The dystopian reality of 'inspiration porn'

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19 Dec 2019, 5:40 pm

The 'Ignorance' in 'This Thread' Seems 'Significant' to me, at Least; A Couple of points.

People in Wheel Chairs Don't tolerate the Heat the same as 'Regular Folks' Who Don't Use A Wheel Chair; they often do not have the Same Ability to Regulate Body Temperature; Therefore, they get to go to the Front of the Line at Disney World.

You Teach Students; yes, So called AngeRho this is directed at You; My God, i surely hope you don't teach Students with Disabilities; if you don't already understand basics like this.

It Seems you may have Been Bullied in some way in Your Life; as you are coming very close to bullying the individual above; would love to meet you in Person in Mississippi to see what you are like up Close and Personal; Just Curious.

It's worth noting that You are only responding to people here that will take what you are giving; you are not very nice.

You don't seem to have much of a Clue of what it means to even be a Human Being from what you've stated here; other than the Human Being You are; par for the course; for folks who Lack Basic Human Empathy; You are showing very little here, in words at least; that i see.

Anyone with a Shred of Empathy understands that People Experience the World Vastly Different; You cannot adequately
Judge them from an 'Armchair Position'; all you can really do is Hear their point of view; therefore, 'the curiosity'.

Neuroscience Says we basically Hallucinate Our Realities Based on our Experience; it is no Wonder that
Environment counts so much in how We Develop as Human Beings based on unlimited Environmental
And Genetic Factors.

i just hope that None of Your Children are leaning any way than what you see yourself as;
What would do you think would Happen if one of them doesn't fit your mold of 'Normal'?

Something to think about and that's Your Business of course; Just a Suggestion.

Treating other people with Respect is something else to think about too.

You Reflect nothing of the actual Teachings of Jesus; for what that is worth to
you as far as what you are saying here. i don't remember you being that way here
before; i wonder what happened...

You Seemed to be a Kind Human Being Before; more Like a 'Good Cop Jesus Christian';
i Wonder if You have Fallen into the 'Trump Trap'; many people have Down South on
the Gulf Coast; it is 'purely disgusting' in my view at least; The 'Bad Cop Jesus Christian'
is flowering all over the place here; it's sad to watch the Spirit of Love Devolve into 'Gehenna';
where i Live for Sure.

Maybe, You Need a Hug?

Perhaps; from a Transgender Person so you can learn to be more Like 'Jesus' and accept everyone as Yourself?

Just a Suggestion; Good For any Loving Soul Who cares to Evolve more into Agape Love that is not selfish and callous
of the differences of Other Human Beings. God is a Flower that Lives in all of existence; a Flower with Endless Colors;
The Dark was too Boring; So God Colors all Things New Constantly Evolving out of just Black and White as metaphor of course. Other than that; have a nice day; We haven't gone extinct yet; and Probably won't for a while; something to be
Happy about; the Life of All Existence; Short and Tall; Bald and Fat; Gay And Fabulous; And even Superstars like 'Jesus' too..;)

It's Interesting; Always Interesting to me; How Folks Who Struggle Seem to find some Joy out of someone Lower on
the Totem Pole than they view themselves as. This Gentleman You are talking to; expresses Himself with all the
Values of Jesus as described in Matthew Chapter 5; Verses 3 through 11; truly Perfectly; in my view He is the Angel;
And if Atheist; An Angel Atheist; why would God be so Small to care about labels; when Love is all that counts for real;
Just from the words in how he expresses himself to others; i doubt he ever 'turns Money Tables over'; i tend
to do it more with Words than the Physical effort i am surely more than capable of. No Doubt in my mind
who Jesus would wanna hang out with if he really came back; He wouldn't give a crap about anything but
the Color of Human Soul; the Color of Love in Action and more than worshipping A Book when
that becomes empty pages of Love Within the Human Who Pledges Allegiance to it.

Sort of Like Modern Day Republicans Who not only Piss all over the Beatitudes
Right 'Behind' Trump in actions as Followers of their Newest Messiah; along with pissing
all over the Constitution of the United States like it was toilet Paper too; Sad; Truly, 'Hugely' sad;

When 'they' Defended Trump as 'Jesus' on the Cross; it's almost enough to see the Story of 'Revelation' Real.

But of course; it's Just another Archetypal Story about a Demagogue (Anti-Christ/Leader Without Empathy) and what eventually Happens to a Demagogue, in Metaphor of course; it's Not Pretty; You'll See them Sweating from 'the Pulpit'
Bullying Women and Children; compensating for the Small Grinch Soul Within; and whatever else are their issues of 'small'.

And Yes; i have a personal stake in this too; nope; standing over 6 Feet Tall and Leg Pressing 1520 Reps at 240 Pounds
And Surely Hairy Enough From Head to toe and at least from the evidence Ladies Man wherever i go; i never get
confused for a Girl anymore; but i did when i was 12 Years Old in School; Ruthlessly Bullied for i was Kind and
Smiled Everywhere i went; i was told Boys don't get to Smile; Only Girls do; literally as such; Trump Stink
Stank Stunk then too; Just wasn't around to Lead the 'First Baptist Republican Choir'. I remember How that
felt; i was just a nice person; but the ignorance of others did their best to tear my smile away; no
Different than when i worked for the Military; Just because i was a Loving Soul; kind to everyone
i met; even accused of wearing Pink Underwear; but of course that was before i became a Martial
Artist and Became 3 Times Stronger and 70 Pounds Heavier in Muscle; Rare that anyone bothers my Ballet/Martial
Arts Public Dance Now; And the Rare Occasions they do; don't Last for Long at all as i am Clever as Bugs Bunny; hehe...

It's Sad to Say but the only way Jesus could back now and Love as much in the Deep South;
Is if he was practically Frigging Superman/Bugs Bunny; But chances are if Jesus really ever
lived/liveS he would do whatever it takes to keep loving all that is (GoD) That's What Love Does...

Whatever Day it is that you come back to this place; consider this Your 'SuNday School LeSSon' From Me to 'You';
Smiles; only if you would like to.

i encourage all 'debates'; it is rare that i get exhausted or run out of new stuff to say; it is rare that anyone even 'tries' me....these days at least.

Anyway; i am Currently Writing the 9th of 9 King James Size Epic Bible Poems as Part of "SonG oF mY SouL" Longest
Epic Long Form Bible Poem in the History of Humankind at 7.6 MiLLioN Words in 76 Months of Effort; and no; it's
not for a tiny piece of dirt in a Desert in the Middle East; it covers the Entire Globe; and has taken lots more than
3 and A Half Years to do; although in the Last 42 Months one Sub-Title, "Nether Land Bible" is at Over 5 MiLLioN
Words; along with Public Dance now 12,466 Miles that has carried me more than half the Distance of Around the
Globe; Speaking of Inspiration Porn for someone like me Permanently Medically And Legally Disabled still
With Bi-Polar Disorder and Asperger's Syndrome too; with one; a literal Prescription of Moving Meditation
Effective for Both Disorders to Regulate Emotions and Integrate Senses; i found 'the cure' by the way
And then the Psychiatrist Wrote me the Prescription; as Moving Meditation is an Approved Therapy;
in other Words, of 12,466 Miles of Dance in Public now for What Arrives at 76 Months at the end
of this Month; i've danced as far as Biloxi Mississippi about 60 Times over the Course of 5 years;
Betcha, if You ask most anyone who lives there; they will remember who i am; i used to get
flagged down there from People who knew me from Pensacola; We Live in a Very Backwards
Area of Existence; Where i am the Frigging only one in the Entire Southeast who Public Dances.

Our Ancestors did it as a Staple of Culture and Basic Existence; They stayed much clearer from all Illnesses;
as the Stress was dissolved away in Autotelic Flow of Bliss; Yes, the Great Spirit; the Kingdom of Heaven within
one with all of Existence; as the American Indian Still Dances and Sings, Now Free; smiles there are no Cultural
Clothes With God; i'll leave You with the Greatest Lines of Truth Likely ever Spoken; Censored out of the New
Testament; as of course it wouldn't matter what you called Yourself to find 'God'; What You May not Understand
is that Calling Yourself 'Christian' is Identity 'Politics' too; and today at least it is the Color of Trump; not a very
nice identity in deed; We All Call ourselves something Until We Free Ourselves into Love; Enjoy Your Trip my
Friend, wherever you go now; And As Far As what anyone Calls themselves; i tend to Focus on Love Beginning
Always Love Story; No Better Place to Go Now AFAIF for Sure; For Real No Better Place but the Present Gift of Love;
All the Colors
of Love as
A Four Letter
Word that Make
God Real; to me at Least;
No Books Required Tread
on all the Pages of These Cultural Clothes of Words too..

37) His disciples said to him, "When will you be visible to us,
and when shall we behold you?"
He said, "When you strip naked without being ashamed, and
take your garments and put them under your feet like little
children and tread upon them, then you will see the child of the
Living, and you will not be afraid."

114) Simon Peter said to Him, "Let Mary leave us, for women are
not worthy of Life."
Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her
male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you
males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the
Kingdom of Heaven."

(Masculine Will And Strength)

And Another one Just for fun and another Great Suggestion:

"Let 'Paul' Leave us, For Men are Not Worthy of Life"
He Says, "I Myself Shall Lead Him in order to make
Him Female, so that He too may become a Living Spirit
Resembling 'Mary'; For Every Man who makes Himself
'Mary' will Enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

(Feminine Grace in Balance of Love)

Females Are Catching Up in Western Cultures;
Males Still Lag Far Behind For the Kingdom of Heaven Complete Within NoW.

The Dude up there you are trying to talk 'down' to it seems; is the Sky Above Your Ground from What i see here.

i don't appreciate Bullying Behavior; no matter how thickly guised it is; that's what i see here, sadly as not so well;
i have no idea if you see it that way; but it is coming close; i commend the Individual above for being one of the
Best Examples of 'Good Cop Jesus' i've seen online lately for sure; Jesus F in Christ at least where i live; for sure.

i doubt Very Seriously that 'Jesus' would even want his Name Associated with the Deep South Christian Republican
Identity Politics of Trump; no more than Going to the Outskirts of Town And Visiting Gehenna Again; (Deep South).

Don't Expect to Hear 'His Name' again; it would Likely Literally Be 'Suicide' if he came back with that Name down here.

Anyway as Always thanks for the Inspiration to increase the Size of my 'Special Interest'; i come here to Exercise
my Asperger's Nature occasionally of Monologues and Special Interests; as really who really Pays attention to what
anyone else is saying here; anyway; and that's okay; Currently, i Speed Read Over 4000 Words A Minute; so it's a breeze
for me at least to 'Read the Whole Thing'; Pages All Soaked up in my Soul, too; As Someone Recently told me while they
Were telling me to 'Shut up'; Good Luck; and Take Care; Of course they would never say that to my face; that's the color
of Humans these days, overall; mostly invisible like me too.....Like Matters and Anti-Matters..when both meet For Real
Expressing Real Colors of Soul; often Hidden Online until Anti-Matters and Matters MeetS AGAiN.

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20 Dec 2019, 12:56 pm

aghogday wrote:

The 'Ignorance' in 'This Thread' Seems 'Significant' to me, at Least; A Couple of points.

People in Wheel Chairs Don't tolerate the Heat the same as 'Regular Folks' Who Don't Use A Wheel Chair; they often do not have the Same Ability to Regulate Body Temperature; Therefore, they get to go to the Front of the Line at Disney World.

You Teach Students; yes, So called AngeRho this is directed at You; My God, i surely hope you don't teach Students with Disabilities; if you don't already understand basics like this.

It Seems you may have Been Bullied in some way in Your Life; as you are coming very close to bullying the individual above; would love to meet you in Person in Mississippi to see what you are like up Close and Personal; Just Curious.

It's worth noting that You are only responding to people here that will take what you are giving; you are not very nice.

You don't seem to have much of a Clue of what it means to even be a Human Being from what you've stated here; other than the Human Being You are; par for the course; for folks who Lack Basic Human Empathy; You are showing very little here, in words at least; that i see.

A lot personal attacks in there.

You called him "ignorant", "not human", "not nice", "lacking basic empathy".

Don't you find it awkward to make these insults on an autism website?

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20 Dec 2019, 1:08 pm

TheRobotLives wrote:
aghogday wrote:

The 'Ignorance' in 'This Thread' Seems 'Significant' to me, at Least; A Couple of points.

People in Wheel Chairs Don't tolerate the Heat the same as 'Regular Folks' Who Don't Use A Wheel Chair; they often do not have the Same Ability to Regulate Body Temperature; Therefore, they get to go to the Front of the Line at Disney World.

You Teach Students; yes, So called AngeRho this is directed at You; My God, i surely hope you don't teach Students with Disabilities; if you don't already understand basics like this.

It Seems you may have Been Bullied in some way in Your Life; as you are coming very close to bullying the individual above; would love to meet you in Person in Mississippi to see what you are like up Close and Personal; Just Curious.

It's worth noting that You are only responding to people here that will take what you are giving; you are not very nice.

You don't seem to have much of a Clue of what it means to even be a Human Being from what you've stated here; other than the Human Being You are; par for the course; for folks who Lack Basic Human Empathy; You are showing very little here, in words at least; that i see.

A lot personal attacks in there.

You called him "ignorant", "not human", "not nice", "lacking basic empathy".

No Actually i did not. I said there was ignorance in the thread. Ignorance means Ignorance of the Facts in this context.

The Ignorance Was was in relationship to NOT understanding WHY people who are in Wheel Chairs get to go to the Front of the Line; that came from the Individual i named.

I didn't see any basic empathy in what he spoke about; that's a simple judgment on the words he spoke. Whether or not he has empathy other than that; i have no idea; that is why i said 'it seems' in other words just opinion based on what was stated.

Again; he wasn't being nice to the individual he was speaking to; that was clear he called him "A sicko" that's evidence enough that in this case at least he is not nice; and in that case he is lacking empathy too; and on top of that the dude he was talking to is obviously an Upstanding and Kind Citizen of His Country and this place too; It is ignorance when one cannot see that simple fact either, in Human Behavior. Ignorance is not seeing the obvious facts at hand in this context.

I don't tattle tale when i see an issue; i direct it to the individual concerned in a most tactful way possible; i for one will not stand by when another human being is being treated this way.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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21 Dec 2019, 8:37 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
All the more reasons to not have to rely on religious charities over government programs, since they cannot be made fair in helping those "protected" from followers of their beliefs.

Yes, like in the Potato Famine. The Protestant charities descended on Ireland and said, we will give you soup so long as you become Protestant.

During a deadly famine that's lije saying convert or die.

A notable exception were the Quakers, who gave the Irish food without any conditions attached.

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21 Dec 2019, 10:49 pm

RetroGamer87 wrote:
Bradleigh wrote:
All the more reasons to not have to rely on religious charities over government programs, since they cannot be made fair in helping those "protected" from followers of their beliefs.

Yes, like in the Potato Famine. The Protestant charities descended on Ireland and said, we will give you soup so long as you become Protestant.

During a deadly famine that's lije saying convert or die.

A notable exception were the Quakers, who gave the Irish food without any conditions attached.

I support the idea of conditional charity, the advantage being that charities aren’t compelled to support causes or behaviors contrary to their values. That means that individuals can choose to support a variety of charities such that if you can’t find help in, say, a church, perhaps there’s a strong likelihood that there’s a secular option. There’s absolutely no reason why anyone has to change a thing to accept charity, with contemporary, religious charities viewing their activities as missions to help those in need while opening the door to conversion. My family is Southern Baptist, with no interest in becoming Catholic, and yet we receive salaries from both a Baptist church and the archdiocese, not to mention the equipment in my band room is bought and paid for by the St. Cecilia Foundation. Tomorrow I play piano at my church in the morning, and tomorrow night I’m playing a Filipino mass with Christmas carols sung in Tagalog. Sure, they’d be THRILLED if we converted. Priests have told us we act more Catholic than their parishioners, and my wife knows more about the Bible than the religion teachers. But I’m no kneeler, and guess what? We all get along just fine! The only thing they ask of us is that we respect their moral and ethical code which...hahaha, Baptists traditionally hold to an even more stringent standard than Catholics (drinking, gambling, and profanity are all discouraged the way I was raised). Our Catholic friends are often jealous of us because we actually live out our faith in a way they do not. So for whatever reason, we don’t really get any sense of exclusion other than that we can’t take communion. Besides that, there’s not been any negative effects, no demands at all except that we do our job to the best of our ability.

The problems of the Irish were caused by government overreach. Protestants were effectively government agents. The Catholic Church itself functions as a governing body to the extent that you either became a Catholic or you became a criminal. Either way, it’s individual freedom that comes under attack with governments spearheading intrusion. The Protestants you mentioned regarding the Irish were anything but charitable.
There was nothing at all wrong with them conducting their charity work as they saw fit. The problem was with onerous government policies that kept the Irish tied to their land with little choice in growing crops and keeping their own food supply. Very similar to Holodomor. The government also enacted very stupid trade policies that restricted grain imports that could have stopped the crisis before it even became a crisis. You can’t blame Protestant charities (which Protestants, btw?) when the problem was caused by government regulations in the first place.


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21 Dec 2019, 11:12 pm

I wasn't blaming them for causing it, I was blaming them for how they reacted to it.

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21 Dec 2019, 11:20 pm

Sounds like you are just blaming governments rather than accepting the part that religion can play in bad movements of taking away freedom. Governments now should be secular, free from religious reasoning as it is unfair and can be illogical. Everyone is part of the nation under the government, not everyone is part of any particular religion. Everyone can be protected by the government, not relied on by religious groups that could choose to not help those in the minority.

Despite saying all this, it isn't like I am anti religion, my family on my mothers side with an Irish heritage is pretty Catholic, we had a Father be a family friend I think had some well known aspect to him. I don't dislike that Catholic side, but I do think that just virtue signalling through standing by your religion does not make you automatically a good person, in fact going just by what your holly books say and telling people they are going to hell, or other things that can bring harm, makes one a bad person.

Myself, I was baptised twice as a baby, neither side of the family wanted to budge, so I got baptised in a Catholic church, and also in the Church of England. I don't know if meant anything, but I have held it that I don't need to be restrained the churches, that I can use my brains and empathy to decide what is right. Those ruled by their religious beliefs, I fear they may not always think in an objective and good way. Some may say that theirs is the true religion that is the true moral one, but I call that dogmatism.

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22 Dec 2019, 3:21 am

Blame the government if a church does something bad and let the church take credit when they do something good? That's a very transparent strategy.

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22 Dec 2019, 11:19 am

RetroGamer87 wrote:
Blame the government if a church does something bad and let the church take credit when they do something good? That's a very transparent strategy.

Has the church, or any religious group, never been under the government umbrella? You're saying the state can't possibly co-opt religion for the sake of control?


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22 Dec 2019, 11:27 am

I don’t support “conditional” charities.

It would be nice if the recipients of the charities overtly thanked the donors.

I wouldn’t want to give of myself to somebody, then have that somebody shove it in my face.


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22 Dec 2019, 1:57 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
Sounds like you are just blaming governments rather than accepting the part that religion can play in bad movements of taking away freedom. Governments now should be secular, free from religious reasoning as it is unfair and can be illogical. Everyone is part of the nation under the government, not everyone is part of any particular religion. Everyone can be protected by the government, not relied on by religious groups that could choose to not help those in the minority.

Despite saying all this, it isn't like I am anti religion, my family on my mothers side with an Irish heritage is pretty Catholic, we had a Father be a family friend I think had some well known aspect to him. I don't dislike that Catholic side, but I do think that just virtue signalling through standing by your religion does not make you automatically a good person, in fact going just by what your holly books say and telling people they are going to hell, or other things that can bring harm, makes one a bad person.

Myself, I was baptised twice as a baby, neither side of the family wanted to budge, so I got baptised in a Catholic church, and also in the Church of England. I don't know if meant anything, but I have held it that I don't need to be restrained the churches, that I can use my brains and empathy to decide what is right. Those ruled by their religious beliefs, I fear they may not always think in an objective and good way. Some may say that theirs is the true religion that is the true moral one, but I call that dogmatism.

Don’t confuse state corruption of religion for the sake of power with religion itself. The Bible teaches that authority comes from God for the purpose of protecting individuals within an orderly society. Individuals should feel free to live without injustice, confident in the rule of law. Police and military exist to enforce those laws and provide protection from foreign enemies.

The establishment of religion interferes with the ability of the individual to willingly live out his faith according to his own conscience. It’s not that a theocracy is inherently corrupt. I could sit down and draft a flawless theocratic constitution that would both establish a religion AND protect the individual rights of non-believers. The real question is how long would it take before someone became dissatisfied and abused the blueprint to concentrate all power in one individual or in one faction? How long before a leader said “God told me” or “according to the Bible you owe the government...”? Theocracies and ideological collectives just don’t work out because someone will ALWAYS twist scripture to work in their favor.


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22 Dec 2019, 4:48 pm

AngelRho wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Blame the government if a church does something bad and let the church take credit when they do something good? That's a very transparent strategy.

Has the church, or any religious group, never been under the government umbrella? You're saying the state can't possibly co-opt religion for the sake of control?

Has any government ever been controlled by a church? You're saying religion can't possibly control the state.

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22 Dec 2019, 8:55 pm

RetroGamer87 wrote:
AngelRho wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Blame the government if a church does something bad and let the church take credit when they do something good? That's a very transparent strategy.

Has the church, or any religious group, never been under the government umbrella? You're saying the state can't possibly co-opt religion for the sake of control?

Has any government ever been controlled by a church? You're saying religion can't possibly control the state.

Not exactly. Governments consistently exerted influence over religion. If a religion desires influence over a populace, it almost always has to defer to the state. Not doing so results in disaster. Ask the RCC what can happen when a king doesn’t get his way. Religion and government don’t mix.


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22 Dec 2019, 9:27 pm

Well, good thing that a king is not a democratic government. Do you really want me to say horrible things that were led by influence of a church? Alone I am pretty sure you have problems like Sharia law being the enforced political law in some countries. But you would also say the problem there is Islam. Would you want to put in place Christian Sharia law, because I have seen that there are quite a few that want to? You might as well defending governments to take the side of church in avoiding prosecution of priests that did not very good things to children. A church is not free from corruption, and there are real worries when one could choose to interpret any beliefs they want to justify what they want, and then try and make that a law.

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22 Dec 2019, 9:53 pm

Bradleigh wrote:
Well, good thing that a king is not a democratic government. Do you really want me to say horrible things that were led by influence of a church? Alone I am pretty sure you have problems like Sharia law being the enforced political law in some countries. But you would also say the problem there is Islam. Would you want to put in place Christian Sharia law, because I have seen that there are quite a few that want to? You might as well defending governments to take the side of church in avoiding prosecution of priests that did not very good things to children. A church is not free from corruption, and there are real worries when one could choose to interpret any beliefs they want to justify what they want, and then try and make that a law.

What the heck are you talking about? I don’t think there’s anything here I disagree with. Keep the government out of the church, keep the church out of the government.

The pattern I see happening is more that the government uses the church as a means of control. The government establishes law and order, then legislates or decrees the church take a police role to monitor thoughtcrime. You disagree with your local mayor or city council for taking bribes? No problem. Put him on trial for heresy. Tie a concrete block around him and throw him in the lake. If he floats, he must be possessed by a demon. Burn him at the stake.

The absurdity of religion in bed with the government is a major reason I think one should take an objective approach to both. The role of government: protect the citizenry from foreign invasion, establish essential law and order. The role of religion: answer questions of a spiritual nature (Christianity, to reunite man with God). The role of the individual: to do as it pleases him within reason.


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22 Dec 2019, 10:15 pm

And the government should help the people with the required problems, not rely on religious charities.

Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall