Do you think that the United States is evil?

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Do you think that the United States is evil?
Yes 42%  42%  [ 28 ]
No 58%  58%  [ 39 ]
Total votes : 67


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04 Sep 2011, 4:11 pm

eipsa2 wrote:
"The greatest thing the Devil ever did was convincing the world that he didn't exist"

USA = devil

Not literally (I don't believe in god/devil) but for al lintents and purposes USA is pure evilness. There are good people in the USA but it's government is infested with evil people.
Most wars after WWII started by the US. Incl. the Cold war. The amount of crap that the CIA has been up to in South America, SE Asia, Middle East etc etc. Cuba blockade for 50+ years, etc.
Then there is the extreme capitalism (greed) with most of the population in powerty or just getting by. Check out the film 'Inside Job' (narrated by Matt Damon) about the financial melt-down.

I sincerely believe the world would be a better place if the USA didn't exist but were instead a bunch of separate countries. There wouldn't be any middle eastern terrorists if it wasn't for the US policy of wanting to steal the oil from them.

Stalin started the cold war. Did you never look up any history of the rolling out of the iron curtain or the abuses that followed? How about the Berlin airlift? It was Stalin's paranoia and hostile moves that started the cold war, and we joined all other wars since WWII as a third party except for the current war in Afghanistan which we responded to in self-defense, and the second gulf war which was a preemptive measure gone wrong. I am aware of the CIA's activities, and while I am not thrilled that they happened, what was done was done to counter the actions of the KGB, GRU, and other communist bloc intelligence agencies subversive operations in the third world. It's not like we had a monopoly on secret human experiments, sending military hardware to unstable regions, or overthrowing governments to put puppet dictators in their place. America gets it's economic strength and national security through being one nation. We could not have won WWII if we were divided and the cold war would have been a moot point then. We have used our economy and resources to drive innovation. We did not steal oil. Even in Iraq. We have always bought it from them or paid royalties to drill there. Even in Iraq western companies pay the government for drilling rights. Muslim terrorists exist because they want to convert everyone to their brand of Islam at gunpoint and our presence in the middle east (which was 100% voluntary on the part of the governments in the region before 2001) is just a cheap excuse to rally a bunch of illiterate gomers that don't know politics or history or much of anything else to their cause. They would be REALLY unhappy if we quit using their oil and they won't stop their terror campaigns until western countries make Islam the state religion and replace their constitutions with sharia law.

I suggest you lay off the European socialist propaganda. Their governments are impotent, and like all other past socialist countries, their economies are crumbling from the policies your friends have lobbied for.

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04 Sep 2011, 7:53 pm

All nation states are evil to some degree because they have governments. Let us set a reasonable scale of evil. Surely Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union under Stalin have to rank on the high end. North Korea is major evil, but it is a minor nation so overall it has a lower evil-score. Britain did unspeakable things in India, but they stopped doing it in the late 19th century. The U.S. is moderately evil and nowhere near the Nazi-Soviet end of the scale.

How about nearly good nations? O.K. I would put Canada in that class along with Costa Rica which does not even have an army. Brazil is moderately bad because of the environmental damage it has done to the Amazon Rain Forest which is a major oxygen producer for the entire planet. Also they have not treated the primitive tribes of the Amazon particularly well.

Most of the South American nations are only moderately bad because they do not amount to much.

In the bad old days, South Africa would have ranked as a bad nation but not as bad as the Nazis or the Soviets. Now South Africa is a nothing country. It is not powerful and the government is not doing any major bad stuff.



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04 Sep 2011, 10:44 pm

The United States is more-so Good then Evil. We've certainly done more good then evil. What country is without evil, but very rare is such a large country of 300 million who dominate and arrange the world order so moral.

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04 Sep 2011, 10:57 pm

MarketAndChurch wrote:
The United States is more-so Good then Evil. We've certainly done more good then evil. What country is without evil, but very rare is such a large country of 300 million who dominate and arrange the world order so moral.

The United States and its people are more silly than evil.



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05 Sep 2011, 2:08 pm

ruveyn wrote:
eipsa2 wrote:

I sincerely believe the world would be a better place if the USA didn't exist but were instead a bunch of separate countries. There wouldn't be any middle eastern terrorists if it wasn't for the US policy of wanting to steal the oil from them.

If the U.S.A. did not exist the world would still be running of vacuum tubes. The transistor and the integrated circuit were conceived of and invented in the U.S.A. by American engineers and physicists.


Ruveyn, if the USA didn't exist, the people living there would still exist and still be inventing vacuum tubes and whatnot. I'm talking about USA as a political entity. One way it could exists in a different form would be as 50 separate countries without a unified military and foreign policy. Apart from that, not everything in the world was invented by Americans, the notion is extremely naive. The USA was 'invented' by Europeans (settled by them) by the way.... and it's political system is very similar to the Roman system.


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05 Sep 2011, 2:17 pm

Not evil. I just think the UK should not try to emulate the USA.

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05 Sep 2011, 2:36 pm

eipsa2 wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
eipsa2 wrote:

I sincerely believe the world would be a better place if the USA didn't exist but were instead a bunch of separate countries. There wouldn't be any middle eastern terrorists if it wasn't for the US policy of wanting to steal the oil from them.

If the U.S.A. did not exist the world would still be running of vacuum tubes. The transistor and the integrated circuit were conceived of and invented in the U.S.A. by American engineers and physicists.


Ruveyn, if the USA didn't exist, the people living there would still exist and still be inventing vacuum tubes and whatnot. I'm talking about USA as a political entity. One way it could exists in a different form would be as 50 separate countries without a unified military and foreign policy. Apart from that, not everything in the world was invented by Americans, the notion is extremely naive. The USA was 'invented' by Europeans (settled by them) by the way.... and it's political system is very similar to the Roman system.

that doesn't matter that not everything was invented by Americans, we gave you metallica, the apple computer, and disco. all the jews of europe would be almost nonexistent if America did not exist, and the Japanese war machine would have enslaved all of Asia, Australia, and the Pacific. The middle east and africa would have become the new frontiers for colonization much in the way that Ukrane and eastern EUrope was for Russia and Germany, and probably end up being split between nazi's and/or fascists, and the soviets. If anything, Europe and its dumb ideas have caused more maladies to humanity then the USA.

americanism works because it is believed, but only takes disbelief in its integrity and mechanics for it dissipate like any other ism. 50 American countries? What would the point of its existence be other then you not liking a unified US?

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05 Sep 2011, 2:37 pm

ruveyn wrote:
eipsa2 wrote:

I sincerely believe the world would be a better place if the USA didn't exist but were instead a bunch of separate countries. There wouldn't be any middle eastern terrorists if it wasn't for the US policy of wanting to steal the oil from them.

If the U.S.A. did not exist the world would still be running of vacuum tubes. The transistor and the integrated circuit were conceived of and invented in the U.S.A. by American engineers and physicists.


I disagree. Not to put down American achievements (which I greatly admire), or disagreeing with who invented these technologies, but I consider technological advancement inevitable. If the Americans had not done it, someone else would have eventually.

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05 Sep 2011, 3:29 pm

Vigilans wrote:

I disagree. Not to put down American achievements (which I greatly admire), or disagreeing with who invented these technologies, but I consider technological advancement inevitable. If the Americans had not done it, someone else would have eventually.

But much later.

The U.S. had the transitor in 1947. There was nothing like it being developed in Europe. That is because Europe was still wrecked in 1947.


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05 Sep 2011, 7:51 pm

ruveyn wrote:
eipsa2 wrote:

I sincerely believe the world would be a better place if the USA didn't exist but were instead a bunch of separate countries. There wouldn't be any middle eastern terrorists if it wasn't for the US policy of wanting to steal the oil from them.

If the U.S.A. did not exist the world would still be running of vacuum tubes. The transistor and the integrated circuit were conceived of and invented in the U.S.A. by American engineers and physicists.


I appreciate the point you are making, that technology would not have advanced this far without the input of the US. Still a shining example of mankind's strength in co-operation.

According to the patents, however, the transistor was conceived of by an Austrian citizen in 1925 & the intergrated circuit by a German engineer in 1947.

I say this not to in any way diminish America's achievements but to otherwise stop the belittling of Europe.


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05 Sep 2011, 8:36 pm

Almighty_CRJ wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
eipsa2 wrote:

I sincerely believe the world would be a better place if the USA didn't exist but were instead a bunch of separate countries. There wouldn't be any middle eastern terrorists if it wasn't for the US policy of wanting to steal the oil from them.

If the U.S.A. did not exist the world would still be running of vacuum tubes. The transistor and the integrated circuit were conceived of and invented in the U.S.A. by American engineers and physicists.


I appreciate the point you are making, that technology would not have advanced this far without the input of the US. Still a shining example of mankind's strength in co-operation.

According to the patents, however, the transistor was conceived of by an Austrian citizen in 1925 & the intergrated circuit by a German engineer in 1947.

I say this not to in any way diminish America's achievements but to otherwise stop the belittling of Europe.

Here are the facts: First practical transistor produced by Bell Telephone Labs in 1947. First practical integrated circuit produced by Texas Instrument Corp. That was done by Jack Kilby in 1958

The theoretical work was first done in Europe, to be sure, but it did not produce the practical item which is what counts

Here is the timeline for the development of the transistor and integrated circuit (aka micro-chip) ... eline.html



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06 Sep 2011, 1:03 am

I don't believe the U.S. as an entire nation and all its inhabitants are evil, but I do believe that there are a handful of people within the government that pull the strings and make a lot of really important decisions that are not in the interest of the people or humanity AT ALL. They, Along with the federal reserve and all the international bankers, are among the most evil people on the face of the earth, a disease that hinders the progress of humanity.


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06 Sep 2011, 1:14 am

The president and congress have no obligation to humanity. Only the United States. Putting humanity above the interests of the United States would be a huge breach of their oath of office. Obama did this and it will likely hurt him in his re-election.

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06 Sep 2011, 4:32 am

NextFact wrote:
I don't believe the U.S. as an entire nation and all its inhabitants are evil, but I do believe that there are a handful of people within the government that pull the strings and make a lot of really important decisions that are not in the interest of the people or humanity AT ALL. They, Along with the federal reserve and all the international bankers, are among the most evil people on the face of the earth, a disease that hinders the progress of humanity.

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06 Sep 2011, 5:48 am

Due to the large collaboration of people inside of a government in a democratic nation, a government itself cannot really be 'evil' as such; although, the leading party may support views that affect you negatively, but one must actually comprehend the word 'evil' to answer this question.

1 profoundly immoral and wicked: his evil deeds | no man is so evil as to be beyond redemption.
• (of a force or spirit) embodying or associated with the forces of the devil.
• harmful or tending to harm: the evil effects of high taxes.
2 (of a smell or sight) extremely unpleasant: a bathroom with an ineradicably evil smell.

Judging by this definition, I continue with my theory that a government itself cannot be evil, perhaps corrupted, but certainly not evil. This theory is only applicable with a democracy, and I do have opinions regarding the sinister ideologies of Socialism and the affects on people, but, the nation in question here is the United States, meaning that Socialism is irrelevant.

So no, I do not believe that a government, there alone a nation, can be sinister - democracy pretty much prevents this occurrence. Who knows?, perhaps one day a better form of government will be invented, but for now, democracy is the most beneficial form in practice.

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06 Sep 2011, 5:59 am

Helixstein wrote:
So no, I do not believe that a government, there alone a nation, can be sinister - democracy pretty much prevents this occurrence. Who knows?, perhaps one day a better form of government will be invented, but for now, democracy is the most beneficial form in practice.

Winston Churchill once said the democracy is the worst form of government ever conceived except for all the others.
