Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an Auto-Antonym

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25 Jun 2020, 2:33 pm

Now there's an idea!  Completely remove police patrols (and 911 services) from gang-infested neighborhoods and let the gangs take over.  Pretty soon, any surviving residents will be begging the police to come back.

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25 Jun 2020, 2:35 pm

Giant nested quotes like this make threads unbearable to read. Please stop.

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25 Jun 2020, 6:51 pm

Wolfram87 wrote:
Giant nested quotes like this make threads unbearable to read. Please stop.
If certain individuals would put their thoughts into just a few short, concise paragraphs, instead of blasting their thoughts in an incoherent tangle of meaningless phrases, that would help a lot.

Back on topic...

An antonym is a word or phrase that expresses the opposite or negative meaning of another word or phrase.

Just how exactly is "Black Lives Matter" the opposite of itself?  How does it express its own negative meaning?

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25 Jun 2020, 7:18 pm

Wolfram87 wrote:
Research I've seen suggests a significant factor in young men joining gangs is fatherlessness, in which case this is a generational problem that will need generational solutions.

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– African Proverb

An episode of the Freakonomics podcast was concerned with crimerate and abortion.
The economists suggested that legalizing abortion led to a drop in crime 20 years later (that would probably have been the 90s? I'm not totally sure about dates American laws were made and the crime statistics. Anyway, I'm not here to fight for the argument, but rather to ... Just mention it.)

The argument by the evonomists sounded convincing, so by extension it would be something like:

As far as I know, christianity is widespread among Black Americans, and access to abortion clinics requires a certain level of wealth, so it is thinkable that there are bith financial and cultural factors that lead to Black women gaving unplanned and possibly unwanted babies.

Does that sound reasonable?

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25 Jun 2020, 7:29 pm

I saw an interesting video recently that talked about these gangs go back when also the Irish and Italians were considered minorities in times gone past when they were in a lot of poverty. The black gangs came about when the Irish and Italians lifted themselves out of poverty and black people took their place. So the whole stopping gangs is a relatively complicated process that does not just get solved by having police tougher on crime but with things like economic hope so people do not have to turn to gangs and crime to get out of poverty. Cutting off the power of gangs in legalising and decriminalizing things while also regulating them, such as the case where the prohibition actually gave power to gangs by giving them a monopoly. And you just want there to be less of a need that people would feel they need to kill each other because killing is so easy, more regulation of firearms.

Most of all people need to feel like they are heard, and not being pushed down by authority.

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25 Jun 2020, 7:44 pm

Fnord wrote:
Now there's an idea!  Completely remove police patrols (and 911 services) from gang-infested neighborhoods and let the gangs take over.  Pretty soon, any surviving residents will be begging the police to come back.

I don't rely on the police I consider them after the fact guys that that are minutes or longer away depending on where you live when seconds count all I can say is a armed enough that is someone came in my house and I felt like my life was in danger they would not bother anyone else again

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25 Jun 2020, 8:18 pm

Poverty,addiction,and hopelessness.
You don’t see gangs in wealthy neighborhoods.
You never see the police put a man wearing an Armani suit in a choke hold.
Springfield MO is predominantly white and there are drive by shootings,shots fired into houses
and other acts of violence.Its always in the poorest neighborhoods.
Give people opportunities, education, good jobs and hope.

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25 Jun 2020, 8:39 pm

Defund the police is the dumbest slogan I've ever heard. They should be asking for more police.

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26 Jun 2020, 12:23 am

jimmy m wrote:
IMHO the phrase "Black Lives Matter" is an auto-antonym.

Fnord wrote:
An antonym is a word or phrase that expresses the opposite or negative meaning of another word or phrase.

Just how exactly is "Black Lives Matter" the opposite of itself? How does it express its own negative meaning?

Jimmy may be looking for the word "hypocritical" or "ironic" because according to him (not me), BLM's behavior seems to contradict their name.

Not to be confused with the following:

A contronym (aka Janus word, antagonym, or auto-antonym) is a word (part of speech) with contradictory meanings.

rent: to borrow / to lend
bill: a payment / an invoice
transparent: barely visible / obvious

An oxymoron is a combination of contradictory or incongruous words.

open secret
jumbo shrimp

A paradox is a figure of speech that seems contradictory but appears to have some truth to it.

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26 Jun 2020, 1:13 am

Magna wrote:
That might have been a solution for you to avoid gang violence by just moving out of or staying away from urban living, but that's not a viable solution for millions of people who have lived in urban areas for generations and may not have the financial means to decide to move. Your solution isn't practical in reality. For a person who may not be able to afford a home in the country or in the suburbs and may have to live in subsidized urban housing wouldn't be able to find subsidized rural housing because to my knowledge there isn't such a thing.

living in cities is actually far more expensive than living out in the sticks where i live. there are a LOT of squatters on public land here, it is a quasi-homeless existence but working class people out here tend to be more civil out here in terms of minding one's own business. it is the MIDDLE-CLASS people out here, who worry me. magas to a person. nasty neighbors.


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26 Jun 2020, 1:21 am


Like i Said; Leave IF Possible; what other Option Now?
Like i Said, i realize It's Surely not going to be Easy;

Even if Universal Basic Income is given to everyone;
That's Not going to resolve the Inner Turmoil of Lack of Social Roles, And Meaning and Purpose in Life.

Most of that Solution is Cultural And Many Years in the Making; The Environment for that is Poor, overall;
for almost everyone who is coming up Young; as this surely is not Just An African American Issue; Per
The 'White Version' of All the Opiate Addiction in 'Trailer Parks' too; There is a Whole Lot of Despair
that doesn't Make Breaking News in MainStream Media; or Even on 'the YouTube' and the such.

There Are Many 'Disgruntled Natives'; And They are expressing this in an
Excellent Opportunity to Vent the Overall Existential Angst; and Yes,
there is a whole lot to Reasonably Be Angry About for All Who Are Concerned.

But It Does Explain in Part Why We Have a Con-Man For President; 'White Desperation' Too;

The Used Car-type Salesman; where one is waiting on a High Interest Quick Money Loan.

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26 Jun 2020, 1:23 am

Fnord wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
Giant nested quotes like this make threads unbearable to read. Please stop.
If certain individuals would put their thoughts into just a few short, concise paragraphs, instead of blasting their thoughts in an incoherent tangle of meaningless phrases, that would help a lot.

Back on topic...

An antonym is a word or phrase that expresses the opposite or negative meaning of another word or phrase.

Just how exactly is "Black Lives Matter" the opposite of itself?  How does it express its own negative meaning?

Quit Personally attacking me
Because You Cannot understand me;

This is a Frigging Site for folks With
Social Communication Difficulties;
So i get why you can't understand me; but enough already.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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26 Jun 2020, 1:31 am

"defund the police" is basically an inartful way of saying something more nuanced- deconstruct and reconstruct where necessary, such as in newark and a few other cities that had irredeemably corrupt police departments, which were dissolved and then rebuilt from the ground up, minus the schlerotic institutionalized corruption. it has been done before, and it will be done again. on another tack- where i live, the DA made national headlines by saying in effect, that due to funding limitations, us mason county residents were on our own, we ought not to over-utilize the overwhelmed local constabulary and instead defend our own body and property, they would not contest this. so in a way, the mason county sheriff's department was "defunded" on the installment plan long ago, and the citizenry adapted. more such will happen nationwide. it won't be pretty but it is probably the best-case scenario possible with human nature being evil like it is.


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26 Jun 2020, 2:18 am

The phrase BLM is not in any way an auto-antonym. The words in the phrase itself are not self-contradictory.

But... I get with the OP means. He means that there is an element of irony in using the phrase. Not that I am opposed to the cause of BLM. You cant say that police brutality is not an issue after seeing that footage from Minnesota.

But yes, back a couple of years ago when the events in Ferguson Missouri first spawned BLM, you would hear the phrase "Black Live Matter" on the news, just before you saw the face of some innocent young Black child who was "just killed in a drive by shooting between two gangs" in the next news story. You couldnt help but have cognitive dissonance. Who in America hasnt had the thought that if "Black Lives Matter" then who is gonna stop this wastage of Black lives by other Blacks in the inner city?

jimmy m

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26 Jun 2020, 8:46 am

Amid ongoing protests and Black Lives Matter activists calling for abolishing the police, one filmmaker decided to ask residents in two of New York City's neighborhoods what they thought about the proposal from the left.

Ami Horowitz first went to the East Village in New York City, asking white liberals if they think it will help the black community. The responses showed apparent anger and hatred toward law enforcement.

"Absolutely," one man responded. "They're monsters."

"I think that they (police) are disgusting," another man added. "I just f--ing hate the police and everything they stand for."


"Policing in this country is about keeping black people down," another white man said, calling law enforcement an "occupying army" that "arose out of slave catching patrols."
However, when Horowitz traveled to Malcolm X Boulevard in Harlem, he heard a different tune from black residents.

"I think they're full of crap," one woman said of people calling for abolishing the police. "I think they're being somewhat ignorant."

Another woman said, "I have family members that are police. I respect the police. I would not want to see a lawless society."

"It'd be worse than what it is ... robberies, looting, raping, murder," another resident added.

A man wearing a Black Lives Matter t-shirt said abolishing the police would be "suicide" and added, "There's too many criminals out here. I wouldn't feel safe."

Source: Abolish the police? Black residents in Harlem say no as white liberals push for it in video

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26 Jun 2020, 8:59 am

As usual, the generic "white liberal" would seek to ban only the immediate cause (batons, guns, police, et cetera), and not work on correcting the proximal causes (poverty, racism, culture of violence, et cetera).

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