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27 Sep 2021, 8:30 pm

ironpony wrote:
Axeman wrote:
DW_a_mom wrote:
Axeman wrote:
Flown wrote:
Axeman wrote:
If I wanted a vasectomy I know it wouldn't be difficult to arrange. I certainly wouldn't face any of this crap.

You might even get a wink and a chummy pat on the back for getting one! :roll:

Whatever. People shouldn't be exterminated because they are inconvient or because they have undesired genetic traits.

Men shouldn’t make laws about complex situations that they don’t understand and continue to brush off as “inconvenient.”

There are ways to save the lives of the unborn that do not involve ignorant and putative measures against women. Address the factors that drive women to have to make a choice. We have a model on how to do that: the Netherlands.

Women talk about equality but what you really want is everything all your way. But that's not even my main issue on this. It's the potential extermination of people with autism just like what is now happening to people with Downs. 90 percent of Downs pregnancies are terminated because their parents don't want a disabled kid.

How are the doctors able to tell the kid will likely be born with down syndrom though?

That is easily determined by a karyotype of fetal tissue usually obtained by a chorionic biopsy. Downs is caused by the person having three copies of chromosome 21 rather than the usual two. This can be viewed directly under a microscope by treating the cells of the biopsy with chemicals that arrest mitosis.


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27 Sep 2021, 8:32 pm

auntblabby wrote:
a country whose priorities are so skewed in favor of those on top, a country that systematically denies affordable health care to tens of millions of its own citizens, cannot by any reasonable definition be the best at anything.

Thankfully, the Democrats are in power now.
Oh, wait. 8O


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27 Sep 2021, 8:34 pm

auntblabby wrote:
ironpony wrote:
How are the doctors able to tell the kid will likely be born with down syndrom though?

Nuchal translucency test-
Using your age and the results of the blood test and the ultrasound, your doctor or genetic counselor can estimate your risk of having a baby with Down syndrome.

They can determine by the means I stated above for one hundred percent wether or not it's a person with Downs.


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27 Sep 2021, 8:41 pm

Axeman wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
ironpony wrote:
How are the doctors able to tell the kid will likely be born with down syndrom though?

Nuchal translucency test-
Using your age and the results of the blood test and the ultrasound, your doctor or genetic counselor can estimate your risk of having a baby with Down syndrome.

They can determine by the means I stated above for one hundred percent whether or not it's a person with Downs.

what to do about the orphans? who will take care of the unwanted ones?


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27 Sep 2021, 8:43 pm

ironpony wrote:
That's a good point. Why do Americans keep voting for democrats usually when they never do anything about the health care system? I guess they feel that their promises, although likely empty, are still better than the party that will not make that promise at all?

Well, there may be reasons why the Democrats, now they are in power, don't/can't improve the welfare and healthcare systems, but the fact is, nothing seems to be improving to any significant degree.

And have you seen the "illegal immigrant" situation, lately?
A group of 30,000 and now a second group of 20,000.
I am not talking from a moral perspective.
I am talking from a practical position.

Imagine if America had no borders at all.
If you think your welfare and health systems are bad now, think about what it would be like if anyone who wanted to come to America simply walked in.
Would you be happy if the government cut your social security, healthcare or pension in half? <hyperbole> 8O
"I don't think so, Tim." 8)


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27 Sep 2021, 8:45 pm

ironpony wrote:
How are the doctors able to tell the kid will likely be born with down syndrom though?

The genetic evidence of Downs Syndrome can be found in the amniotic fluid, so an amniocentesis test is routinely recommended for all women over 35. The test can't tell you how bad the impact will be, only that it will be there. In fact, a woman who does not want that test will get significant push back because, apparently, doctor malpractice insurance companies are worried women will sue if they don't give birth to a perfect baby and no one warned them. I refused the test outright and I had to express multiple times that I would not have terminated my pregnancies regardless of what a test determined. The momentum of SOCIETY to not give birth to a downs syndrome child is unfortunately strong, to the point where an evangelical Christian friend told me she felt it would be unfair to the child to give them life. Having watched some children with Downs grow up and become lovely adults I could not disagree more. The fears about selective abortion for genetic conditions that are viewed by society as life impairing are not at all unfounded, but to characterize the risk of eugenics as a "convenience" decision by the mother is absolutely false. It is so much more complicated than that.

I urge women to ask their medical provider not only why the amnio test is being recommended, but what they are supposed to do once they have the results. What actions are available? As science advances perhaps there will be more actions besides termination available as an option, but when I was pregnant there were not. All I could have done with the information was choose termination. For that reason, I saw no reason to know. While the risks of the test are minuscule, they are not non-existent, and I saw no reason to add any risk, no matter how minuscule, to obtain information I would not act on.

Expanding here, though, I have to say: I don't understand how people who haven't had to live any of these decisions, or haven't been in deep conversation with those who have, can consider themselves to be in a position to suggest what the right answer to unfortunate reality of abortion is. There are questions in this thread that are so basic, it really shows to me how completely under-educated most people are when it comes to women's reproductive health.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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27 Sep 2021, 8:47 pm

Axeman wrote:
That is easily determined by a karyotype of fetal tissue usually obtained by a chorionic biopsy. Downs is caused by the person having three copies of chromosome 21 rather than the usual two. This can be viewed directly under a microscope by treating the cells of the biopsy with chemicals that arrest mitosis.

This is the more invasive of the testing options, carries the most risk to the fetus, and is not the test routinely recommended. Amniocentesis is.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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27 Sep 2021, 8:51 pm

auntblabby wrote:
ironpony wrote:
Oh okay, well I didn't think people cared about what democrats did since there is still a lot of dissatisfaction of course.

Why is it so complicated though? I mean Americans have a free police service for example, or free firefighters service, or free military defense, without having to send people who call on them large fees. So why does the medical establishment have to do it compared to other services?

that is a very good question that i've not found any satisfactory answers as to the GOP's moral justification for making poor people suffer.

The Democrats are now in government.
I don't think you have a leg to stand on. :mrgreen:

Start protesting about how the Democrats aren't doing enough.
Whip your 2 "conservative" Democrats into line and get some bills pushed through.
It isn't about the GOP or Trump any longer, from what I can see. 8)

Everything/k is so damned easy when people are in the opposition.
Much harder to govern when people are in government. 8)


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27 Sep 2021, 8:54 pm

Pepe wrote:
ironpony wrote:
That's a good point. Why do Americans keep voting for democrats usually when they never do anything about the health care system? I guess they feel that their promises, although likely empty, are still better than the party that will not make that promise at all?

Well, there may be reasons why the Democrats, now they are in power, don't/can't improve the welfare and healthcare systems, but the fact is, nothing seems to be improving to any significant degree.

And have you seen the "illegal immigrant" situation, lately?
A group of 30,000 and now a second group of 20,000.
I am not talking from a moral perspective.
I am talking from a practical position.

Imagine if America had no borders at all.
If you think your welfare and health systems are bad now, think about what it would be like if anyone who wanted to come to America simply walked in.
Would you be happy if the government cut your social security, healthcare or pension in half? <hyperbole> 8O
"I don't think so, Tim." 8)

The Democrats are now in government.
I don't think you have a leg to stand on. :mrgreen:

Start protesting about how the Democrats aren't doing enough.
Whip your 2 "conservative" Democrats into line and get some bills pushed through.
It isn't about the GOP or Trump any longer, from what I can see. 8)

Everything/k is so damned easy when people are in the opposition.
Much harder to govern when people are in government.

You missed the whole of a question by question explanation of the American healthcare system that followed the post you are citing, and occurs before your response shows up in this thread. I'm not going to run through it again just because you haven't read it all yet. It's complicated, and I've come to realize that people from other countries don't understand our system at all, or what powers the federal has - or does not have - to change it. How we do things is too far out of your personal experience. I didn't realize that until answering a lot of questions that I realized later were missing key context. So start with one of my last posts explaining the employer based insurance system and then work backwards. Page 28.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).

Last edited by DW_a_mom on 27 Sep 2021, 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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27 Sep 2021, 8:56 pm

auntblabby wrote:
ironpony wrote:
Oh okay. Could the democrats bring in outside experts, to help bring in socialized healthcare?

that is what they've done for 3 decades now. no use. the GOP is the big block to progress in this country along with a largely uneducated electorate with a majority of low info voters who let GOP dog whistles distract them from the prize, or convince them to give up their american franchise and just stay home instead of doing what it takes to overcome organized GOP opposition and vote like their lives depended on it.

But the Democrats did introduce Obamacare when Obama was President.
What is stopping the Dems doing something/k now?
A lesser majority than when Obama was king?


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27 Sep 2021, 8:59 pm

Pepe wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
ironpony wrote:
Oh okay. Could the democrats bring in outside experts, to help bring in socialized healthcare?

that is what they've done for 3 decades now. no use. the GOP is the big block to progress in this country along with a largely uneducated electorate with a majority of low info voters who let GOP dog whistles distract them from the prize, or convince them to give up their american franchise and just stay home instead of doing what it takes to overcome organized GOP opposition and vote like their lives depended on it.

But the Democrats did introduce Obamacare when Obama was President.
What is stopping the Dems doing something/k now?
A lesser majority than when Obama was king?

I've answered it all in older posts. Go to page 28 and work backwards. I answered it all quite matter of factually and with a third party perspective. I wasn't trying to sell anything or blame anyone, just explain.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).


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27 Sep 2021, 9:02 pm

DW_a_mom wrote:
Pepe wrote:
ironpony wrote:
That's a good point. Why do Americans keep voting for democrats usually when they never do anything about the health care system? I guess they feel that their promises, although likely empty, are still better than the party that will not make that promise at all?

Well, there may be reasons why the Democrats, now they are in power, don't/can't improve the welfare and healthcare systems, but the fact is, nothing seems to be improving to any significant degree.

And have you seen the "illegal immigrant" situation, lately?
A group of 30,000 and now a second group of 20,000.
I am not talking from a moral perspective.
I am talking from a practical position.

Imagine if America had no borders at all.
If you think your welfare and health systems are bad now, think about what it would be like if anyone who wanted to come to America simply walked in.
Would you be happy if the government cut your social security, healthcare or pension in half? <hyperbole> 8O
"I don't think so, Tim." 8)

The Democrats are now in government.
I don't think you have a leg to stand on. :mrgreen:

Start protesting about how the Democrats aren't doing enough.
Whip your 2 "conservative" Democrats into line and get some bills pushed through.
It isn't about the GOP or Trump any longer, from what I can see. 8)

Everything/k is so damned easy when people are in the opposition.
Much harder to govern when people are in government.

You missed the whole of a question by question explanation of the American healthcare system that followed the post you are citing, and occurs before your response shows up in this thread. I'm not going to run through it again just because you haven't read it all yet. It's complicated, and I've come to realize that people from other countries don't understand our system at all, or what powers the federal has - or does not have - to change it. How we do things is too far out of your personal experience. I didn't realize that until answering a lot of questions that I realized later were missing key context. So start with one of my last posts explaining the employer based insurance system and then work backwards.

I have a problem with Blab's super-duper hyperpartisanship.
He blames *everything/k* on the republicans and, under the circumstances, that is logically very difficult to believe.

Recently I have learnt about 2 "conservative" Democrats.
Well, it seems they are contributing to the political inertia.
May I suggest people vote them out, for a start? 8)

BTW, which party did you vote for, in the last election? :mrgreen:


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27 Sep 2021, 9:03 pm

Pepe wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
ironpony wrote:
Oh okay. Could the democrats bring in outside experts, to help bring in socialized healthcare?

that is what they've done for 3 decades now. no use. the GOP is the big block to progress in this country along with a largely uneducated electorate with a majority of low info voters who let GOP dog whistles distract them from the prize, or convince them to give up their american franchise and just stay home instead of doing what it takes to overcome organized GOP opposition and vote like their lives depended on it.

But the Democrats did introduce Obamacare when Obama was President.
What is stopping the Dems doing something/k now?
A lesser majority than when Obama was king?

You can get all the answers you want on Reddit.

You won't get away with your sealioning there but if you really want answers they're available.

My WP story


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27 Sep 2021, 9:12 pm

Jakki wrote:
i realize medicin
e for all is a hot topic in the US.. but quite honestly have had to endure much medical care in this fine country of ours and it would be nice . If we all had equal healthcare. but it just isnt the way it is in reality . These people portraying themselves as doctors etc. are serious practicioners of quackery .Except for the very basic needs . Have seen things you would not consider legal performed by people with medical licenses. It seems the current logic is to maintain people in a sick state so they can go on padding their wallets. And seeming justifying exaggerating peoples misery .
They do not practice curative medicine but rather only treat symptomatic medicine. It seens if no other reason except to justify their own existence and are taught that from medical school onwards.

Are things improving under the Democrats?


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27 Sep 2021, 9:14 pm

Pepe wrote:
Jakki wrote:
i realize medicin
e for all is a hot topic in the US.. but quite honestly have had to endure much medical care in this fine country of ours and it would be nice . If we all had equal healthcare. but it just isnt the way it is in reality . These people portraying themselves as doctors etc. are serious practicioners of quackery .Except for the very basic needs . Have seen things you would not consider legal performed by people with medical licenses. It seems the current logic is to maintain people in a sick state so they can go on padding their wallets. And seeming justifying exaggerating peoples misery .
They do not practice curative medicine but rather only treat symptomatic medicine. It seens if no other reason except to justify their own existence and are taught that from medical school onwards.

Are things improving under the Democrats?

Absolutely Not ...!

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27 Sep 2021, 9:15 pm

auntblabby wrote:
ironpony wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
ironpony wrote:
Oh okay, well I didn't think people cared about what democrats did since there is still a lot of dissatisfaction of course.

Why is it so complicated though? I mean Americans have a free police service for example, or free firefighters service, or free military defense, without having to send people who call on them large fees. So why does the medical establishment have to do it compared to other services?

that is a very good question that i've not found any satisfactory answers as to the GOP's moral justification for making poor people suffer.

Oh okay I see. Do the democrats have an answer why they cannot fix this and run the medical establishment, like they would a police force for example?

the democrats mean well but are largely inept, clueless about how to fight effectively with the mercenary crowd of the right wing who always fight dirty and fight to win at all costs. the dems need to grow a spine, get mean and hard-minded, decide where on the spectrum they want all members to be, and then act on it. above all they have to stop trying to be all things to all people. but they won't, and the general stupidity of the sheeple is no help at all. not enough 'muuricans realize that this is a winner-take-all system, that choosing the lesser of two evils is all this system is capable of.

Are you seriously saying the Democratic politicians are squeaky clean? :mrgreen: