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07 Apr 2012, 5:55 pm

Ah statstics doesnt count as real facts statstics can be wrong must of the time they are :lol:

Virgina Woolf was a real feminist her work is great :D


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07 Apr 2012, 5:57 pm

Vigilans wrote:
Vexcalibur wrote:
TM wrote:
I've read every page in this thread and not seen a reply to this :

lame image

Originally posted by HisDivineMajesty

Seriously. I was in a good mood yesterday, but not today.

Hell No.

I am not going to take your Gish Gallop seriously. I am going to mock you for attempting to pull one. Because once a side is using creationist- inspired rhetoric it must definitely have already lost the argument.

You can put 1000 bullshitty arguments together in the same pile but they would still be bullshitty arguments. If you want to, you can try issuing a single one of them at once and see it get horribly defused to death. If you are too much of a coward and prefer to use the Gish Gallop ad nauseum I'd like to exploit my right not to take you seriously.

I think TM may have mixed us up, Vex. Not the first time this has happened... us damn 'V' people

Yeah, I'm deeply sorry about that, I know its no excuse but if I hadn't gotten you confused I wouldn't have reacted the way I did. So my sincerest apologies. *stretches out Olive branch*


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07 Apr 2012, 6:02 pm

Marilyn Waring! Author of Counting for Nothing: What men value and what women are worth, rigorous thinker, determined, independent, former member of parliament in New Zealand (known for many things she did while an MP, including giving up in disgust on the daily circus in the House and taking her knitting along so at least she could get something constructive done), author of Women, Politics, and Power, an insightful book at what it was like to be a woman in parliament, especially when women were hardly ever elected, renowned feminist economist and political thinker.

07 Apr 2012, 6:02 pm

Joker wrote:
Still so many anti-feminists on WP sad really.

There definitely are a few of em around here......But I can't help but notice that those who question feminism are subjected to the false dichotomy: Either you're a staunch feminist who insists that feminism lives up to its ideals and its adherents are saints; or you're a misogynist.


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07 Apr 2012, 6:09 pm

AspieRogue wrote:
Joker wrote:
Still so many anti-feminists on WP sad really.

There definitely are a few of em around here......But I can't help but notice that those who question feminism are subjected to the false dichotomy: Either you're a staunch feminist who insists that feminism lives up to its ideals and its adherents are saints; or you're a misogynist.

If I was a misogynist I would hate myself and would not be sexually attracted to men. I have no problem with people questioning feminism but I do have a problem with people that attack it with out knowing what it is.


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07 Apr 2012, 6:19 pm

AspieRogue wrote:
Joker wrote:
Still so many anti-feminists on WP sad really.

There definitely are a few of em around here......But I can't help but notice that those who question feminism are subjected to the false dichotomy: Either you're a staunch feminist who insists that feminism lives up to its ideals and its adherents are saints; or you're a misogynist.

I would like to apologize if I've appeared overly vicious in some of my statements at times. I've attempted to clarify my position multiple times but I'll make another attempt in the hope that we can find some middle-ground.

I don't think there should be gay rights, female rights, male rights, children's rights, I believe that there should be the same human rights for every human being regardless. I also happen to think that it would be a lot more marketable to say "Human rights for all" as it doesn't carry the negative connotations that feminism does to a lot of people.

I think birth control for both genders should be provided by a government run health-care system, along with specialized treatment for each gender funded in amounts relative to the prevalence and severity of the condition.

Most of all, the closest I come to religious belief is that people have the right to individual self-determination just for being human and that the only place where universality is apt is in law. Furthermore, that you cannot make what a person elects to do to their own body a crime unless that crime has a direct and provable effect on the freedoms afforded to every other person.

I don't consider these values to belong to any group other than a group that shares a belief in basic human decency.


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07 Apr 2012, 6:55 pm

Vexcalibur wrote:
Because once a side is using creationist- inspired rhetoric it must definitely have already lost the argument.

You can put 1000 bullshitty arguments together in the same pile but they would still be bullshitty arguments. If you want to, you can try issuing a single one of them at once and see it get horribly defused to death. If you are too much of a coward and prefer to use the Gish Gallop ad nauseum I'd like to exploit my right not to take you seriously.

What makes this comment interesting - apart from you being very transparently kidding, which I sincerely hope for my faith in humanity - is the hypocrisy.

The very basis of every creationist debate I've encountered so far was systematically disqualifying every piece of statistic or observation for reasons of style. Someone makes a typo? Pretend to be unable to read their post and respond to what you want to read (even though you know it's not what they said) in a way that makes it seem like you, at the very least, have a point about their style. Another person has a list of arguments with statistics, argumentation or logic to back it up? Well, it's too much in one go, so it's all false and lies and gish gallop! Which, on a semi-related note, generally doesn't involve giving someone twenty-four hours to look at a page worth of text.

Now, for the rest of the thread, or until there's actually something related to feminism coming from Vexcalibur, I'll stop biting at the troll bait.

DW_a_mom wrote:
What exactly do you think the feminist attitude is????

Getting health insurance coverage for birth control? Protecting abortion rights? Yes, they are on the list, and I’ll accept that you disagree with those particular parts of the political platform put forward by certain feminist organizations. But take a look at the NOW website, and this is the list of the top six issues you see:

- Abortion rights, reproductive issues
- Violence against women
- Constitutional Equality
- Promoting diversity / ending racism
- Lesbian rights
- Economic justice

What my personal problem with feminism - and some these viewpoints make me feel that once more - is that, instead of tackling actual issues that currently lack funding or effort, they want to expand and expand on things that are already heavily in women's favour. Reproductive issues? Women can have an abortion, men can't, and men usually end up paying for children they sometimes didn't even want to have (or aren't even theirs in the first place), even after divorce. Violence against women? In order to equally tackle these issues, they'd be better of redirecting 90% of their funding to violence against men, as men are victims of violence much, much more often.

Economic justice could probably also be best served to men. It is often said that men make more, but make more in jobs with less attractive working conditions, in order for women to spend more.
There are plans for a legally-enforced quota of women in well-paid office jobs. However, there's not a quota for women in low-paying, undesirable jobs or even well-paid undesirable jobs, like working on an oil rig.
Interestingly, men hold those positions much more often than women, and because they're dangerous, filthy or undesirable, they make more money than working a similar-level office job.

So basically, women have quota to enforce their representation in well-paid office jobs, but not in well-paid undesirable jobs, and certainly not in man-dominated undesirable low-paid jobs.
I'll go to bed in a few minutes. I now realise I've eaten too much salt and vinegar chips, and I can hear them being digested. What a nice thought. Goodnight.


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07 Apr 2012, 7:12 pm

every time I go away, I come back the next day and find you've written 10 pages on this thread! Time to start reading...

Edit: didn't miss much. What started out as a head-banging argument has turned into a name-calling fight. There is no more to do here; I vote that the thread be locked.


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07 Apr 2012, 8:34 pm

DW_a_mom wrote:
I read through the last pages of posts and all I can think is, “do some of these posters actually KNOW any feminists?”

Know personally, no. Most of my knowledge of it comes from the news (which is unreliable) or reading posts from self-identified feminists on WP.

It’s the same feeling I get when certain Christian fundamentalists or atheists’ try to tell me what Catholics believe … when I’ve spent my whole life as a Catholic and don’t recognize a single concept they are selling.

I'm not Catholic specifically, but I am religious and I've spent a fair amount of time in PPR, so I know exactly what you're talking about.

Part of why I've held back somewhat in this thread is that I don't want to make and attack a strawman, having been on the receiving end of that sort of thing.

I’ve just come off a 12 hour work day and am headed towards another tomorrow

I've done 12 hour days before (although not recently, thank God). Don't lose sleep over a thread like this. Sleep is incredibly more important than a flamewar in PPR.

Because you aren’t actually advocating that all women stay barefoot in the kitchen, covered from head to toe, giving birth to one child after the other. And if you aren’t advocating that, then you share quite a few goals with feminists as I know them.

According to one feminist poster, anyone who isn't a member of the feminist movement is by definition a misogynist.

I have not seen anyone other than you on the feminist side reject that idea.

But take a look at the NOW website, and this is the list of the top six issues you see:

- Abortion rights, reproductive issues
- Violence against women
- Constitutional Equality
- Promoting diversity / ending racism
- Lesbian rights
- Economic justice

I took a look around the site. They are pro-abortion, pro-affirmative action, pro-left wing, anti-right wing, promote the silly idea that the SYG laws are 'a license to kill', and have a recent article saying that if anyone says that 'slavery has been over for 150 years' or 'segregation has been over for decades' (both of which are quite true), then they must be a casual racist. I found a letter to a Target CEO that was very indignant that he'd contributed to the political campaign of someone they disliked, and told him so in a rather furious and vitriolic (but almost content-free) sort of way.

I don't know if they're particularly representative of feminism, and I can't say I disagree with absolutely everything they say, but I certainly wouldn't want to be associated with them.

(to be honest, many of my friends think they are superior to men in pretty much all ways that actually matter, but they love men anyway; how do you like that role reversal?).

If these are your feminist friends, that disturbs me a great deal. How could people who are supposedly trying to fight sexism not notice sexism in themselves?

Real feminism is simply about not having to be defined, or have your choices limited, because of your gender.

I like your 'real feminism'. I am not sure that modern western feminism has much of anything to do with real feminism.

If you want a REAL issue to take up against current changes in our society that result from efforts to help girls, we can have a discussion about current educational philosophies, which are adding magnitude to a growing gap in academic achievement between boys and girls. Who better to address that without bias than a mom with BOTH a son and daughter, that I want to see succeed? But that would take a few more pages to explain, so I'd best leave it for the next week or so.

That sounds interesting.

"A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." --G. K. Chesterton

07 Apr 2012, 9:04 pm

I can't help but marvel at the repeated ad hominems ITT leveled against men who question feminist claims by both Valentine and Vigilans(typical NT sarcasm and trolling). I really think that this thread needs to be LOCKED. And I'm actually going to put in a request.


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07 Apr 2012, 9:05 pm

Joker wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
Joker wrote:
Ragtime wrote:
Joker wrote:
Ragtime in my opinon has to right to do such a thing to you do you do that to him as well?

She has a right to do to me whatever I allow, and I have a right to do to her whatever she allows.

Any questions?

Yes what does this have to do with Feminism stop trying to kill the thread :roll:

I asked if there are any questions. If there aren't, my personal life can be dropped as a subject of discussion.

Are you aware that some women submit to horrible physical treatment involving tons and tons of needless pain, causing bleeding, crying, uncontrollable drooling, all without religion whatsoever?

It's called BDSM. I doubt you'd judge those people as harshly as us evil Christians, who evilly follow the New Testament. Some women like to submit, and my wife is not very far on that scale considering what's out there for what both parties consider not religion, but pure godless fun.

I am a christian as in I follow what Jesus taught and preached he never said anything about how a man was to treat his wife Paul did not Jesus.

I am a devot Methodist we do not agree with a lot of things Paul said.

And I know all to well what BDSM I have been the bottom while the girl I dated at the time was the top.

Also pleas try to say something about feminism for once instead of your love life and religious beliefs it would be best if you started a thread about them.

I did start a thread for it -- for the express purpose of not derailing this thread -- days ago, but hyperlexian moved it to the Love & Dating area, and no one from here who was asking me about my personal life went to the other thread. So, everyone who is asking me personal questions here, you can ask them in the moved thread. Otherwise, it's not my fault if I answer questions which are asked here, here.

Christianity is different than Judaism only in people's minds -- not in the Bible.


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07 Apr 2012, 9:07 pm

AspieRogue wrote:
I can't help but marvel at the repeated ad hominems ITT leveled against men who question feminist claims by both Valentine and Vigilans(typical NT sarcasm and trolling). I really think that this thread needs to be LOCKED. And I'm actually going to put in a request.

No one has broken any rules for it to be locked and I am no NT either nor is Valentine or Vigilans.


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07 Apr 2012, 9:27 pm

AspieRogue wrote:
I can't help but marvel at the repeated ad hominems ITT leveled against men who question feminist claims by both Valentine and Vigilans(typical NT sarcasm and trolling). I really think that this thread needs to be LOCKED. And I'm actually going to put in a request.

Yeah you guys are totally innocent of ad hominems, especially Ragtime, you and TM. f**k off

Opportunities multiply as they are seized. -Sun Tzu
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You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do


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07 Apr 2012, 9:32 pm

I do enjoy the feminst theory of transgenders very interesting.

07 Apr 2012, 10:33 pm

Vigilans wrote:
AspieRogue wrote:
I can't help but marvel at the repeated ad hominems ITT leveled against men who question feminist claims by both Valentine and Vigilans(typical NT sarcasm and trolling). I really think that this thread needs to be LOCKED. And I'm actually going to put in a request.

Yeah you guys are totally innocent of ad hominems, especially Ragtime, you and TM. f**k off



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07 Apr 2012, 11:54 pm

I am sorry if these comments threaten to take the thread off track again, but I've been offline and felt that since some of it was addressed to me, I should respond. And I want to note that the mention of CDD explains a lot to me, since if you ever venture into CDD websites or read CDD "romance" literature, you will find it filled with strong anti-feminist messages. It is part of the what the sub-culture seems to believe, that feminism is the enemy.

A whole sub-culture that has picked a false demon, in my opinion, for all the reasons I already stated.

Mirror, you made a CHOICE, as do most CDD families, to apply that lifestyle and philosophy. That you had that CHOICE, and were not forced into accepting this as the way things "must" be, is ultimately the result of feminism. Feminism was always supposed to be about allowing us, as women, to choose what is best for us. You shouldn't have to be in tears or upset by the fact you made an unpopular choice: it was yours to make, and you don't need to defend it to anyone or anything. Will some of the more ardent feminists try to argue you out of it? Probably, but just remind them of what I just said: feminism is about allowing women to make a CHOICE. You have made yours as a unique individual and have spoken eloquently about being happy with it. I respect that.

Ragtime, sorry if I didn't spend a lot of time clarify the different ways the term "equal" can be used. The goal is equal in the eyes of the law, of employers, in opportunity. "Equal" is not meant in these contexts to mean "the same."

As for your life-style being biblical, there is an entire website set up by Christians explaining why CDD is NOT in line with Christianity. I won't argue it for them, I'll let you find the site on your own, if for some odd reason you haven't been previously aware of it. Choose what you want but please don't make it sound like this is something people are supposed to do for God. I accept that you may think you have done it for God, but I think the real factors are much more complex and perhaps, at times, much more primal. I'm on the outside looking in, so I realize I could be off-base, but I do think it is something you should ponder. Not to change your choices, but to gain the self-insight that comes from fully understanding them, and since you are making all the important decisions in your household, you have an extra duty to be as self-insightful as possible.

In this thread you have not, however, been posting "accept our choices, they were ours to make" nearly as much as "I hate feminists," which may as well read, "other people's choices aren't as good as mine." For you as a unique individual, sure, that might be true, but NOT for THOSE OTHER PEOPLE. Please show some respect for other people's choices or opinions, and their right to make them, and maybe even ponder the fact that CDD wasn't all that "beautiful" for anyone in the days before women were free to CHOOSE it, for without that choice it IS just abuse.

You can't really separate the positive aspects of how ANY of us live our lives today from the immense social change brought about by the feminist movement, ie that ALL people, INCLUDING women, should be free to choose their life, whatever that choice may be, which means that the negativity towards feminism really is misplaced. I grew up during that period of change, and I know how significant it was; before that movement, girls were told how they were supposed to be and how they were supposed to think, period, end of story, who you really are inside doesn't matter. I can't really say that you would have liked those narrowly defined women all that much better, because they didn't exactly fit the mold you and your wife are living, either.

Separately, I want to go back to prior comments about women being governed by their emotions more than men. I actually disagree with that. I think that what women, on average, do is display their emotions more freely in the moment than, on average, men do. But in my observation as a mother, wife and daughter, boys and men experience every bit as much emotion, and often more, but are more likely to try to bury it. Why they bury it seems to be some combination of nature and social pressure, and the role that comes along with being supposed to be "strong," but it isn't really a very healthy attribute, because it someday someway it will come out. Watch the news and you come to realize that men are much more likely than women to "snap" in a destructive and deadly way, and I believe that is because suppressed pain and emotion don't go away; they simmer. Unresolved pain is a common reason men become abusers. I really do not consider this a good thing, and I like the way feminist mothers encourage their sons to cry when they need to and express what they actually feel, instead of what they think society wants them to feel.

I see that there is also a response to my post from HisDivineMajesty:

What my personal problem with feminism - and some these viewpoints make me feel that once more - is that, instead of tackling actual issues that currently lack funding or effort, they want to expand and expand on things that are already heavily in women's favour. Reproductive issues? Women can have an abortion, men can't, and men usually end up paying for children they sometimes didn't even want to have (or aren't even theirs in the first place), even after divorce. Violence against women? In order to equally tackle these issues, they'd be better of redirecting 90% of their funding to violence against men, as men are victims of violence much, much more often.

Economic justice could probably also be best served to men. It is often said that men make more, but make more in jobs with less attractive working conditions, in order for women to spend more.
There are plans for a legally-enforced quota of women in well-paid office jobs. However, there's not a quota for women in low-paying, undesirable jobs or even well-paid undesirable jobs, like working on an oil rig.
Interestingly, men hold those positions much more often than women, and because they're dangerous, filthy or undesirable, they make more money than working a similar-level office job.

So basically, women have quota to enforce their representation in well-paid office jobs, but not in well-paid undesirable jobs, and certainly not in man-dominated undesirable low-paid jobs.
I'll go to bed in a few minutes. I now realise I've eaten too much salt and vinegar chips, and I can hear them being digested. What a nice thought. Goodnight.

Feminism is going to, by and large, promote female issues. Given thousands of years of subjugation, it just makes sense. Men can and should fight for their own - as long as they aren't doing it in a way that will suppress someone else, of course.

Abortion rights are on the table, still, because there is a huge, on-going, political battle to remove them. There is no expansion there. This is and will always be a women's issue, because men can't carry the babies, and every time we try to think of a way to give the men a stronger voice in the process, we run up against natural rights of the woman. If you can figure that balance out, be my guest, get it some political traction, because I have male friends who have been hurt by that reality, and it leaves me stumped. But ... don't do it in this thread, that really is a whole other can of beans.

Men are rarely the victims of DOMESTIC violence, which occurs in the home, far from police eyes, perpetrated by people one is supposed to trust, and does love ... that is much trickier and insidious. You are talking apples and oranges here, and while violence in general is something for us all to be concerned about, it isn't an issue that should be handled mostly by women, and is already well in the public eye, continually addressed in politics and the law. Feminism is, by definition, going to promote women's issues, particular if they would otherwise fly under the radar.

I disagree with your assessment of the economic disparity, because it is my understanding that they are very careful to survey similar occupations. It really isn't effective to look broad scope, because so many of us choose to work less hours or off a career path.

There is no legally enforced quota for women in jobs, I am pretty sure that got done away with, although you might still find it occasionally in a fire department or police department, not sure why or if that is true. Affirmative action, if even that is still in place (not sure, its been a few years since I've been in a work place subject to it), asks only that an employer show they hired a statistically similar percentage of the qualified women actually applying for the job as they did men, and if there aren't any women applying, that they did something to try to entice them to. I should know, I was involved in a lot of hiring in hot affirmative action years. I think you've seriously misinterpreted what goes on, or maybe just haven't seen the inner workings of enough businesses to know.

As far as women spending more, I just read an article that discussed how much extra a year it costs a woman to live just for being a woman, and that excluded anything optional like make up or clothes. Basically, we have a lot of sanitary and health needs you don't, they cost money, and they aren't fully offset by costs that arise in the reverse. Which, I guess, must not have considered the extra food costs having a teenage boy will bring you, but the parents pay that Wink (yes, I have a teenage boy in my house!).

As I mentioned in my earlier post, the men's issue I think most needs to be brought to the forefront is education for boys. University enrollments are swinging 60% female, and that is not because they are biased towards women, but because boys are not excelling in grades K-12 at the level girls are. There are many, many developmental differences between young girls and boys, with boys generally developing over a longer and more drawn out period, which is a problem when the schools push more and more developmental skills into lower grade levels. A 6th grader today must be extremely organized, the grading emphasizes organization, but the average 11 year old boy is not developmentally ready for it (take one look at a middle school and you realize you are seeing girls that look and act and like women, but boys that look and act like ... boys). Eventually it all evens out, but by the time it does the boys have taken a pretty big shot to their self-esteem and no longer see themselves as capable students with plans for college. The attempts by certain women to raise this issue is getting some push back from other feminists, given how long and hard they fought for girls to thrive in school, but I think we should all want to reach a balance that is as fair as possible for both genders. Because, as the old saying goes, a mind is a terrible thing to waste - any mind. If someone is looking for a fight that is worth fighting, with results that can actually be achieved, instead of just an opportunity to sling ugly words and irate rants on a message board, THAT issue is it. IMHO. As a mom with a teenage boy and a pre-teen daughter. The book: "The Trouble with Boys" by Peg Tyre. Extremely well researched.

And with all that ... I really need to end my participation. I don't have time. Plain and simple.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).

Last edited by DW_a_mom on 07 Apr 2012, 11:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.