Reply personal responsibility is a crock: here is why

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06 Feb 2021, 2:59 pm

It depends on What Ya Value in Life Now This Day Now...

Accepting What Is And Doing the Best Ya Can and Will Now...

Sure Like Not Able to Speak until 4, Called Out as the Weakest
Fish in the Aquarium in School, Bullied for Being a Boy
Assessed As Ugly Girl, Threatened to get Beat Up

For Just Frigging

Smiling at the

City Park

Playing Tennis

With the Backboard Day

In Day Out; Eventually Good

At that too and Running; Yet Let's not get too far off topic;

Then at Least, Earning 3 Degrees, Graduating, Yes Always

Close To the top of Most Every Graded Class; True It was all
Mostly Multiple Choice Then; So Easy With Stellar Rote Memory;
Yet Life Ain't Multiple Choice Is IT; Ya Get Trapped in Just one Dam Thing;

Thing Is Then, Still Not Able to Socially Successfully Communicate

Anything i learned at all as Communication Was still

A Stumble Under Any Stress At all, Stuttering As Such;

Too bad i didn't Know how to Control it With Poetry Like 'Biden'

Then; Sing Song Sing Song Again; Sure, i finally Got A Job With the

Government Working for $3.69 Cents An Hour, a bit over Minimum Wage,

After All those Degrees, the Weathered Social/Emotional Intelligence Dude Who

Interviewed Me A Salty Old Retired Sailor, Running the Military Bowling Center,

Laughed a Bit when he asked me what a 'Left-Handed Monkey-Wrench' Was as

I had no Clue Then; Nah,

i Still don't Now; i haven't
Looked it up on Google Yet,

Perhaps i will one day...

Thing is, an Ace Up my

Sleeve, i didn't know yet then...

i had one class in Computers;
Enough to Get me into a Entry

Level Job Passing out Shoes at a Bowling
Center; A Sport, i Never Learned How to Play
Well; Even Eventually As Manager of the Place;
Getting Changed over to GS-5 Appropriated Pay
Did Double my Pay First Before Eventually Retiring
at the GS 9 to 11 Pay Grade As Athletic Director Picked
Only Still For the Computer Skills i Developed as the only

Way i even got
that first Job
is, it was 1984
And that Little
Bowling Center Got
A Grant to Go Computerized
and that had nothing to Do with
Left Handed Monkey Wrenches, Yet
Systemizing Mind as Gift one Breeze
For me Saved by the Wind of Technology...

As True of course, i was last kid picked in
Team Sports in School; Last Job Anyone including
me would have ever guessed i would ever do, Athletic
Director of a Military Installation.. Yes, Yes.. it put me
in Autism Burn-out; all the Social Responsibility Required
Along with all the Technology And Financial Related Skills too...

Yet i lasted
Long Enough
to Retire, Early
Permanently Disabled
As You See even with the
Worst Pain Known to Humankind

i managed to fill Out literally 100 Pages

of Medical Documentation Required for all
the Work Related Stress Disorders, some still to
Come Diagnosed then in a total of 19; Yes Stress, will

Ya and
it almost
Killed me then
For Real, Yet You
See i survived it's what

We Do; This Human Condition
Requires Life, and Even With The Suicide
Disease, We Still Are Evolved to Survive in Hell on Earth...

Fortunately, i wasn't a Big Knife And Gun Collector Like my Father...

And Yeah, i was always afraid of Heights; Truly Terrified that Helped out too...

Yet You See, All i did Before Age 53, After spending 66 Months in Hell, Really
Had Nothing to Do With me at all; Who was Humanly At Core, truly More Artistic
Than So-Called Autistic, Yet Raised as a Cog in a Machine as Aren't Most People

These days

Where Life

is Button

Press this

And Button Press

That Bingo Jackpot

Colors of this or that mean i am accepted

in this Life; again the Greatest Responsibility You

Will Ever Achieve in this Life is becoming True to Who You

Really are; No matter What the F Anyone Else Thinks or Feels

or Senses, Seeing You As Different than them; and it's true

if i didn't fall down and almost die, i would have never even

Found Out Who

i Truly Am;

Yet You

See, the only

Reason i did is i never
Gave Up; at least not all the way...

i continued to Breathe; For It's true,

Whether We like it or not, it is our Personal Responsibility to Breathe...

i've already Told the Story Here too many times to count what happened then

After 53, Moving From Shut-in to Assessed Public Dance Legend and Literally

Loved by Women all around the Globe for the quality now of what comes True

Through with my HeART, SPiRiT, SoUL Unleashed Released Full in Song of

Free Verse Poetry FLoWinG With No Restraints; Yet it's true, i was also that

Person Before that No one Yet my Sister, Dog, And Mother Expressed i even



to exist just for me...

Just to be who i truly am...

In Longitudinal Studies, of Hans Asperger's
Case Study Patients; A Consistent Follow-up
Finding is, many Found A Niche of their own

To Pursue and Much Later in Life Surpassed
What Their Peers of same age were doing then
in Measure of Societal Success; true i don't have

to do that; i already retired financially Independent
Young as truly i saved enough for it in the Bank Anyway;
Without Even any Disability then for Early Retirement; Yes,

Good At Numbers Will Pay off too; additionally, More Concerned
About Living than Collecting 'Dead Things'; i guess (Know) what i'm saying

Is Give Yourself
A Break; Do What

You Can And Until

You Will Do More;

Don't Give Up;

It is what it

is; what

it becomes

is truly Mostly

Up to You (Us); Everything

i am, truly am, is truly only up to me...

Perhaps That is the Way it Works the

Best When we simply Can and Will Do It...

i Lived At Home, Mostly, until i got married
At 29; i bought my own Home at 33 shortly
after my pay was increased; Pork and Beans
for 3 Months with a 3,000 Dollar Down Payment...

My Wife got a Job at a News Paper

And Later



Became 'Superman'
as far as supernormal
Stuff and the Nietzsche Definition of that goes...

It's true, i used to write short Columns for that 'Local Paper',
my Wife Worked at, For High Scores in Tournaments and League Play
For the Bowling Center With No Creativity; Just Copy and Paste Numbers
As i didn't have a Creative Bone in my Body to Change the Same Paragraphs
i literally used for more than a Decade; And Now as mentioned many instances

People Called
me Bird Legs
in Middle School;

What was the Chance
i would Still Leg Press
up to 1520 Pounds at 60;
48 Years Later, Probably None
as really Who do 'You' know who
is 60 Years Old who will do it now,

Other than folks on Anabolic Steroids of Course...

And nah; i didn't know how to use a Check-Book until

28 Years of Age; Yet to be honest, i learned How as i was embarrassed
to Have to use a Money-Order to Pay for my 10th Class Reunion Yet Again

It Did not stop me

From Becoming

Financially Independent at age 47...

A Black Woman Officer Asked me out
Working at the Bowling Center back
in the 3.69 Dollar An Hour Days...

It Was A Very Tasty Steak Dinner...

i told Her i made a lot of
investment in myself...

She thought i was talking
about money and said she
was so proud i wasn't on Welfare
Like the Other Men She Met in Town...

Yet Nah, i didn't have any money then;
Only a student loan, hehe, and not even
A Credit Card until age 26, Buying my
First Color TV; nah, then i was talking

About All i learned in College;

Too bad there was nothing

i could do with it then...

Things Get Better...

Things Get Better..

Yet ya Better Learn

How to get the Patience

of 'Job' as what other choice

Do We Have Living in Hell really

None until




on Earth too...

Easy no... Possible yes...

In Fact, anything is possible of Value at Least (Love)...

Just see if anyone here will prove me wrong.... in any way now....

So Many Dam Flavors; So Many Dam Flavors, Yet Folks CHOOSE

to remain so salty about life; i should know as in my life i've Lost

The Taste And Smell that came back as 'Death'; Lost Effective Use

of my Eyes and Ears; Never Still Have Ability to touch Human made

Stuff to touch; lost all my Emotions; not even a Memory, a Reference

Point back to How a Smile Feels in Real Hell on Earth; Yet Again, so

many Dam


of Life

Yet folks

remain so

Dam Trump Salty about it too...

True, Without Love We have

Nothing of Value still as far as i will feel...

Once You have it all (Love) the rest Just seems to magically come...

Again or

for the

First time

Ever When Ya

Finally Feel Like

You Are Really Really Human for Real...

Or Even 'A Man' You Never Felt You Will be....

And then You

Come to

Find i AM;

Yes, It's Kinda nice...

A 'little' Some Thing

Worth Living For {Loving it
ALL DarK Through LiGHT(god)}

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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09 Feb 2021, 12:50 am

Phoenix20 wrote:
Some people use their disability as a way of getting what they want and work the system like the following scenario:

"I once knew a chap, at the time we were friends, but because of this and a number of other reasons, we’re no longer speaking.

He and I both received diagnoses for Asperger’s (which still existed then) - mine being marginally more severe - but we responded in different ways.

He went into the testing almost determined to get diagnosed with something. I went in wondering what would happen, and whether the results would give me any answers to questions I’ve had about myself since I was a toddler.

He got what he “wanted” - his first act upon receiving the diagnosis was to research how much free stuff and special exemptions he could get himself.

He was very open and honest that he was doing this. He openly mocked the system that looked out for him, because he was going to make “the man” work for him.

"But, my Asperger’s!” became a mantra.

He didn’t get another job - he searched for a little while but couldn’t understand why, as a man with no experience and no qualifications, he had to start in an entry level position. He considered himself a genius and thought they he should begin at the top.

After evading “get a job” pressure from me and from other friends, he took out a large student loan because he said he wanted to get a degree in engineering (in actuality, he just wanted to move to Brighton to get drunk and have sex) so off he went, and he attended one class, told his professor that she was an imbecile and that the classes were “beneath him”, and never went back.

He squandered the loan money on beer and kitting out his pathetic rusty Ford Fiesta with a floor-shaking sound system. Then, it was discovered that he never attended University, and the Student Loan Company started proceedings to get the money back - which he’d spent.

“But, my Asperger’s, I have a disability!” he said at the age of 29, and his father paid off all his debt. Now his father is almost bankrupt and his mother is descending into depression. Meanwhile, he sleeps in until midday, watches Star Trek, and yells at his mother when she asks him to contribute some money towards the rent - which he still doesn’t, aged 32. (His mother is still friends with mine, so there is some news throughput - but not direct.)

It was an utter disgrace - and far from being ashamed, or feeling guilty - he was overjoyed - he’d found a way to beat the system, and to get more in exchange for less." ... utism-work

I do wonder what his time in elementary, middle, and high school was like? What was his childhood like?


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09 Feb 2021, 2:53 am

Phoenix20 wrote:
Some people use their disability as a way of getting what they want and work the system like the following scenario:

"I once knew a chap, at the time we were friends, but because of this and a number of other reasons, we’re no longer speaking.

He and I both received diagnoses for Asperger’s (which still existed then) - mine being marginally more severe - but we responded in different ways.

He went into the testing almost determined to get diagnosed with something. I went in wondering what would happen, and whether the results would give me any answers to questions I’ve had about myself since I was a toddler.

He got what he “wanted” - his first act upon receiving the diagnosis was to research how much free stuff and special exemptions he could get himself.

He was very open and honest that he was doing this. He openly mocked the system that looked out for him, because he was going to make “the man” work for him.

"But, my Asperger’s!” became a mantra.

He didn’t get another job - he searched for a little while but couldn’t understand why, as a man with no experience and no qualifications, he had to start in an entry level position. He considered himself a genius and thought they he should begin at the top.

After evading “get a job” pressure from me and from other friends, he took out a large student loan because he said he wanted to get a degree in engineering (in actuality, he just wanted to move to Brighton to get drunk and have sex) so off he went, and he attended one class, told his professor that she was an imbecile and that the classes were “beneath him”, and never went back.

He squandered the loan money on beer and kitting out his pathetic rusty Ford Fiesta with a floor-shaking sound system. Then, it was discovered that he never attended University, and the Student Loan Company started proceedings to get the money back - which he’d spent.

“But, my Asperger’s, I have a disability!” he said at the age of 29, and his father paid off all his debt. Now his father is almost bankrupt and his mother is descending into depression. Meanwhile, he sleeps in until midday, watches Star Trek, and yells at his mother when she asks him to contribute some money towards the rent - which he still doesn’t, aged 32. (His mother is still friends with mine, so there is some news throughput - but not direct.)

It was an utter disgrace - and far from being ashamed, or feeling guilty - he was overjoyed - he’d found a way to beat the system, and to get more in exchange for less." ... utism-work

Wow, when I was a kid, I found out at age of 17 you could get "free" money from the gov and even that made me uncomfortable then. I wanted to work and earn my own money and I had teachers trying to limit me to work that wouldn't involve people and it made me think if I am not capable of work, I can just live off free money then and my therapist told me if I do that, I wouldn't be able to buy another Nintendo or a new game for it. I would have to put up with that.

I never once thought of what stuff I can get for "free" with my diagnoses lol.

I have met people who truly thought they didn't have to work because they get disability payment.

I do say less people would be on disability if people were not so judgmental hence the reason why many people with an ASD are unemployed. I think lot of it has to do with lack of tolerance and maybe due to other issues like executive functioning and sensory issues so that might impact their work. Plus I have seen some admit online they will not do jobs like cleaning because it is below their intelligence level and their education. They say they didn't go to college to bag groceries. So there are people that would rather not work because they don't want to work non educated jobs while I would because it is work and I want to work and not be a burden on society. But I know this isn't good enough for lot of conservatives who think we are just lazy. Plus they even said on reddit "This is r/aspergers, not r/autism" implying that I am low functioning even though I am very mild and that only low functioning people would work non educated jobs. But that was some ableism there I experienced from other aspies who look down on those who work non educated jobs like bagging groceries or stocking shelves or cleaning offices or hotel rooms.

And only thing that holds me back is my learning issues which is pretty severe so it limits my income and my employment. Another thing that would be my roadblock is people and their lack of understanding and tolerance. I wonder how many of us would be more employed due to this.


He didn’t get another job - he searched for a little while but couldn’t understand why, as a man with no experience and no qualifications, he had to start in an entry level position. He considered himself a genius and thought they he should begin at the top.

This attitude seems to be getting more and more common among the younger generation because they expect to earn $45 an hour right when they are fresh out of college with a degree or they expect to start high when they start their employment journey they studied for. I did say on reddit everyone started out poor and that got downvoted a lot because none of the whiners wanted to hear you need to gain experience in your field first before you earn more money and also start out low and gain experience in your field before you work your way up and get promoted.
My mom used to make $8 an hour as a nurse when she first fresh out of college and this was the late 1970s and by the time I was a baby, she was only making around $20 something an hour. But by the time she retired, she was making close to $50 an hour. But she has changed fields in nursing like becoming an OB nurse in 1998 but she had to do classes for it, she became a hospice nurse in 2012 and then retired a few years ago. Also put money inflation into mind so what would $25 1985 dollars be in 2020 money? But imagine if my mom carried this attitude in 1976 by saying "I want to make $25 an hour, not $8" and demand she be paid that much lol as a fresh meat nurse lol.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses.


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09 Feb 2021, 5:41 am

This attitude seems to be getting more and more common among the younger generation because they expect to earn $45 an hour right when they are fresh out of college with a degree or they expect to start high when they start their employment journey they studied for. I did say on reddit everyone started out poor and that got downvoted a lot because none of the whiners wanted to hear you need to gain experience in your field first before you earn more money and also start out low and gain experience in your field before you work your way up and get promoted.
My mom used to make $8 an hour as a nurse when she first fresh out of college and this was the late 1970s and by the time I was a baby, she was only making around $20 something an hour. But by the time she retired, she was making close to $50 an hour. But she has changed fields in nursing like becoming an OB nurse in 1998 but she had to do classes for it, she became a hospice nurse in 2012 and then retired a few years ago. Also put money inflation into mind so what would $25 1985 dollars be in 2020 money? But imagine if my mom carried this attitude in 1976 by saying "I want to make $25 an hour, not $8" and demand she be paid that much lol as a fresh meat nurse lol.

Okay, like others you're not asking where this attitude came from. How did they get this attitude?

Think this through please! Look at the narrative they've experienced and what the first 18 or so years of their lives were like.

My answer is again parents, educators and those who had these kids as their charge. They were led to believe that they had to go to college to get a well paying job. And, if you failed on your tests you would be working at McDonalds. ... ilblog.ORG)

They were led to believe that you go to college and you get a well paying job just like that.

More then likely they're reading things like this. ... aying-jobs

The truth is that parents, educators, etc do a poor job at teaching them things like how to ascertain your worth in the market place and many other things that are required to live. The younger gens know nothing beyond what was pumped into their heads since they were born.

They're not entitled. They're ignorant and the older gens did a piss poor job in truthfully teaching them.

The younger gens are doing the best they can in a world they don't understand built by the preceding older gens.

To call them entitled in unfair.

AngelRho is a conservative and objectivist. In his mind they're not owed anything including how to obtain a job and what the realistic expectations are. But, how well is this realistically working? How well is it working forcing younger gens who have no clue to figure things out on their own and then what happens if they don't or can't?

Graduating students need to be given the realistic expectations of the workplace, how to succeed in it and exactly and realistically where they will be starting at and what they will be doing when they graduate high school and the college.

Analogy: The younger gens are like Frankenstein's monster and the older one's behave like Dr. Victor Frankenstein created the monster and then all of a sudden was repulsed after he brought it to life and sought to destroy it. The older gens made the bed now it is time for them to lie in it.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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09 Feb 2021, 9:03 am

He got what he “wanted” - his first act upon receiving the diagnosis was to research how much free stuff and special exemptions he could get himself.

He didn’t want to know what was wrong and find ways to help himself; he wanted something he could use to turn his problems into everybody else’s problems.

He fought for a disabled badge, parking spaces, free laptops, benefits, exam extensions, free transport, special treatment at work, and got them all.

He took his Asperger’s and wielded it against the world, using it as a mallet to bash at anybody who ever expected him to take any kind of responsibility for his life.


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09 Feb 2021, 12:58 pm

cubedemon6073 wrote:
This attitude seems to be getting more and more common among the younger generation because they expect to earn $45 an hour right when they are fresh out of college with a degree or they expect to start high when they start their employment journey they studied for. I did say on reddit everyone started out poor and that got downvoted a lot because none of the whiners wanted to hear you need to gain experience in your field first before you earn more money and also start out low and gain experience in your field before you work your way up and get promoted.
My mom used to make $8 an hour as a nurse when she first fresh out of college and this was the late 1970s and by the time I was a baby, she was only making around $20 something an hour. But by the time she retired, she was making close to $50 an hour. But she has changed fields in nursing like becoming an OB nurse in 1998 but she had to do classes for it, she became a hospice nurse in 2012 and then retired a few years ago. Also put money inflation into mind so what would $25 1985 dollars be in 2020 money? But imagine if my mom carried this attitude in 1976 by saying "I want to make $25 an hour, not $8" and demand she be paid that much lol as a fresh meat nurse lol.

Okay, like others you're not asking where this attitude came from. How did they get this attitude?

Think this through please! Look at the narrative they've experienced and what the first 18 or so years of their lives were like.

My answer is again parents, educators and those who had these kids as their charge. They were led to believe that they had to go to college to get a well paying job. And, if you failed on your tests you would be working at McDonalds. ... ilblog.ORG)

They were led to believe that you go to college and you get a well paying job just like that.

More then likely they're reading things like this. ... aying-jobs

The truth is that parents, educators, etc do a poor job at teaching them things like how to ascertain your worth in the market place and many other things that are required to live. The younger gens know nothing beyond what was pumped into their heads since they were born.

They're not entitled. They're ignorant and the older gens did a piss poor job in truthfully teaching them.

The younger gens are doing the best they can in a world they don't understand built by the preceding older gens.

To call them entitled in unfair.

AngelRho is a conservative and objectivist. In his mind they're not owed anything including how to obtain a job and what the realistic expectations are. But, how well is this realistically working? How well is it working forcing younger gens who have no clue to figure things out on their own and then what happens if they don't or can't?

Graduating students need to be given the realistic expectations of the workplace, how to succeed in it and exactly and realistically where they will be starting at and what they will be doing when they graduate high school and the college.

Analogy: The younger gens are like Frankenstein's monster and the older one's behave like Dr. Victor Frankenstein created the monster and then all of a sudden was repulsed after he brought it to life and sought to destroy it. The older gens made the bed now it is time for them to lie in it.

Regarding what anyone is owed, I do think we are owed SOMETHING. At least in the United States, abortion is legal--and FTR I'm mostly opposed to abortion in that I think the only "right" or moral condition for it is strictly as a life-saving procedure as a last resort. Ayn Rand would argue the universal right to abortion with no questions asked is necessary to fully protect individual freedom. My disagreement is the conviction that the unborn are already individuals who themselves have rights, and thus we are obligated to protecting them IN THE SAME MANNER as individuals outside the womb.

But whatever...abortion is legal. And that means that when a mother gives birth, it is by her will and her choice that she gives birth. Children don't ask to be born. They don't get a choice. So that means parents ARE obligated to take care of their children at least until they are able to care for themselves. And, yeah, if you have a legit disabled child, you have to be prepared to care for that child for the rest of your life. That's the least you owe any child you bring into the world. And if the unexpected happens such as disabilities and you are presented with a better means of caring for a disabled family member, like group homes, assisted living, nursing homes, etc., you don't have to feel guilty. You're doing what's best. But in getting to that place, you don't get to think about yourself first. If it happens to work out in your favor, that's fine, but it's immoral to disregard the life you brought into the world entirely through your own choices.

You also have to think about it logically. Children are extensions of their parents, another reason why I think objectivists should be opposed to abortion and why Ayn Rand was wrong on this subject. If you have a perfectly healthy arm, you don't cut it off. Even if your arm is slightly deformed or your use of it is impaired, you still don't cut it off. Ordinarily you remove a body part because something is wrong and the infection or cancer can spread and kill you. That's self-preservation. I would have no problem killing one of my own children if they directly threatened to kill me, meaning gun to my head or knife to my throat. Or if one child was poised to destroy his brother or sister and I had no choice but to kill the one who tried to kill the other, I wouldn't lose that much sleep over it. But nobody ever expects kids to go bad and try to kill their parents or siblings, and no parent wants to think about actually killing his own child, and so we make every effort to STOP something like that from happening and fix the problem so that it doesn't get worse--no different than chemo, radiation, or antibiotics to avoid amputation. Your own children ARE your flesh and blood, and it would be just as stupid to ever want to harm them.

Since you HAVE the option to destroy your child before birth, and since logically your children are a part of you and you wouldn't destroy them any more than you'd destroy yourself, you DO owe them adequate, healthy food, water, and safety.

And whatever your career is, you owe it to yourself to provide the best goods and services you can. Because you'll only accept the best, that translates into success when you form trade partnerships with other working individuals. You don't HAVE to teach anyone to do a good job. You don't HAVE to share your knowledge. You don't OWE anyone anything in that regard. Secrets in trade and competition are a necessity. Here's an example from the music business: Korg, Roland, Arturia, Mackie, and Behringer are five of the largest, well-known music manufacturers in the world. Back in the 1980s, Roland invented a series of drum machines and a bass sequencer. This product line was a commercial failure, and these devices were quickly discontinued and taken off the market. However, these devices became a hit among hip-hop and house producers. They are now highly sought after on the second-hand market and auction for 10 times what they were initially sold for.

Enter Uli Behringer. Over time Roland's patents expired, as did patents from some of those other companies I mentioned. Behringer began creating clones of these devices and began selling them at extremely cut prices, while Roland and Korg have cloned their own old devices and others, sometimes making digital clones instead of analog like the originals, and pricing them out of reach for many entry-level users. As another example, Arturia makes virtual instrument clones of certain vintage devices, notably the Synclavier and the Fairlight, often directly working with the original programmers and designers. Arturia also has a line of hardware products, mostly analog synthesizers and controllers. Behringer made a clone of a then-new Arturia controller, almost directly copying the physical layout of the controller, making some visual improvements, and gave it enhanced functionality. AND undercut Arturia's prices. This has created a furore among many musicians in the know. What did Arturia have to say about it? That competition is good for the consumers because it pushes companies to make better quality products at a reasonable price point. Behringer has cloned Mackie mixers and faced lawsuits over it--which Uli typically manages to come out on top when it happens. What does he do with his hard earned cash? He's actually bought out a small collection of brands, some of which are known for innovative products.

Uli is not entitled to any secrets these companies have. He gets a lot of criticism for copying or imitating their designs, but if that is so bad, why are Korg and Roland cloning devices they either gave up on or were designed by defunct companies? Korg recently making reproductions of the Arp 2600. Soon after this happened, Uli released the Behringer 2600, which is an improvement on the original without the attached keyboard. A year later, Korg released a smaller version of the 2600. Immediately after Korg's announcement, Behringer released an ad describing a limited run of EARLIER Arp 2600 reproductions that were known in the 1970s as the Blue Marvin and the Grey Meanie. The demos side-by-side with the original 2600 are mind-blowingly good, enough to convince me I'd much rather buy the Behringer than Korg's near-exact replica. Uli is not stealing any secrets. All his guys did was borrow an original from a museum, studied every detail of its circuitry, and created their own version of it at a fraction of the price that Korg offered. They aren't doing anything that nobody else could have done on their own. Therein lies the real secret to his success...that he has bold ideas, that there is a demand for vintage recreations, and that he's smart enough to get results he wants. He didn't have anyone teach him this. It's just what comes naturally.

The most important secrets are those you cannot possibly know unless you are that person. I've kinda learned this the hard way. I perform at a certain high level as a musician. I know I could be even more successful as a teacher if I could get my students to practice those things that led to me having certain abilities. And no matter how hard I've tried, I just cannot get those things across to students. They either don't believe how easy it is or they are just too lazy to even try. So a lot of times if people pester me about it, I just say, "well, I guess I was just born with it." I don't know how to respond. I'm ready to give away the keys to the musical universe, and nobody is willing to take them from me. But then imagine if you were to try to compete with someone like Uli Behringer--getting into the cloning business and undercut HIS prices and try to put Behringer out of business. If you are Uli, you adapt or die. Well, he really is a good designer on his own. So I imagine if someone ran him out of the cloning business, he'd still outperform with original designs. I have a hard time seeing how someone could outperform Behringer at making vintage clones, though, and it's not really the sort of business I think I'd ever really enjoy, anyway. He strikes me as the kind of guy who, like, Houdini, could give away all his secrets and still do better than the competition.

There's a proper context for secrets.

For the most part, though, I think honesty is always your best bet. Trade secrets are understandable, but being outright dishonest and deceptive in dealing with individuals isn't going to help you win in the long run. For example, take boracic acid. When added to old milk, it removes the foul taste and odor after milk has soured. Unfortunately, boracic acid can cause digestive system reactions. But, even worse, old milk treated with boracic acid becomes a culture for bovine TB, which in turn led to many children growing up with spinal deformities. And then you have bread that used to be baked with alum, which made bread whiter and heavier. But then alum also caused bowel problems along with malnutrition. So while someone could make an easy profit from dishonestly treating old milk with boracic acid or baking bread with alum, killing your customers also kills your revenue base, plus it will destroy your reputation once someone figures out what you're doing. Why not just only sell fresh, pasteurized milk and good bread? This is what ends up actually happening in our day and age and highlights my point: honesty is the best policy.

You are concerned with honesty in education. I think if you really want to solve all of our problems, you aren't going to solve them by repeated demands that educators and parents reveal all the secrets to success. Don't ask me why, I've already covered that. Extensively. Instead, I think what would be best is if educators and parents were just simply honest about the real world. I'm not here to make all your wishes and dreams come true. I'm not here to mold and craft you into the next billionaire success story. All I can do is teach you math. Learn as much as you possibly can while you're my student so you can handle any math-heavy task that comes your way. You may not ever use advanced calculus, but if you learn all this stuff and one day need to adjust a food recipe to feed any number of guests, hopefully you'll be familiar enough with these concepts to make something like that easy. Or...I can teach you all the Python you'll ever need. I can even teach you advanced data science and deep learning. But I'm just a college prof, all I ever wanted to be was a college prof, and I spend all my time doing research. I can't get you a job. But I can say that 90% of our graduates work at the top companies. You'll need to learn how to network on your own, but I can guarantee you'll have the skills you need before you leave my class.

Just shoot straight with people and let them know that the next steps have to be all on their own. If you need help finding a job, talk to people who have the kinds of jobs you want and ask them how they did it. You might have to tweak their methods to fit your own personality, but that's pretty much it. Get to know people at the kinds of companies you want to work for, build relationships, and when a position opens up all you have to do is just ask.

As far as what anyone OWES you, keep in mind nobody OWES you anything. Always remember that. The difference between knowing what you need to know and doing the things you need to do and not getting gigs is that there are people out there who WANT you to get the job and WANT you to know all these things. You don't typically find them in universities UNLESS your goal is to get a teaching position at a university. I learned the hard way that if I want to get a band director job, I can't talk to school administrators. That's the wrong approach. Talk to the band directors who are vacating those jobs. Figure out as much as you can about the circumstances and whether that's actually a good job for you in realistic terms. Ask THOSE guys to get your resume to the right person and you're pretty much going to get an offer by default. You won't typically know things like that until you've gotten a little experience, and THAT means sometimes taking jobs only because other people don't want those jobs. So you hang in there, pay your dues, make friends, network, visit other schools, conduct other bands, etc., and you get to step up. Get superior ratings at band festivals. Apply for the next job. Keep moving up and retire making $80k as a high school teacher.

But anyone who goes into the job market with a chip on his shoulder and that whole "everyone owes me" attitude is not going to get very far.


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09 Feb 2021, 1:03 pm

Phoenix20 wrote:
He got what he “wanted” - his first act upon receiving the diagnosis was to research how much free stuff and special exemptions he could get himself.

He didn’t want to know what was wrong and find ways to help himself; he wanted something he could use to turn his problems into everybody else’s problems.

He fought for a disabled badge, parking spaces, free laptops, benefits, exam extensions, free transport, special treatment at work, and got them all.

He took his Asperger’s and wielded it against the world, using it as a mallet to bash at anybody who ever expected him to take any kind of responsibility for his life.

He cashed in his Victim Card.


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09 Feb 2021, 1:11 pm

Phoenix20 wrote:
He got what he “wanted” - his first act upon receiving the diagnosis was to research how much free stuff and special exemptions he could get himself.

He didn’t want to know what was wrong and find ways to help himself; he wanted something he could use to turn his problems into everybody else’s problems.

He fought for a disabled badge, parking spaces, free laptops, benefits, exam extensions, free transport, special treatment at work, and got them all.

He took his Asperger’s and wielded it against the world, using it as a mallet to bash at anybody who ever expected him to take any kind of responsibility for his life.

How exactly does an aspie person qualify for a handicap parking space?

So was he really an aspie or did he fake it and managed to get the diagnoses?

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses.


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09 Feb 2021, 1:21 pm

Something strange with WP.

I went to my latest post on this thread. After a second, I went to view all my posts. It said angelrho wrote 6 min ago. But, that's not so.

I think there may be a minor glitch with the time stamp.


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09 Feb 2021, 1:32 pm

There is nothing abnormal with the software that runs WrongPlanet.  It has not gained sentience, nor is it being hacked by a disgruntled genius.  Your every move is not being observed through your webcams and no one is monitoring your spoken conversations through your computers' microphones.  Your personal data have not been downloaded by the Deep State, and the Reptilian Overlords have absolutely no interest in your sex lives.

Trust me,

I am Fnord.


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09 Feb 2021, 2:05 pm

Fnord wrote:
There is nothing abnormal with the software that runs WrongPlanet.  It has not gained sentience, nor is it being hacked by a disgruntled genius.  Your every move is not being observed through your webcams and no one is monitoring your spoken conversations through your computers' microphones.  Your personal data have not been downloaded by the Deep State, and the Reptilian Overlords have absolutely no interest in your sex lives.

Trust me,

I am Fnord.

It's either a glitch or I blanked out and lost a period of time. It may be the latter cause I've had that happen to me b4.


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09 Feb 2021, 2:14 pm

AngelRho wrote:
Phoenix20 wrote:
He got what he “wanted” - his first act upon receiving the diagnosis was to research how much free stuff and special exemptions he could get himself.

He didn’t want to know what was wrong and find ways to help himself; he wanted something he could use to turn his problems into everybody else’s problems.

He fought for a disabled badge, parking spaces, free laptops, benefits, exam extensions, free transport, special treatment at work, and got them all.

He took his Asperger’s and wielded it against the world, using it as a mallet to bash at anybody who ever expected him to take any kind of responsibility for his life.

He cashed in his Victim Card.

Just a wild guess!

Maybe he realized he couldn't win at playing the game others expected him to play so he crashed the airplane like in the book by heller called catch-22.


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09 Feb 2021, 2:53 pm

League_Girl wrote:
Phoenix20 wrote:
He got what he “wanted” - his first act upon receiving the diagnosis was to research how much free stuff and special exemptions he could get himself.

He didn’t want to know what was wrong and find ways to help himself; he wanted something he could use to turn his problems into everybody else’s problems.

He fought for a disabled badge, parking spaces, free laptops, benefits, exam extensions, free transport, special treatment at work, and got them all.

He took his Asperger’s and wielded it against the world, using it as a mallet to bash at anybody who ever expected him to take any kind of responsibility for his life.

How exactly does an aspie person qualify for a handicap parking space?

So was he really an aspie or did he fake it and managed to get the diagnoses?

Hmm; Let me Search For An Appropriate Song For A "Volunteer Answer" to 'this'...

Getting A Disabled Parking Spot Indicates 'He' had More

Disabling Issues than Asperger's Syndrome Alone;

Of Course We Aren't Hearing 'His' Side of the

Story; Most

Folks Are


Particularly, Folks

'On the Spectrum' By

Science About Many Invisible

Disabilities, Others Cannot See...

Which Requires Tons of 'Cognitive

Empathy', Surely Enough to Understand

Who Someone Like Trump Is as a Current

Meme of Lack of Emotional Intelligence That

Is Surely Not Restricted to Folks On The Autism

Spectrum; Yet Again, Clearly Science Shows that

Cognitive Empathy Is a Common Functional Disability on the
Spectrum; And NO That alone Won't Get a Disabled Place to Park.

There is Definitely

More to 'the Story'

That We Are Not

Hearing Here; Evidence

Indeed That Would Other
Wise Come For Disability for 'that Parking Space'...

It's Very Difficult to Get Disability Based on Asperger's
Syndrome, Alone, in the United States, Still At Least, Without
Co-Morbid Conditions That Indeed May Be Totally Invisible
For The Ignorance of these conditions that Do Exist; Yeah,

Somebody Tried to tell me i was exercising some kind
of 'Victim Card' Disabled With A Very Invisible Disorder
Worse Than Crucifixion, From Wake to Sleep as Assessed

As the Suicide Disease for 66 Months; 'They' Didn't Say

That Again as They Had no Idea Then i was A Real Devil in Hell

of Doing


Without a Soul
Bone Left as if You

Can Imagine a Disability
Like having a Dentist Drill
In Your Right Eye and Ear

That Is Totally Invisible to Others
That No Drug Will Touch; It's Not
A Place Ya Wanna Go; or A Place

Ya wanna argue

With someone

Who Is Currently

Existing in Hell;
Ignorance Harms

Ignorance Maims,

Ignorance Kills;

Don't Be So Quick

To Shoot (Not You, Personally) Unless
Ya Realize Who A Real Victim Might Be


True, the Person Who comes to find

Out there are somethings in Life Worse
Than Death That No one Will be Able to See

Yet Those

Who Live

Within Now

IN Hell;




With Lost

Soul As "Invisible Self"...

Yes, Obviously There Are Some
'Gifts' Beyond Personal Responsibility,
Like Being Gifted Within With HeLL ON EartH

That No One Will Be able to Experience;
Yet the Person 'Gifted' by Nature as Such...

Opinions on What Another Person Experiences
From the Outside For Disabilities Are Often
Clueless; Just Plain Callous; For those

Who Ain't

Got A
Clue in
Hell what
A Person is Really Going through...

Disability is Not a Free Cake Walk in
The US; More than Likely there are
Other Disabilities, We aren't hearing about here...

That Are Medically
Verified As Real

As That's the Law...

It Ain't A 'Clown Show' at the 'Capitol'...

There are many People Who Suggest
That Folks With Invisible Disabilities
Are Not Disabled and Playing

Some kind of

'Victim Card';

Sadly, the Only

Cure for Ignorance

May Be to Put on 'Their Shoes' for Real....

66 Months Is a lot longer Torture than
3 Days on a Cross With A Less Torture that comes...

It's Like the Day My Mother Said i didn't have it as
'Bad 'as the Story that was Retold in Oral Tradition
And Eventually Changed into a Book About

One Of Innumerable

Folks Suffering

CrucifixionS on
A 'T' Shaped Cross...

She even Ordered a Book
On 'The So-Called Crucifixion'

Sitting in Her Living Room Opening
Up The Book Out of a Mail Package

She Opened to A Specific Chapter

Reading the First Page And
Out of Her Mouth came

The Words that rarely
There is a Worse Torture

Than Crucifixion EXCEPT

FOR Trigeminal Neuralgia;

Yet You See That Was Referencing

Type One that is Only Sporadic; Yet

Mine Never Ended Wake through Sleep





me i had IT

easy in living death worse than death..

No You (again, not you personally) NO,

No One Possibly Can Fully Understand, Except for the Person in Hell Now for Real...

Other than that; No Different than Any Other Conspiracy Theory Related

Stuff; My Mother Still Refused after She saw in Black and White That

Who She Worshipped

Most of all




Hell than me;




Words of a
Story in a Book

About a Man Who

Never Wrote a Word in His Life...

It's Sad that 'He' was crucified; yet
with my perspective that would have
Been A Cakewalk With Icing (Death) in
Less than 3 days in my version of Living Death in Hell.. Then...

Nah, No one Wins

A Heaven or Hell

Wagging Contest with me; hehe;

Real Hell IS A Place, Ya Pray to Be Burned to Death...

'This Victim Card CR8P' Is For Folks Not Even able to Take

Sandals off 'some

other feet'...



Real Hell IS A Place

Ya Earn Sympathy For

The Devil; YeS ONly You(Me)

Like A Beatles "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely

Hearts Club Band"; Statue In Stone

of Soul Living Dead In the Burial

Ground; Bust Half Buried on An Album Cover Then...

Separated Living Dead From the Rest of the Crowd Really Dead....


Happy Mardi Gras!
Did the Lent Already

Forever Now

It's 'Fat Tuesday' For Real
A Week Early Or Late Makes No Difference...


-at least....

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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09 Feb 2021, 3:19 pm

People like Pheonix's friend are the reasons why ableism exists. People will use cases like his friend to justify their bigotry on us and say we are all lazy and not trying hard enough.

Are there people out there that game the system for those with disabilities, even if they do have that diagnoses, of course. I never believed in taking services for those who need it more than me and I should try and do without. But I went for a Honored Citizen Pass (something I was apposed to using before) when our transportation company here jacked their pass price up for one last time making it be in the $90s and it pissed me off so I went for that pass and I had my doctor sign me a paper for it so I can take it to the office and get the pass. It was that easy because I had a diagnoses. f*****g capitalism. :evil:

f**k with my budget while my work won't give me a $10 raise to compensate for the price jack, I will just play the disability card to save money. Take that. :twisted: Now our passes are over $100 for adult.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses.


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09 Feb 2021, 3:31 pm

Sometimes I do feel privileged with my disability and my diagnoses because I feel it makes my life easier and those without it have to suffer and worker harder and have their mental health decline.

People like my husband have told me I shouldn't feel qualify for using services just as long as I qualify. His reason for why I shouldn't feel guilty for going to my job for people with disabilities to just get a job handed to me like candy when a job opens up for me is because it's harder for us to get a job. I told him "but it's been harder for normal people too today" and my husband said "it's harder for us and we are more prone to being jobless so that is why."

After learning about systemic racism, this makes more sense, there should be such thing as systemic ableism as well.

I would never say other disabled people are privileged, I can only speak for myself and say I am. At least you would have to be insane to take offense to me calling myself privilege and saying I have a disability privilege. I am just glad I don't need to take any medication and that I don't have any health problems. Lot of people on disability have to buy their own meds so they don't have much money so hence low prices like for bus fair for those with disabilities. Not everyone can just stop taking their meds to save money because some will die without it (eg diabetes) or if they have a mental illness like Bipolar or schizophrenia and will become non functional and become homeless if they stopped taking their pills.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses.


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09 Feb 2021, 3:34 pm

League_Girl wrote:
People like Pheonix's friend are the reasons why ableism exists. People will use cases like his friend to justify their bigotry on us and say we are all lazy and not trying hard enough.

Are there people out there that game the system for those with disabilities, even if they do have that diagnoses, of course. I never believed in taking services for those who need it more than me and I should try and do without. But I went for a Honored Citizen Pass (something I was apposed to using before) when our transportation company here jacked their pass price up for one last time making it be in the $90s and it pissed me off so I went for that pass and I had my doctor sign me a paper for it so I can take it to the office and get the pass. It was that easy because I had a diagnoses. f*****g capitalism. :evil:

f**k with my budget while my work won't give me a $10 raise to compensate for the price jack, I will just play the disability card to save money. Take that. :twisted: Now our passes are over $100 for adult.

"In General," Why Do People 'Do this?'

'They' Feel 'Small'...

If They Can/Will Make

Someone Else Feel Smaller

They Feel Bigger; It's Human Nature...

Like Winning An Illusory Competition

For A Quick Jack-Up of Brain Juice Up-Out of an

'Cellar Emptier' Within....

Yet Not For Those

With A


Of Human Empathy

That Actually Feel the Pain of Others...

Sadly, it's Often 'Those' Who 'Are Down'

Who Try To Bring Others Who 'Are Down' Lower

Indeed a Sign
of Desperation

iT Ain't Easy to Be Human

Yet We Can And Will Be Humanly Kind to Others too...

There are A lot of 'Small Folks', Where i Live, Always
Searching For Someone Viewed Lower to Bring Down...

It's A Way Still Now Real of

A Place Where 'Desert Religions' Come
From Expressing Joy When The Children
of Opposing Tribes Are 'Dashed In the Head

With A Stone' to Death



Feel Like

'A Winner'

For Harming

The Most Vulnerable
of Whatever Opposing Tribe, imagined next...

It's Fascinating To Study And Easy When one
Transcends All the CR8P; Yet it is Hard to Live When Real....


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !