christian teaching. Biden said he's undo Trump's action showing those Democrats consider their ideology so superior to Christian teaching that they'd punish Christians for not submitting to it. That's evil. It's even worse for Biden since he identifies as Catholic and is well aware of Catholic/Christian teaching. I like Trump because he's not a racist and respects all Americans. Democrat politicians are always trying to divide Americans based on race, gender, and class and turn Americans against each other. Trump's personal life is irrelevant to me. He could shoot someone on 5th avenue and I'd still support him since he is a good leader who supports what's best for America.

Don't want to be too Pedantic; But i am Just Going on Record to State What Should Be Obvious.

It's Never Good For America, For A President To Shoot someone on 5th Avenue;

And It's Never Christian to Support Someone Who Shoots someone on 5th Avenue, Either.

It is the Total
Opposite of Love;

And Indeed, one of
The Saddest, if not
Saddest Comment i've
Read on the Internet today...

Give You Credit For Being Honest about Who You are...

Similar Credit, i Give Trump too; so i guess that's a Compliment to You too...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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14 Sep 2020, 8:30 pm

aghogday wrote:
emotrtkey wrote:
B19 wrote:
Do you believe that Trump is a holy person?

I don't like to judge people but I don't know anyone who likes Trump because they think he is holy. I wouldn't vote for him to be part of the clergy. People like Trump because he stands up for what is right and defends religions freedom. He doesn't need to be a Christian or have good morals to do that. For example, he's not a Catholic but he saved the Little Sisters of the Poor from religious persecution. Obama tried to force them to provide contraception despite it being a mortal sin according to Christian teaching. Biden said he's undo Trump's action showing those Democrats consider their ideology so superior to Christian teaching that they'd punish Christians for not submitting to it. That's evil. It's even worse for Biden since he identifies as Catholic and is well aware of Catholic/Christian teaching. I like Trump because he's not a racist and respects all Americans. Democrat politicians are always trying to divide Americans based on race, gender, and class and turn Americans against each other. Trump's personal life is irrelevant to me. He could shoot someone on 5th avenue and I'd still support him since he is a good leader who supports what's best for America.

Don't want to be too Pedantic; But i am Just Going on Record to State What Should Be Obvious.

It's Never Good For America, For A President To Shoot someone on 5th Avenue;

And It's Never Christian to Support Someone Who Shoots someone on 5th Avenue, Either.

It is the Total
Opposite of Love;

And Indeed, one of
The Saddest, if not
Saddest Comment i've
Read on the Internet today...

Give You Credit For Being Honest about Who You are...

Similar Credit, i Give Trump too; so i guess that's a Compliment to You too...

I agree, it's very sad that people are proving Trump right about the 5th Avenue remark.



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14 Sep 2020, 8:58 pm

DeathEmperor413 wrote:
aghogday wrote:
emotrtkey wrote:
B19 wrote:
Do you believe that Trump is a holy person?

I don't like to judge people but I don't know anyone who likes Trump because they think he is holy. I wouldn't vote for him to be part of the clergy. People like Trump because he stands up for what is right and defends religions freedom. He doesn't need to be a Christian or have good morals to do that. For example, he's not a Catholic but he saved the Little Sisters of the Poor from religious persecution. Obama tried to force them to provide contraception despite it being a mortal sin according to Christian teaching. Biden said he's undo Trump's action showing those Democrats consider their ideology so superior to Christian teaching that they'd punish Christians for not submitting to it. That's evil. It's even worse for Biden since he identifies as Catholic and is well aware of Catholic/Christian teaching. I like Trump because he's not a racist and respects all Americans. Democrat politicians are always trying to divide Americans based on race, gender, and class and turn Americans against each other. Trump's personal life is irrelevant to me. He could shoot someone on 5th avenue and I'd still support him since he is a good leader who supports what's best for America.

Don't want to be too Pedantic; But i am Just Going on Record to State What Should Be Obvious.

It's Never Good For America, For A President To Shoot someone on 5th Avenue;

And It's Never Christian to Support Someone Who Shoots someone on 5th Avenue, Either.

It is the Total
Opposite of Love;

And Indeed, one of
The Saddest, if not
Saddest Comment i've
Read on the Internet today...

Give You Credit For Being Honest about Who You are...

Similar Credit, i Give Trump too; so i guess that's a Compliment to You too...

I agree, it's very sad that people are proving Trump right about the 5th Avenue remark.

Overall, It's Not Just Sad; It's Dangerous and Deadly, Most Definitely in Terms of Pandemic Deaths Now for Real...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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14 Sep 2020, 9:30 pm

Look, I don't mean to flame anyone or make them feel bad, I just have a weird compulsion to figure things out...and I really get worked up over suggestions that go against what seem right, true, and realistic to me. I'm one of those people who feels there is a truth a great deal of the time, the world isn't just shades of gray with different opinions etc. I'm not saying I know everything...but I do know some things, and I believe it's worth it to follow through on your convictions and not mince words when it comes to pointing out the truth. I can't just agree to disagree as easily as some people can when we're talking about real life here, not just opinions. I honestly feel that I try to maintain a respectful demeanor with everyone unless they start making low blows against me, in which case that ups the ante and I have to get more defensive. Yeah I realize things can escalate and I don't like it anymore than anyone else does. So then people lose each other's respect and things fall apart. I know I'm not perfect and I've been accused of being cocky, arrogant, etc., in the past, but I assure you I am a good person. I can seem sure of myself this is true, and derisive of others' views, but not with a lot of things, unless I feel it's really justified...and in this case it's just well-earned confidence about what I believe is right. I honestly think it's a contradictory to be so readily accepting of others' opinions, because you have your opinion for a reason, and you believe it's right, and others' opinions can be directly opposite to that -- it's not just a "some people like red and some people like blue", that's a simplification when you're talking about you should be able to stand by your opinion and defend it, or let it be overturned...Just my thoughts, not intending to be flaming or breaking any rules here.