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24 Sep 2021, 4:03 am

Also, it would take a China-style Cultural Revolution to get the red states on par with the blue states.

I hope it doesn't, but given how entrenched the right is, we may have to consider it.

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24 Sep 2021, 3:53 pm

old_comedywriter wrote:
Axeman wrote:
In twenty years when the Boomers are fertilizer...

So you think Boomers are the "problem" ? I know way more Generation XYZ kids that are the "problem." There are plenty of "neo-nutters" out there. This will not be fixed in my lifetime thanks to these nutters who ignore facts, science, and reason in favor of politics that have become their religion.

Ok I do have many gripes with Boomers but that's not what this is about. This article sums them up ... by-boomers

Main points I agree with are that Boomers are greedy and wasteful with no regard to the state of the world when you are gone and the deteriorating state of the world including climate change is largely your fault.


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24 Sep 2021, 7:32 pm

As I wrote in my OP to the thread I started in 2017 entitled “Is it all the Baby Boomers fault?

The Google verdict is in. A definitive yes for the worst generation ever

Our parents are ruining the entire world

One Author Argues 'Sociopathic' Baby Boomers Have Hurt America

How the baby boomers destroyed everything

An on and on it goes.

What it does say is the chickens do come home to roost. It was the boomers who said do not trust anybody over thirty, their parent's music and lifestyle were "square" and they have spent a lot of time and money trying to avoid the inevitable. Not fun being on the other side of it is it? Not a surprising result. The net is dominated by Millennials based on technology invented by boomers.

But is it true? As in most of these situations yes and no.

The boomers certainly have never really let the bitter divisions of the 60's go and that has and still is infecting American politics. But one is judged on what you do with what is given to you. Millennials were given a bad political and economic climate true, but MRA, Alt Right, SJW, Antifa, those are not boomer phenomena.

The other charge is that selfish boomers ruined the economy. Well, selfish elitist boomers certainly destroyed a great thing, but most boomers were victims of them more than the cause.

Another charge is that workaholic individualist boomers destroyed family life. Well, some of it was the thing we called "women's liberation" or that dirty word "feminism". Do you all really want to go back to the 50's when if you still single at 30 you were viewed as mentally ill and if you were female you were an "old maid"? Do not think so. Boomers changed that. Well, some did, mostly we were workaholics because we had to be due to the changing economy caused by the elite boomers.

And if need to get away from it all and listen to some music which generation had it better is debatable because everything is, it is but not much of a debate.

I still stand by the OP. In hindsite my massive over site was not mentioning Generation Z. The changes the boomers made to society were in some ways real such as civil rights, more acceptance of sex but a lot of it was superficial such as Casual Fridays. The Boomer idealists worked towered making America live up to it’s ideals. The Gen Z change agents think American ideals are a cover for systematic racism. They are true revolutionaries. The vaunted boomer civil rights and anti war demonstrations occurred mainly in big cities and on college campuses. Gen Z turns out people in nearly every town small and large. The sexual revolution of the 60s seems to pale in comparison to the Gender Identity revolution

Getting back to the OP’s thesis is the Republicans will die out with the boomers. Conventional wisdom agrees and ads more diversity as a factor.
Similar things were being said 50 years about how the boomers were going to upend everything. As noted above that did not quite happen. Aging, having responsibilities of job and family made boomers more conservative or less willing to stick their neck out. Hippies “sold out” and became yuppies. And the image of the young boomer as a wild eyed hippie was only partially true. Plenty of 18 year olds cast their first vote in 1972 for Nixon.

Will the zoomers as they become older “sell out”? That is the key to the OP’s prediction coming true. So far the indications are no, instead of selling out with the help of technology they grew up with they are creating “woke capitalism”. The assumption that this generation would “grow up” and act they thew did is why the boomers have been so blindsided.

The questions still remain, are the voices of revolutionary change really representative of the young, will the consequences of the changes cause a retrenchment?

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24 Sep 2021, 8:10 pm

This wasn't intended as an anti Boomer thread. I see them as pretty much the stable base of the Republicans though and their deaths will erode the Republicans as a serious force on the national stage. Locally they will certainly still exist.