What do you think of the riots in Milwaukee?

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19 Aug 2016, 12:21 pm

RushKing wrote:
Here's a perspective you won't find in mainstream media.

"Milwaukee Deserves to be Burned to the Ground"

Some of what is said is true, I think I touched upon a few of the things mentioned altho I don't agree with the broad characterization and think outside agitation plays a big role in these disturbances. There is a very active network of communists/anarchists working out of Chicago, Milwaukee like Ferguson and Minneapolis are fairly short drives so it fits the bill. There are already a bunch who have came to this state before with the protests they had against Scott Walker, a lot of useful idiots who like to roleplay as 60s radicals about.

The situation in Milwaukee is not a good one and there has always been issues with the police force but they are met with equally violent criminal gangs which have sprouted out of Chicago which is the gang capital of United States, the problem ultimately is with poverty and the resulting culture of poverty. I really don't know what to do, I grew up with these folks and I would say a lot are beyond help given the foundations they were given and the circumstances they were born into. You can throw all the money in the world at the schools but that's not going to fix broken families and broken parenting, it's isn't going to bring jobs back. What we have in Milwaukee is the disintegration of the black family and community, how can that be repaired?


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19 Aug 2016, 1:04 pm

Mootoo wrote:
L_Holmes wrote:
Of course, somebody had to make this about evil white people. Ignore the violent mobs screaming "Black power!" and targeting any white person they see in the streets; we should be more worried about some moronic redneck.

I like how they put "looters" in quotes, as if that wasn't actually happening during the riots. Liberals are morons. I consider myself a liberal, but I'm finding I often have to take the side of conservatives on these issues, because liberals will defend and minimize the most deplorable behavior as long as it's coming from a black person.

Okay, omniscient 'moron' (you're calling yourself that, of course; 'omniscient' because your couple of paragraphs have such conviction in them...)

I assume the irony here is lost on you.

maybe if your approach wasn't to equate protests with actual threats of harm it would make more sense.

Not protests. Riots. Look at the pictures and video in this article, and then try to tell me how non-threatening and non-racist their behavior was.

https://heatst.com/politics/im-about-to ... -shooting/

If mobs become violent then no one can defend them,

So we should defend violent mobs? That would include all violent mobs, including if they were Neo Nazis, so I'm assuming you mean we should defend violent mobs if their skin is black. Because when black people do it, it's more understandable, right?

It sounds like you think they should be defended and allowed to be more violent, because somehow it isn't their fault. Of course they aren't responsible for their actions; they are black, after all. How could anyone hold a black person accountable for their actions? No, it would be wrong to attribute free will to a black person. That would be racist.

but not only are women and children usually not armed... so your latter argument crumbles to dust... it's supposed to be in front of a shop, and you're defending it?

No, I'm not defending it. Where did you get that idea? I think it was pretty clear when I called the guy a moron that I didn't agree with what he said. What I see here is an article written to distract people from the events of Milwaukee. They do not even mention the riots at all in the article, and instead simply make it about white racism (the definition of race-baiting). Never mind the fact that this guy explained that he doesn't have a problem with black people, just Black Lives Matter. Also never mind the fact that he is only a random guy on YouTube, that they probably had to search around for. It is the natural response of a regressive liberal when faced with black people doing something wrong. They certainly can't say that these black people did something wrong; that would be racist.

Anyway, let me know when this guy, or anybody for that matter, gathers a mob by shouting "White power!", and they then proceed to chase black people down in the streets and assault them. Let me know when the media comes to their defense in the aftermath. Otherwise, this guy is irrelevant.

So, an aside, we build horrid capitalistic parasitic societies... oh, but suddenly some person (even if it's a single individual, it can always end up an outbreak, like the KKK did and can still do) - suddenly we're killing the most vulnerable in society simply because they've been spotted leaving a shop? That makes even supposed communist countries with an actual oligarchy look innocent, since at least historically people died of mismanagement, not outright sheer willingness to murder.

First of all, I don't think many black people would like you referring to them as "the most vulnerable in society". That seems a little degrading. Second, do you honestly think that, because some dumb guy made a video on the internet, we are all going to do what he says and start killing any black person walking out of a store? Your hypothetical dystopia where such a thing could happen does not exist, so bringing it up is pointless.

And you're defending this specific act because of a hypothetical violent mob... how ironic. All violence should stop, even in words.

Violence: behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.

Words are not violence. A word is just a sound made with your mouth, or ink on a paper, or pixels on a page. What is violent is your reaction to those words.

Did you even read anything I've linked, or watch anything at all about this? Seriously, you seem completely unaware of what happened. It is not a hypothetical violent mob. Buildings and cars were smashed and burned (not before they were looted, of course). People were assaulted and injured. Shots were fired (yes, by the "peaceful" protesters). Does this look like a "hypothetical mob" to you?

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19 Aug 2016, 3:18 pm

My post was blocked, so:



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19 Aug 2016, 6:45 pm

Communists have confirmed they were there.
Communist Group Members Go to Milwaukee to Help 'Revolution'

The "revenge" against innocent store owners probably would have happened anyway.

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