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15 Jul 2020, 11:36 am

Why Do People Still Support Trump?

Beats me. I can understand being entertained by his first campaign, as his anti-PC remarks made for popcorn moments. But I had never thought he was gonna stick with that kind of behavior, I thought he would norm it up if he was actually elected and the circus was over.
Now that we know that he certainly hasn't improved to say the least, I have no idea how anyone can remain a supporter

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15 Jul 2020, 12:03 pm

League_Girl wrote:
The_Walrus wrote:
VegetableMan wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
VegetableMan wrote:
That's nice, be an apoligist for war criminals. Do you expect anyone to take you seriously after that?

Yeah, he did say he was a "great, great man..."

Your problem is your all or nothing thinking. There is no perfect candidate to vote for so you rail against all choices.

Everyone else accepts the objective reality that Biden is a better candidate than trump and should be elected to help steer America out of this trumpian nightmare.

Oh, gosh, I didn't realize "everyone else" believed as you do. Sorry, you're not even close. Lots of folks are as tired of voting the lesser of the two evils because the country keeps getting worse -- and that's why we have Trump in the first place.

The nighmare began long before you were even born.

Yes, it’s obviously not true that everyone prefers Biden to Trump. It looks like somewhere around 50% of voters intend to vote for Biden, 40% intend to vote for Trump, and the other 10% haven’t made up their minds. It is noticeable that Biden is much more popular than Hillary Clinton though. He seems to be perceived as much more trustworthy, particularly by voters in the Midwest. The anti-Trump vote also seems to be much larger, with lots of former Republicans prepared to vote Trump out.

It’s interesting that you think the country keeps getting worse. By most measures, the country has improved significantly in your lifetime. People have a better standard of living, people are richer, living longer, more likely to be employed, better racial equality, better gender equality, better healthcare, better education, lots of previously common diseases have been greatly reduced.

Obviously you have taken some prominent backwards steps on criminal justice, the militarisation of the police, restrictions on immigration, and the expansion of the surveillance state, but it’s very hard to paint a picture of America consistently going backwards. You’ve had good presidents and politicians on both sides of the isle for most of the last 50 years, even though there’s an increasing chasm in both politics and competency between the two parties. People might not like everything about Reagan and Bush Snr but they were damn good at what they did.

People on the right always think things are getting worse because they do not like change. Racists were even unhappy when black people were getting more freedom and then being included. I am pretty sure misogynists were not happy when women got more rights and couldn't beat them anymore or put them away in a mental hospital.

I am pretty sure ableists were not happy when inclusion came out for special need kids and when they could also be included in a public school.

To all these people, our country is getting worse as people get more rights.

Do you think slinging tired political rhetoric is really a good argument? First off, you're conflating two seperate issues. You're talking about equalitarian movements, driven primarily by the people. FDR once said that it's up to the people to force him to do the right thing. Thankfully, he stepped up to the plate and passed some good legislation.

What's "getting worse" is corruption in government. The Dems of today are moderate Pubs at best; neoconservatives at worst (like Obama and Hillary.)

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15 Jul 2020, 12:18 pm

Could also be a lot of cognitive dissonance going around.

People can’t handle the fact that they were duped by a conman with no real leadership skills or abilities to do such a critically important job, and the more apparent it becomes to everyone on the planet, the more they double and triple down in support of their orange cult leader as they just can’t bring themselves to admit that they were wrong because it would shatter their fantasy world view and magical thinking the orange guy has pumped them up with about himself. Stopping their support of trump would literally blow their freakin’ minds.. like seriously psyche shattering s**t.

Hopefully they just pop and fizzle our behind their eyes when he loses instead of snapping and turning to violence.

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15 Jul 2020, 1:29 pm

CubsBullsBears wrote:
Fnord wrote:
President Donald Trump's re-election campaign is floundering because he is incapable of doing anything but bragging about himself.  When delivering speeches, he tries to turn the focus from the coronavirus pandemic and the related economic fallout, he nurses private grievances publicly, his delivery is muddled, and he goes off on whatever tangents seems to suit the moment.

When the pandemic erupted during the presidency of Donald J. Trump, his stratospheric self-absorption, ineptitude, denial of science, and callousness reached heights even his most ferocious critics couldn't have imagined.  His nostrums, including disinfectant, sunlight, and hydroxychloroquine, could be dismissed as comical if they weren't downright dangerous, encouraging possibly fatal experimentation, while breeding false hopes.

By portraying mask-wearing as effete and elitist, even as those who come near him are tested, disparaging social distancing (recall his reckless rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and unmasked Fourth of July celebration at South Dakota's Mount Rushmore), and downplaying the danger of a second wave of infections, President Trump has been the problem, not the solution.  It would be hard to imagine a less suitable helmsman to steer this country out of a public health catastrophe.  His eternal spin, tweets, and fulminations about "fake news" can't obscure the obvious: his administration's management of the pandemic has been shambolic.

He takes action to help his buddy, Roger Stone (a convicted felon), but he cannot take decisive steps to combat the coronavirus pandemic and save lives.  Trying to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci is merely a desperate and futile attempt divert blame for what is obviously Trump's very own ineptitude and catastrophic handling of the deadly pandemic.

What we are seeing in plain view is a narcissistic and antisocial president who is unstable and unraveling daily.  He is faced with falling poll numbers, a ferocious and ignored pandemic, an economic recession that he caused, a damaging tell-all book by his niece and defeats by the Supreme Court.

Trump's responses include, but are not limited to: bullying, claiming victimhood, conspiracy theories, corruption, incoherent tweets, lies, rants, reckless behavior, scapegoating, stubbornness, threats, total lack of empathy, unprecedented breaking of norms, use of projection, vindictiveness, whining, and his refusal to accept responsibility for his actions and his corruption.

Added to his personality is the strong likelihood of Trump's apparent cognitive decline.  His vocabulary range has narrowed.  His abstract thinking is limited.  His reasoning is shallow.  He is unfocused.  He has difficulty processing complex information.  His decision-making is impaired.  His judgment is poor.  He often appears listless and apathetic.  He repeats simple words and phrases over and over.  He cannot shift and adapt.  His gait can be abnormal.  He had trouble drinking a glass of water with one hand.  Trump's apparent cognitive decline could be reflective of dementia; such cognitive problems gradually get worse, not better.

Heading to the November election, Trump's mental faculties may continue to unravel in the face of mounting pressures and stress.  He will become increasingly erratic, unstable and desperate.  His display of power and corruption can not be hidden.  He will take great measures to suppress voter turnout.  He will incite racism and a culture war.  He will blame and scapegoat others.  He will engage in escalating rants, tweets, name-calling, accusations, overt threats, projections, bullying, lies, gaslighting, triangulation, obstruction and whining.  His thinking, reasoning, decision-making and judgment will likely continue to wane as he desperately tries to hold on to what little credibility he may have left.

The next four months will be unnerving and unsettling for sure.  Trump is unraveling before our eyes.  His mind may not hold together much longer.  We face a future when our Commander-In-Chief may no longer be capable of discerning an ally from an enemy ... if he is even capable of doing so in the present.
well freaking said!
Thank you.  I do try to be accurate and concise, but there is so much more that I could say against Mr. Trump that it might take several more pages to say it.

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15 Jul 2020, 5:20 pm

They still think he is the heroic god like figure battling the "deep state" for America. They think pretty much everything Fnord said is a hoax.

He is the lesser of two evils. The racist unhinged guy we know then is better then letting the woke communists take over.

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15 Jul 2020, 5:41 pm

Why do people still support Trump? Because the Dems won't break a sweat trying to earn our votes. They think they're entitled to them.

What do you call a hot dog in a gangster suit?

Oscar Meyer Lansky


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15 Jul 2020, 5:47 pm

VegetableMan wrote:
Why do people still support Trump?  Because the Dems won't break a sweat trying to earn our votes...
They don't need to.  All they have to do is stay out of trouble and let DJT rave on about how wonderful he is while he insists that the economy is more important than people's lives.

Of course, it also helps the Dems' cause to quietly support humanitarian efforts toward coronavirus victims.

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15 Jul 2020, 5:50 pm

I grew up in the North East, went to college in New England and then Florida, and moved to Texas. I've encountered a pretty broad swathe of people from all walks of life.

Donald Trump is probably going to beat Joe Biden in a landslide. I say this for three reasons. One, Trump's views about issues are far more in step with the average Jane and Joe. Two, the lock step support of blacks and Latinos for Democrats has begun to erode, and three, the recent orgy of social conflict plays right into his hands.

And let's be honest---where is Joe Biden? Nobody can win if they can't even campaign

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15 Jul 2020, 5:59 pm

^He probably won't win in a landslide, but I think he will probably beat Biden.

It will be a close race, most likely.

What do you call a hot dog in a gangster suit?

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15 Jul 2020, 6:07 pm

Romofan wrote:
I grew up in the North East, went to college in New England and then Florida, and moved to Texas. I've encountered a pretty broad swathe of people from all walks of life.

Donald Trump is probably going to beat Joe Biden in a landslide. I say this for three reasons. One, Trump's views about issues are far more in step with the average Jane and Joe. Two, the lock step support of blacks and Latinos for Democrats has begun to erode, and three, the recent orgy of social conflict plays right into his hands.

And let's be honest---where is Joe Biden? Nobody can win if they can't even campaign

Views about which issues, specifically? I’m genuinely curious what your answer is Because I don’t live where you live and don’t know what Jane and Joe Average around you in Texas think.

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15 Jul 2020, 7:23 pm

Romofan wrote:
I grew up in the North East, went to college in New England and then Florida, and moved to Texas. I've encountered a pretty broad swathe of people from all walks of life.
That explains your subsequent statements.
Romofan wrote:
... Trump's views about issues are far more in step with the average Jane and Joe.
Evidence, please?  What makes you think his narcissism and racism are shared by people like you and I?
Romofan wrote:
Two, the lock-step support of blacks and Latinos for Democrats has begun to erode...
Evidence, please?  There actually seems to be fewer blacks and Latinos in Trump's camp these days.
Romofan wrote:
... three, the recent orgy of social conflict plays right into his hands.
Evidence, please?  This recent "Orgy" was triggered by Trump-like racism and the murders of minority people.
Romofan wrote:
And let's be honest -- where is Joe Biden?  Nobody can win if they can't even campaign.
Like I said, Joe Biden doesn't need to. All he has to do is stay out of trouble and let Trump rave on about how wonderful he is while he treats the economy as more important than other people's lives.  Of course, it also helps the Dems' that many of them are quietly supporting humanitarian efforts toward coronavirus victims, the recently laid-off, and immigrant families in quarantine.

Strange ... I seem to have had this conversation with you before, yet you are a new member ... or maybe not so new, eh?

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16 Jul 2020, 6:26 pm

The longer this goes on the more I worry it's the end of our country. I have my suspicions why the gop seems to be encouraging us to catch coronavirus. Its to fill hospital beds. Hospitals make billions on these kinds of illnesses.


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16 Jul 2020, 7:05 pm

At this point there’s nothing anyone can do about it until that vaccine becomes available. And about that, I recently heard that the Trump administration had ordered hospitals to report COVID data to a central database in Washington DC and not the CDC. That is making me kind of anxious and suspicious on what their intentions are with that.

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17 Jul 2020, 12:00 am

it is a blinkin' coverup ripped right outta the pages of watergate.


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17 Jul 2020, 2:25 am

auntblabby wrote:
it is a blinkin' coverup ripped right outta the pages of watergate.
Well, hopefully people old enough to remember that will be smart enough to realize that this is like that except its costing many lives among other things.

I just now saw something about a father, who's stuck in another country who couldn't be there for his first born child to be born because he's the mothers fiance, not his wife. Oh, and also because politicians didn't do their f***ing job! Feels like I have a headache as of typing this.

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17 Jul 2020, 2:42 am

CubsBullsBears wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
it is a blinkin' coverup ripped right outta the pages of watergate.
Well, hopefully people old enough to remember that will be smart enough to realize that this is like that except its costing many lives among other things.

I just now saw something about a father, who's stuck in another country who couldn't be there for his first born child to be born because he's the mothers fiance, not his wife. Oh, and also because politicians didn't do their f***ing job! Feels like I have a headache as of typing this.

i place 100% of the blame on the thoughtless ones [in addition to the ones with malice aforethought towards the rest of us] who voted for the bastard. if it weren't for them, none of this mess would be happening in the same bad way it has. it is exactly as though, people voted for cancer, people voted for earthquakes, PEOPLE VOTED FOR WAR AND PESTILENCE. they really did, whether or not they could conceive of it, they did, indeed vote for more troubles in our life.