Christian broadcaster: Ebola could be a good thing

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02 Oct 2014, 6:35 pm

Spiderpig, agreed.

The_Walrus wrote:
Deaths, particularly painful deaths, are always a bad thing.

I think the world would probably benefit from VHE, but it would benefit more from humans living in a genuinely sustainable way. Every extinction is intrinsically a bad thing, imo - loss of humanity would still be a loss of biodiversity.

Very true. And as the arguably most-intelligent form of life we know about, and for all we know (to date) the most advanced form of life that has ever come to exist in the universe, that would be quite a loss. We are on the verge of getting to know and do so many really cool things, too. It would be a shame to lose it all and say goodbye now.

You also made me think, both voluntary human extinction and a slow death via climactic and ecological destruction may not allow the rest of life on earth to recover as quickly as it would if we learn to do the responsible thing and actually work on correcting the problems we've introduced. It took all of us to mess it up, and it will probably take all of us to clean it up, too. I don't mind doing that. Indeed, it may offer more hope for all life.


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03 Oct 2014, 1:22 am

Janissy wrote:
Andreger wrote:
Ha, Ebola'd rather decrease Christian populaion a bit - look at religion statistics of Western Africa. And that's rather good.
Anyway our planet is overpopulated so maybe even from this point of view Ebola is not bad thing.

Say what? :evil: It's not rather good that any population decreases by violent, horrible death.

Christian deserves - they mostly thinks like this priest, they always wanted to destroy atheism, panagism, human rights and everything else which they doesn't like. All church's history is the history of struggling against both non-christian ancient traditions and everything progressive, they tend to appreciate their fantasy book more than fates of people. Even now it's true.


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03 Oct 2014, 1:24 am

This reminds me of a pentecostal pastor I knew who once preached, "I hope they never find a cure for aids."

Same us vs them logic. Only the righteous will prevail. :roll:

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03 Oct 2014, 1:40 am

Narrator wrote:
This reminds me of a pentecostal pastor I knew who once preached, "I hope they never find a cure for aids."

Same us vs them logic. Only the righteous will prevail. :roll:

I hope they find a cure for stupidity.
And it says in the Bible that the sun will shine on the just and unjust alike. Unlike most of that book this one pretty much conforms with reality.


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03 Oct 2014, 5:06 am

It might be because the Sun was here long before that book, and the very species its authors and followers belong to, and life itself on Earth existed and couldn?t give any less of a f*** about what concepts, like morals, those insignificant living beings choose to develop to run their societies 8)

The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.


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03 Oct 2014, 2:18 pm

If Mr. Bagdadi came down with ebola, and it were to spread down the chain of command to infect all ISIS fighters, and if the virus "knew" not to infect innocent non ISIS members, then it WOULD be a good thing. But that unlikely scenario is the only way I can imagine an ebola outbreak becoming a "good" thing.


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08 Oct 2014, 7:45 pm

Ohhh, yes, only people who are evil as in people who are non-heterosexual, or non-Christian, or don't pray, or speak ill of the church, will get the disease. :roll: That's what they thought during The Black Death when there was no knowledge or education about germs, Christan people thought bathing was unsanitary and blamed and attacked Jewish people and other minorities since they hardly ever got the plague (they bathed more than once a decade). Of course we know about germs and viruses now but golly goshamighty forgive my foul language but everyone knows germs only make people sick because they've been BAD. Like that time I had a cold? That was because I didn't say "grace" before eating. :roll:

Why do I go on this forum when it nearly always makes me very angry? Oh that's right, I love being angry! :twisted: