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07 Oct 2018, 9:22 am

domineekee wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
And racial prejudice is still not the same thing as true racism.

Ok, they're not racist, I just can't stand their smug sanctimony as they stigmatize groups and apportion shame. My problem.

Believe me I can't stand people like that either so I know how you feel. They are just as bad.


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07 Oct 2018, 9:43 am

SJWs are delusional and think they are right and so closed in their views. They don't like to hear different perspectives different than their own. Funny thing is, they are called leftists. They also call themselves feminists but feminism seems to become "Agree with me or you are a bigot" than to mean equal rights and it seems to become snowflake attitude and not seeing reality and expecting unrealistic expectations on people. Also many activists are SJW because they are like this too.

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07 Oct 2018, 9:56 am

League_Girl wrote:
SJWs are delusional and think they are right and so closed in their views. They don't like to hear different perspectives different than their own. Funny thing is, they are called leftists. They also call themselves feminists but feminism seems to become "Agree with me or you are a bigot" than to mean equal rights and it seems to become snowflake attitude and not seeing reality and expecting unrealistic expectations on people. Also many activists are SJW because they are like this too.

I completely agree. I feel like true feminism should be about wanting the same equal rights for both genders and addressing the problems that both women and men experience in society (like why are men always forced to get drafted in wars and why are women always pressured into thinking they have to get married and have babies?).

Instead modern feminism has basically turned into a bunch of angry man-haters blaming men for all the problems in the world.

But what would I know? I'm a man after all. :mrgreen:


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07 Oct 2018, 11:38 am

TW1ZTY wrote:
domineekee wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
They lump all heterosexual white men together into being something evil

As a white dude, you can never experience racism or sexism so check your privilege and STFU! :wink:

It's such a regimented mentality, doesn't it just make everybody miserable?

See this is the way I view it. A white man really can't be a victim of racism or sexism because the truth is white people and males do have more power in the world than anybody else. They can however be subjected to the same unfair prejudice that anyone else can can be subjected to.

(If you ever went to third world countries like Guatemala and learned about how our developed countries exploit them you would understand what I'm talking about)

The true definition of racism and sexism is the idea that your own race or gender is surperior to all others because they have more control and influence in the world. A black person really can't be racist towards a white person because they aren't the ones controlling this country but they can still be prejudice towards white people because of their skin color, just like women really can't be sexist towards men in any culture because they are always regarded as the weaker sex but you always have angry women who openly hate men just because of their gender.

This definition of racism is
Oxford dictionary definition
Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Merriam Webster definition of sexism
prejudice or discrimination based on sex
especially : discrimination against women
2 : behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex

Anybody of any race or sex can be racist and or sexist, it really is that simple or more accurately was that simple. The definitions was expanded arguably for educational purposes. At this point those terms, especially racism has been weaponized, its main purposes these days is to guilt trip people and dismiss arguments from other people because of how they were born and in the case of social justice warriors by physical or cyber means to forcefully silence opinions deemed incorrect, racist, sexist etc.

Also, the common usage of describing hatred against Mexicans as racist is also wrong because Mexicans are not a race. Calling someone a bigot, or calling them prejudiced should be just as bad but somehow is not anymore because racist is the go to stigma to put on people these days and has been for the last few decades.

Words change meaning all the time. If you should agree with the change depends on the circumstances. The definition of Autism has expanded from a form of intellectual disability to a spectrum. There are legitimate scientific reasons for the that. The idea to expand the definition of racism etc to include how one is born was flawed from the beginning because it is inherently bigoted. It is also counterproductive. Even if the usage of the expanded terms in its most non-nefarious form to teach people in the majority that they should be open that minorities have harsher life experiences is counterproductive because in the vast majority of people take it as an ACCUSATION.

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07 Oct 2018, 11:53 am

ASPartOfMe wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
domineekee wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
They lump all heterosexual white men together into being something evil

As a white dude, you can never experience racism or sexism so check your privilege and STFU! :wink:

It's such a regimented mentality, doesn't it just make everybody miserable?

See this is the way I view it. A white man really can't be a victim of racism or sexism because the truth is white people and males do have more power in the world than anybody else. They can however be subjected to the same unfair prejudice that anyone else can can be subjected to.

(If you ever went to third world countries like Guatemala and learned about how our developed countries exploit them you would understand what I'm talking about)

The true definition of racism and sexism is the idea that your own race or gender is surperior to all others because they have more control and influence in the world. A black person really can't be racist towards a white person because they aren't the ones controlling this country but they can still be prejudice towards white people because of their skin color, just like women really can't be sexist towards men in any culture because they are always regarded as the weaker sex but you always have angry women who openly hate men just because of their gender.

This definition of racism is
Oxford dictionary definition
Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Merriam Webster definition of sexism
prejudice or discrimination based on sex
especially : discrimination against women
2 : behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex

Anybody of any race or sex can be racist and or sexist, it really is that simple or more accurately was that simple. The definitions was expanded arguably for educational purposes. At this point those terms, especially racism has been weaponized, its main purposes these days is to guilt trip people and dismiss arguments from other people because of how they were born and in the case of social justice warriors by physical or cyber means to forcefully silence opinions deemed incorrect, racist, sexist etc.

Also, the common usage of describing hatred against Mexicans as racist is also wrong because Mexicans are not a race. Calling someone a bigot, or calling them prejudiced should be just as bad but somehow is not anymore because racist is the go to stigma to put on people these days and has been for the last few decades.

Words change meaning all the time. If you should agree with the change depends on the circumstances. The definition of Autism has expanded from a form of intellectual disability to a spectrum. There are legitimate scientific reasons for the that. The idea to expand the definition of racism etc to include how one is born was flawed from the beginning because it is inherently bigoted. It is also counterproductive. Even if the usage of the expanded terms in its most non-nefarious form to teach people in the majority that they should be open that minorities have different life experience is counterproductive because in the vast majority it will be taken as an ACCUSATION.

Well I was explaining racism and sexism by how my Mom explained it to me so if I got my sources wrong it's because of her. :mrgreen:

And I am already aware of the fact that Mexicans and Hispanics are not a race, they are a culture and you can have a variety of different races living in their culture. Some are descended from the native people that lived in the areas before the colonists arrived and some are descended from the colonists who came over from countries like Spain and Portugal. Some are also descended from the slaves brought over from Africa during the slave trade.

But yeah we Americans are ignorant and tend to think that all Hispanics look like brown-skin dark-haired people. Hell I used to think that too until I met my teacher who was from Puerto Rico and she was a white woman with red hair and blue eyes.

If there was better education we would have less ignorance wouldn't we? :D


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07 Oct 2018, 1:03 pm

I'll add another thought - I consider it cynical in that it seems like they've completely given up on any concept of 'growing the pie' or ideas that you can synergistically make things better for everyone and really doing so by starting at the bottom level of how you treat people. A society that's at war with itself is a crap place and time to live.

This is where I think Jordan Peterson's criticisms of them are 20/20. It's not just SJW's who want to shirk the responsibility of becoming the sorts of people who make the world better (ie. if you really care about these topics you'll put that work in) - it's most people in general who have that tendency and too many, too easily these days, go right into tribal warfare because its far easier than considering that both culture and politics going awry are downstream from a decay in individual integrity.

The point is who cares if you make yourself way better than you were and no one else follows suite - you end up way happier, getting way more done, quite likely even changing people's minds (because you can through good faith and displays of personal integrity) far more than you ever could by yelling, picking, or brow-beating.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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07 Oct 2018, 4:34 pm

League_Girl wrote:
SJWs are delusional and think they are right and so closed in their views. They don't like to hear different perspectives different than their own. Funny thing is, they are called leftists. They also call themselves feminists but feminism seems to become "Agree with me or you are a bigot" than to mean equal rights and it seems to become snowflake attitude and not seeing reality and expecting unrealistic expectations on people. Also many activists are SJW because they are like this too.

Somebody in this thread mentioned that they are trolls and I honestly think some of them relish how trollish their viewpoints come across as and how it can wind you up. Like, why don't they have the decency to put a counter-argument forward if you take exception to any of their viewpoints? Obviously they usually have poor arguments anyway, but it is as if they think they are above arguing because they are so 'correct'. Conceited af.


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07 Oct 2018, 4:59 pm

I really don't think they're trolls. I think people might assume that because they're afraid of what people can still sincerely believe, ie. there's a sort of Rousseauian assumption smuggled into that assumption.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin

Last edited by techstepgenr8tion on 07 Oct 2018, 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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07 Oct 2018, 5:04 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
I really don't think they're trolls. I think people might assume that because they're afraid of what people can still sincerely believe, ie. there's a sort of Rousseauian assumption smuggled in there.

Yeah they're just extremists, not trolls.


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07 Oct 2018, 6:06 pm

TW1ZTY wrote:
Drake wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
domineekee wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
They lump all heterosexual white men together into being something evil

As a white dude, you can never experience racism or sexism so check your privilege and STFU! :wink:

It's such a regimented mentality, doesn't it just make everybody miserable?

See this is the way I view it. A white man really can't be a victim of racism or sexism because the truth is white people and males do have more power in the world than anybody else. They can however be subjected to the same unfair prejudice that anyone else can can be subjected to.

(If you ever went to third world countries like Guatemala and learned about how our developed countries exploit them you would understand what I'm talking about)

The true definition of racism and sexism is the idea that your own race or gender is surperior to all others because they have more control and influence in the world. A black person really can't be racist towards a white person because they aren't the ones controlling this country but they can still be prejudice towards white people because of their skin color, just like women really can't be sexist towards men in any culture because they are always regarded as the weaker sex but you always have angry women who openly hate men just because of their gender.

Racial prejudice is racism. Same for sexism. End of story. Even if you simply don't extend the same courtesies to one group as to another because of them being white or male, you're pushing them below the other group in some way.

I guess some of you guys really don't understand what I'm saying.

Racism, xenophobia, bigotry, and prejudice are all different things. They may all sound the same because it all involves putting somebody down just because of who they are but they are not the same things. But it is wrong to do any of those things to somebody else.

Let me try something else.

Theft is theft, whether it's one guy swiping an apple or a gang cleaning out a jewellers. Obviously one is much worse than the other, and would be dealt with more harshly by the law accordingly, but it's still theft.


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07 Oct 2018, 6:19 pm

Drake wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Drake wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
domineekee wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
They lump all heterosexual white men together into being something evil

As a white dude, you can never experience racism or sexism so check your privilege and STFU! :wink:

It's such a regimented mentality, doesn't it just make everybody miserable?

See this is the way I view it. A white man really can't be a victim of racism or sexism because the truth is white people and males do have more power in the world than anybody else. They can however be subjected to the same unfair prejudice that anyone else can can be subjected to.

(If you ever went to third world countries like Guatemala and learned about how our developed countries exploit them you would understand what I'm talking about)

The true definition of racism and sexism is the idea that your own race or gender is surperior to all others because they have more control and influence in the world. A black person really can't be racist towards a white person because they aren't the ones controlling this country but they can still be prejudice towards white people because of their skin color, just like women really can't be sexist towards men in any culture because they are always regarded as the weaker sex but you always have angry women who openly hate men just because of their gender.

Racial prejudice is racism. Same for sexism. End of story. Even if you simply don't extend the same courtesies to one group as to another because of them being white or male, you're pushing them below the other group in some way.

I guess some of you guys really don't understand what I'm saying.

Racism, xenophobia, bigotry, and prejudice are all different things. They may all sound the same because it all involves putting somebody down just because of who they are but they are not the same things. But it is wrong to do any of those things to somebody else.

Let me try something else.

Theft is theft, whether it's one guy swiping an apple or a gang cleaning out a jewellers. Obviously one is much worse than the other, and would be dealt with more harshly by the law accordingly, but it's still theft.

Didn't I already acknowledge that I was wrong a few posts back? :roll:


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07 Oct 2018, 6:32 pm

TW1ZTY wrote:
Drake wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Drake wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
domineekee wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
They lump all heterosexual white men together into being something evil

As a white dude, you can never experience racism or sexism so check your privilege and STFU! :wink:

It's such a regimented mentality, doesn't it just make everybody miserable?

See this is the way I view it. A white man really can't be a victim of racism or sexism because the truth is white people and males do have more power in the world than anybody else. They can however be subjected to the same unfair prejudice that anyone else can can be subjected to.

(If you ever went to third world countries like Guatemala and learned about how our developed countries exploit them you would understand what I'm talking about)

The true definition of racism and sexism is the idea that your own race or gender is surperior to all others because they have more control and influence in the world. A black person really can't be racist towards a white person because they aren't the ones controlling this country but they can still be prejudice towards white people because of their skin color, just like women really can't be sexist towards men in any culture because they are always regarded as the weaker sex but you always have angry women who openly hate men just because of their gender.

Racial prejudice is racism. Same for sexism. End of story. Even if you simply don't extend the same courtesies to one group as to another because of them being white or male, you're pushing them below the other group in some way.

I guess some of you guys really don't understand what I'm saying.

Racism, xenophobia, bigotry, and prejudice are all different things. They may all sound the same because it all involves putting somebody down just because of who they are but they are not the same things. But it is wrong to do any of those things to somebody else.

Let me try something else.

Theft is theft, whether it's one guy swiping an apple or a gang cleaning out a jewellers. Obviously one is much worse than the other, and would be dealt with more harshly by the law accordingly, but it's still theft.

Didn't I already acknowledge that I was wrong a few posts back? :roll:

I wasn't sure if you understood properly. Just trying to help. Glad to see you get it. :)


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07 Oct 2018, 6:41 pm

Drake wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Drake wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Drake wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
domineekee wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
They lump all heterosexual white men together into being something evil

As a white dude, you can never experience racism or sexism so check your privilege and STFU! :wink:

It's such a regimented mentality, doesn't it just make everybody miserable?

See this is the way I view it. A white man really can't be a victim of racism or sexism because the truth is white people and males do have more power in the world than anybody else. They can however be subjected to the same unfair prejudice that anyone else can can be subjected to.

(If you ever went to third world countries like Guatemala and learned about how our developed countries exploit them you would understand what I'm talking about)

The true definition of racism and sexism is the idea that your own race or gender is surperior to all others because they have more control and influence in the world. A black person really can't be racist towards a white person because they aren't the ones controlling this country but they can still be prejudice towards white people because of their skin color, just like women really can't be sexist towards men in any culture because they are always regarded as the weaker sex but you always have angry women who openly hate men just because of their gender.

Racial prejudice is racism. Same for sexism. End of story. Even if you simply don't extend the same courtesies to one group as to another because of them being white or male, you're pushing them below the other group in some way.

I guess some of you guys really don't understand what I'm saying.

Racism, xenophobia, bigotry, and prejudice are all different things. They may all sound the same because it all involves putting somebody down just because of who they are but they are not the same things. But it is wrong to do any of those things to somebody else.

Let me try something else.

Theft is theft, whether it's one guy swiping an apple or a gang cleaning out a jewellers. Obviously one is much worse than the other, and would be dealt with more harshly by the law accordingly, but it's still theft.

Didn't I already acknowledge that I was wrong a few posts back? :roll:

I wasn't sure if you understood properly. Just trying to help. Glad to see you get it. :)

Yeah being prejudice to anybody because of who they are on the outside is wrong no matter what. We are all human beings no matter what our race, gender, nationality, sexuality, religion, class, age, or mental wellness is.

And even if I wasn't understanding racism and sexism I still didn't think it was right for people to hate white men. They're not all so bad. :wink:


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07 Oct 2018, 6:44 pm

There are five inescapable facts regarding Social Justice Warriors:

(1) One side's 'Social Justice Warrior' is the other side's 'Troll'.

(2) One side is indistinguishable from the other to an outside observer.

(3) Both sides (collectively) become The Unruly Mob.

(4) All that The Unruly Mob needs to justify its existence is a head on a pike.

(5) Any head will do.


No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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07 Oct 2018, 6:46 pm

blitzkrieg wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
SJWs are delusional and think they are right and so closed in their views. They don't like to hear different perspectives different than their own. Funny thing is, they are called leftists. They also call themselves feminists but feminism seems to become "Agree with me or you are a bigot" than to mean equal rights and it seems to become snowflake attitude and not seeing reality and expecting unrealistic expectations on people. Also many activists are SJW because they are like this too.

Somebody in this thread mentioned that they are trolls and I honestly think some of them relish how trollish their viewpoints come across as and how it can wind you up. Like, why don't they have the decency to put a counter-argument forward if you take exception to any of their viewpoints? Obviously they usually have poor arguments anyway, but it is as if they think they are above arguing because they are so 'correct'. Conceited af.

Fact activists have used arguments like "If it costs more to make bigger sizes, then sizes small, medium, and large, wouldn't be prices all the same."

"Doctors ignore all my symptoms and blame it on my size and try and put me on a diet but they wouldn't do that with thin people."

"I am fat and I am still healthy and have no medical problems."

And they think there is a conspiracy that places deliberately refuse to make bigger seats, refuse to sell bigger sizes, refuse to make bigger sizes, etc. as a way to get rid of fat people. No it's supply and demand. No stores are not keeping plus sizes in the back or keeping them online only as a way to get rid of fat people, the demand is just not high enough for them to have them out in the store. They have limited space and want to save room for high demand. No hospitals are not refusing to operate on fat people because they hate fat people, it's because it's a safety risk and body fat being wrapped around body organs makes it very dangerous for operations. No they are not putting you on a diet because they are fatphobic, it's about safety risk when you need surgery. No doctors are not refusing you medication because they are fatphobic, it's about them not being able to give you the right dosage because of your size, giving you the dosage you would need for your weight would also be very dangerous if you took that much medicine in high dose. No, hospitals not having equipment for 600 plus pounds is not because they don't want to work with fat people, it's because they never have gotten any patients that are that big and no one is going to spend money on equipment when they don't even get patients that heavy. If they get a heavy patient, they then have to transport them to a hospital that has heavy equipment for them and specialists that know how to work with their weight. No, fire men are not leaving fat people to die in fires because they hate fat people, it's because they have no way of saving a 500 pound person because it takes them several hours to get them out and requires other equipment and and the fire does not give them enough time. There is no way they can get a 500 lb person out of there in time.

They are really this stupid I question their intelligence and this is why I would never see a therapist that is a fat activist and believes in this BS. I would question their competence as a therapist and I want to see a smart therapist, not a stupid one who doesn't understand reality and falls for BS and I would wonder what other things are they telling me that are legitimate and not stupid.

Yes I am a fatphobic and a bigot and so prejudiced because I am not stupid enough to buy their BS and believe in their conspiracies and because of science out there proving what excessive body fat does to your body. There have been documentaries out there too to prove it. How can that all be dismissed? Obviously having a little big of extra body fat is not going to affect your health. I have fat family members and I don't hate them. All of them have said they are fat because they don't get enough exercise, because they don't eat right, my husband said it was because he ate for happiness and he always hid in his room from the world as a child. They don't make excuses for why they are fat. Even my mom has admitted she doesn't really want to use her time to work out in the gym. No, I don't expect everyone to have model bodies and I believe people can do whatever they want with their body. But I will never buy into the fatlogic stuff and the BS fat activists make about 400 pounds or 300 pounds and 500 pounds and up. No I will never be convinced that if you are breathing hard from walking or if you are sitting in a scooter because you can't walk far is healthy and if you find simple things many of us take for granted is a work out for you and makes you sweat.

So there you have it, if you buy into their delusion, you are not a bigot or a phobic nor prejudice if you ignore science. This is what activism is now, this is what SJW is. They lie and try and get others to believe it too, they have a mighty victim complex. Sadly some people do fall for their BS so I also question their intelligence. Autistic people who fall for it too, I always think "I thought autistic people were supposed to be logical but I guess not."

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07 Oct 2018, 6:48 pm

Fnord wrote:
There are five inescapable facts regarding Social Justice Warriors:

(1) One side's 'Social Justice Warrior' is the other side's 'Troll'.

(2) One side is indistinguishable from the other to an outside observer.

(3) Both sides (collectively) become The Unruly Mob.

(4) All that The Unruly Mob needs to justify its existence is a head on a pike.

(5) Any head will do.


What about the part where they rip the heart out from their enemy's chest and devour it to gain their opponent's strength? :heart: :skull: