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13 Mar 2017, 3:00 pm

XFilesGeek wrote:

Wish WP had a "like" button.

Anyway, I get annoyed with the "blame men for everything." It not only unfairly stigmatizes men, but it removes agency from women by refusing to acknowledge when we're responsible for our own crap.

I was bemoaning the lack of a reputation system on here last night, oddly enough. Though I can see how it might be subject to abuse.

I recently watched the Ken Loach movie "I, Daniel Blake" which portrays the realities of the lives of several dispossessed, impoverished people in the Northeast of England (for those unfamiliar, think rust belt on steroids) and the slow death-by-a-thousand-cuts of dignity inflicted upon them by the soulless bureaucratic benefits system that has them jumping through hoops in order to avoid life-threatening sanctions against their state-provided pittance. As someone who grew up in the area, and witnessed first-hand the rapid decline of industry, along with the implementation of literally deadly government policies (under both Labour and the Conservatives), my sole criticism is that the film didn't paint nearly as bleak a picture as it might have.

When you've personally observed the destruction wreaked by genuine poverty on the lives of people working themselves into an early grave, only to be overlooked and abused by an abhorrent system which doesn't discriminate in it's maltreatment of such people when they're at their most vulnerable - this in one of the strongest economies in the supposedly "civilised West" - you tend to brook little nonsense from self-entitled, whining, pampered princes and princesses for whom the expression "hard graft" is as alien as that which it describes.

The only privilege that has a consistently demonstrable effect on outcomes, in health and prosperity, is the privilege of being born into wealth.

The social justice brigade, of which third-wave intersectional feminism is but a single serpentine head, has co-opted the narrative of the class war for personal, political and socioeconomic gain. I'm not interested in the plight of anyone whose opinion of women is that they're so woefully inadequate they require quotas and affirmative action to give them a leg up the corporate ladder in order to compete with other women (because, let's face reality, there are women who manage perfectly fine without unfairly tipping the scales), let alone the men, who have ground their fingers to the bone to get where they deserve to be on merit.

If some women want to trap themselves in a cycle of self-inflicted mediocrity and blame their failings on anyone but themselves, they should feel perfectly free to do so. However, anyone coming to the mistaken conclusion that they speak on behalf of or represent all women, merely because they claim to do so, before vehemently defending their misanthropic bile as being the One True Moral Position, should understand they're nothing but a "useful idiot".


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13 Mar 2017, 3:45 pm

RetroGamer87 wrote:
Chronos wrote:
And then there's this...

Demi Lovato forgot to blend her makeup, and that apparently warrants an entire news article on it.

Demi Lovato Forgets to Blend Her Makeup


I would agree with you that's a ridiculous article. Do you think it's men's fault that article was written? It was written by a woman and I don't think it was targetted at male readers.

You could argue that these situations exist because men demand women wear makeup but most men wouldn't notice her makeup wasn't blended. Most men don't know what makeup blending is.

No, it is not men's fault. As I said, sexism is a problem perpetuated by society, not one sex against the other, which is why people who attack the opposite sex on the premise of advocating for their own sex are misguided.


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13 Mar 2017, 3:47 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
jrjones9933 wrote:
Forget my last post. Feminazis? Seriously?

It's a term I use to refer to the crazy, extremist feminists. Sorry if that turned you off. :roll:

It's a term that undermines the credibility of whatever comes after it. Sorry if your choice to destroy whatever credibility you might have otherwise had makes your arguments pointless to express. :wink:

What the heck are you talking about?! :scratch:

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13 Mar 2017, 3:51 pm

I can tell you all that the academic gap is real. Girls do score better on almost everything. The only thing that guys can destroy girls at is sports (unless it's swimming, the girls on that team practise for 12 hours a week), which isn't even academic. Girls are more likely to be the perfect student. I think girls maturing faster has a role to play in it.

Just counting down the time til' I can get outta here and the journey begins.

Last edited by The Unleasher on 13 Mar 2017, 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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13 Mar 2017, 3:55 pm

The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
Chronos wrote:
MDD123 wrote:
I remember dongle-gate from a few years ago. A couple of guys were making crude jokes and a woman sitting in front of them snapped their picture and posted their misdeed on her twitter feed. One of the guys got fired because of it. She said they were making the place the place hostile for women by making those jokes. I actually looked at her twitter feed and found a sex-joke posted by a friend which she didn't seem to mind.

I don't know if its the AS talking, but I don't think anyone should get fired for telling the wrong joke.

Many employers have conduct policies that they require their employees to adhere to, because of a person can be associated with their place of employment, then their behavior could, in some instances, reflect poorly on the company or institution.

Don't you think that employers are trying way too hard to pander towards feminazis?

What have employers done?

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13 Mar 2017, 4:52 pm

The Unleasher wrote:
I can tell you all that the academic gap is real. Girls do score better on almost everything. The only thing that guys can destroy girls at is sports (unless it's swimming, the girls on that team practise for 12 hours a week), which isn't even academic. Girls are more likely to be the perfect student. I think girls maturing faster has a role to play in it.
What can be done about this?

I think you're right that girls mature faster than boys but if this is what natural process we can't blame it on society. Instead we need solutions.

One idea is that, if boys are enrolling in college in lower numbers, perhaps there could be a "get boys interested in college" program similar to the "get girls interested in science" programs that resulted from less women being scientists.

It could include study groups and detailed information about the college enrolment process, especially for lower class boys who's parents have no experience in this and so can't walk them through it.

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13 Mar 2017, 4:57 pm

The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
Chronos wrote:
I feel this thread has been somewhat hijacked from the OP, so I would like to redirect attention back to him (or her if that is the desired pronoun) and ask what has provoked the OP to make this post? Surely something unpleasant for the OP has transpired.

Yeah I made up my mind and decided to keep identifying as female. So that genderfluid idea is completely abandoned.

The reason I decided to make this thread was becuase I fear that, with the rise of third-wave feminism, we might end up creating a matriarch society instead of the "equal" society that we equality-seekers worked so hard to build. Of course that is not to say that men aren't abusing their power, but by no means is that a valid excuse to be treating them like second-class citizens!

I also feel concerend about the extremist acts of the mostly Tumblr-dwelling feminists who spread their immature ideas that dictate:

-It's impossible for a black person to be racist (Seriously? Anyone of any race can and will be racist!)

-It's impossible to be racist against whites (fun fact: it's racist to be calling white people racist without any valid proof :wink: )

-It is an abnormal thing in life for one's feelings to be hurt (the majority of the people who spread this idea aren't even kids! )

-Gender is a social construct (if that was true I would be Identifying as a man a long time ago. :lol: But since my brain is hardwired to make me act like a woman, I can't choose to be a man. The reality is that gender, like it or not, has biological properties, especually when it comes to the human brain's neurlogical structure.)

with that I hope you understand where I'm coming from. :)

I think I do understand where you are coming from. You feel attacked and mischaracterized by these people, and that they are dismissing and invalidating your experiences perhaps?

Yes, they are often hypocrites who embody the very thing they claim to fight against. I knew one of these people who claimed that black people could not be racist against white people. She claimed this on the basis that she used a different definition of racism than the general public. Her definition made a distinction between racism and racial prejudice, where racial prejudice was the broader term for hate and discrimination against someone of a particular race, and racism required systemic oppression against one race by a dominating race. In her definition, black people could not be racist against white people, because black people have never been in a systemic dominant position over white people.

Well, most people don't use that definition, and are not even aware of it, so to use it without first defining that that is what one means by "racism", is to immediately fling the conversation into instant misunderstanding and throw people's defenses up.

It's also true though that many of the individuals who use this definition often harbor negative feelings towards white people themselves, and use this platform to vent their feelings. In this, they become no different than those they claim to speak against. Same hate, different brand.

As long as there are more than a handful of people in the world, there will always be people who hate you for the mere fact that you exist, and nothing you can do will change that because these people are often so entrenched in their ideologies and ideas that it's almost as if they are psychotic and delusional.

I'm a jew, and I have to live with the fact that there are people in the world who think strange things about me because of that. For example, 1. I control the world and want to enslave gentiles. 2. I'm a reptilian from outerspace. 3. I eat babies. 4. I'm greedy. 5. I'm rich. 6. I'm cheap. 7. I'm a communist. 8. I hate non-jews. 9. I consider non-jews inferior. etc, etc, etc, and thus because of these things they think of me, they brand me as the enemy.

I'm also an American, and because of that there are people in the world who think...
1. I'm stupid or ignorant. 2. I'm fat. 3. I eat nothing but junk food. 4. I want to invade North Korea (North Koreans think Americans are preoccupied with destroying them)

I'm also female, and because of that, I have to live with the fact that there are people in the world who think...
1. I'm a gold digger. 2. I'm intellectually inferior. 3. I'm emotional and illogical. 4. I'm incompetent in anything but child rearing and house keeping. 5. I'm manipulative (but still somehow unintelligent and illogical), 6. I hate men. 7. Life is easy for me because men do everything for me, or I don't have to work as hard due to affirmative action (doesn't exist where I am, never benefited from it).

I'm also relatively white...I pass for it anyway, and because of that fact, I have to live with the fact that some people think.
1. I'm racist. 2. Life is easy for me. 3. I'm a "white devil" who is destined for hell. 4. I've never experienced adversity. 5. I've never struggled financially. 6. I am blind to the struggles of non white people.

I'm not trying to make it look like I have it worse than anyone else here. I'm just illustrating that no matter who you are, there are people out there who will hate you for something whether or not you embody that something, and whether or not it's rational.

So how do I deal with these people who hate me so much and who are too irrational to have actual dialogue with? The same way I deal with any irrational person. I walk away from them and I find people who like me.
I don't let their bitterness and hate against me intrude into my life. I don't seek them out and try to fight them because in most instances, it's futile. They are too far gone and too delusional, and your time is better spent on happier pursuits...if you do that, you will realize that these people are on the fringes of society and most people don't harbor their ideas.

It only sometimes seems like these people are more prevalent and are bigger problems than they are because of the way the internet actually works. When you visit a website or watch a video, it's stored in a tracking cookie, and websites like Youtube, and Tumblr, and Google, etc, etc, etc, use algorithms that say "Oh, this is what you like? I'll show you more!" So you will start seeing recommendations and ads, and news stories, and search results that are oriented towards these things. I recommend you stop visiting websites and clicking on stories and videos about these things, and clear your cookies and browsing history, and start only looking up things that don't upset you. Otherwise, the internet will have you thinking everyone hates you.


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13 Mar 2017, 5:02 pm

At least "women's day" isn't as offensive as "sexual assault month."


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13 Mar 2017, 5:14 pm

Here are some flowers for you The_Blonde_Alien

Let them represent the fact that the people who don't know you, who like you, always outnumber the people who don't know you, who hate you, and you have more potential friends than enemies.



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13 Mar 2017, 6:07 pm

The_Blonde_Alien wrote:

-Gender is a social construct (if that was true I would be Identifying as a man a long time ago. :lol: But since my brain is hardwired to make me act like a woman, I can't choose to be a man. The reality is that gender, like it or not, has biological properties, especually when it comes to the human brain's neurlogical structure.)

with that I hope you understand where I'm coming from. :)

Gender is somewhat of a social construct, its your sex that is entirely biological...It can be kind of confusing I suppose.

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13 Mar 2017, 7:58 pm

Chronos wrote:
The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
Chronos wrote:
I feel this thread has been somewhat hijacked from the OP, so I would like to redirect attention back to him (or her if that is the desired pronoun) and ask what has provoked the OP to make this post? Surely something unpleasant for the OP has transpired.

Yeah I made up my mind and decided to keep identifying as female. So that genderfluid idea is completely abandoned.

The reason I decided to make this thread was becuase I fear that, with the rise of third-wave feminism, we might end up creating a matriarch society instead of the "equal" society that we equality-seekers worked so hard to build. Of course that is not to say that men aren't abusing their power, but by no means is that a valid excuse to be treating them like second-class citizens!

I also feel concerend about the extremist acts of the mostly Tumblr-dwelling feminists who spread their immature ideas that dictate:

-It's impossible for a black person to be racist (Seriously? Anyone of any race can and will be racist!)

-It's impossible to be racist against whites (fun fact: it's racist to be calling white people racist without any valid proof :wink: )

-It is an abnormal thing in life for one's feelings to be hurt (the majority of the people who spread this idea aren't even kids! )

-Gender is a social construct (if that was true I would be Identifying as a man a long time ago. :lol: But since my brain is hardwired to make me act like a woman, I can't choose to be a man. The reality is that gender, like it or not, has biological properties, especually when it comes to the human brain's neurlogical structure.)

with that I hope you understand where I'm coming from. :)

I think I do understand where you are coming from. You feel attacked and mischaracterized by these people, and that they are dismissing and invalidating your experiences perhaps?

Yes, they are often hypocrites who embody the very thing they claim to fight against. I knew one of these people who claimed that black people could not be racist against white people. She claimed this on the basis that she used a different definition of racism than the general public. Her definition made a distinction between racism and racial prejudice, where racial prejudice was the broader term for hate and discrimination against someone of a particular race, and racism required systemic oppression against one race by a dominating race. In her definition, black people could not be racist against white people, because black people have never been in a systemic dominant position over white people.

Well, most people don't use that definition, and are not even aware of it, so to use it without first defining that that is what one means by "racism", is to immediately fling the conversation into instant misunderstanding and throw people's defenses up.

It's also true though that many of the individuals who use this definition often harbor negative feelings towards white people themselves, and use this platform to vent their feelings. In this, they become no different than those they claim to speak against. Same hate, different brand.

As long as there are more than a handful of people in the world, there will always be people who hate you for the mere fact that you exist, and nothing you can do will change that because these people are often so entrenched in their ideologies and ideas that it's almost as if they are psychotic and delusional.

I'm a jew, and I have to live with the fact that there are people in the world who think strange things about me because of that. For example, 1. I control the world and want to enslave gentiles. 2. I'm a reptilian from outerspace. 3. I eat babies. 4. I'm greedy. 5. I'm rich. 6. I'm cheap. 7. I'm a communist. 8. I hate non-jews. 9. I consider non-jews inferior. etc, etc, etc, and thus because of these things they think of me, they brand me as the enemy.

I'm also an American, and because of that there are people in the world who think...
1. I'm stupid or ignorant. 2. I'm fat. 3. I eat nothing but junk food. 4. I want to invade North Korea (North Koreans think Americans are preoccupied with destroying them)

I'm also female, and because of that, I have to live with the fact that there are people in the world who think...
1. I'm a gold digger. 2. I'm intellectually inferior. 3. I'm emotional and illogical. 4. I'm incompetent in anything but child rearing and house keeping. 5. I'm manipulative (but still somehow unintelligent and illogical), 6. I hate men. 7. Life is easy for me because men do everything for me, or I don't have to work as hard due to affirmative action (doesn't exist where I am, never benefited from it).

I'm also relatively white...I pass for it anyway, and because of that fact, I have to live with the fact that some people think.
1. I'm racist. 2. Life is easy for me. 3. I'm a "white devil" who is destined for hell. 4. I've never experienced adversity. 5. I've never struggled financially. 6. I am blind to the struggles of non white people.

I'm not trying to make it look like I have it worse than anyone else here. I'm just illustrating that no matter who you are, there are people out there who will hate you for something whether or not you embody that something, and whether or not it's rational.

So how do I deal with these people who hate me so much and who are too irrational to have actual dialogue with? The same way I deal with any irrational person. I walk away from them and I find people who like me.
I don't let their bitterness and hate against me intrude into my life. I don't seek them out and try to fight them because in most instances, it's futile. They are too far gone and too delusional, and your time is better spent on happier pursuits...if you do that, you will realize that these people are on the fringes of society and most people don't harbor their ideas.

It only sometimes seems like these people are more prevalent and are bigger problems than they are because of the way the internet actually works. When you visit a website or watch a video, it's stored in a tracking cookie, and websites like Youtube, and Tumblr, and Google, etc, etc, etc, use algorithms that say "Oh, this is what you like? I'll show you more!" So you will start seeing recommendations and ads, and news stories, and search results that are oriented towards these things. I recommend you stop visiting websites and clicking on stories and videos about these things, and clear your cookies and browsing history, and start only looking up things that don't upset you. Otherwise, the internet will have you thinking everyone hates you.

Don't worry is atheists eat babies to and worship Karl Marx. :lol:
Everyone knows Jews don't rule the world, its the illuminati. :lol:
On a more serious not there are stupid people in the world who believe the craziest thing. I have seen some conspiracy theories that make no sense. I have seen chemtrails, febreeze turns people gay, Satan runs music, and video games cause violence. I cannot forget Obama is turning the frogs gay. My favorite is juice boxes cause homosexuality.


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13 Mar 2017, 8:24 pm

The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
-It's impossible for a black person to be racist (Seriously? Anyone of any race can and will be racist!)

-It's impossible to be racist against whites (fun fact: it's racist to be calling white people racist without any valid proof :wink: )
Yep. They also say it's impossible to be sexist against men for the same reasons.

It's funny how they use the dictionary definition of feminism yet create their own definitions for racism and sexism.

See here for example ... think-they

The main point of the article is that sexism requires systemic oppression. Even if we believe that dubious premise the article fails to prove systemic oppression of men doesn't exist.

Also look at the title of the article - "6 Reasons Men Can Literally Never Be Victims Of Sexism — And Those Who Think They Can Need To Learn What "Sexism" Is"

These one sided feminists say things like if you disagree with us you "Need to learn what sexism is" or if you disagree with us "You need to be educated"

It's like they're saying - Anyone who disagrees with us needs to be educated until they agree with us. Research that doesn't support our ideas doesn't count.

A common phrase used by tumblr feminists is, "it's not up for debate"

If the "it's not up for debate" phrase spreads into the real world it might lead to false claims not being debated.

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13 Mar 2017, 8:26 pm

RetroGamer87 wrote:
The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
-It's impossible for a black person to be racist (Seriously? Anyone of any race can and will be racist!)

-It's impossible to be racist against whites (fun fact: it's racist to be calling white people racist without any valid proof :wink: )
Yep. They also say it's impossible to be sexist against men for the same reasons.

It's funny how they use the dictionary definition of feminism yet create their own definitions for racism and sexism.

See here for example ... think-they

The main point of the article is that sexism requires systemic oppression. Even if we believe that dubious premise the article fails to prove systemic oppression of men doesn't exist.

Also look at the title of the article - "6 Reasons Men Can Literally Never Be Victims Of Sexism — And Those Who Think They Can Need To Learn What "Sexism" Is"

These one sided feminists say things like if you disagree with us you "Need to learn what sexism is" or if you disagree with us "You need to be educated"

It's like they're saying - Anyone who disagrees with us needs to be educated until they agree with us. Research that doesn't support our ideas doesn't count.

A common phrase used by tumblr feminists is, "it's not up for debate"

If the "it's not up for debate" phrase spreads into the real world it might lead to false claims not being debated.

How do you feel about the word "woke". I only hear it used when someone agrees with someone on a racial issue.


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13 Mar 2017, 8:36 pm

If it's that big a deal, just call it academic racism vs. everyday racism. Professionals use language in specific ways all the time, and no one gets to decide how other people are feminist or how they use language. May I suggest that you come up with a label that makes them uncomfortable? They may cry that you want to stifle their freedom of speech, and that you are unfairly applying that label, but I put it to you that labeling people harms people less than a grossly unfair political system.

If people stop acting out on their racist ideas as a result of being uncomfortable with being called racist, I say good. If academics have to get more down to earth or face similar discomfort, I say good. If people start paying more attention to reality and less to political manipulation because they don't like looking foolish, that seems fair and reasonable. Sometimes, name calling is in the best interests of society; I don't want to bring back the stocks, or anything.

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13 Mar 2017, 8:40 pm

BettaPonic wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
-It's impossible for a black person to be racist (Seriously? Anyone of any race can and will be racist!)

-It's impossible to be racist against whites (fun fact: it's racist to be calling white people racist without any valid proof :wink: )
Yep. They also say it's impossible to be sexist against men for the same reasons.

It's funny how they use the dictionary definition of feminism yet create their own definitions for racism and sexism.

See here for example ... think-they

The main point of the article is that sexism requires systemic oppression. Even if we believe that dubious premise the article fails to prove systemic oppression of men doesn't exist.

Also look at the title of the article - "6 Reasons Men Can Literally Never Be Victims Of Sexism — And Those Who Think They Can Need To Learn What "Sexism" Is"

These one sided feminists say things like if you disagree with us you "Need to learn what sexism is" or if you disagree with us "You need to be educated"

It's like they're saying - Anyone who disagrees with us needs to be educated until they agree with us. Research that doesn't support our ideas doesn't count.

A common phrase used by tumblr feminists is, "it's not up for debate"

If the "it's not up for debate" phrase spreads into the real world it might lead to false claims not being debated.

How do you feel about the word "woke". I only hear it used when someone agrees with someone on a racial issue.

I've never heard that before :o

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13 Mar 2017, 8:49 pm

There you go. Anyone who says "it's not up for debate" can go pound sand up their ass. Including those who say that the definition of gender or sex is not up for debate in this thread.

Everything is up for debate, just not at every time or in every place. I thought I should be clear on that, considering the nature of this forum.

If they don't want to debate a bunch of idiots on their own tumblr feed, I can respect that. That's a time and place issue, and you don't have an automatic right to fill up their blog with your nonsense, however brilliant and relevant it may seem to you.

"I find that the best way [to increase self-confidence] is to lie to yourself about who you are, what you've done, and where you're going." - Richard Ayoade