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What religion are you?
Roman Catholic 6%  6%  [ 20 ]
Roman Catholic 6%  6%  [ 20 ]
Protestant 5%  5%  [ 18 ]
Protestant 5%  5%  [ 18 ]
Jewish 2%  2%  [ 7 ]
Jewish 2%  2%  [ 7 ]
Agnostic / Atheist 19%  19%  [ 62 ]
Agnostic / Atheist 19%  19%  [ 62 ]
Buddhist 2%  2%  [ 6 ]
Buddhist 2%  2%  [ 6 ]
Hindu 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Hindu 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Mormon / Jehova Witness / Evangelical Christian 3%  3%  [ 10 ]
Mormon / Jehova Witness / Evangelical Christian 3%  3%  [ 10 ]
B'Nai Brith / Quaker 0%  0%  [ 1 ]
B'Nai Brith / Quaker 0%  0%  [ 1 ]
Wiccan / Druid / Gaian / Non-denominational spiritualist 6%  6%  [ 19 ]
Wiccan / Druid / Gaian / Non-denominational spiritualist 6%  6%  [ 19 ]
Jetson didn't list mine.... 7%  7%  [ 24 ]
Jetson didn't list mine.... 7%  7%  [ 24 ]
Total votes : 334


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04 Jun 2006, 11:36 am

I'm no Prod, Papist or Mohammedan. I'm pure atheist, me. :)


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05 Jun 2006, 8:42 pm

I'm atheistic/humanist with perhaps a few animistic leanings (still sorting it all out) and if I wasn't I'd be some sort of polytheist. I have problems believing that there has always been only one god when all the earliest religions believed in lots, for one thing, and I don't particularly like subscribing to any religion with as strong a history of violent intolerance as most of today's monotheistic religions have. This causes quite a lot of friction with my Roman Catholic family.

cogito, ergo sum.
non cogitas, ergo non es.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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05 Jun 2006, 8:59 pm

Jetson wrote:
B'Nai Brith / Quaker

Wait, isn't B'nai Brith a Jewish organization?

Oh, and I suppose I'm a "lazy atheist".


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05 Jun 2006, 10:01 pm

Where's "Flying Sphagetti Monsterism"? No, kidding. Interesting how many aspie atheist/agnostics there are!


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06 Jun 2006, 2:33 pm

I just kinda take the parts I agree with from different religions... Some call it cherry picking. I mean I'm the same way with politics, I don't subscribe to any pre-set pre-organized belief structures. Conservatives want a theocratic rule so they can force their religion on others, liberals have no cajones and would rather let a problem persist than to step up to bat if combating the problem means being called "politically incorrect" in one of it's many forms (look at immigration and how libs say your racist if you don't support ILLEGAL immigration, despite the fact that I'd be tougher on Canadians than Mexicans because atleast Mexicans have a good reason for it... But still it hurts our economy, it has nothing to do with race).

I don't support teaching evolution or religion in schools, I believe it should be up to the individual to decide for him or herself. I also think it's wrong to try and raise a kid to believe in a certain religion, I think ultimately the kid should have a chance to grow up and make up their own mind as to what he or she believes. Religion and politics should never mix, not unless we've all accepted a prooven truth somewhere down the road. Science has more proof than religion and I am more in tune with science myself, but not everyone agrees on that. So until something solid comes about that indefinately prooves someone right beyond the shadow of a doubt, and everyone has no choice but to see the truth, no personal beliefs should be pushed into politics. Of coarse the people in power aren't above throwing false or misleading evidence to us that the Christian way is the right way... But Dominionists aren't christians either, theyr more like nazis.


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06 Jun 2006, 11:13 pm

Mine wasn't listed.

Followers of Squiggy.


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08 Jun 2006, 12:22 am

I'm a United Methodist but raised Lutheran.


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13 Jun 2006, 8:00 pm

I'm a Christian who goes to church in a Foursquare church (which is the organization), but the denomination has an Episcopal pattern.

I'm 24 years old and live in WA State. I was diagnosed with Asperger's at 9. I received a BS in Psychology in 2011 and I intend to help people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, either through research, application, or both. On the ?Pursuit of Aspieness?.


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14 Jun 2006, 4:17 pm

I am a Non-denominational Christian :star:

I am 21yrs old and have 3 younger brothers.
There are 4 aspies in our family, dad, me and my
two little brothers 16, 8.


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15 Jun 2006, 7:38 am

You spelt 'Jehovah' wrong in the poll.

Stupid limiting of options by the board - we are NOTHING like the mormons. They take the Bible as secondary to the Book of Mormon.

Hey Conway and Kevv - hi :) Didn't know you were Witnesses too ... I suppose I should visit this area of the forum more often lol.

Spectrumite ... somewhere.


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22 Jun 2006, 10:41 am

Thagomizer wrote:
KingChaosNinja wrote:

Now Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Evangelicals, on the other hand, are three very different denominations.

I was about to post that, thank you. :) Also, Mormon's do NOT see the Bible as Second to the Book of Mormon but use them together, equally ;) Just a bit of food for though.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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22 Jun 2006, 3:10 pm

I'm spiritual, not religious.
I think all world religions are basically just different branches of the same tree. They're all pretty much about the same thing.


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23 Jun 2006, 1:02 am

I'm from a non-denomanational church, but we practice Psalms 150, so I've been told that makes us Pentecostal. Our founding Pastor was from the latter rain movement and ordained my husband and I under revial assembly. So I guess if I must be classified I'd say Pentecostal.

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23 Jun 2006, 1:39 am

Sarcastic_Name wrote:
I'm Christian, but there's a number of ways of interpreting the Bible. And so, I chose not mentioned because my beliefs are a bit different than any mainstream Christian religion.

Exactly me too.

I actually don't follow religion at all, I don't go to church, don't read the bible. Seeing all the bad things that can happen as a result of being too faithful to a religion, I think some religions have been corrupted over time, I choose to keep away really. The main POINT of religion is to believe in the love and humanity in every one of us, and look out for your fellow man, etc. Other than that, its really just common sense and treating people right, so I don't really need to follow any religions. However I call myself Christian just because I believe some of it, the rest I believe what I feel right about. And I celebrate the mainstream holidays like Christmas and Easter. My life is difficult enough that I wouldn't want to make it worse by not celebrating the fun holidays =P

And I am rather spiritual in a sense, I'm really facinated to learn more and such, I believe in stuff beyond this world and this life. I just have been too lazy to actually look into meditations and whatnot, so I am not completely 'there' yet with it all. But I'm pretty open minded to discover and learn more.


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23 Jun 2006, 2:48 pm

I am an atheist and secular humanist. In fact, my screen name, 'InfidelMatt' is designated to reflect this. I tried being what I thought was a serious Christian for ten years but it never worked out for me! I then became a Deist, an agnostic, and then finally an atheist.



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09 Jul 2006, 7:56 pm

Mark says:
i try to practice christian values without claiming to be christian which is better than the other way around, i'm not concerned with things like heaven or hell, i think what happens to us before we are born and after we die is up to god and what happens to us in between is up to us, i don't believe in a creator god that exisits outside of us, i believe there was a co-arising of god and the...
Mark says:
universe, i do believe in a creator god that exisits inside of us, creating this reality moment to moment, that man and god are not separate, that man and god are one, as to the metaphysical nature of that reality, i tend to believe as the buddhists believe, but when asked,"are you buddhist?" i say, "I wouldn't go that far." (a little zen humor there)
:jester: :heart: :jester: