Explaining the dangerous government overreach to aspie kids

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04 Aug 2021, 9:34 pm

Redd_Kross wrote:
Freedom isn't freedom when it involves trampling on innocent people to get it, when you should be supporting the weakest in society (which is the whole reason civilisations exist, rather than anarchy, remember?). Pensioners, expectant mums, small children, the disabled.... GET OUT OF MY WAY.
You're right: freedom is most definitely not free.l We wasted tons (or is it tonnes?) of your country's tea to get it. Probably caused climate change in the process, from all the tea tannin in the Boston Harbor. King George III tried to retaliate, but he failed. And by the way, it's spelled "moms". :P

Redd_Kross wrote:
You're being played. And very easily, because the players are tapping into your primal instincts of greed, selfishness and paranoia. It's much easier to give into that, than rise above it and try harder.
Meh. I'm happy where I am. I didn't get into "Q"uestionable activities until I saw the through the Democrats' lies. You're talking like I joined Q all the way back in March 2020, when the scamdemic started. I actually believed it at first. Then in May that year, I opened my eyes. And I hugged a bunch of attractive women in the process at an illegal party, as my former liberal friends were doing Zoom calls and virtue-signaling about it, while feeling dead on the inside. Some of them gave me heat about it when social gatherings first resumed, but I kicked them to the curb. (Or is it "kerb"?)


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04 Aug 2021, 10:06 pm

Aspie1 wrote:
The Biden virus is merely a pretext to expand government control and take away more freedoms.

So are you going to let them intubate you when you end up in the hospital with Delta, or does that take away your freedoms too?

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04 Aug 2021, 10:24 pm

StrayCat81 wrote:
Umm, what, you really believe in that?


Anarchy = every individual for themselves. Which is great if you're young, strong and clever, but it makes survival very tricky for the pregnant, young, weak, simple, disabled, injured, sick, old or dying. Basically anyone who can't fetch water, grow or hunt food, maintain shelter for themselves and fend off attack is screwed. That even extends to young, strong and clever people who get a splinter in their foot. You're vulnerable all the time and your luck can change in an instant.

Society allows for specialisation, so the group can become more than the sum of its parts. You shouldn't have to worry about everything all of the time, just stick to what you're best at. Basic capitalism, but with a socially beneficial intent. And that in turn means the particularly vulnerable can be protected, because society as a whole now has the capacity to do that. Which in turn is less wasteful - the sick get a chance to heal and then contribute once more, for example - and over time the majority of people actually benefit (we're all newborns once, and will all be old and dying eventually too). That's the safety net that working together brings, and it's why people are willing to curb their individual freedoms somewhat to benefit.

Of course it gets corrupted if society is manipulated into working for the benefit of a minority, rather than the majority. That's the weakness with capitalism, it's top-heavy. There's very little to stop those at the top from rigging things in their own favour at everyone else's expense, and once that corruption begins it tends to grow exponentially. So all societies need strong "checks and balances" in place to prevent things turning sour.

Ironically what we see in corrupt societies is a return to "me first" anarchic values, prompted by those at the top. They don't want the young, sick, disabled, elderly etc. taking money out of the system, that they wish to take out for themselves. "Look at those spongers, it's all their fault you're poor" they will claim, while pocketing far more than the disadvantaged ever did. "Surrender your rights and powers to us, and we will sort it out" they promise, in order to remove any barriers to further rigging the deck for themselves. And then the ultimate irony. "You don't want Government telling you what to do, with all these laws and controls and safeguards, you want to be free!". Meaning, we don't want all these controls in place that protect the people from our exploitation, but they're so stupid we'll get them to abolish the restrictions themselves, thinking they'll be better off. Like turkeys voting for Christmas.

Unless you're right at the top of the pile, the right-wing cry of FREEEEEDOM is simply a con. Because it works for the few, not the many, but unfortunately it appeals to us all. Because the human ego means we're all prone to feeling like we're special, and we deserve more than everyone else, and if we don't get that validation then we must be hard done-by. It's a really easy con to sell.


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04 Aug 2021, 10:28 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
The vast majority of bars are legally open now in the US.

What people are pissed off about are indoor mask mandates.

Aspie1 will so disappointed that he can't go to them illegally anymore.

What's with this obsession with spreading the virus anyway?


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04 Aug 2021, 10:33 pm

SabbraCadabra wrote:
So are you going to let them intubate you when you end up in the hospital with Delta, or does that take away your freedoms too?
I have a "Do Not Intubate" order under my name, as well as "Do Not Resuscitate", both signed by me. They're variants (pun very much intended, hahahaha) of a living will. It means no ventilators of any kind; when the Epsilon variant of the Biden virus gets to me, I can tell the world "**** [copulate] you!", waste some taxpayers' money with the medical care I do get, and spend eternity where I deserve. Even if it's Hell, it'll still be better than this world, filled with Democrats and liberals.

I hope all liberals get their homes burned down by Antifa and BLM, so they can really see who they're supporting!

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04 Aug 2021, 10:53 pm

Redd_Kross wrote:
Of course it gets corrupted if society is manipulated into working for the benefit of a minority, rather than the majority.

Hmm, you sure it's not the other way around? That society has always been working for the benefits of the minority, it's just sometimes that minority has to give some more crumbs to the majority in order to prevent unrest?

Redd_Kross wrote:
So all societies need strong "checks and balances" in place to prevent things turning sour.

What kind of checks would you propose? I recommend guillotines, would be fun and I could finally have my dream career! :3


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04 Aug 2021, 11:46 pm

Aspie1 wrote:
...when the Epsilon variant of the Biden virus gets to me, I can tell the world "**** [copulate] you!"...

I'm sure you and your Q-friends will have a really great time "owning the libs".

Not sure if you've noticed, but many members of the Q party would really appreciate it if its members stopped dying from Covid, so the stock market could go back up.

Aspie1 wrote:
...waste some taxpayers' money with the medical care I do get...

I don't think Q-Jesus lets you into Q-Heaven if you spend Marxist socialism money.

Aspie1 wrote:
I hope all liberals get their homes burned down by Jewish Space Lasers, so they can really see who they're supporting!


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05 Aug 2021, 8:59 am

RetroGamer87 wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
The vast majority of bars are legally open now in the US.

What people are pissed off about are indoor mask mandates.

Aspie1 will so disappointed that he can't go to them illegally anymore.

What's with this obsession with spreading the virus anyway?


Yeah, no kidding. It seems that's the new hobby of every "Florida man," in the state.. Florida is up to record numbers of new confirmed cases daily - over 23,000/day now, more than at any other time during the entire pandemic. All because their trump licking governor ron desantis said no masks, no distancing, no vaccines etc and they've been behaving like nothing is happening.. and then boom; delta variant. Now hospitalizations and deaths will soon follow.

Other places are a bit like that too, some for different reasons.. a bunch of religious black folk in the South that don't trust white governments not to experiment on them medically, and so they're getting sick and dying.

We have some nutters here in Canada, too. The physicians association in the Province of Alberta are fuming mad that the politicians governing the place are pulling all covid mitigation measures just as delta is spreading there. No more contact tracing, limited testing, no mask mandates etc. It won't get as bad as Florida or Louisiana because there's a higher vaccination rate already - 76.1% single dose 66% double vaxxed - but still, delta is going to rip through everyone due to lack of mitigation measures so the 23.9% unvaccinated ppl are going to overflow hospitals and many more will needlessly die due to poor leadership. Politically, Alberta may as well be Canada's trump country. It's a real shame - and unfortunately I have a lot of relatives there and at least some subscribe to those beliefs.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.


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06 Aug 2021, 12:27 am

goldfish21 wrote:
Florida is up to record numbers of new confirmed cases daily - over 23,000/day now, more than at any other time during the entire pandemic.

But all the Q-publicans who live there will tell you that it's a lie! Nobody is sick, and the hospitals are empty!

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06 Aug 2021, 5:01 am

Thread started from a trolly premise and has devolved into broad-brush attacks on entire groups of people for their perceived political views. Locked.