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23 Jan 2019, 3:43 pm

Magna wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Magna wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Magna wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
And yet ironically the poorest white man still tends to think he's above the richest black man.

How do you know this? Conjecture.

o_O Are you kidding me with this? I come from a poor white family in the Deep South so of course I would know this about white people in this US!

I can't count how many times I've heard white men and women living in trailer parks like I did make racist jokes about black people, hispanics, asians, and native americans or complain about being poor and saying crap like "Well maybe if my skin was a little darker I could apply for government assistance!"

My own father was called an Island n****r by my racist uncle because he was Hawaiian (and I have been referred to as a "White Island n****r").

So yeah, do NOT even get me started on that because I do know from personal experience how racist white people living in poverty can be. :roll:

And yeah Fnord I completely agree with you! What a stinky pile of dung. :lol:

I understand that you had the first hand experiences that you describe. When you say: "And yet ironically the poorest white man still tends to think he's above the richest black man.", you're making a sweeping (not all encompassing, but sweeping) generalization. Unless you're getting that info from some study that was conducted on that specific subject, I don't see how you can make such a statement without it being conjecture.

I think when you grow up in a specific culture (I grew up around impoverished white Americans in both Georgia and in Florida) you tend to be your own expert about how your own people tend to behave or do things. You don't even have to be a statistician to know these things about your own culture.

I don't want to belabor the point past this and I'm not picking on you, to be clear.

And yet the [ adjective ] Christian still tends to think [ ].
And yet the [ adjective ] Muslim still tends to think [ ].
And yet the [ adjective ] Autistic still tends to think [ ].
And yet the [ adjective ] heterosexual still tends to think [ ].
And yet the [ adjective ] homosexual still tends to think [ ].
And yet the [ adjective ] man still tends to think [ ].
And yet the [ adjective ] woman still tends to think [ ].

My point simply is that even though any of us may have experience with a relatively small group of a certain category of people doesn't mean all people in that category think a certain way. It's impossible to know that.

If other people are saying this about impoverished white Americans from their own personal experiences than obviously it's not that small of a group that does this. Even Fnord just explained that he had a similar experience as me growing up.

And I'm not trying to say all impoverished white people are racist. I know a lot who aren't the least bit prejudice. But there really IS a mindset that comes with the American white culture that anyone who isn't white is still beneath you even if they have worked hard to get to the top and got an education. Maybe you should go around asking more white people like me and Fnord who grew up in working class families and do a little statistics research about this of your own? I bet you would learn for yourself how true this is.

Edit: Actually maybe that's a stupid idea considering the fact that anyone who is racist will deny actually being racist.

Last edited by TW1ZTY on 23 Jan 2019, 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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23 Jan 2019, 3:44 pm

There are general trends and tendencies for each ethnic group, age group, gender identity, political affiliation, religious affiliation, and so forth. There are also wide variations within each group.

To say that ALL people in a certain group will believe in certain things or behave in certain ways is erroneous, but to say that MOST people in a certain group ARE LIKELY to believe in certain things or behave in certain ways is more accurate, since actuarial studies are based on overall statistical trends, and not on perceptions and opinions.

Pileated woodpecker
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23 Jan 2019, 3:44 pm

"Thus, while the law permits the Americans to do what they please, religion prevents them from conceiving, and forbids them to commit, what is rash or unjust."

"America's identity is freedom. France's identity is freedom, equality and fraternity. Japan has no sense of that. Only greed. Material greed, monetary greed."

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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23 Jan 2019, 3:50 pm


It was vile though . nowadays everything vile is like casually trolling.


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23 Jan 2019, 4:00 pm

cemil wrote:

It was vile though . nowadays everything vile is like casually trolling.

Forgive me for asking but what is that a picture of? Is that guy pouring bleach into the pool? Is that making fun of the term "whitewash"?


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23 Jan 2019, 4:52 pm

Actually I probably don't want to know what that photo was about...

Back to the Banana!



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24 Jan 2019, 12:24 am

LoveNotHate wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Don't forget genocide and oppression of the native people.
And another funny thing people don't seem to acknowledge is how in this country rich white people really look down on poor white people (calling us "white trash" etc).

Most topics here seem to "look down" on poor white people (Trump's base).

Not all poor whites are part of Trump's base. I don't have a pot to urinate in, and neither do my closest friends, but we're all unabashed liberals. Then again, my wife, my friends and I are all of an artistic bent, and tend to be educated and well read. Trump's fan club would no doubt call us effete.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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24 Jan 2019, 12:48 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Don't forget genocide and oppression of the native people.
And another funny thing people don't seem to acknowledge is how in this country rich white people really look down on poor white people (calling us "white trash" etc).

Most topics here seem to "look down" on poor white people (Trump's base).

Not all poor whites are part of Trump's base. I don't have a pot to urinate in, and neither do my closest friends, but we're all unabashed liberals. Then again, my wife, my friends and I are all of an artistic bent, and tend to be educated and well read. Trump's fan club would no doubt call us effete.

Me, my mom, my sister and brothers, and even one of my grandmothers who identifies as Republican all hate Trump and we are all poor too.


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24 Jan 2019, 12:54 am

TW1ZTY wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Don't forget genocide and oppression of the native people.
And another funny thing people don't seem to acknowledge is how in this country rich white people really look down on poor white people (calling us "white trash" etc).

Most topics here seem to "look down" on poor white people (Trump's base).

Not all poor whites are part of Trump's base. I don't have a pot to urinate in, and neither do my closest friends, but we're all unabashed liberals. Then again, my wife, my friends and I are all of an artistic bent, and tend to be educated and well read. Trump's fan club would no doubt call us effete.

Me, my mom, my sister and brothers, and even one of my grandmothers who identifies as Republican all hate Trump and we are all poor too.

Good for you all!
But you know, it's been said that the enchantment of the poor and working class for Trump has been overrated. In fact, a great many people of more middle class standing, who live in fear of "the other" taking their entitled social position from them, make up a great number of Trump's supporters.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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24 Jan 2019, 1:13 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Don't forget genocide and oppression of the native people.
And another funny thing people don't seem to acknowledge is how in this country rich white people really look down on poor white people (calling us "white trash" etc).

Most topics here seem to "look down" on poor white people (Trump's base).

Not all poor whites are part of Trump's base. I don't have a pot to urinate in, and neither do my closest friends, but we're all unabashed liberals. Then again, my wife, my friends and I are all of an artistic bent, and tend to be educated and well read. Trump's fan club would no doubt call us effete.

Me, my mom, my sister and brothers, and even one of my grandmothers who identifies as Republican all hate Trump and we are all poor too.

Good for you all!
But you know, it's been said that the enchantment of the poor and working class for Trump has been overrated. In fact, a great many people of more middle class standing, who live in fear of "the other" taking their entitled social position from them, make up a great number of Trump's supporters.

I think that in a state like Georgia where racist impoverished rednecks are rampant everywhere (of course not every white person in Georgia is a racist redneck, I certainly am not) Trump has pretty much won the majority of people over here for obvious reasons.


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24 Jan 2019, 1:24 am

"Traditional American Values" are based in classical liberalism, "Enlightenment" values, and rebellion against the Crown, and thus, God. So "traditional American values" are actually anti-Traditional.

It is no surprise that the American government has largely been a force for modernity. It has been wrong about many of its foreign policy decision. Just look at Wilson's decision to enter the Great War. With out the US, Germany would have won and the great monarchies of Europe would not have fallen. And without the abdication of the Kaiser, there wouldn't have been the unstable political vacuum for Hitler to come to power.

--Baron Vladimir Harkonnen
The "Enlightenment" was the work of Satan


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24 Jan 2019, 1:31 am

BaronHarkonnen85 wrote:
"Traditional American Values" are based in classical liberalism, "Enlightenment" values, and rebellion against the Crown, and thus, God. So "traditional American values" are actually anti-Traditional.

It is no surprise that the American government has largely been a force for modernity. It has been wrong about many of its foreign policy decision. Just look at Wilson's decision to enter the Great War. With out the US, Germany would have won and the great monarchies of Europe would not have fallen. And without the abdication of the Kaiser, there wouldn't have been the unstable political vacuum for Hitler to come to power.

It feels to me like nowadays the American government is becoming the same oppressive European government that they fought against in wars.


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24 Jan 2019, 2:34 am

TW1ZTY wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Don't forget genocide and oppression of the native people.
And another funny thing people don't seem to acknowledge is how in this country rich white people really look down on poor white people (calling us "white trash" etc).

Most topics here seem to "look down" on poor white people (Trump's base).

Not all poor whites are part of Trump's base. I don't have a pot to urinate in, and neither do my closest friends, but we're all unabashed liberals. Then again, my wife, my friends and I are all of an artistic bent, and tend to be educated and well read. Trump's fan club would no doubt call us effete.

Me, my mom, my sister and brothers, and even one of my grandmothers who identifies as Republican all hate Trump and we are all poor too.

Good for you all!
But you know, it's been said that the enchantment of the poor and working class for Trump has been overrated. In fact, a great many people of more middle class standing, who live in fear of "the other" taking their entitled social position from them, make up a great number of Trump's supporters.

I think that in a state like Georgia where racist impoverished rednecks are rampant everywhere (of course not every white person in Georgia is a racist redneck, I certainly am not) Trump has pretty much won the majority of people over here for obvious reasons.

I've had to swallow a bitter pill with the realization that the east side of Washington state, where I reside, is much more conservative than most of us wanted to believe. Spokane and the adjacent area has each foot in different regions of the country. One foot is firmly planted on the west coast, with it's culture of cosmopolitan tolerance, while the other is set in the Rocky Mountain west, in particular sharing values and prejudices with Idaho and Montana. While I enjoy the history and romanticism of my region's old west legacy, I find myself culturally in tune with the west coast.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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24 Jan 2019, 2:44 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Don't forget genocide and oppression of the native people.
And another funny thing people don't seem to acknowledge is how in this country rich white people really look down on poor white people (calling us "white trash" etc).

Most topics here seem to "look down" on poor white people (Trump's base).

Not all poor whites are part of Trump's base. I don't have a pot to urinate in, and neither do my closest friends, but we're all unabashed liberals. Then again, my wife, my friends and I are all of an artistic bent, and tend to be educated and well read. Trump's fan club would no doubt call us effete.

Me, my mom, my sister and brothers, and even one of my grandmothers who identifies as Republican all hate Trump and we are all poor too.

Good for you all!
But you know, it's been said that the enchantment of the poor and working class for Trump has been overrated. In fact, a great many people of more middle class standing, who live in fear of "the other" taking their entitled social position from them, make up a great number of Trump's supporters.

I think that in a state like Georgia where racist impoverished rednecks are rampant everywhere (of course not every white person in Georgia is a racist redneck, I certainly am not) Trump has pretty much won the majority of people over here for obvious reasons.

I've had to swallow a bitter pill with the realization that the east side of Washington state, where I reside, is much more conservative than most of us wanted to believe. Spokane and the adjacent area has each foot in different regions of the country. One foot is firmly planted on the west coast, with it's culture of cosmopolitan tolerance, while the other is set in the Rocky Mountain west, in particular sharing values and prejudices with Idaho and Montana. While I enjoy the history and romanticism of my region's old west legacy, I find myself culturally in tune with the west coast.

I knew a woman from Montana who was very racist I have an uncle who is a black man who came to visit us in Pensacola, Florida and this woman saw him and called the cops because she assumed he was some sort of criminal trying to break into our house and I was very offended by that...

Is it true that there's not a lot of black people that live in Montana? I've heard that the further north you go in the US the less black people you find unless you're in big cities. Here in the deep south we actually have a very high population of African Americans living in states like Georgia even in small towns like Thomasville and Cairo where I grew up.

And there are things I love about Georgia despite the history of slavery and black oppression. Georgia really is a very beautiful and friendly state. I like it better than Florida. :)


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24 Jan 2019, 2:50 am

TW1ZTY wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Don't forget genocide and oppression of the native people.
And another funny thing people don't seem to acknowledge is how in this country rich white people really look down on poor white people (calling us "white trash" etc).

Most topics here seem to "look down" on poor white people (Trump's base).

Not all poor whites are part of Trump's base. I don't have a pot to urinate in, and neither do my closest friends, but we're all unabashed liberals. Then again, my wife, my friends and I are all of an artistic bent, and tend to be educated and well read. Trump's fan club would no doubt call us effete.

Me, my mom, my sister and brothers, and even one of my grandmothers who identifies as Republican all hate Trump and we are all poor too.

Good for you all!
But you know, it's been said that the enchantment of the poor and working class for Trump has been overrated. In fact, a great many people of more middle class standing, who live in fear of "the other" taking their entitled social position from them, make up a great number of Trump's supporters.

I think that in a state like Georgia where racist impoverished rednecks are rampant everywhere (of course not every white person in Georgia is a racist redneck, I certainly am not) Trump has pretty much won the majority of people over here for obvious reasons.

I've had to swallow a bitter pill with the realization that the east side of Washington state, where I reside, is much more conservative than most of us wanted to believe. Spokane and the adjacent area has each foot in different regions of the country. One foot is firmly planted on the west coast, with it's culture of cosmopolitan tolerance, while the other is set in the Rocky Mountain west, in particular sharing values and prejudices with Idaho and Montana. While I enjoy the history and romanticism of my region's old west legacy, I find myself culturally in tune with the west coast.

I knew a woman from Montana who was very racist I have an uncle who is a black man who came to visit us in Pensacola, Florida and this woman saw him and called the cops because she assumed he was some sort of criminal trying to break into our house and I was very offended by that...

Is it true that there's not a lot of black people that live in Montana? I've heard that the further north you go in the US the less black people you find unless you're in big cities. Here in the deep south we actually have a very high population of African Americans living in states like Georgia even in small towns like Thomasville and Cairo wh
And there are things I love about Georgia despite the history of slavery and black oppression. Georgia really is a very beautiful and friendly state. I like it better than Florida. :)

It's pretty much true. The Pacific Northwest, despite having a comparatively decent history concerning black Americans, is for the most part lily white. But there are more black people appearing around the Spokane area these days.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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24 Jan 2019, 3:09 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
TW1ZTY wrote:
Don't forget genocide and oppression of the native people.
And another funny thing people don't seem to acknowledge is how in this country rich white people really look down on poor white people (calling us "white trash" etc).

Most topics here seem to "look down" on poor white people (Trump's base).

Not all poor whites are part of Trump's base. I don't have a pot to urinate in, and neither do my closest friends, but we're all unabashed liberals. Then again, my wife, my friends and I are all of an artistic bent, and tend to be educated and well read. Trump's fan club would no doubt call us effete.

Me, my mom, my sister and brothers, and even one of my grandmothers who identifies as Republican all hate Trump and we are all poor too.

Good for you all!
But you know, it's been said that the enchantment of the poor and working class for Trump has been overrated. In fact, a great many people of more middle class standing, who live in fear of "the other" taking their entitled social position from them, make up a great number of Trump's supporters.

I think that in a state like Georgia where racist impoverished rednecks are rampant everywhere (of course not every white person in Georgia is a racist redneck, I certainly am not) Trump has pretty much won the majority of people over here for obvious reasons.

I've had to swallow a bitter pill with the realization that the east side of Washington state, where I reside, is much more conservative than most of us wanted to believe. Spokane and the adjacent area has each foot in different regions of the country. One foot is firmly planted on the west coast, with it's culture of cosmopolitan tolerance, while the other is set in the Rocky Mountain west, in particular sharing values and prejudices with Idaho and Montana. While I enjoy the history and romanticism of my region's old west legacy, I find myself culturally in tune with the west coast.

I knew a woman from Montana who was very racist I have an uncle who is a black man who came to visit us in Pensacola, Florida and this woman saw him and called the cops because she assumed he was some sort of criminal trying to break into our house and I was very offended by that...

Is it true that there's not a lot of black people that live in Montana? I've heard that the further north you go in the US the less black people you find unless you're in big cities. Here in the deep south we actually have a very high population of African Americans living in states like Georgia even in small towns like Thomasville and Cairo wh
And there are things I love about Georgia despite the history of slavery and black oppression. Georgia really is a very beautiful and friendly state. I like it better than Florida. :)

It's pretty much true. The Pacific Northwest, despite having a comparatively decent history concerning black Americans, is for the most part lily white. But there are more black people appearing around the Spokane area these days.

Interesting. :)

I think here in the south in places like Georgia even though there is still a lot of racial tension most white people in this area, even the racist ones, are kind of tolerant of being around black people simply because of the fact that there are so many of them in this area and you see them everywhere you go. They work in our schools as teachers, they go to class with you, you see them both as doctors/nurses and as patients in hospitals, they shop and work in the same stores you go to, some are our local police officers, etc.

In a way the south really isn't as racist as we often get portrayed as being on TV, at least not in modern times. I'm very glad for that.