Was it destined for the white race to rule the world?

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29 Jun 2021, 4:17 pm

salad wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
salad wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
It was superior ships and guns that enabled those western powers to take over the world but there's nothing that made the development of those things inevitable in Western Europe.

Before the Europeans had that kind of technological superiority over their opponents they still had forms of proto-imperialism where they subjugated much more advanced and elite militarized armies and even empires. The Muslims were more militaristically advanced and superior to the Franks who squashed them at Tours. The Ottomans also had ships and guns and cannons yet they suffered resounding defeats at Malta, Lepanto, Vienna and even lost a 100 year war against little and poor Croatia

It's worth mentioning that gun powder reached the Muslm world before it ever did Europe yet the Muslims still barely reached Austria at their zenith

In the Crusades the Muslims were much more materially advanced than the Crusaders, were more numerous, had the advantage of terrain, and even had faster horses, yet a few hundred Crusader knights held their own over and over again against armies of thousands of soldiers such as at Atsuf and Jaffa.

Technological superiority alone doesnt explain the military victories of the West over the Muslims

Tactical superiority explains many of those single battles, further the difference in technological superiority might be overstated, especially if most of the superiority is in fields that aren't directly relevant to military affairs of the time.

Tactical superiority alone cant explain 700 knights overpowering 20,000 Muslim knights. Especially not when the 700 knights made contact with the 20,000 Muslim knights and the fighting came down to melee close quarter combat.

Care to link to something on the event you're describing?

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29 Jun 2021, 4:44 pm

salad wrote:
But physically it is a known fact that some groups have divergent physical attributes that may lend them advantages, such as Vietnamese fighters being shorter making them excellent tunnel guerrilla fighters, or how white fighters owing to their larger size and bone density were better at close quarter combat

Perhaps, African American Folks Are Busier Playing Pro-Football Than Competing in Body Building/Power Lifting

Contests; One Area is Definitely More Lucrative Than The Other; Yet Research in the Area

Shows Actually That African American Folks Have Significantly Higher Bone

Densities than White Americans; And Of Course That May Be Culturally
Impacted too As The African American Folks May Be More Active

Physically Across the Lifespan as i Guarantee You the Bone

Density in my Legs is Much Higher than Peers My

Age Riding in Walmart Carts And Four Wheel

Drives to Get Where they are going now

As They Just Frigging Sat Down

too Long to Get Up in Some Cases;

It's Relative; Yet Actually Scientific Research Blows Holes

All In Your Theory of Whites Having Greater Bone Density;

Black Athletes Dominate Football; Yeah There May Be More

Massive White Lineman From The Northern Parts of the United States

With Loads More Subcutaneous Fat to Protect the Black Full Backs Indeed;

Never The Less; African Americans Dominate The American Rough and Tumble Adult Sport For Pay;

And Of Course

Many Other


And Sporting Events true;

Other than that Wouldn't Make a Bit

of God Dam Difference What Color Finger

Launched the Nuclear Bombs to End All World Wars So Far in

Blowing Up the Japanese in World War II; Were the Folks Who

Developed the Bomb And Utilized it Massively Strong; No, Just No;

Generally Speaking, Highest and Lowest Levels of Testosterone in Males

Are Associated with Lower Standard IQ's And That is Not Dependent on Melatonin Levels alone;

A Person Who is Able to Communicate More Eloquently in Charisma, Beats A Grunt in the Military

Strong as

An Orangutan,

As A Leader of the Whole

Dam Force; My Gosh this is Just Common Sense;

Once Again Baby; The Person With the Most Compelling Story Wins;

Depending on What The 'Target Audience' is Able to Consume of Course;

"Minions" Are Most Dangerous Cannon Fodder For Despicable Leaders;

Villains, Yes Demagogues to Rule...

Yawn, We All

Just Witnessed

it Depending on

Which Side We
Consumed or Were
Consumed By the 'TRumP Story';

Obviously, 'Muhammad' was a 'Sharp Enough Tool' to See this too...

And of Course the Roman Empire to Use The "Jesus Meme Story" As Tool The Same Way too;

Muhammad, Basically, Plagiarized the First story And Added His Different Flavors; Yet True, the

First Story Was Already

Established And

Continued to

Spread And

Still in Some ways

Rules the World; Yet it is
Failing now As Folks Have More of
An Ability to Write Their own stories than ever before;

Story, Beats Strength With All 10 Fingers And A Mind SPeaKinG in Ease...

On the Other Hand, Man to Man; Not So Much on 'The Playing Fields' of Life...

Like The Dance Hall, Where African Americans Are Currently Getting more Attention;

Not So Much Pudgy And 'White' Attached to Screens as Such; True Women Are Still Most

Attracted to Fearless Men

At Core of Biology

at least

if they


Taking 'the pill'....
Generally Speaking, Body

Builders Will Be Very Neurotic;
Never Feeling Like They Are Enough...

Seen that plenty working as an Athletic Director

For the Military After i Finished my Health Science,

Social Science Interdisciplinary, And Anthropology Degrees;

And All the Other Stuff i did in between the Dance Legend and

Poetry Gig; Doing that/this Just for Fun too; Where Approaching 60, no
one could keep up with me at the Dance Hall; Simply Cause i Danced most in practice...

Nah, Baby, With


We All Share

Similar Genetics;

Some folks Just

Never Get Around

to Using the Inheritance
of their Much Fuller Epigenetic Potentials...

And It's often Because They Believe in Old Wive's

Tales; Even Science Assessing Couch Potato Averages

Like the White Marine Captain At 31, Who Complained oh
Gosh i am So Old, This Bench Press is so Hard now; As it's

True Science Shows A Human Will Get Stronger Empirically

Measurable As Such, Just Imagining Exercising Now;

The Marine Captain

Shot Himself

in the Foot at age
31; Meanwhile at Age

53 Thru 61, Empirically

Measuring it As Such, i Increased

My Leg Strength From 500 Pounds

Up to 1520 Pounds; Cause i Simply

Challenged my Self in the Environment At

Hand i Co-Created And Unlocked my Epigenetic Human Potentials more...

No Different Than Writing An EPiC Long Form Poem 120 Times the Size of the Quran in 8 years....

And Sure Dancing In Public Now For 15,066 Miles in 94 Months; Could i have Gotten Away with

That in Trump

Town USA

As An African American Male;

No, As That Would have been

A Systematic Racism Issue as i surely

Look Like i could Hit A Home Run on the

First Baptist WASP SoftBall team As a White Law Enforcement

Officer or Military White Officer the Same; That's Cultural my

FRiEnD as again i was born as a 'Weakest Fish in the Aquarium' Not able to Speak Until 4, When
Young, With Plenty of Frigging photos to Prove that Fact too; as sure my Super Power is Science too...

Other than that Despite Socio-Economic Challenges, Social Science Studies Show that African
American Males Have the Highest Measured Ethnic Demographic Group of Social Esteem;

Factors Correlated Are Very Innate and Instinctual Indeed; Success in Defending

Themselves in Physical




Success for Real
in 'The Act' As Such;

Are They Ruling the World Now;
in Some ways Yes; in some ways
No; The Way it is in General For All of us Now...

Ya Focus on What You are Good at and Keep Getting Better or Not....

Ya Focus on What You Were Never Good at And Become the Better at it too...

Yes, Ya Laser Focus in Autotelic Flow Bliss Nirvana Heaven Within All the Way Through....


See How

'This Works'...

P R A C T iC E Never Ending PRACTiCE

All 9.4 MiLLioN Words is; All 15,066 Miles
of Public Dance is in 94 Months ; One Step
and Word of Dance And Song Eternally Now.

Want Greater

Bone Density!

By God Stand Up! And Dance And Sing! With SMiLes..!

No Need to Lift A Fist; A Woman's Smile, So Much More PLeaSinG God AM iN Deed..:)


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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01 Jul 2021, 1:57 am

funeralxempire wrote:
salad wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
salad wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
It was superior ships and guns that enabled those western powers to take over the world but there's nothing that made the development of those things inevitable in Western Europe.

Before the Europeans had that kind of technological superiority over their opponents they still had forms of proto-imperialism where they subjugated much more advanced and elite militarized armies and even empires. The Muslims were more militaristically advanced and superior to the Franks who squashed them at Tours. The Ottomans also had ships and guns and cannons yet they suffered resounding defeats at Malta, Lepanto, Vienna and even lost a 100 year war against little and poor Croatia

It's worth mentioning that gun powder reached the Muslm world before it ever did Europe yet the Muslims still barely reached Austria at their zenith

In the Crusades the Muslims were much more materially advanced than the Crusaders, were more numerous, had the advantage of terrain, and even had faster horses, yet a few hundred Crusader knights held their own over and over again against armies of thousands of soldiers such as at Atsuf and Jaffa.

Technological superiority alone doesnt explain the military victories of the West over the Muslims

Tactical superiority explains many of those single battles, further the difference in technological superiority might be overstated, especially if most of the superiority is in fields that aren't directly relevant to military affairs of the time.

Tactical superiority alone cant explain 700 knights overpowering 20,000 Muslim knights. Especially not when the 700 knights made contact with the 20,000 Muslim knights and the fighting came down to melee close quarter combat.

Care to link to something on the event you're describing?

My head is hurting too much to remember the exact battle, it could have been the battle of Montgisard where Baldwin the Leper led a Knight Templar charge and smashed the army of Saladdin. I cant remember. The most I can do is refer you to 2 sources on the Crusades that mentioned battles where the Muslims heavily outnumbered their opponents yet they still got wrecked.

"Saladin: The Sultan who Vanquished the Crusaders and built and islamic Empire" by John Man

"The Crusades through Arab Eyes" by Francesca Gabriels

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01 Jul 2021, 7:12 pm

salad wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
salad wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
salad wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
It was superior ships and guns that enabled those western powers to take over the world but there's nothing that made the development of those things inevitable in Western Europe.

Before the Europeans had that kind of technological superiority over their opponents they still had forms of proto-imperialism where they subjugated much more advanced and elite militarized armies and even empires. The Muslims were more militaristically advanced and superior to the Franks who squashed them at Tours. The Ottomans also had ships and guns and cannons yet they suffered resounding defeats at Malta, Lepanto, Vienna and even lost a 100 year war against little and poor Croatia

It's worth mentioning that gun powder reached the Muslm world before it ever did Europe yet the Muslims still barely reached Austria at their zenith

In the Crusades the Muslims were much more materially advanced than the Crusaders, were more numerous, had the advantage of terrain, and even had faster horses, yet a few hundred Crusader knights held their own over and over again against armies of thousands of soldiers such as at Atsuf and Jaffa.

Technological superiority alone doesnt explain the military victories of the West over the Muslims

Tactical superiority explains many of those single battles, further the difference in technological superiority might be overstated, especially if most of the superiority is in fields that aren't directly relevant to military affairs of the time.

Tactical superiority alone cant explain 700 knights overpowering 20,000 Muslim knights. Especially not when the 700 knights made contact with the 20,000 Muslim knights and the fighting came down to melee close quarter combat.

Care to link to something on the event you're describing?

My head is hurting too much to remember the exact battle, it could have been the battle of Montgisard where Baldwin the Leper led a Knight Templar charge and smashed the army of Saladdin. I cant remember. The most I can do is refer you to 2 sources on the Crusades that mentioned battles where the Muslims heavily outnumbered their opponents yet they still got wrecked.

"Saladin: The Sultan who Vanquished the Crusaders and built and islamic Empire" by John Man

"The Crusades through Arab Eyes" by Francesca Gabriels

My money is on the sources exaggerating, but without the ability to investigate further I can't be certain.

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01 Jul 2021, 8:45 pm

Well, obviously we are destined not to think rationally.

Take all kind of periods of history, and the dominant population at that period was thought of as destined to rule the world--it never lasted:

Lots of Chinese Empires

One claim to history Western cultures might have is creating the greatest threat to all life on this planet through their greed, stupidity, and hubris. But at least we can feel satisfied that even up to the end, we were able to get everything on sale...


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01 Jul 2021, 8:51 pm

the celts and Vilings had a massive advantage: there was nothing to be gained from conquering their territories, all they ever had to do was drag invaders into never ending wars, and eventually, the enemy would run out of money because there was nothing to loot after winning a battle against celts, if you were, say, the roman empire.

btw., as far as I can tell, ancient Egypt and the Middle East was much more advanced for quite a while. The European dark ages were also the golden age of the Incas, Mayans, some African empires and of course, the Ming Dynasty.
The Mongols had their fun with Europeans, too, before that.

Europe basically only rose due to spreading disease in the Anericas, hardly a feat of genetic superiority, but just the luck of having lots of contact with travelling folk. That also comes with a few plague epidemics, though.
And the Europeans had no chance against African warriors AND African diseases until machine guns could take care of at least the African warriors for them.

the fact that the Europeans are largely white is geographic, too. You know, less sunshine, vitamin D etc. In fact, white people are just African people who procreated in a colder climate for a few millennia and lost their immunisation against Malaria.

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02 Jul 2021, 4:52 am

As humans, it is whoever has the most influential (manipulative) power over the masses who can turn things the want they want it.


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03 Jul 2021, 10:28 am

No, I don't think there's any such thing as destiny. And I don't think skin colour as such makes any difference to an individual's primary talent for taking over the world. That's probably got more to do with being in the right place at the right time and being the most ruthless, cunning bastard around. Sounds like one of those daft bits of Third Reich ideology to me. And look what happened to them.


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03 Jul 2021, 11:23 am

Jiheisho wrote:
Well, obviously we are destined not to think rationally.

Take all kind of periods of history, and the dominant population at that period was thought of as destined to rule the world--it never lasted:

Lots of Chinese Empires

One claim to history Western cultures might have is creating the greatest threat to all life on this planet through their greed, stupidity, and hubris. But at least we can feel satisfied that even up to the end, we were able to get everything on sale...

A massive thumbs up for this! One thing that's always struck me is that apart from the Mediterranean coast, most of Europe (the original home of "whites") was a primitive backwater for most of human history. Backwards in terms of technology, politics and trade. While sophisticated empires rose across Asia and Africa, we lived in mud huts. During the golden age of Arabic science, we were just starting to build our own rudimentary kingdoms from the ruins of the Roman empire.

What changed was basically an arms race during the endless European wars of the early Middle Ages, which left Europe a step ahead of everyone else in terms of military technology. Metalwork, firearms and shipbuilding all accelerated to meet the demands of war. Suddenly we could effortlessly kick around our fellow barbarians, and had the ability to take on the older civilsations in combat too. Everything else that followed built from that: not "racial" superiority or being more "civilised," just better weapons.

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03 Jul 2021, 1:05 pm

The OP is kind of "racist against himself". An Arab who is convinced that White folks, are in a sense, genetically superior to him. But the kicker is that its not superiority in the way you would expect (ie the way a White racist person would say "Whites are superior"). A White White supremacists would say "Whites are smarter than other races". The OP is saying that "Whites are bigger and stronger than other races".

Saying that a race is destined to rule because that race is "bigger and stronger than other races" is kinda like saying "cows are destined to rule over the human race because cows are bigger and stronger than humans".

Samoans, and Black Africans are physically big people. But they dont rule the world.


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03 Jul 2021, 3:27 pm

Somehow I didn’t get the giant white genes.Not even five foot three.
Maybe descended from hobbits.

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03 Jul 2021, 9:45 pm

I'm white.

I'm German/Ukranian/Polish.

The only thing I'm "superior" at is getting burned after five minutes in the sun. Blech.

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04 Jul 2021, 9:37 am

shlaifu wrote:
the celts and Vilings had a massive advantage: there was nothing to be gained from conquering their territories, all they ever had to do was drag invaders into never ending wars, and eventually, the enemy would run out of money because there was nothing to loot after winning a battle against celts, if you were, say, the roman empire.

btw., as far as I can tell, ancient Egypt and the Middle East was much more advanced for quite a while. The European dark ages were also the golden age of the Incas, Mayans, some African empires and of course, the Ming Dynasty.
The Mongols had their fun with Europeans, too, before that.

Europe basically only rose due to spreading disease in the Anericas, hardly a feat of genetic superiority, but just the luck of having lots of contact with travelling folk. That also comes with a few plague epidemics, though.
And the Europeans had no chance against African warriors AND African diseases until machine guns could take care of at least the African warriors for them.

the fact that the Europeans are largely white is geographic, too. You know, less sunshine, vitamin D etc. In fact, white people are just African people who procreated in a colder climate for a few millennia and lost their immunisation against Malaria.

Actually dark/brown people struggle with lack of vitamin D more than white europeans.

White European skin is efficient in producing D with little sunshine; dark people need much longer exposure to sun to produce the same amount; and hence lifestyle became more indoor, so D deficiency became common in Middle east and Africa.


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04 Jul 2021, 11:25 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
shlaifu wrote:
the celts and Vilings had a massive advantage: there was nothing to be gained from conquering their territories, all they ever had to do was drag invaders into never ending wars, and eventually, the enemy would run out of money because there was nothing to loot after winning a battle against celts, if you were, say, the roman empire.

btw., as far as I can tell, ancient Egypt and the Middle East was much more advanced for quite a while. The European dark ages were also the golden age of the Incas, Mayans, some African empires and of course, the Ming Dynasty.
The Mongols had their fun with Europeans, too, before that.

Europe basically only rose due to spreading disease in the Anericas, hardly a feat of genetic superiority, but just the luck of having lots of contact with travelling folk. That also comes with a few plague epidemics, though.
And the Europeans had no chance against African warriors AND African diseases until machine guns could take care of at least the African warriors for them.

the fact that the Europeans are largely white is geographic, too. You know, less sunshine, vitamin D etc. In fact, white people are just African people who procreated in a colder climate for a few millennia and lost their immunisation against Malaria.

Actually dark/brown people struggle with lack of vitamin D more than white europeans.

White European skin is efficient in producing D with little sunshine; dark people need much longer exposure to sun to produce the same amount; and hence lifestyle became more indoor, so D deficiency became common in Middle east and Africa.

That would be a factor if Zulus were to invade Britain- which never happened. It would not be a factor if Brits invaded Africa which did happen.

Whites keel over and die like flies when they march through tropical areas of the world because of their lack of protection against UV radiation. And the dark skinned locals are able to get their vitamin just as fast as Whites are able to - when Whites are in the foggy high latitude west european homeland of Whites- so the vitamin D thing cancels out.


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04 Jul 2021, 11:38 am

naturalplastic wrote:
Whites keel over and die like flies when they march through tropical areas of the world because of their lack of protection against UV radiation.

Our Australian friends seem to manage quite fine. :nerdy:

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04 Jul 2021, 1:08 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Whites keel over and die like flies when they march through tropical areas of the world because of their lack of protection against UV radiation.

Our Australian friends seem to manage quite fine. :nerdy:

Exactly my point. Australia is mostly in the Temperate zone.

The Brits ruled one quarter of all the dry land on the planet at one time. But the places they filled up with White settlers were only the areas that were NOT tropical, but in the temperate zone: USA, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, and the highlands of Kenya. There is no large population of English speaking White people in any of the vast stretches of the tropical parts of the former British Empire ( Borneo, India, Equitorial Africa, etc).

At almost the same size as the contiguous USA Australia can be thought of as the USA flipped upside ( because its in the southern hemisphere), and then shoved a little bit into the Gulf of Mexico (ie a little closer to the equator). So it is slightly more tropical than the US, but it is still an essentially temperate zone country.