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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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06 Jun 2013, 1:15 am

PseudointellectualHorse wrote:
1000Knives wrote:
I'm diagnosed NVLD/AS and have fairly socially conservative/libertarian views.
The buzzword of the era is "tolerant", which everyone seems to advocate and everyone says the other side isn't. Seems to me the truly "tolerant" society achieves a balance between authoritarianism (where the central planners tell you what to do) and anarchy (theoretically free, but as a practical matter something big will rise up and stomp you). The Western trend of the last century has been toward enlightened authoritarianism for the presumed sake of the common good; this is bad news for people that are "different" and not politically influential. So as a "different" and un-influential creature, with a healthy (some would say "unhealthy") distrust of authority...yeah, tilting "conservative" seems right to me. This is not to say that plenty of "conservatives" don't hold bonehead opinions; I just don't see the "conservatives" as being -- in the context of the present day and the present culture -- as inclined as the "liberals" to beat me into enlightened agreement by force of law. "Conservatives" will point their fingers at me and tsk; "liberals" will send in the regulators and bureaucrats.

Look at the sheer volume of teleological arguments coming out of that cesspool of mediocrity called the Republican Party. That would automatically exclude at least 90% of Aspies from responsibility for its ideology! Teleological arguments are expounded for everything from individual rights to the second amendment. Hell, all the amendments! And the universe and its contents for that matter.

Even condoms, evolution, and stem cell research do not meet muster with that bag of offensively malodorous malcontents that call themselves the Republican Party. What does it take to be recognized as a scientific idea worthy of their praise; A signed permission slip from Jesus himself?

But just listen to them talk to each other and socialize! Just listen to Sarah Palin, no more socially gifted NT was ever born and with what for brains? And whats with Rush Limbaugh, he can socialize with the whole world for at least 3 hours straight without the mere hint of a cogent thought, all the while making millions of dollars from NT's that wonder, mesmerized by his social skill being belch out over the airways. Sean Hannity? no Autism genes there, that's for sure, no Sir, pure NT, ya betcha!

God I feel better now! I'll get to the Democrats latter.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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06 Jun 2013, 1:20 am

normal2357 wrote:
PseudointellectualHorse wrote:
1000Knives wrote:
I'm diagnosed NVLD/AS and have fairly socially conservative/libertarian views.
The buzzword of the era is "tolerant", which everyone seems to advocate and everyone says the other side isn't. Seems to me the truly "tolerant" society achieves a balance between authoritarianism (where the central planners tell you what to do) and anarchy (theoretically free, but as a practical matter something big will rise up and stomp you). The Western trend of the last century has been toward enlightened authoritarianism for the presumed sake of the common good; this is bad news for people that are "different" and not politically influential. So as a "different" and un-influential creature, with a healthy (some would say "unhealthy") distrust of authority...yeah, tilting "conservative" seems right to me. This is not to say that plenty of "conservatives" don't hold bonehead opinions; I just don't see the "conservatives" as being -- in the context of the present day and the present culture -- as inclined as the "liberals" to beat me into enlightened agreement by force of law. "Conservatives" will point their fingers at me and tsk; "liberals" will send in the regulators and bureaucrats.

Look at the sheer volume of teleological arguments coming out of that cesspool of mediocrity called the Republican Party. That would automatically exclude at least 90% of Aspies from responsibility for its ideology! Teleological arguments are expounded for everything from individual rights to the second amendment. Hell, all the amendments! And the universe and its contents for that matter.

Even condoms, evolution, and stem cell research do not meet muster with that bag of offensively malodorous malcontents that call themselves the Republican Party. What does it take to be recognized as a scientific idea worthy of their praise; A signed permission slip from Jesus himself?

But just listen to them talk to each other and socialize! Just listen to Sarah Palin, no more socially gifted NT was ever born and with what for brains? And whats with Rush Limbaugh, he can socialize with the whole world for at least 3 hours straight without the mere hint of a cogent thought, all the while making millions of dollars from NT's that wonder, mesmerized by his social skill being belch out over the airways. Sean Hannity? no Autism genes there, that's for sure, no Sir, pure NT, ya betcha!

God I feel better now! I'll get to the Democrats latter.

It has nothing to do with unconditional allegiance to Autism, it has to do with the horror's of "Teleological" thinking in politics and what it is leading to. Movement toward a fascist theocracy manned by the few at the cost of the many is ever more likely today because of the blind acceptance of these "Teleo" arguments and their blind or obedient proponents. Ignorance is the enemy and these arguments make ignorance "in vogue".

Aspies simply can not think in a "Teleological" manner as a rule, not an absolute, it is simply not in their neurological make-up. Some may try as a way of being accepted by others, especially in an NT world, but ultimately they will fail either to be accepted or to believe. This is what I was trying to say was my opinion.

Conservatism is no better than Communism, just a slower more painful death.


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06 Jun 2013, 3:05 am

No need to worry. The GOP in its current form is done for.

This will wipe it out:



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06 Jun 2013, 9:32 am

That is correct. There will have to be a realignment of the parties at some time. At this juncture the pinko stinko left wing commie loving Democrat liberals are running the country into the ground. Eventually some kind of political adjustment will have to be made to prevent the U.S. from becoming an incompetent mediocre People's State.



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06 Jun 2013, 1:37 pm

As opposed to being run into the ground by racist, plutocratic oligarchs for the sake of the increasingly wealthy few from the other party?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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06 Jun 2013, 10:16 pm

/\ And therefore we shall never get anywhere when the right refuses to turn the country into a beggar society and the left is afraid the right are all racists that care about the wealthy.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson


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06 Jun 2013, 10:30 pm

Raptor wrote:
/\ And therefore we shall never get anywhere when the right refuses to turn the country into a beggar society and the left is afraid the right are all racists that care about the wealthy.

When did I say I wanted to turn America into a beggar nation?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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06 Jun 2013, 10:32 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
Raptor wrote:
/\ And therefore we shall never get anywhere when the right refuses to turn the country into a beggar society and the left is afraid the right are all racists that care about the wealthy.

When did I say I wanted to turn America into a beggar nation?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Short memory?
On this \/ page you pretty much advocate handing out aid without justification for fear that someone might be left out.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson

Last edited by Raptor on 06 Jun 2013, 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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06 Jun 2013, 10:38 pm

Raptor wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
Raptor wrote:
/\ And therefore we shall never get anywhere when the right refuses to turn the country into a beggar society and the left is afraid the right are all racists that care about the wealthy.

When did I say I wanted to turn America into a beggar nation?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Short memory?

I recall saying we need to care for those who need caring for. Enlighten me about when I ever said we should become a beggar nation.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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06 Jun 2013, 10:41 pm

Read my last.
I edited it.
We're not going to go back and forth on this all night, either.
You're a nanny state advocate and I'm not.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson


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06 Jun 2013, 10:47 pm

Raptor wrote:
Read my last.
I edited it.
We're not going to go back and forth on this all night, either.
You're a nanny state advocate and I'm not.

Nanny state is just a derogatory term invented by conservatives to knock socially conscious government.
But in order to avoid going back and forth all night, I'll just end with: to each his or her own.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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07 Jun 2013, 11:41 am

Raptor wrote:
Read my last.
I edited it.
We're not going to go back and forth on this all night, either.
You're a nanny state advocate and I'm not.

The State is Mother. The State is Father. The State is ALL and we are just parts of it.



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07 Jun 2013, 12:23 pm

ruveyn wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Read my last.
I edited it.
We're not going to go back and forth on this all night, either.
You're a nanny state advocate and I'm not.

The State is Mother. The State is Father. The State is ALL and we are just parts of it.


Again, a conservative fantasy lobbed at government that takes responsibility for the welfare of it's citizens.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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07 Jun 2013, 12:39 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:

Again, a conservative fantasy lobbed at government that takes responsibility for the welfare of it's citizens.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

That is not all the government takes. It takes money from those who have -earned it- and gives it to those who have -not earned it-.

If I did that as a private citizen I would be indicted for grand theft or larceny.

But Your Honor, I did not keep the Loot. I gave it to the Poor. Judge: ten years.



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07 Jun 2013, 12:48 pm

Taxation with representation is not theft. Our elected representatives, or even the voters directly sometimes, choose to levy a tax. And part of that taxation is done for the benefit of the have nots.
Hence Robin Hood or Butch Cassidy don't need to steal from the rich to give to the poor.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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09 Jun 2013, 2:28 am

normal2357 wrote:
That would automatically exclude at least 90% of Aspies from responsibility for its ideology!

normal2357 wrote:
Aspies simply can not think in a "Teleological" manner as a rule, not an absolute, it is simply not in their neurological make-up. Some may try as a way of being accepted by others, especially in an NT world, but ultimately they will fail either to be accepted or to believe. This is what I was trying to say was my opinion.

Look, that SA study only encompassed 27 people, your ideas about Aspies and what we are or are not capable of thinking or likely to be thinking are just plain wrong. The claim that Aspies who do think this way are somehow faking it in order to fit in is especially galling, as it presumes to know more about the inner thoughts of others than the people having the thoughts do, and maligns them and their opinions in the process. Aspies are not homogeneous, not even close, especially not 90% close, and there is at least as much variety among us regarding our thought process as there is among NTs, or between us and NTs for that matter.

Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.

- Rick Sanchez