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08 Oct 2010, 6:30 am

Well, honestly, my big concerns are the following:
1) I don't think the ban is engaging in something overly helpful, but rather control for the sake of control. Control for the sake of control, however, is a negative impulse that we should all distrust. I mean, these actions, are the first step to negatively impacting our own lives.
2) I really don't think that banning sugary drinks is really the best thing anyway. At worst they are minor luxuries, but really, those items are often very good, as they are usually very easy to transport, flavorful, and in the case of a few, have caffeine, which can be helpful.

As such, I do think there is good reason to oppose this effort.


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08 Oct 2010, 8:09 am

I think it's a great idea. We focus so much on what the government is or is not telling us to do that we forget the the massive power of marketing and the fact that corporations have a more significant affect on our purchasing decisions, especially on the young and uneducated. The purpose of food stamps is to provide nourishment to those who cannot otherwise afford it. Pepsi is not nourishment, especially not for a growing child.


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08 Oct 2010, 9:14 am

Closest equivalent we ever get is "milk tokens" for pregnant women, which are restricted to milk/fruit/veg and that's about it. Some local shops will trade for other materials, but they aren't supposed to. What is annoying is that they are so restrictive that if the goods do not match or exceed the cover price (where you can then pay extra with real money) then you get nothing, as they will not provide change, nor even retain the difference themselves, which makes shopping a little awkward when you can't find a banana worth 7 pence to make up the token.

Restricting government funded food tokens to certain foods isn't in itself so very bad, but it seems a bit pointless to JUST make it drinks if its a health thing, and a bit arbitrary if it isn't.

Slightly apocryphal tale I heard from a Virginian family member: In her (small) home town, the supermarkets have all closed down (Food Lion? Something like that.) through sheer lack of use, because the predominantly poor (food stamp etc) using residents point blank refuse to engage in anything that resembles cookery, instead relying on the (doing quite well) fast food outlets for the majority of their cooked meals.

Its something of a puzzle for a government as to how it can look after its voters and citizens if they cannot influence a whole subsection of society to eat in a way that vaguely resembles normal. It might be more "Free" to let them eat cakes until they die, but is that really a sensible model for any nation? Its understandable that no nation really wants a morbidly obese unproductive underclass, but where do you start to prevent that?

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08 Oct 2010, 10:07 am

]I'm not calling you a liar or anything, but I've used an EBT card and what you're describing is patently illegal; unless the involved merchants are using some sort of work around EBT can't even be used for things like pet food and or dish soap. Now there is such a thing as EBT cash, which is a different sort of benefit that uses the EBT system to function like a prepaid debit card which like other direct cash assistance payments is spent at the user's discretion. To the casual observer that may look like someone using food benefits to buy cigarettes and liquor, but is actually a totally different assistance program that just uses the EBT infrastructure. What I have seen is people selling EBT food benefits for a percentage of the value in order to spend the cash on illegal or disallowed commodities; a former employer of mine used to buy groceries from a guy with a food card who was willing to take half the cash value so that he could go buy booze with the money.-

Also, if there is this 2nd assistance program that functions within the EBT paradigm, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the obvious method to play the system to acquire luxuries is that one should just use their EBT card to buy all of their 'necessities,' and then just use their direct cash assistance payments for whatever discretionary luxuries they want? Am I wrong about this?

If the government is going to give these same people complete discretion with their other benefits like EBT-Cash or welfare, I really see no point to limiting the EBT card as you describe above as anyone with half-a-brain could figure out what items to pay with what and learn the ropes. I've not used EBT first-hand though and I'm sure you and a few others are far more familiar with it........... I shant mince words though when I write to Senator Kit Bond detailing my outrage over this blatant ability to play benefits after I do some research that is more than cursory.

At the end of the day, wether they use their EBT card or "EBT Cash" to pay for frivolous luxuries is meaningless as the money is coming from the same source.

Where do Nigerians come into to this? I thought this was about NY, NY, USA.

Aren't the majority of claimants Americans?

There are LOADS of Nigerians in NY, but 'Haitians' or 'Somalians' would have been just as apt. The government passes out US Citizenship anyway eventually to virtually anyone who asks for it and who can quick-step their way through the system, like getting a Six Flags summer pass. I mean, anyone with any intent who can fill out a form and jump a few hurdles can get the designation of being an "American," (which is patently ridiculous,) and get the same voting privileges as a 20 year Marine vet.

Last edited by Hanotaux on 08 Oct 2010, 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.


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08 Oct 2010, 10:28 am

this is a tough issue. nanny-sam telling you what you can and can't buy with food stamps can leave a bad taste in your mouth. the question, as i see it, is where do we draw the line? tobacco, alcohol, and a lot of prepared foods (like those hot dogs at 7-11? i don't remember?) are already off limits.

i think food stamps are a great part of our country's safety net. i don't think food stamp money should go to buying booze, so i'm glad that's restricted. i don't think food stamp money should go to cigarettes, so i'm glad that's restricted. a lot of people get the wrong idea about people on food stamps because of misconceptions about what you can and can't get with it already.

so there's already a line in the sand. i could use more information on this topic, but my intuition is that the program is more efficient with alcohol and tobacco off limits. what i do know is that there is fraud that goes on to get around this so i really don't have a solid opinion on whether or not it really is a net gain.

i think, for me, it comes down to purpose. what is the program for? it's not, as far as i understand, the part of the safety net meant to give spending cash to people with low/no income. it's to keep poor americans fed. cigarettes aren't food. vodka isn't food. beer only fits my imaginary definition of food. coke? pepsi? mt dew? dr pepper? what side of the line do they go on? maybe it's more a question of intelligent regulation? "sugary drinks" covers a lot of products. "juice drink" isn't exactly well defined, either. the failure in this regulation is that the prerequisite classification of what is and what is not "food" is a joke.

big k: at least his obvious slur was obvious. still kinda depressing.


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08 Oct 2010, 11:35 am

I remember as a boy, when the stamps used to come in a booklet............. It used to be the discarded empty Food-Stamp booklet shells used to just absolutely litter the Supermarket floors after all the stamps had been torn out, kind of like discarded losing pull-tabs at a carnival. By the evening, the grocery store janitors would have a massive task cleaning up piles and piles of stamp-booklets that had just been littered all over the store.

I think that was a formative thing that began to sour me on relief assistance and minority assistance, etc. I mean, if they couldn't even be bothered to discard their waste and their generously-given free money like human beings, and they were going to so carelessly litter, than WTF should taxpayer money be lavished on them if they are too lazy to put their refuse in a f-ing trash can. Its like rubbing salt in the would to see people on benefits take YOUR hard-earned money and they can't even have have the common decency to at least get in and discreetly buy their Little Debbies and then get out without making a mess. But then again, that is just 'the sort' getting those benefits, and its not like they give a damn........... they just think the money is magically entitled to them because of "slavery," or its their due. They think the rules don't apply to them because their ancestors were "oppressed," and that some magic funds will sponsor thier torpor and 'other half' lifestyles, which is absolutely justified in their primordial heads. To them, they are only one of many.... just another drop in the bucket drawing $$ so it doesn't really matter.

Besides that, it was like every cart would be loaded up with Little-Debbie, Frosted Flakes, Grape Soda, etc, and the food-stamp booklet would be whipped out. Then, after all of the stamps had been used, the shell would just be tossed on the floor. It was like it was almost kind of a not-so-secret act of war to get bussed out on mass-transit (on the taxpayer's dime) to wh***y's nice supermarket, litter it up, and then rub it in his face by blatantly paying for their processed junk food with his hard-earned tax dollars. They'd be sure to tow out all 6 kids of theirs for good measure.

It was the same on Halloween as well in my "racially changing" neighborhood as after the area residential kids were done trick-or-treating for the first couple hours between 6-8, the inner-city kids would be out at about 8:30PM and try and hustle any houses with their lights still on for free candy. After 5 or 6 years of this, most houses in the neighborhood turned their lights off by 8:30 or so so the inner-city families would not approach their door with like 7 black kids not even in costume jumping out of a minivan and demanding candy. After a few years most of the neighborhood just stopped participating in Halloween all together as most of the residents just got sick of the pretty blatant attempt to secure free food like this.

I see no point in subsidizing people who live like pigs and can't even use a f-ing trash can. I mean, by all means, live it up on the dole, and get dat fwee health care as well.


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08 Oct 2010, 11:58 am

Hanotaux wrote:
I remember as a boy, when the stamps used to come in a booklet............. It used to be the discarded empty Food-Stamp booklet shells used to just absolutely litter the Supermarket floors after all the stamps had been torn out, kind of like discarded losing pull-tabs at a carnival. By the evening, the grocery store janitors would have a massive task cleaning up piles and piles of stamp-booklets that had just been littered all over the store.

I think that was a formative thing that began to sour me on relief assistance and minority assistance, etc. I mean, if they couldn't even be bothered to discard their waste and their generously-given free money like human beings, and they were going to so carelessly litter, than WTF should taxpayer money be lavished on them if they are too lazy to put their refuse in a f-ing trash can. Its like rubbing salt in the would to see people on benefits take YOUR hard-earned money and they can't even have have the common decency to at least get in and discreetly buy their Little Debbies and then get out without making a mess. But then again, that is just 'the sort' getting those benefits, and its not like they give a damn........... they just think the money is magically entitled to them because of "slavery," or its their due. They think the rules don't apply to them because their ancestors were "oppressed," and that some magic funds will sponsor thier torpor and 'other half' lifestyles, which is absolutely justified in their primordial heads. To them, they are only one of many.... just another drop in the bucket drawing $$ so it doesn't really matter.

Besides that, it was like every cart would be loaded up with Little-Debbie, Frosted Flakes, Grape Soda, etc, and the food-stamp booklet would be whipped out. Then, after all of the stamps had been used, the shell would just be tossed on the floor. It was like it was almost kind of a not-so-secret act of war to get bussed out on mass-transit (on the taxpayer's dime) to wh***y's nice supermarket, litter it up, and then rub it in his face by blatantly paying for their processed junk food with his hard-earned tax dollars. They'd be sure to tow out all 6 kids of theirs for good measure.

It was the same on Halloween as well in my "racially changing" neighborhood as after the area residential kids were done trick-or-treating for the first couple hours between 6-8, the inner-city kids would be out at about 8:30PM and try and hustle any houses with their lights still on for free candy. After 5 or 6 years of this, most houses in the neighborhood turned their lights off by 8:30 or so so the inner-city families would not approach their door with like 7 black kids not even in costume jumping out of a minivan and demanding candy. After a few years most of the neighborhood just stopped participating in Halloween all together as most of the residents just got sick of the pretty blatant attempt to secure free food like this.

I see no point in subsidizing people who live like pigs and can't even use a f-ing trash can. I mean, by all means, live it up on the dole, and get dat fwee health care as well.

cool ridiculously hyperbolic racist rant, bro. know, i think you might have gotten lost on your way home.

Waltur the Walrus Slayer,
Militant Asantist.
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08 Oct 2010, 12:18 pm

Hanotaux wrote:
I remember as a boy, when the stamps used to come in a booklet............. It used to be the discarded empty Food-Stamp booklet shells used to just absolutely litter the Supermarket floors after all the stamps had been torn out, kind of like discarded losing pull-tabs at a carnival. By the evening, the grocery store janitors would have a massive task cleaning up piles and piles of stamp-booklets that had just been littered all over the store.

I think that was a formative thing that began to sour me on relief assistance and minority assistance, etc. I mean, if they couldn't even be bothered to discard their waste and their generously-given free money like human beings, and they were going to so carelessly litter, than WTF should taxpayer money be lavished on them if they are too lazy to put their refuse in a f-ing trash can. Its like rubbing salt in the would to see people on benefits take YOUR hard-earned money and they can't even have have the common decency to at least get in and discreetly buy their Little Debbies and then get out without making a mess. But then again, that is just 'the sort' getting those benefits, and its not like they give a damn........... they just think the money is magically entitled to them because of "slavery," or its their due. They think the rules don't apply to them because their ancestors were "oppressed," and that some magic funds will sponsor thier torpor and 'other half' lifestyles, which is absolutely justified in their primordial heads. To them, they are only one of many.... just another drop in the bucket drawing $$ so it doesn't really matter.

Besides that, it was like every cart would be loaded up with Little-Debbie, Frosted Flakes, Grape Soda, etc, and the food-stamp booklet would be whipped out. Then, after all of the stamps had been used, the shell would just be tossed on the floor. It was like it was almost kind of a not-so-secret act of war to get bussed out on mass-transit (on the taxpayer's dime) to wh***y's nice supermarket, litter it up, and then rub it in his face by blatantly paying for their processed junk food with his hard-earned tax dollars. They'd be sure to tow out all 6 kids of theirs for good measure.

It was the same on Halloween as well in my "racially changing" neighborhood as after the area residential kids were done trick-or-treating for the first couple hours between 6-8, the inner-city kids would be out at about 8:30PM and try and hustle any houses with their lights still on for free candy. After 5 or 6 years of this, most houses in the neighborhood turned their lights off by 8:30 or so so the inner-city families would not approach their door with like 7 black kids not even in costume jumping out of a minivan and demanding candy. After a few years most of the neighborhood just stopped participating in Halloween all together as most of the residents just got sick of the pretty blatant attempt to secure free food like this.

I see no point in subsidizing people who live like pigs and can't even use a f-ing trash can. I mean, by all means, live it up on the dole, and get dat fwee health care as well.

This was a cut and paste from The Onion, right?


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08 Oct 2010, 1:00 pm

waltur wrote:
Hanotaux wrote:
I remember as a boy, when the stamps used to come in a booklet............. <rant>......

cool ridiculously hyperbolic racist rant, bro. know, i think you might have gotten lost on your way home.

He left out the part where the minority kids stole his candy.

But seriously, even if 90% of recipients are abusing the system it's still not worth junking the whole thing and going to a conservatopia where responsible people who are down on their luck end up starving to death on the streets.


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08 Oct 2010, 2:13 pm

marshall wrote:
He left out the part where the minority kids stole his candy.

But seriously, even if 90% of recipients are abusing the system it's still not worth junking the whole thing and going to a conservatopia where responsible people who are down on their luck end up starving to death on the streets.

90% fraud would make me rethink the execution of the process. But in essence I agree. We can choose to help all the people that deserve it and accept that means some that don't will be in the line, or we can make sure none that are undeserving are in the line and miss some in need. I prefer to go with the latter.


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08 Oct 2010, 3:22 pm

Orwell wrote:
"Get your government hands off my food stamps?"

Once the government says it wants to ban junk food outright, I'll join you in your outrage. But the idea that the government gets a say in what you spend government money on seems reasonable enough to me.

I think that's the idea, it "seems reasonable" because it only affects a small segment of people that many can get behind controlling because they're receiving public aid and an argument can be made for directing what they do with it. Look at the things the same people behind this are pushing though, restrictions that effect everyone based on what they think our best interests are such as trans fat bans or salt restrictions in restaurants, using the public good as a stalking horse to advance ever greater control of our lives. It might sound overblown to call this a "they came for the Jews..." moment, but it's more a difference of degree than of actual substance; this is the camel's nose.

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08 Oct 2010, 3:31 pm

Orwell wrote:
"Get your government hands off my food stamps?"

Once the government says it wants to ban junk food outright, I'll join you in your outrage. But the idea that the government gets a say in what you spend government money on seems reasonable enough to me.

I agree. Yes, it is Nanny-ish. But since the Nannies are the ones paying for dinner, it is reasonable they should decide what to pay for.

Nobody is being forbidden to have sugary drinks. The only thing that has happened here is the government has said, "we won't give you any sugary drinks for free".


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08 Oct 2010, 3:33 pm

Dox47 wrote:
Orwell wrote:
"Get your government hands off my food stamps?"

Once the government says it wants to ban junk food outright, I'll join you in your outrage. But the idea that the government gets a say in what you spend government money on seems reasonable enough to me.

I think that's the idea, it "seems reasonable" because it only affects a small segment of people that many can get behind controlling because they're receiving public aid and an argument can be made for directing what they do with it. Look at the things the same people behind this are pushing though, restrictions that effect everyone based on what they think our best interests are such as trans fat bans or salt restrictions in restaurants, using the public good as a stalking horse to advance ever greater control of our lives. It might sound overblown to call this a "they came for the Jews..." moment, but it's more a difference of degree than of actual substance; this is the camel's nose.

I can see you are going for a Slippery Slope argument. But all that has actually happened is that the government stopped giving people free sugary drinks. Now they have to use their own money if they want them.


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08 Oct 2010, 3:36 pm

Janissy wrote:

I agree. Yes, it is Nanny-ish. But since the Nannies are the ones paying for dinner, it is reasonable they should decide what to pay for.


The Nannies do no such thing. They operate on funds stolen (taxed) from productive people.



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08 Oct 2010, 3:47 pm

Dox47 wrote:
Orwell wrote:
"Get your government hands off my food stamps?"

Once the government says it wants to ban junk food outright, I'll join you in your outrage. But the idea that the government gets a say in what you spend government money on seems reasonable enough to me.

I think that's the idea, it "seems reasonable" because it only affects a small segment of people that many can get behind controlling because they're receiving public aid and an argument can be made for directing what they do with it. Look at the things the same people behind this are pushing though, restrictions that effect everyone based on what they think our best interests are such as trans fat bans or salt restrictions in restaurants, using the public good as a stalking horse to advance ever greater control of our lives. It might sound overblown to call this a "they came for the Jews..." moment, but it's more a difference of degree than of actual substance; this is the camel's nose.

dox, do you agree with the rules about food stamps pertaining to alcohol and tobacco?


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08 Oct 2010, 3:54 pm

waltur wrote:

dox, do you agree with the rules about food stamps pertaining to alcohol and tobacco?

Once one buys the idea of tax funded food stamps run by a government agency, one buys the entire package. If the government can steal money to buy food for the poor, then they can tell the teat sucking poor what they can buy and even what they can eat.
