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01 Sep 2018, 12:46 am

For anyone following along: the guy in the article didn't just kick the drunk man to death for no reason other than just he was there and the incel was mad at the world, the incel also robbed him (the drunk homeless man, who he kicked to death.)

That's who's worthy of our consideration here, the poor mistreated incel who not only killed a defenseless sleeping drunk but also stole from him when he did it. The lowest of the f*****g low, that's who deserves our empathy and understanding, not the man who was killed.

So yeah, let's pour out all our sympathy for the guy who robbed a drunk homeless man and then kicked him to death because he can't get his leg over.


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01 Sep 2018, 12:51 am

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
To bad we can never understand why they are so mistreated by the world that they are forced to hate women and go on shooting sprees against their will.

This is why I have a really tough time not responding.

You really don't believe that bad enough things happen to people to turn them inside out. Has to be really nice being so sheltered.

Please leave me alone. I won't ask again, I will just report further harassment and personal attacks.


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01 Sep 2018, 1:20 am

There are several different kinds of Empathy:

Emotional Empathy; where one feels the Social Contagion of what other Folks Feel at hand;

Sympathy; when one can personally relate to what 'the other' is Experiencing in Feeling Sensing Life.

And finally, Cognitive Empathy when one makes a Huge Leap Really to Understand Better Researching
with Social Intellect, what makes other Folks Tick with a more thorough Research of Cause and Effect.

Yes; I have no Personal Empathy of Emotional Contagion for any Murderer or Sympathy either; but I also am Curious
now and wanna find out what makes them Tick as any Forensic Psychologist would Naturally Do too; whether now a
Hobby or Getting Paid. People usually Don't Understand me here either but those with High Levels of Emotional
Intelligence do very well in other Environments who are more Right Brain Metaphor Thinking Folks.

It Seems Clear to me the Deficit is the same Among so-called Incels who have very Low Levels of
Emotional Intelligence who don't even understand at Core what it even means to Be a Social Animal
who Feels and Senses the Heart of another Social Animal in Warm and Fuzzy ways of Caring so much
more than Just a Lizard who wants to Reproduce now; stunted without Growth; Still Living with a Grinch
Heart now if they never Break Free and Gain the Strength of Love Incarnate to Move Mountains
of other Hearts of Humans who do Enjoy Heart-Light Ways of life now at core of Living Life.

True, Incel is a lack; but so much more than a Lack of Body Parts as that objectively relates
as Tools of the Opposite Sex; Seeing Women as Nothing more than Masturbatory Tools.

That doesn't work. That won't Work. And that isn't even Human and Barely Robot too.

And to be Clear this is not aimed at anyone here; I come for Research to better
understand the Human Condition and gave up on any possibility for real
Social Reciprocal Communication here years ago with much Heart at all
in terms of Humans who move more than Intellect as that relates to Heart at Core.

It took me a long while to understand it more fully; but visiting other Environments makes it Crystal Clear.

And it also True, Leading Social Scientists and Psychologists help even more in Modern Research Terms of
Cognitive Empathy to provide even more Clarity still; along with Neuro-Scientists too as all of this is Fascinating to me.

Sad yes;
Disgusting yes;
Deplorable yes;
But Never the Less
Reality that deserves greater attention now.
For it is true unless one comes to better understand
the Why's of Aberrations in Human Nature by turning a Blind
Eye to Seeking Deeper Understandings; we are just bound and determined to let the status quo ride as is.

And yes, there is also Tolerance and Even Acceptance for Differences in Communication; but that takes a level
of Pure
and that too
is part of the overall issue at Hand.

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01 Sep 2018, 10:12 am

Arabic man kills someone: terrorist.

Black and/or Hispanic man kills someone: thug.

White man kills someone: he was mentally ill and we as a society failed him.


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01 Sep 2018, 10:30 am

XFilesGeek wrote:
Arabic man kills someone: terrorist.

Black and/or Hispanic man kills someone: thug.

White man kills someone: he was mentally ill and we as a society failed him.


This. :evil:


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01 Sep 2018, 10:31 am

XFilesGeek wrote:
Arabic man kills someone: terrorist.

Black and/or Hispanic man kills someone: thug.

White man kills someone: he was mentally ill and we as a society failed him.


I'd love to know who said anything even close to that.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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01 Sep 2018, 1:03 pm

hobojungle wrote:
XFilesGeek wrote:
Arabic man kills someone: terrorist.

Black and/or Hispanic man kills someone: thug.

White man kills someone: he was mentally ill and we as a society failed him.


This. :evil:

Not on wrong planet so much, this thread is named incel terrorism.

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01 Sep 2018, 2:06 pm

Thank you for your input.


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01 Sep 2018, 5:28 pm

XFilesGeek wrote:
Arabic man kills someone: terrorist.

Black and/or Hispanic man kills someone: thug.

White man kills someone: he was mentally ill and we as a society failed him.


You're just saying that because you can't understand the suffering of the white man, because of how sheltered from real suffering (you know, the kind incels know and we don't) you are. /s


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01 Sep 2018, 5:52 pm

karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
You're just saying that because you can't understand the suffering of the white man, because of how sheltered from real suffering (you know, the kind incels know and we don't) you are. /s

All I can say is I'll pray for you to have a happy life, happy friends and caretakers, roses and warm hugs from the universe, and in return if the world could just give you back one sliver of mild criticism wrapped in white light, fairies, unicorns, and sugar bears - that you make a mess when you jump around in things you aren't up to the task of understanding.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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01 Sep 2018, 6:13 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
And yet he acted out his issues on others in a violent way, which apparently is becoming part of the incel ideology--that they have the right to act out violently, because society has been so hard on them by denying them the ability to get their dick wet. It's so disgustingly self-indulgent and entitled, and shows what is wrong with the mentality of men like this.

I think this is where we had our disagreement earlier though. Millions of people are holding on to their decency by their very fingertips. If life gets dismal enough they break, in some direction. The overwhelming number of people in such narrative spaces resort to some type of vice or find some other way. A small enough number to make the news cave to the urge to violence, and they do so largely goaded on by the same thing that's tormenting other people (incel or just suffering in other ways) - ie. being raised with the idea that they're precious, that they have inherent value, all to find out as adults - to their horrifying disillusionment, that the value of human life is akin to the value of insect life and that our agreements not to harm other people are largely due to our desire to prevent our own suffering. An insect we just smash without thought, a human being judged to have the value of an insect has a much longer and colder road of life ahead of them. Some people, like this guy, take the line of reasoning that if life is absolutely meaningless and that they're suffering - in a role that the world is going to wipe its arse with them for anyway and throw them in the grave when its through - why not do something truly random, something truly chaotic, if it breaks the constant drumming sensation of absolute life failure that they've been consigned an uneasy and unnegotiated submission to. Some people at the bottom of the article offered that he'll now be involuntarily incelibate when Bubba gets a hold of him - quite likely so, and I doubt he'll look back on what he did fondly.

I do tend to worry that this is a time where we'll really start seeing society's demons coming to the surface. Not sure how it will pan out but I think, in the end, we'll need to deeply reconsider how we relate to one another as a species and we'll realize that if we forfeit human dignity or only reserve it for 'the winners' we'll have a solid dystopia on our hands. People at the top can indeed laugh or brush the sweat off their foreheads and be grateful it's someone else and not them suffering the indignity of being a non-human human or a western untouchable, at least until they get laid off - permanently - and from there they can be homeless, or barely cling to subsistence, get treated like they'd never existed, and it'll be loads of fun as all their dreams, all their grand visions of who they are, crumble.

Considering everything you have said, would you have reduced that guy's sentence or given him the full whack?


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01 Sep 2018, 6:22 pm

domineekee wrote:
Considering everything you have said, would you have reduced that guy's sentence or given him the full whack?

I'd say that I at least think I'm of one mind with Sam Harris on this one - ie. if someone does a crime you put them away for purely pragmatic reasons, ie. their inability to do it again. There's no choice but to give him either the full sentence or something exactly on par with any sentence anyone gets for similar kinds of misconduct and harm to their fellow man or woman. We're nations with laws that we enforce not to be cruel but because there's really no alternative - ie. if you do certain things, certain things in turn need to happen in order to keep everyone else safe.

What I object to is people jumping right to the good and evil prescription. That's great if you're in a monarchy, a dictatorship, or in a theocratic society, its useless if you're attempting to live in a free or liberal society because the idea would be that you want to understand problems maybe not even purely for just preventing more of the same in the future but.. I don't know... even nerdier reasons like wanting to know how the world works and how to make things work even better across the board.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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01 Sep 2018, 6:29 pm

To extract this down even further:

As far as incels, incels killing people, incels planning to harm or kill people - I'm completely against all of it.

All I've really been trying to say in this thread is I think I can see how the edges of this take shape. That's not condoning it, it's closer to saying that I think I've observed 2 H2 + O2 => H2O. It's not a moral endorsement, it's more like a proclamation that I'm seeing physics in motion and have an observation about those physics that may be relevant to the topic at hand.

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin


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01 Sep 2018, 10:19 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
karathraceandherspecialdestiny wrote:
You're just saying that because you can't understand the suffering of the white man, because of how sheltered from real suffering (you know, the kind incels know and we don't) you are. /s

All I can say is I'll pray for you to have a happy life, happy friends and caretakers, roses and warm hugs from the universe, and in return if the world could just give you back one sliver of mild criticism wrapped in white light, fairies, unicorns, and sugar bears - that you make a mess when you jump around in things you aren't up to the task of understanding.

A lesson in empathy for any incels who may be observing: when someone asks you to leave them alone, do so. Especially if they've asked you repeatedly. To do otherwise is what brings on labels like "creepy".

Just stow this paternalistic BS, and please leave me alone. I've asked you repeatedly and I've reported you already for ignoring my repeated requests to leave me alone. I don't take criticism from people who can't take basic instruction like "stop talking to me please". So stop talking to me, or I will report you again.


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02 Sep 2018, 7:14 am

domineekee wrote:
Considering everything you have said, would you have reduced that guy's sentence or given him the full whack?

Even though he did a very unjust thing, it's cruel to make him suffer in prison for years or decades, only to suffer unemployment after he's released. It would be better to give him the mercy of a painless death.

The days are long, but the years are short


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02 Sep 2018, 8:45 am

RetroGamer87 wrote:
domineekee wrote:
Considering everything you have said, would you have reduced that guy's sentence or given him the full whack?

Even though he did a very unjust thing, it's cruel to make him suffer in prison for years or decades, only to suffer unemployment after he's released. It would be better to give him the mercy of a painless death.

Oops, I didn't mean kill him. I was trying to gauge how deep Techstepgene8tion's sympathies ran for the murderer.