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20 Sep 2020, 12:44 am

TheRobotLives wrote:
Most people don't really care about other people.

You can't.

So, WOKE doesn't seem like it will work.

i Suppose it depends a lot on Where one Lives;
Who one meets; And What one Does for Where
i go People Care the Most About Other People;

in Other Places
i Go People Care
the Least About Other
People; Not Surprisingly,
Generally Speaking, People
Are Alike all Over; i may Find
As Many Caring People Actually
Treating me that way in the Flesh and
Blood World in the 'Trump World' As 'the
Other Place' too; Politics of who is who really
isn't the main Concern of hardly anyone in the General Public...

The Pockets of it we see online is surely skewed for just something more 'lonely' to do....

Most every Person i Meet in 'Real Life' Treats me as reflected by How i Treat myself in how
i am willing to See through the Deficits other People have in their Journey of Life; Generally

Speaking, i've been this way my Entire Life when not ill or super depressed; And Generally
Speaking the Feedback i've always gotten in that Real World is literally i am the Nicest Person

they've ever met... my Wife too; Could Explain too Why She is often Mistaken in her
20's at 50 Now; Love Doesn't Age Nearly as Fast as Cynicism oF Light;
She Saves Frogs on the Highway When Walking At Night From Getting
Bruised by Big Four-Wheel Drive Trucks; My Sister too; it's a Tradition
This Love Thing and
Caring Where i


It's worth
noting that
i don't nearly 'Talk'
This Much in 'Real
Life' as Dance Says so much more than words
in Terms of Human HeART, SPiRiT and SoUL in Truly Caring ways...

When i hear someone say the Majority of People Don't Care
About Other Humans, i immediately understand that Science
Shows that Caring About Other People is indeed Our Human
Nature (Altruistically Responsible For Our Survival As Science
DOES SHOW) Freest in Balance And when We Do Not Find it in life;
Life is most
Humanly Disordered this way....

Location, Location, Location, Born
And Bred With Altruistic Love;
Or Not Born And
Humanity that way...

People May Be Very
Ignorant and Very Caring
in The Same Breath of Life;
And Indeed they may even
Live Long And Prosper together
this way; Seen it happen Often in
Little Southern Baptist Churches and
the On the Grounds Pastor's Farm of Sunday Dinner
Once a Month as a Participant Anthropology Observer
and Guest of my Wife with Her Deep-Down-South In-Laws this
Way the Caring and Empathy for the in-Group is unmistakable
and unbreakable too...

The Younger
So Glued to
So Much
But this is not
the Natural Nature
of the Human Altruistic
Social Cohesive Loving Beast...
Smiles, if Bonobos Do it; Humans Most definitely

Can and Will too..

it's a matter
of Balance;
A Best
of God In All
Stuff Love, Life
And Shadow Dark too...

Just Balance (GoD) Now iN LiGHT


Not Balance (GoD) Now iN DarK

i'm Careful to Visit Heaven and Hell
And the 'Tween of Purgatory Now too;
to stay informed in


of Light and Dark too..



is for
Being Human;
Anything else
is out of Human Synch;
And this Deserves an Nsync Song too...;)

It's Worth noting That in the 'Twilight Zone
Clip' linked Below there was/is only one 'Woke
Person' in the so-called Enlightened Robed Crowd;

'Mechanical Cognition' is about As Far away From
Being Woke WitH A HeART Beat as Life Breathes...

And Yes,
Science Shows
This is True now too, overall....

As Usual Rod Serling's Intuition,
Imagination, And Creativity in Social Commentary
Was/Is ahead of 'the Science' still to come then and now too...

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20 Sep 2020, 8:59 am

aghogday wrote:
When i hear someone say the Majority of People Don't Care
About Other Humans, i immediately understand that Science
Shows that Caring About Other People is indeed Our Human
Nature (Altruistically Responsible For Our Survival As Science
DOES SHOW) Freest in Balance And when We Do Not Find it in life;

Humans are in competition with each other for everything.

This typically makes us adversaries, not friends.

I think most humans accept that --survival of the fittest -- is the moral outcome.

Boo freaking Hoo
-A bunch people died in the ghetto today?
-Can't pay your medical bills?
-Working a mundane, low wage job?
-Can't feed your family?
-Your car has broken down?
-You have medical problems?
-Down on your luck?

Thus, humans think that people who are not "fit" deserve their fate.


Then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on, and you cast your fears aside, and you know you can survive.

Be the hero of your life.


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20 Sep 2020, 1:07 pm

TheRobotLives wrote:
aghogday wrote:
When i hear someone say the Majority of People Don't Care
About Other Humans, i immediately understand that Science
Shows that Caring About Other People is indeed Our Human
Nature (Altruistically Responsible For Our Survival As Science
DOES SHOW) Freest in Balance And when We Do Not Find it in life;

Humans are in competition with each other for everything.

This typically makes us adversaries, not friends.

I think most humans accept that --survival of the fittest -- is the moral outcome.

Boo freaking Hoo
-A bunch people died in the ghetto today?
-Can't pay your medical bills?
-Working a mundane, low wage job?
-Can't feed your family?
-Your car has broken down?
-You have medical problems?
-Down on your luck?

Thus, humans think that people who are not "fit" deserve their fate.


Smiles, Survival of the Fittest, indeed, is common to Our Reptile Brain; Moving through the Limbic System,

Smiles, Survival of Love For Cooperation as Science Shows is what makes Humanity Successful, so far most.

Smiles, Our Neo-Cortex Serves As 'A Tool' to Navigate the Other Two Longer Evolved Brains as Part of Our

Whole Mind; As of Course this Not Only applies to our 5 Percent Conscious Mind but the Other 95 Percent too.

Some Folks Get Stuck in 'the Tool', And Rarely Get Out and Play with their Shadow of
Aggression and Lust to Master that as Part of the Our Shadow Brain; Yes, Our Reptile Brain.

Some Folks Get Stuck in 'the Tool', And Rarely Get Out And Play With All The Colors of the Senses
That make A Synergy of 'Beyond Infinite Colors' of Emotions to Cooperate with in Creativity
And Productivity to Light each other up, indeed Motivating Greater Progress As Such

iN A Really Warm And Cozy Exciting Mix of Limbic System And Reptile Brain too;

Yet, There are Others Who Master the Reptile Brain Fearless And Full of Libido For Life;
Additionally, Mastering An Emotional Life 'LimbicAlly' to Light Others up in Creativity and Productivity too;
And Additionally, Mastering the Neo-Cortex Well Enough to Escape it in Autotelic Transient Hypo-Frontality
Flow constantly Living In A Bliss of Heaven Now with Enough Thorns to go with the Flowers to Keep the Rose
Within Eternally Blooming Within to Give and Share Free With Others Fulfilling So Much More of Human Potential Now.

Obviously, Not everyone makes it to the Top of the Wisdom Love Eye of the Pyramid; Thorns and Flowers Rose Whole;

But on the Other Hand, Without A Spirit of LoVE iN Cooperation, Foraging Together and Playing together Thriving
In Life too; Chances are one may not live in a place with Less than 150 to 200 Humans Almost Naked Working and
Playing Together in Love Like this; Really Depending on each Other For Subsistence Now to Continue Survival.

In Other Words, it is Culture that is an Obstacle in Insanely Large Groups away from What Human is Naturally
evolved to do; Living in Relatively Small Groups, Mostly Naked Foraging and Dancing and Singing Freely Through
An End of A Day in Flow to Celebrate the Gift of Continuing Breath, depending On Every Human Hand And Foot
to Get the Job of Subsistence done; Where Yes, the Greatest Prize of the Entire Village is 'The Child of Love'...

Again, it's not so much what We Have done since the Metaphor of 'The Apple' (All Our Recorded Intelligence)

But How We Have Forgotten Who We Are in Balance When We actually Need each other to survive...

True, Overall, Society is Sick; i suggest if Your Particular Area is not successful in

Being Human this way

Perhaps there is a Better
Place to move to; with
Fewer People who
Really Feel
And Sense
And Know
How to LiVE iN
Balance Making
Their own Heaven Now;

It's Possible as i do it every day;

Does everyone; No, they do not
as they are too busy being a Slave
to Cultures that are truly insanely Out of
Balance For What Humanity Greater Loving Will Other Wise Be;

People who are so-called 'Woke' Would like to see
that Happen in Some Grand Scale of Everyone;

But it just will not work in a Grand Scale of
insanely Large Heterogenous Groups of

Humanity as Like

it or not

We are
not evolved
to do that
Now Without
Considerable Strife;
And Lots of Rules (Laws)
to make it work at all now...

With Big Government too...

Getting Free is a Challenge;
Being Love is Basically Bliss...

But Again, it surely is possible
as i manage it each and every day
for 7 Years; and find Scores of People
at least around the Globe who see a Life of Love That is Real...

True, in this Era it is necessary to Cherry Pick Success this way...

Not unlike the 'Matrix Trilogy' at the End, Those who Want to Unplug will;

Those who do not, Will Stay where they Are and never Fully enjoy the 'Green Pill'...

For True 'the Red'
And 'Blue Pills'
Are only
two paths
that are one to Reach
'Green Pill' Success Now With SMiLes...

How do You Know, if You are Consuming
The Green Pill; You Are Living in Heaven Now; You always Sense and FeeL iT NoW;

Probably, A Most Foolish thing Human Does is not Go Now Where it is possible to 'Grow'...

But of course at the pinnacle of Ignorance Folks Are told it is a place in a Dirt Nap Dead...

Truly Sad as
Ignorance Not
Only Kills; Now
iT iS A Road Block
to Heaven For Real
As Science Shows
NoW iN Autotelic
Eternal Flow
of Transient
Hypo-Frontality 'Full Soul' Life;
Otherwise Known as 'The Force'
From Star Wars Modeled After 'The Tao'
From Lao Tzu for who wrote 'that Sacred Text' too;
Many Other Cross-Cultural Metaphors Apply Ranging
From Chi to Ki to Ka to Satori to Prana and the Great
American Indian Spirit in Flow of Unity With No Separation
within too; Kundalini Rising Describes Unity of A Triune of Brains too
the Rest of
A 'Metaphor
of Quantum
Reality' this way now;
And True, once again
Reflecting in Science of Brain Scans too...

And to be Clear, i need no Book, no Page,
(N O T E V E N A S T I T C H of CuLTuRaL Clothes)
Now Yes, No Words to do it; Just a total Non-Verbal
Free Dance NoW in the Same Autotelic Bliss of Flow
is Enough to Arrive now and Stay Eternally Now for

As Science
Shows too

Now is all
that exists;

So in other words,
it doesn't do me any
Good to Worry that the
Person standing next to me is
in Purgatory or Hell, while i am in
Heaven Now; i would Love to help them
Arrive but their Thoughts And their Feelings
And Senses are so Far away in another place

They are not
able to come
close to my
'Level of
and i am surely
Well Aware of what
it was like to LiVE iN
A Blue and Red Pill Matrix of Before...

Both places are Equally Real; and one
place is indeed Heaven now For Real too;

Other than that Science Has Surpassed the
so-called 'Knowledge' of so-called 'Religion'
Not only to understand it but attain this Heaven now...

That Makes me wanna Dance, Sing Yay cause it IS possible for more folks to get 'Woke' too...

When the World is Running Down, You Make The Best of What is still around; if you don't

you do that too...

-me and
ET AL...;)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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20 Sep 2020, 1:23 pm

This post seems to say the opposite of what its title implies. It specifically states that the Executive Branch has handed down an order to immediately terminate any sort of training of Government employees that makes them more aware of societal issues such as racism etc. (to be brief about it). I am a contractor for a civilian federal agency so I was already aware of this.

Given the usual definition of "woke", which I generally understand is a word used by right-wing bullies to ridicule and trivialize the efforts of those who try to improve society by providing education is such matters (education I personally wish I had received when I was younger) I would change the title to "The Anti-Woke Revolution Is Taking Hold".

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20 Sep 2020, 3:59 pm

MaxE wrote:
This post seems to say the opposite of what its title implies. It specifically states that the Executive Branch has handed down an order to immediately terminate any sort of training of Government employees that makes them more aware of societal issues such as racism etc. (to be brief about it). I am a contractor for a civilian federal agency so I was already aware of this.

Given the usual definition of "woke", which I generally understand is a word used by right-wing bullies to ridicule and trivialize the efforts of those who try to improve society by providing education is such matters (education I personally wish I had received when I was younger) I would change the title to "The Anti-Woke Revolution Is Taking Hold".

There is backlash against the woke revolution which the Trump administrations order is part of. But when one looks at society in general the conservative attempts to stop it is as about as effective as individuals trying to plug holes in a leaking dike with their fingers. Several months ago outside of academia nobody was using the terms “systematic racism” and “anti racist”. Now the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates of one of the two major parties are using those terms. A few months ago people were using the term “Black Lives Matter” but there were not constant BLM demonstrations in suburban and rural towns and not very many people were yelling “defund the police”. Now in some locales it has or is or is about to be being implemented. Outside of the conservative bubble there is no escaping the Black Lives Matter movement. A few months ago Colin Kapernick was being blacklisted now if you are into watching sports BLM is in your face with support of the leagues and there is not a damm thing you can do about it besides turn it off and deny yourself a type of entertainment you might love. As the article demonstrated in some places if you like your job you had better be a participant in the cooperate anti racist agenda/virtue signaling and you had better prepared to homeschool your kids if you don’t want them to be taught that agenda. You like certain statues up they are going down whether you like it or not unless you can afford to buy them. ‘White Fragility’ being a best seller is not an indicator the anti woke agenda is winning.

The title did not say the woke revolution has taken hold or has won. But I do think it is fair to say the trend is their friend.

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Last edited by ASPartOfMe on 20 Sep 2020, 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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20 Sep 2020, 4:11 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
A few months ago Colin Kapernick was being blacklisted now if you are into watching sports BLM is in your face with support of the leagues and there is not a damm thing you can do about it besides turn it off and deny yourself a type of entertainment you might love.

Well if you're such a snowflake that your inability to handle some challenging ideas stops you from watching football then you are just punishing yourself.

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20 Sep 2020, 4:24 pm

MaxE wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
A few months ago Colin Kapernick was being blacklisted now if you are into watching sports BLM is in your face with support of the leagues and there is not a damm thing you can do about it besides turn it off and deny yourself a type of entertainment you might love.

Well if you're such a snowflake that your inability to handle some challenging ideas stops you from watching football then you are just punishing yourself.

I still watch sports. I still constantly post on wrong planet despite finding the name offensive. I just feel what became acceptable in sports is an indicator of what ideas are winning. A year ago for the most part if you wanted to watch sports you did not face the choice of deal with it or deny yourself, it was just escapism. No I don’t think that is good, if you are human you need a break sometimes.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
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20 Sep 2020, 4:43 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
MaxE wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
A few months ago Colin Kapernick was being blacklisted now if you are into watching sports BLM is in your face with support of the leagues and there is not a damm thing you can do about it besides turn it off and deny yourself a type of entertainment you might love.

Well if you're such a snowflake that your inability to handle some challenging ideas stops you from watching football then you are just punishing yourself.

I still watch sports. I still constantly post on wrong planet despite finding the name offensive. I just feel what became acceptable in sports is an indicator of what ideas are winning. A year ago for the most part if you wanted to watch sports you did not face the choice of deal with it or deny yourself, it was just escapism. No I don’t think that is good, if you are human you need a break sometimes.

That is strange. Why would you be against people trying to end racism in America? It doesn't affect the game. The courage of these men should also be celebrated. Standing up against oppression is an American value. Taking a few minutes to acknowledge that does not seem to be hard. Or just join the game when it starts if those ideals are a bit much for you.

Did you have this problem when sports was being used to support the Iraq war?


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20 Sep 2020, 6:03 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
MaxE wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
A few months ago Colin Kapernick was being blacklisted now if you are into watching sports BLM is in your face with support of the leagues and there is not a damm thing you can do about it besides turn it off and deny yourself a type of entertainment you might love.

Well if you're such a snowflake that your inability to handle some challenging ideas stops you from watching football then you are just punishing yourself.

I still watch sports. I still constantly post on wrong planet despite finding the name offensive. I just feel what became acceptable in sports is an indicator of what ideas are winning. A year ago for the most part if you wanted to watch sports you did not face the choice of deal with it or deny yourself, it was just escapism. No I don’t think that is good, if you are human you need a break sometimes.

It would be nice if such problems didn't exist, then we'd all get a break from them. It seems problematic get upset over other people reminding you that they still face a problem merely because that reminder interferes with your ability to remain apathetic. Given that pro sports is quite dependent upon the contributions of PoC, it doesn't seem like too much for those people to try to highlight issues that both have the potential to impact the participants directly as well as being certain to impact their families, etc.

The 'shut up and dribble' crowd seem to want to enjoy the entertainment potential of some people without having to acknowledge their basic humanity or listen to them express that their lives and their loved ones lives have the same value as anyone else's. No one is entitled to receive entertainment from individuals they openly disrespect. The athletes don't owe it to anyone to shut up and dribble and those who hold that mindset only make themselves look horrible when they voice it.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, this is part of our strategy” —Netanyahu
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20 Sep 2020, 6:16 pm

Jiheisho wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
MaxE wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
A few months ago Colin Kapernick was being blacklisted now if you are into watching sports BLM is in your face with support of the leagues and there is not a damm thing you can do about it besides turn it off and deny yourself a type of entertainment you might love.

Well if you're such a snowflake that your inability to handle some challenging ideas stops you from watching football then you are just punishing yourself.

I still watch sports. I still constantly post on wrong planet despite finding the name offensive. I just feel what became acceptable in sports is an indicator of what ideas are winning. A year ago for the most part if you wanted to watch sports you did not face the choice of deal with it or deny yourself, it was just escapism. No I don’t think that is good, if you are human you need a break sometimes.

That is strange. Why would you be against people trying to end racism in America? It doesn't affect the game. The courage of these men should also be celebrated. Standing up against oppression is an American value. Taking a few minutes to acknowledge that does not seem to be hard. Or just join the game when it starts if those ideals are a bit much for you.

Did you have this problem when sports was being used to support the Iraq war?

If they want to say whatever I would prefer they do it during non work hours. As celebrities people will listen to them no matter when they say it.

If only it was that simple as being against racism, it is anything but. I do not like them endorsing the anti racist BLM agenda. By saying “Black Lives Matter” and wearing BLM slogans on their uniforms they are endorsing that agenda whether they intend to or not. I got to give BLM credit where it is due. In inventing and publicizing the terms “Black Lives Matter” and “anti racist” they came up with simple easy to understand winning formula that automatically puts anybody arguing against them on the defensive. Who but a racist can be against anti racism and that Black Lives Matter? Those of us “woke” enough to see the revolutionary agenda behind the terms.

I agree it is probably time to drop the national anthem before sporting events. It started as a simple sign of respect for the country but it has morphed into something different. When there were crowds it had turned into a contest to see which fans can roar the loudest and drown out the singer fastest. A disgusting use of patriotism as a rallying cry for the home team.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
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20 Sep 2020, 6:26 pm

TheRobotLives wrote:
aghogday wrote:
When i hear someone say the Majority of People Don't Care
About Other Humans, i immediately understand that Science
Shows that Caring About Other People is indeed Our Human
Nature (Altruistically Responsible For Our Survival As Science
DOES SHOW) Freest in Balance And when We Do Not Find it in life;

Humans are in competition with each other for everything.

This typically makes us adversaries, not friends.

I think most humans accept that --survival of the fittest -- is the moral outcome.

Boo freaking Hoo
-A bunch people died in the ghetto today?
-Can't pay your medical bills?
-Working a mundane, low wage job?
-Can't feed your family?
-Your car has broken down?
-You have medical problems?
-Down on your luck?

Thus, humans think that people who are not "fit" deserve their fate.


I personally find social darwinism to be a disgusting philosophy.

Also, the term survival of the fittest is meant to apply in evolution not human society, that interpretation came later...initially it was just another way to say 'natural selection' at least that is what that wiki suggests.

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20 Sep 2020, 6:57 pm

I heard about that letter to the departments regarding critical race theory.

Makes sense - separation of church and state.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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20 Sep 2020, 7:02 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
If they want to say whatever I would prefer they do it during non work hours. As celebrities people will listen to them no matter when they say it.

If only it was that simple as being against racism, it is anything but. I do not like them endorsing the anti racist BLM agenda. By saying “Black Lives Matter” and wearing BLM slogans on their uniforms they are endorsing that agenda whether they intend to or not. I got to give BLM credit where it is due. In inventing and publicizing the terms “Black Lives Matter” and “anti racist” they came up with simple easy to understand winning formula that automatically puts anybody arguing against them on the defensive. Who but a racist can be against anti racism and that Black Lives Matter? Those of us “woke” enough to see the revolutionary agenda behind the terms.

I agree it is probably time to drop the national anthem before sporting events. It started as a simple sign of respect for the country but it has morphed into something different. When there were crowds it had turned into a contest to see which fans can roar the loudest and drown out the singer fastest. A disgusting use of patriotism as a rallying cry for the home team.

I don't understand, why don't you like them endorsing anti-racism? You have to realise that there was not a devoid of politics without kneeling. Standing up for the anthem as expected was a way to show that everything was as it should be, that things were fair. That way to show respect to the country was a political statement that was working just as it was when it was implemented. For a side that says that it hates cancel culture, they were sure willing to cancel someone over something that is apparently not political.

Why do you really hate BLM? Is it because you saw on the news that some people who might have represented BLM did riots? Or maybe you would rather not have known that things were not as equal as you thought they were, that it made you a little angry for someone to send a message that you were wrong in your idea of the world? Maybe a part of you was a little happy when you saw the riots on the news because you could use it to excuse away that there might be a point, because they are just criminals?

In regards to strategy about forcing someone on the defensive, don't you think that is what the anthem was for? Anyone who might protest that there is something that needs to be addressed could instead be accused of not supporting the troops or caring about those who sacrificed. Rather then questioning that there is a point to listen to, about the discrimination done to people of colour, they can instead paint him as pretty much performing treason and spitting on the graves of fallen soldiers. It already was political, but people did not seem to care until it was politics that did not fit their worldview.

Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall

Last edited by Feyokien on 20 Sep 2020, 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.: inappropriate term


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20 Sep 2020, 8:36 pm

Regarding NFL football, this is one of the few situations we now have to reach a large diverse audience. It would be IRRESPONSIBLE to not use that opportunity to get the message out.

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20 Sep 2020, 8:52 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
If they want to say whatever I would prefer they do it during non work hours. As celebrities people will listen to them no matter when they say it.

If only it was that simple as being against racism, it is anything but. I do not like them endorsing the anti racist BLM agenda. By saying “Black Lives Matter” and wearing BLM slogans on their uniforms they are endorsing that agenda whether they intend to or not. I got to give BLM credit where it is due. In inventing and publicizing the terms “Black Lives Matter” and “anti racist” they came up with simple easy to understand winning formula that automatically puts anybody arguing against them on the defensive. Who but a racist can be against anti racism and that Black Lives Matter? Those of us “woke” enough to see the revolutionary agenda behind the terms.

I agree it is probably time to drop the national anthem before sporting events. It started as a simple sign of respect for the country but it has morphed into something different. When there were crowds it had turned into a contest to see which fans can roar the loudest and drown out the singer fastest. A disgusting use of patriotism as a rallying cry for the home team.

I don't understand, why don't you like them endorsing anti-racism? You have to realise that there was not a devoid of politics without kneeling. Standing up for the anthem as expected was a way to show that everything was as it should be, that things were fair. That way to show respect to the country was a political statement that was working just as it was when it was implemented. For a side that says that it hates cancel culture, they were sure willing to cancel someone over something that is apparently not political.

Why do you really hate BLM? Is it because you saw on the news that some people who might have represented BLM did riots? Or maybe you would rather not have known that things were not as equal as you thought they were, that it made you a little angry for someone to send a message that you were wrong in your idea of the world? Maybe a part of you was a little happy when you saw the riots on the news because you could use it to excuse away that there might be a point, because they are just thugs?

In regards to strategy about forcing someone on the defensive, don't you think that is what the anthem was for? Anyone who might protest that there is something that needs to be addressed could instead be accused of not supporting the troops or caring about those who sacrificed. Rather then questioning that there is a point to listen to, about the discrimination done to people of colour, they can instead paint him as pretty much performing treason and spitting on the graves of fallen soldiers. It already was political, but people did not seem to care until it was politics that did not fit their worldview.

Standing for the anthem was for the ideals not necessarily the reality. I don’t need a lecture that there are bigots around. I stood for the anthem even though I was being called k*e and had people throwing pennies on the ground and telling me to get it, and my temple often had swastika decorations come holiday time. Oh there was a Nazi collaborator that lived in my neighborhood. He was deported, the neighbor's largely supported him. No that does not compare to being a slave, or shot for being black or being autistic. And speaking of autism not being identified, not knowing whom I am until my 50s was a significant disadvantage. And anyway I now am in favor of ditching the anthem before games.

Speaking of the riots has any BLM leader actually denounced them? If they did I need to be corrected. Otherwise I will continue to view them as doing a version of the good cop, bad cop type of routine(pun intended). As for why I am against them the world view as spelled out in the OP is why.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
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“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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20 Sep 2020, 9:05 pm

MaxE wrote:
Regarding NFL football, this is one of the few situations we now have to reach a large diverse audience. It would be IRRESPONSIBLE to not use that opportunity to get the message out.

You have social media but back to the NFL(and MLB,NBA, NHL, etc) what most of players are doing is symbolically saying a lot of racism exists and is bad. It is a message designed to deflect from the agenda which is believed to be unpalatable at this time(not sure how true that is).

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman