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15 Feb 2019, 11:40 am

The argument that it can be reversed would be insane also. More money, more treatments to reverse a process that should have never began in the first place. Really wise decision??


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15 Feb 2019, 11:48 am

If you don't believe me after pointing out all these logical arguments then all I can say is watch it all go down, whatch how many lives it ruins, watch these children grow up with severe depression because adults made completely irrational decisions based on something they did as a child. Watch these people grow up and curse everyone involved in promoting this insanity.


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15 Feb 2019, 12:40 pm

Before I had a kid I had no opinion on this gender less or fluid gender kid thing. The transitioning children thing hadn’t really been happening until these past couple years.

I am not in a big city. And my kid isn’t even in school yet.

But we have already encountered Northface wearing Crunchy Granola adults with boys dressed as girls. Just recently even. We’re talking male names- one was Coleman, like a kerosene lamp, and the other was something like Bryce. Both were using male pronouns. But one was dressed in pink and purple and the other had long hair and was in pastels. The adults were following the children, same age as mine, so like 4-5, all over the playground, “helping” them play. I think the kids were completely normal. It was just the adults being weird.

My son had on jeans and a plaid shirt, ball cap. He has a regular 1950s boy name. My husband and I are older and we just sit down and let our son play with other kids. We don’t interfere unless he seriously acts up. I could tell that the way he looked (masculine) made them as uncomfortable as we were looking at their kids. Which was so strange.


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15 Feb 2019, 12:48 pm

This thread is predicated on nothing but stereotypes. :(

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15 Feb 2019, 1:02 pm

cberg wrote:
This thread is predicated on nothing but stereotypes. :(

It is an important discussion though, too many people are going for this and the predicted outcome is going to be horrifying. In Canada laws have already been passed to leave this decision up to children as young as 3 years old. When something is so obviously a bad decision, it's helpful to show people that. What it's basically going to do is raise a lot of women without breasts and men with child size penises(No matter what sexual preference they desire as an adult, surrounded by men and women who naturally grew through puberty.) But I've said enough, so I'll leave it at that on this topic.


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15 Feb 2019, 1:38 pm

Since half of the people encouraged to go down this road will attempt suicide, we should look at it less as a civil rights issue and more of a mental health issue.


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15 Feb 2019, 2:23 pm

Science/medicine doesn't understand the brain.

Not much we can do except listen to the patients and try and maximize happiness.

After a failure, the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else.


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15 Feb 2019, 2:35 pm

I don't see many success stories here on changing people with autism. You keep hammering an Aspie with stuff they can't handle and they never "toughen up," they melt down even worse as you stress them harder. ... c98f60157b
Description of meltdowns for any "normal" people on this forum.


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15 Feb 2019, 3:39 pm

BTDT wrote:
I don't see many success stories here on changing people with autism. You keep hammering an Aspie with stuff they can't handle and they never "toughen up," they melt down even worse as you stress them harder. ... c98f60157b
Description of meltdowns for any "normal" people on this forum.

I'm sorry. I'm not trying to give you a meltdown, cheer up :D Perhaps I attacked the topic a bit hard, I can just logically see the very negative impacts that I can guarantee people will notice as these children grow up. I'm but a small voice so it's not like me speaking is going to change peoples minds. I attacked it so passionately because I value humanity so it hurts me to think of how many people are going to feel like complete outcasts due to people jumping the gun on making conclusions about what sexual preference children are going to grow up to have. Children shouldn't even be thinking about sexuality, that's why this topic is a bit stressful to me.

I'm am autistic also, I know what meltdowns are. My mind works in mysterious ways, in some areas I'm incretably intelligent, in others...not so much. I can't even fill forms out at a doctors office, my mom has to help me. I am an outcast so I know how damaging that can be. So it touches me personally to see people promoting children to be outcasts without logical reasoning. They are making unjustified conclusions and pretending it will do no harm. It will not harm all, what it will do is harm everyone that doesn't actually want to transition. Given the fact that children cannot predict what they will want when they are adults, I don't see the benefit in forcing them down a very life threatening path. If the child grows up not want the situation forced onto them, it will be very damaging to them and very possible make them suicidal. Which is another thing that gives me a strong passion, I've tried to kill myself more times than I can count and I wish that on no one. People under play the seriousness of the situation, people that aren't autistic.


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15 Feb 2019, 3:46 pm

This is precisely the situation with transgenders. The suicide attempts stop. For parents this immediate change in attitude outweighs everything else.


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15 Feb 2019, 4:13 pm

Everyone's like "what if the boy grows up to be str8" but why isn't anyone considering the opposite, "what if he doesn't?"

Everyone just assumes that being cisgender/heterosexual is the most healthy, natural, pure state that every child should be nudged toward. This is straight privilege.


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15 Feb 2019, 4:28 pm

He's allowed to have his own opinion on the subject.

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15 Feb 2019, 4:30 pm

BTDT wrote:
This is precisely the situation with transgenders. In many cases the suicide attempts stop. For many parents, this immediate change in attitude outweighs everything else.

I understand that, but people are deciding that for children. What happens to the kids that grow up and aren't happy with that decision? They are going to be even more suicidal than the child that grows up with gender dysphoria. I don't think there are many suicidal 3 year olds. Even if they decide that at 16 years old, what happens when they are 30 and realize they made a terrible mistake? There are cases of adults seriously regretting that they made that decision. People even grow up to be homosexual then eventually switch to heterosexual later in life. To me it seems people are going to dramatically increase suicidal intentions by jumping to conclusions and pretending no harm will be done if they are wrong. Being they are children, the odds of being wrong are going to be overwhelming. To point back to the other argument..

(boy)What if they grow up to be straight yet have a girlish voice, a small penis which will make them socially awkward for their sexual preference? Women seem to be a bit harsh even when a fully developed man has a small penis.

(Boy)What if they grow up to be gay? I would assume gay men prefer bigger penises and manly voices also.

(Boy)What if they grow up to be transgender yet desire to have a large penis? In this particular case they can somehow in-large the penis? Still you are undoing with more treatment what was incorrectly done by jumping to conclusions, If it's even possible? If so, will they have orgasms like a man?

(Girl)What happens when they grow up straight and have no breasts? I don't think you can get breast implants under the age of 18, so they will have to suffer until then. Same thing if they just grow up to be a lesbian, women like breasts.

The fact is, there are way more straights, bisexuals, gays and lesbians than people with legitimate gender dysphoria. Even people without gender dysphoria get the surgeries and treatment simply for sexual desire. A very low percentage of people actually have gender dysphoria. So it is condemning many lives to help ease the pain of a very low percentage which cold have simply went to a doctor to ease the pain and convert when the proper age to make a life changing decision.

There was a story I read. Twins born, males, one had complications and they had to convert him to a her. The mom raised him as a girl and the other as a boy. Complications occurred at puberty, not physical complications but mental problems. An urge to do more manly activities and confusion (gender dysphoria), yet in this case is was a sense of the original sex. Later in life, she became more confused about who she was, the mom came out with the story because she was severely depressed. She told both twins what happend at birth, she wanted to convert back into a he and did so. The other twin got hooked on drugs and eventually overdosed while the converted twin got married, couldn't have a child with his wife and killed himself shortly after.

Anyway, I will just leave it alone. Don't stress over anything, just think about why I'm saying what I'm saying.


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15 Feb 2019, 4:32 pm

MushroomPrincess wrote:
Everyone's like "what if the boy grows up to be str8" but why isn't anyone considering the opposite, "what if he doesn't?"

Everyone just assumes that being cisgender/heterosexual is the most healthy, natural, pure state that every child should be nudged toward. This is straight privilege.

For the many of reasons I've already added and just added again.

I'll leave alone, just saw your comment.


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15 Feb 2019, 4:55 pm

Crimadella wrote:
BTDT wrote:
This is precisely the situation with transgenders. In many cases the suicide attempts stop. For many parents, this immediate change in attitude outweighs everything else.

I understand that, but people are deciding that for children. What happens to the kids that grow up and aren't happy with that decision? They are going to be even more suicidal than the child that grows up with gender dysphoria. I don't think there are many suicidal 3 year olds. Even if they decide that at 16 years old, what happens when they are 30 and realize they made a terrible mistake? There are cases of adults seriously regretting that they made that decision. People even grow up to be homosexual then eventually switch to heterosexual later in life. To me it seems people are going to dramatically increase suicidal intentions by jumping to conclusions and pretending no harm will be done if they are wrong. Being they are children, the odds of being wrong are going to be overwhelming. To point back to the other argument..

(boy)What if they grow up to be straight yet have a girlish voice, a small penis which will make them socially awkward for their sexual preference? Women seem to be a bit harsh even when a fully developed man has a small penis.

(Boy)What if they grow up to be gay? I would assume gay men prefer bigger penises and manly voices also.

(Boy)What if they grow up to be transgender yet desire to have a large penis? In this particular case they can somehow in-large the penis? Still you are undoing with more treatment what was incorrectly done by jumping to conclusions, If it's even possible? If so, will they have orgasms like a man?

(Girl)What happens when they grow up straight and have no breasts? I don't think you can get breast implants under the age of 18, so they will have to suffer until then. Same thing if they just grow up to be a lesbian, women like breasts.

The fact is, there are way more straights, bisexuals, gays and lesbians than people with legitimate gender dysphoria. Even people without gender dysphoria get the surgeries and treatment simply for sexual desire. A very low percentage of people actually have gender dysphoria. So it is condemning many lives to help ease the pain of a very low percentage which cold have simply went to a doctor to ease the pain and convert when the proper age to make a life changing decision.

There was a story I read. Twins born, males, one had complications and they had to convert him to a her. The mom raised him as a girl and the other as a boy. Complications occurred at puberty, not physical complications but mental problems. An urge to do more manly activities and confusion (gender dysphoria), yet in this case is was a sense of the original sex. Later in life, she became more confused about who she was, the mom came out with the story because she was severely depressed. She told both twins what happend at birth, she wanted to convert back into a he and did so. The other twin got hooked on drugs and eventually overdosed while the converted twin got married, couldn't have a child with his wife and killed himself shortly after.

Anyway, I will just leave it alone. Don't stress over anything, just think about why I'm saying what I'm saying.

All medical treatments kill and harm a % of people.

People are killed every year by flu shots, wisdom teeth removal and depression from LASIK eye surgery.

We aren't going to stop helping some people just because a small % die, or get harmed.

After a failure, the easiest thing to do is to blame someone else.


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15 Feb 2019, 5:28 pm

LoveNotHate wrote:
Crimadella wrote:
BTDT wrote:
This is precisely the situation with transgenders. In many cases the suicide attempts stop. For many parents, this immediate change in attitude outweighs everything else.

I understand that, but people are deciding that for children. What happens to the kids that grow up and aren't happy with that decision? They are going to be even more suicidal than the child that grows up with gender dysphoria. I don't think there are many suicidal 3 year olds. Even if they decide that at 16 years old, what happens when they are 30 and realize they made a terrible mistake? There are cases of adults seriously regretting that they made that decision. People even grow up to be homosexual then eventually switch to heterosexual later in life. To me it seems people are going to dramatically increase suicidal intentions by jumping to conclusions and pretending no harm will be done if they are wrong. Being they are children, the odds of being wrong are going to be overwhelming. To point back to the other argument..

(boy)What if they grow up to be straight yet have a girlish voice, a small penis which will make them socially awkward for their sexual preference? Women seem to be a bit harsh even when a fully developed man has a small penis.

(Boy)What if they grow up to be gay? I would assume gay men prefer bigger penises and manly voices also.

(Boy)What if they grow up to be transgender yet desire to have a large penis? In this particular case they can somehow in-large the penis? Still you are undoing with more treatment what was incorrectly done by jumping to conclusions, If it's even possible? If so, will they have orgasms like a man?

(Girl)What happens when they grow up straight and have no breasts? I don't think you can get breast implants under the age of 18, so they will have to suffer until then. Same thing if they just grow up to be a lesbian, women like breasts.

The fact is, there are way more straights, bisexuals, gays and lesbians than people with legitimate gender dysphoria. Even people without gender dysphoria get the surgeries and treatment simply for sexual desire. A very low percentage of people actually have gender dysphoria. So it is condemning many lives to help ease the pain of a very low percentage which cold have simply went to a doctor to ease the pain and convert when the proper age to make a life changing decision.

There was a story I read. Twins born, males, one had complications and they had to convert him to a her. The mom raised him as a girl and the other as a boy. Complications occurred at puberty, not physical complications but mental problems. An urge to do more manly activities and confusion (gender dysphoria), yet in this case is was a sense of the original sex. Later in life, she became more confused about who she was, the mom came out with the story because she was severely depressed. She told both twins what happend at birth, she wanted to convert back into a he and did so. The other twin got hooked on drugs and eventually overdosed while the converted twin got married, couldn't have a child with his wife and killed himself shortly after.

Anyway, I will just leave it alone. Don't stress over anything, just think about why I'm saying what I'm saying.

All medical treatments kill and harm a % of people.

People are killed every year by flu shots, wisdom teeth removal and depression from LASIK eye surgery.

We aren't going to stop helping some people just because a small % die, or get harmed.

Ultimately, we will get to see exactly what percentage we are hurting versus helping. Something tells me, jumping to conclusions at age 3 is a bit unrealistic in assuming these kids are actually going to have gender dysphoria. I predict thast it's going to back fire in a huge way, you can't diagnose children that young with gender dysphoria. And it's very important that a person actually has the diagnosis before forcing or convincing them to take puberty blockers. How do you just look at a curious child and say, yep, I know gender dysphoria when I see it??

Percentages matter. Is it worth it if you find the results to be (10% helpful/90% devastating)