Anyone afraid to take the covid vaccine because of Fauchi?

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06 Jul 2021, 9:28 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
I guess ...sadly....there is just no way. You just cant undo your vaccine.

Isabella has already ...DRUNKEN THE KOOL AID. And is now one of the millions of mindless Fauci zombies! :(

I'm proud, and prejudiced.

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06 Jul 2021, 9:28 pm

SabbraCadabra wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
Well ...Fauci is an evil dictator who ...orders everyone to look both ways before they cross the street, and to stop at red lights, and to breath oxygen, and blah blah blah...

You're being sarcastic, but a ton of Americans sincerely agree with you =|

...I've seen enough automobile operators to know this is true.

Actually Ive heard that Italian drivers are worse. My sarcasm wouldnt even register in Italy because, though they HAVE red lights, but they all just barrel through intersections without giving them any mind as if traffic lights dont exist.


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06 Jul 2021, 9:32 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
I guess ...sadly....there is just no way. You just cant undo your vaccine.

Isabella has already ...DRUNKEN THE KOOL AID. And is now one of the millions of mindless Fauci zombies! :(

I'm proud, and prejudiced.

Interesting sounding movie.

Reminds me of the recent novel "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Slayer". A tongue-in-cheek take on American history. Havent read it but...vampirism is a not bad metaphor for...slavery. But I digress.


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07 Jul 2021, 7:39 am

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
SpiceWolf wrote:
What would be great would be to get Robert Malone in a longform discussion with someone well educated who
was of a dissenting opinion, and stick the resulting discussion on youtube.
I think it would be a really interesting discussion.

But educated debate is apparently shunned, when people start to mistake censorship for a virtue.

Infallibility or giving an air or infallibility seems to be how you move the masses to do things that you want them to do. It's understandable that it needs to be done, a good swath of our populace are like medieval peasants with smart phones, it just doesn't give many good channels for holding people accountable when they screw up or worse - put careerism or shareholder appeasement over the good of the people whom they're parentally guiding in that manner.

Speaking to the long-form challenge, I think this Quillette article is about as close as anything's going to come: ... q4IkPZR3xU

Yuri Deigin is in on the article which piqued my interest as he's actually one of the people who initially set out to debunk the lab-leak hypothesis but ended up forced toward the conclusion that the lab leak is actually the more likely scenario.

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Mr Reynholm

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07 Jul 2021, 8:05 am

I don't trust Fauci. He is a bureaucrat touting the party line for his employers.


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07 Jul 2021, 8:07 am

Mr Reynholm wrote:
I don't trust Fauci. He is a bureaucrat touting the party line for his employers.
Did you get the vaccine anyway?

Trump also hates Fauci; but even Trump (and his family) got the vaccine.

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.

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07 Jul 2021, 9:14 am

Fnord wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
I don't trust Fauci. He is a bureaucrat touting the party line for his employers.
Did you get the vaccine anyway?

Trump also hates Fauci; but even Trump (and his family) got the vaccine.

That doesn't concern me.


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07 Jul 2021, 9:19 am

Mr Reynholm wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
I don't trust Fauci. He is a bureaucrat touting the party line for his employers.
Did you get the vaccine anyway?

Trump also hates Fauci; but even Trump (and his family) got the vaccine.

That doesn't concern me.

OK. Did you get the vaccine though?

Mr Reynholm

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07 Jul 2021, 11:35 am

ToughDiamond wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
I don't trust Fauci. He is a bureaucrat touting the party line for his employers.
Did you get the vaccine anyway?

Trump also hates Fauci; but even Trump (and his family) got the vaccine.

That doesn't concern me.

OK. Did you get the vaccine though?

No. I don't plan to.
I have no problem with vaccines. I have had many.
The problem I have is with the government, media, push to get everyone vaccinated. They seem much too eager.
Also this vaccine was rushed into production, with none of the long term studies that usually accompany vaccines. Any and all preventative measures (except masks) were discouraged in favor of a vaccine. On top of that the pharmaceutical companies who have developed it have legal immunity from lawsuits for possible health problems caused by their vaccine.
Taken altogether. This does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling about this vaccine.


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07 Jul 2021, 12:55 pm

Astra-Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson are based on a different methodology to the other vaccines, and AZ and J&J are the only two that I've seen any reported harm, in the form of a characteristic type of blood clots (which have sometimes killed) in a "small" number of people. They've figured out a possible mechanism and they suspect one of the additives - EDTA I think - is associated with it. So personally I wouldn't want either of those types of vaccine. I doubt the risk is great - about 1 in a million - but why take it when there's a choice? There's been no similar news of any such problem with the other types, and given that the news about AZ and J&J got out, I can't see why it wouldn't also have got out if the other types also had side effects. That's why I have rather more trust in Moderna and Pfizer. It doesn't mean I'm 100% certain they'll never hurt anybody, but weighed against the benefits it seems the best bet, and like I said earlier, I got away with it.

I don't quite agree the UK gov's advice to have AZ. They did seem to be playing down its risks when they advised older people not to refuse that one, and I can see why they fudged the advice a little. From the perspective of the NHS, the gov and the company, it's good if people accept AZ. From the perspective of the individual, it's not quite that good. To give credit where it's due, they decided not to give young people AZ, because they said the balance of risks and benefits is rather different for them, being less likely to die of Covid.

I think you're right that they did rush the vaccines out, which suggests they may have cut a few safety corners. In fact that's why I decided to wait until a few million people had been jabbed before I got mine. They were my willing guinea pigs.


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07 Jul 2021, 2:57 pm

Mr Reynholm wrote:
ToughDiamond wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
I don't trust Fauci. He is a bureaucrat touting the party line for his employers.
Did you get the vaccine anyway?  Trump also hates Fauci; but even Trump (and his family) got the vaccine.
That doesn't concern me.
OK. Did you get the vaccine though?
No. I don't plan to. [...]
Then it is your fault, and no one else's, if the virus kills you.

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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07 Jul 2021, 4:58 pm

Fnord wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
ToughDiamond wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
I don't trust Fauci. He is a bureaucrat touting the party line for his employers.
Did you get the vaccine anyway?  Trump also hates Fauci; but even Trump (and his family) got the vaccine.
That doesn't concern me.
OK. Did you get the vaccine though?
No. I don't plan to. [...]
Then it is your fault, and no one else's, if the virus kills you.

Beat me to it!

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Mr Reynholm

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07 Jul 2021, 10:28 pm

Fnord wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
ToughDiamond wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
I don't trust Fauci. He is a bureaucrat touting the party line for his employers.
Did you get the vaccine anyway?  Trump also hates Fauci; but even Trump (and his family) got the vaccine.
That doesn't concern me.
OK. Did you get the vaccine though?
No. I don't plan to. [...]
Then it is your fault, and no one else's, if the virus kills you.

I'm prepared to go when my time comes.
Death doesn't scare me. Loss of freedom and living as a subject to the state does.


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07 Jul 2021, 10:34 pm

Mr Reynholm wrote:
Death doesn't scare me. Loss of freedom and living as a subject to the state does.

Well you're in for a real treat, then, because you have a much higher chance of contracting Long Haul COVID than you do of dying from the disease...and then you'll REALLY lose your freedoms.

But I guess losing your freedoms to a crippling, incurable disease is better than being told to be considerate to others?

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07 Jul 2021, 10:44 pm

Mr Reynholm wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
ToughDiamond wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Mr Reynholm wrote:
I don't trust Fauci. He is a bureaucrat touting the party line for his employers.
Did you get the vaccine anyway?  Trump also hates Fauci; but even Trump (and his family) got the vaccine.
That doesn't concern me.
OK. Did you get the vaccine though?
No. I don't plan to. [...]
Then it is your fault, and no one else's, if the virus kills you.

I'm prepared to go when my time comes.
Death doesn't scare me. Loss of freedom and living as a subject to the state does.

Does it frighten you when the state - under Trump - lies to you about the dangers of Covid? Dr. Fauci is a man of science who happens to work for the government, not a government bureaucrat, whereas Trump and his phony men of medicine, like that X Ray tech, Atlas, just spewed nonsense for the sake of Trump's poll numbers. Have you at all noticed that people dying of Covid these days are almost all in red states? That's because they chose to embrace Trumpian idiocy instead of science.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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07 Jul 2021, 11:22 pm

Mr Reynholm wrote:
I'm prepared to go when my time comes.
Death doesn't scare me. Loss of freedom and living as a subject to the state does.

It's not just your own life and longterm health you'd be risking. You'd likely inflict it on other people. And if you were taken to hospital you'd be helping to overwhelm the healthcare system and kill even more people that way. The state isn't forcing the vaccine on anybody. And the US government isn't forcing much of a lockdown. The UK government is about to give up enforcing any restrictions at all, against medical advice.