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09 Mar 2023, 4:34 pm

DeathFlowerKing wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
DeathFlowerKing wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:

I run into this a lot. You remember a discussion as being way better, just because your brain filtered the crap out and just remembered the good parts.

Yes... funny how the brain does this. :lol: :oops:

It's the same way nostalgia works.

But, think about it. You've probably met grievance collectors before, people who never let go of a negative experience with others; now imagine if that was how the average person dealt with every negative emotion experience. We wouldn't exist as a species because our ancestors would have killed themselves (and each other) way more often.

Negative emotional experiences losing intensity over time is a survival mechanism. Filtering out what we don't like and focusing on what we do really seems to be a useful skill just in order to make life bearable.

That makes a lot of sense. :) it's the same with movies and TV shows. People remember fondly the ones that are good and filter out of memory the ones that are not so good.

Then there's the issue of movies that had themes that were acceptable back in the day but are understandably regarded as controversial and offensive in today's world. Like Gone With the Wind (romantasizing slavery in the south) or High Plains Drifter (the rape scene in which Clint Eastwood joked about the woman "taking so long to get mad").


With classic video games (for example), you mostly remember the great titles of those eras and forget how much crap came out.

With music from earlier decades, you mostly remember the great releases of those eras and forget how much crap came out.

So on, so forth. :mrgreen:

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09 Mar 2023, 4:37 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
DeathFlowerKing wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
DeathFlowerKing wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:

I run into this a lot. You remember a discussion as being way better, just because your brain filtered the crap out and just remembered the good parts.

Yes... funny how the brain does this. :lol: :oops:

It's the same way nostalgia works.

But, think about it. You've probably met grievance collectors before, people who never let go of a negative experience with others; now imagine if that was how the average person dealt with every negative emotion experience. We wouldn't exist as a species because our ancestors would have killed themselves (and each other) way more often.

Negative emotional experiences losing intensity over time is a survival mechanism. Filtering out what we don't like and focusing on what we do really seems to be a useful skill just in order to make life bearable.

That makes a lot of sense. :) it's the same with movies and TV shows. People remember fondly the ones that are good and filter out of memory the ones that are not so good.

Then there's the issue of movies that had themes that were acceptable back in the day but are understandably regarded as controversial and offensive in today's world. Like Gone With the Wind (romantasizing slavery in the south) or High Plains Drifter (the rape scene in which Clint Eastwood joked about the woman "taking so long to get mad").


With classic video games (for example), you mostly remember the great titles of those eras and forget how much crap came out.

With music from earlier decades, you mostly remember the great releases of those eras and forget how much crap came out.

So on, so forth. :mrgreen:

Yes, and some that we might remember as pure gold back in the day we come to find out was crap all along after having not watched it/played it/listened to it for years. :mrgreen:


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09 Mar 2023, 6:29 pm

DeathFlowerKing wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
DeathFlowerKing wrote:
People of color want to see movies and TV shows based on THEIR history and culture, and I do understand and respect that because it has been ignored for far too long by the media.

Black Panther was a one-off because it was already a Marvel comic from the 1960s. For a corporation to make an all black cast in some historical drama is highly risky.

The Dahomey movie was a disaster not because of the cast (John Boyega and Viola Davis are top actrors) but because it sanitised and glamorised a tribe who were extremely evil and engaged in tortute, murder and slavery against other black people whose descendants include a large proportion of African Americans. .

I wasn't aware of a Dahomey movie (I watched a documentary about the kingdom's female warriors on The Smithsonian Channel).

I would never accuse them or any culture of being "evil". That's very narrow-minded as far as I'm concerned. Don't forget that they also had their entire culture destroyed by invading white colonists and the fact that you accuse them of being "evil" for the same sins that you go on about with white people commiting in regards to slavery and war crimes probably shows a bit of your own hypocrisy as a white person.

Sorry the title of the movie was "The Woman King" starring Viola Davis. The movie is aligns with afrocentric views that subsaharan africans had great kingdoms that stood up to colonialism. While that may have been the case, the choice of the Dahomey as the "heroes" is problematic due to their integral involvement in the African slave trade.

I am also a history buff and I am not a fan of afrocentricism which tends to distort history


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09 Mar 2023, 7:11 pm

DeathFlowerKing wrote:
No actually it originally meant "Alert to and concerned about social injustice and discrimination." until it got corrupted and misapplied to the point of losing its real meaning.

Yes. A problem I've noticed with any discussion of what "woke" is, is that the term has become a parody of itself. The term was already self-congratulatory to apply to oneself (though I don't think I've personally met anyone who did), so more centrist/conservative voices have started using "woke" in a mocking sense to refer to leftist positions on race/class/gender. It is used to characterize those positions as irrational and radical. It's been turned into a straw man term supported by straw man characterizations of leftists.

Mikah wrote:
Originally it was the Left's term which meant "realise all your problems are due to white people".

Hey that's not true! Some of all of our problems are because of men, hetero's, and cis people!
As has been stated, this is a strawman oversimplification meant to discredit ideas which have well over a century of academic history and development. I am very white and have never really had much issue with people stating (what I have for a long time considered) the obvious: that white people in their colonies and settler states have monopolized power at the expense of non-whites, and used the legal, political, social, and economic powers they monopolized to entrench their privileged status above other races. Ditto for men, Christians, and hetero's.

Contrary to conservative strawman arguments, non-whites are capable of being racist and benefitting from racism. They do so *despite* not being white. Blacks can be bigoted against Natives can be bigoted against Asians can be bigoted against Hispanics can be bigoted against Blacks. These are important racial issues, but whites have historically held primary responsibility for the racial pecking order in the Americas and have maintained that pecking order in part by pitting non-whites against each other. White critics of the left often fixate on racism by non-whites to deflect from criticism of white racism--not because they are especially troubled by racial injustice. It is an attempt to make a "both sides" understanding on race in America which is disingenuous at best and nationalist at worst.

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09 Mar 2023, 7:41 pm

roronoa79 wrote:
Blacks can be bigoted against Natives can be bigoted against Asians can be bigoted against Hispanics can be bigoted against Blacks. These are important racial issues, but whites have historically held primary responsibility for the racial pecking order in the Americas and have maintained that pecking order in part by pitting non-whites against each other. .

You do know that for many decades prior to the civil rights movements that Natives, Asians and hispanics were enabled by white supremicist police and lawmakers to discriminate against black people.

Native people happily kept black people as slaves. When emancipation happened native Americans re-fashioned native identity so that a blonde haired blue eyed person could qualify as "native" but a person with physically African phenotype (even part native american) would be exluded from being a native american. That's racism...against blacks

Asian people all carry beliefs about people with dark skin they carry with them from their home countries (even they admit to this). For many years they fought successfully to have access to white housing and schools to seperate themselves from blacks. They engaged in jim crow. That's racism.

Hispanics tried to pass themselves off as "white". There are stories of hispanic gangs attacking black residents in their neighborhoods to keep their areas free of blacks.

Both hispanic and asian businesses barred black customers until the end of the civil rights movement in the early 1970s. Even today Asian and Arab stores located in black neighborhood treat paying customers as if they are all criminals. Hispanic and asian parents would threaten their children if they made friends or (worse) dated somebody African American That's racist.

Any wonder when The LA council scandal broke or when Asian hate rose during COVID that black Americans rolled their eyes and minded their own business. Much of the hard work done by black civil rights paved the way for native americans, asians and hispanics who benefited from their efforts but now distance themselves. Allyship is going to take several more decades.


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10 Mar 2023, 12:08 am

Off Topic
Central to "woke ideology" is that the defining characteristic of the United States is systematic racism.

"Woke ideology" posit that all whites in the United States context are privileged due to power dynamics and are racist because of that not that it is an innate trait of white people. In this belief system due to group power dynamics, all men are privileged, cis people are privileged. A white autistic can be a privileged racist due to "whiteness" and oppressed due to autism.

The group power dynamics is the reasoning behind the claim black people can not be racist.
That belief is out there
No, Black People Can’t Be “Racists”
No, Black People Can’t Be Racist

The wokes will claim this ideology is not racist because they are not saying whites are not innately inferior, while critics such as me claim it is racist because they ascribe negative traits to a group.

This belief system believes color blindness, merit is actually worse than open racism because it enables systematic racism.

A key component of "wokeism" is censorship/canceling/shaming etc.

The early adaptors of the term are understandably upset the term has been hijacked. On that point, I have sympathy because "anti-woke" has devolved from being critical about the above to being censorious, Orbanist, racist etc. I started a thread about that.

Hollywood like any business is about profit. Whatever "woke" stuff they do stems from the belief that not doing it will hurt the bottom line.

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10 Mar 2023, 3:29 am

You know that you are in a cult when people of your group call themselves "woke". How ridiculous.


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10 Mar 2023, 11:01 am

Mikah wrote:
KitLily wrote:
aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality

DeathFlowerKing wrote:
Alert to and concerned about social injustice and discrimination

Mikah wrote:
realise all your problems are due to white people

Yeah, that's what I said. :D

It didn't sound like it.

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10 Mar 2023, 11:29 am

ASPartOfMe wrote:
Hollywood like any business is about profit. Whatever "woke" stuff they do stems from the belief that not doing it will hurt the bottom line.

I agree with this, however I think it's important to remember that people who get into the entertainment industry are storytellers, artists, actors - creative types. I'd doubt that many people go to Hollywood with the primary intention of making lots of money. And I'd include the financiers in that, outside of the well established franchises there are much safer investments than a movie.

I don't find it surprising that creative people lean left or appear 'woke' as some would have it. You have to be interested in people, you have to be empathetic and curious. You have to be interested in small things. You have to want to communicate, and share and connect and include. That just seems to go with the territory, to me.

Also, storytelling leans towards the underdog. Overcoming adversity and injustice are common and compelling narratives.

Some people might consider all that performative, people have said as much in this thread. But that's just a judgement of a person, an attempt to invalidate the message. I do believe that most of the time it probably comes from a good place, even if the privileges of some of Hollywood's finest makes it hard to swallow coming from them. And I include the more right-wing proponents too - the James Woods, the Clint Eastwoods - I don't doubt they believe what they're saying, I think they think if everyone thought like them the world would be better.

But, the converse of ASPartOfMe's statement would suggest that if the majority of entertainment consumers held predominantly 'anti-woke' views, there would be a market for films that spoke to them.

That's capitalism, isn't it? That's America.

So can we conclude that despite being vocal online contingent, and highly visible in traditional (dying?) media like TV and press, the 'anti-woke' must be in a minority?

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10 Mar 2023, 12:30 pm

Dengashinobi wrote:
You know that you are in a cult when people of your group call themselves "woke". How ridiculous.

You know your cult is effective at brainwashing when it convinces it's members that their favourite slurs are actually what their opponents call themselves. :wink:

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10 Mar 2023, 12:49 pm

Hollywood isn't anything - it merely panders to those it can profit by most at any given time.


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10 Mar 2023, 1:20 pm

I think the thing I despise most in Hollowood is Disney. Walt Disney their founder would have fit right in with the MAGA crowd if he were alive today and Disney pretends to be a more wholesome corporatation than it actually is...


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10 Mar 2023, 1:25 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
Dengashinobi wrote:
You know that you are in a cult when people of your group call themselves "woke". How ridiculous.

You know your cult is effective at brainwashing when it convinces it's members that their favourite slurs are actually what their opponents call themselves. :wink:

Read better. That is what some other users were saying just before my post. Also that's what is generally claimed online by the left. It's not me claiming that.


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10 Mar 2023, 1:29 pm

Dengashinobi wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
Dengashinobi wrote:
You know that you are in a cult when people of your group call themselves "woke". How ridiculous.

You know your cult is effective at brainwashing when it convinces it's members that their favourite slurs are actually what their opponents call themselves. :wink:

Read better. That is what some other users were saying just before my post. Also that's what is generally claimed online by the left. It's not me claiming that.

So you're claiming 'woke' is a common self-identification for lefties rather than it's most common usage being as a slur directed towards those who disagree with right-wingers?

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10 Mar 2023, 1:32 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
Dengashinobi wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
Dengashinobi wrote:
You know that you are in a cult when people of your group call themselves "woke". How ridiculous.

You know your cult is effective at brainwashing when it convinces it's members that their favourite slurs are actually what their opponents call themselves. :wink:

Read better. That is what some other users were saying just before my post. Also that's what is generally claimed online by the left. It's not me claiming that.

So you're claiming 'woke' is a common self-identification for lefties rather than it's most common usage being as a slur directed towards those who disagree with right-wingers?

I repeat, no that's what other people said that the original meaning of term was.

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10 Mar 2023, 3:00 pm

I like to think of wokeism as PC on steroids. It has gone to such an insane level. I don't know anyone who doesn't feel that way to some degree.

As far as the original question, I think there is an awful lot posturing going on in Hollywood, simply to appear enlightened.