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29 Jun 2020, 2:30 pm

Fnord wrote:
Karamazov wrote:
If the superlatively orange one loses the upcoming election, what is the likelihood he will seek to challenge that outcome in both the Supreme Court, and the court of public opinion?
Nearly absolute, in my opinion.  He hates losing, and he hates "losers", so he would likely seek vindication if only to soothe his own ego.

Since when has Trump had an ego? :scratch:

Karamazov wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
Thats' the funny thing about this upcoming election: regardless of who wins, no one will believe it.

Which, I suspect, was the purpose of Putin’s shenanigans in 2016 all along.
Destroy trust in the electoral system and the legitimacy of the presidency regardless of who wins.

Petty, tantrum-on-the-floor stuff that American politics will now be remembered for. <sigh> <tedium>


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29 Jun 2020, 2:35 pm

Wolfram87 wrote:
I think we might be giving Vlad a bit more credit than is due. Unless he somehow managed to predict the Dems putting forth Biden as their candidate that far in advance.


auntblabby wrote:
i will be the first one to get stoooopid stoned :hic: :drunken: :colors: :skull: if, by this time next year, after the last of the court battles, the magas are all just a bad memory. but for that to happen, in addition to winning, they're [democrats] gonna have to believe and ACT like they won. IOW they will have to get smart and get tough and become badder cops themselves, at least somewhat.

Will the Republicans whine as much as the Democrats if they lose?
I bloody well hope not. :roll: :mrgreen:

Last edited by Pepe on 29 Jun 2020, 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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29 Jun 2020, 2:36 pm

Karamazov wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
I think we might be giving Vlad a bit more credit than is due. Unless he somehow managed to predict the Dems putting forth Biden as their candidate that far in advance.

No, I don’t think he or the Kremlin denizens anticipated all this...
merely that the events of what occurred during the 2016 election, regardless of what one makes of them, probably didn’t help Trump win...
but did help create a situation in which the sense of “Presidency for all” evaporated...
pushing at an open door in that regard, I would argue.

That accomplished: all that’s really required is to sit back and watch the US political culture implode along it’s pre-existing fault lines.

While russia and the ccp smile with glee. 8O


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29 Jun 2020, 2:46 pm

Magna wrote:
Karamazov wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
I think we might be giving Vlad a bit more credit than is due. Unless he somehow managed to predict the Dems putting forth Biden as their candidate that far in advance.

No, I don’t think he or the Kremlin denizens anticipated all this...
merely that the events of what occurred during the 2016 election, regardless of what one makes of them, probably didn’t help Trump win...
but did help create a situation in which the sense of “Presidency for all” evaporated...
pushing at an open door in that regard, I would argue.

That accomplished: all that’s really required is to sit back and watch the US political culture implode along it’s pre-existing fault lines.

Correct. "Presidency for all" is gone. The party in power, regardless of which one that is will try to shame the other side into "unity", etc but it won't work. "Not my president" can't be for thee but not for me will be the line of thinking.

I do remember feeling completely cheated when G.W. Bush was elected after the Dade and Broward County Florida "hanging chad" election fiasco. I still accepted that G.W. Bush was president even though I didn't agree with it.

Those days are gone, gone, gone. "Not my president" is here to stay. The bind that Democrats would be in if they deigned to call for unity is that they would rightly be considered blatantly hypocritical.

But hypocrisy is the name of the political game.
But because of the endemic partisanship in America,
People will just ignore it on either side.
Stupid hoomans. :mrgreen:

auntblabby wrote:
politics here is war by other means, a culture war between those who lack abundant resources, and those who have plenty of it or think they are on the fast track to having plenty of it. above all, the democrats are gonna have to learn some self-discipline and work together as a group rather than a bunch of cats that won't be herded, like they have been. just like the GOP expelled all the reasonable moderates, the democrats are gonna have to do something similar or else they [left and right wings of the party] will just fight each other while the GOP snatches the ball away from them again. mebbe the expelled moderates of both parties can put aside their differences and form a true centrist third party? :chin:

The destitute Democratic political multi-millionaire aristocracy will need to fight harder,
To maintain their wealth,
While the poor accept the crumbs offered to them. :mrgreen:


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29 Jun 2020, 3:05 pm

Fnord wrote:
Karamazov wrote:
If the superlatively orange one loses the upcoming election, what is the likelihood he will seek to challenge that outcome in both the Supreme Court, and the court of public opinion?
Nearly absolute, in my opinion.  He hates losing, and he hates "losers", so he would likely seek vindication if only to soothe his own ego.


Wolfram87 wrote:
Thats' the funny thing about this upcoming election: regardless of who wins, no one will believe it.

This is what I expect. I don't find it funny, I find it scary.

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Last edited by ASPartOfMe on 29 Jun 2020, 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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29 Jun 2020, 3:25 pm

"Funny" being a rather multi-faceted word here.

I'm bored out of my skull, let's play a different game. Let's pay a visit down below and cast the world in flame.


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29 Jun 2020, 3:29 pm

Wolfram87 wrote:
Thats' the funny thing about this upcoming election: regardless of who wins, no one will believe it.

Also, this way we can all live in our own emotionally charged fantasy worlds and be easily manipulated by the manipulators.


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29 Jun 2020, 3:45 pm

Pepe wrote:
Karamazov wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
I think we might be giving Vlad a bit more credit than is due. Unless he somehow managed to predict the Dems putting forth Biden as their candidate that far in advance.

No, I don’t think he or the Kremlin denizens anticipated all this...
merely that the events of what occurred during the 2016 election, regardless of what one makes of them, probably didn’t help Trump win...
but did help create a situation in which the sense of “Presidency for all” evaporated...
pushing at an open door in that regard, I would argue.

That accomplished: all that’s really required is to sit back and watch the US political culture implode along it’s pre-existing fault lines.

While russia and the ccp smile with glee. 8O

Off Topic
Have you been following the CCP’s military buildup in the Kashmiri Himalayas?


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29 Jun 2020, 3:50 pm

Pepe wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
I think we might be giving Vlad a bit more credit than is due. Unless he somehow managed to predict the Dems putting forth Biden as their candidate that far in advance.


auntblabby wrote:
i will be the first one to get stoooopid stoned :hic: :drunken: :colors: :skull: if, by this time next year, after the last of the court battles, the magas are all just a bad memory. but for that to happen, in addition to winning, they're [democrats] gonna have to believe and ACT like they won. IOW they will have to get smart and get tough and become badder cops themselves, at least somewhat.

Will the Republicans whine as much as the Democrats if they lose?
I bloody well hope not. :roll: :mrgreen:

Are you kidding? Remember the racist circus that grew out of the GOP after Obama won? Or how they went into full conspiracy theory mode with Clinton?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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29 Jun 2020, 7:04 pm

Pepe wrote:
The destitute Democratic political multi-millionaire aristocracy will need to fight harder,
To maintain their wealth,
While the poor accept the crumbs offered to them. :mrgreen:

That's a bizarre thing to say. Mainly because it implies the orange s**t gibbon is somehow an alternative to elitism, when he's actually far deeper in the back pockets of the global ultra rich than the Democrats will ever be. Which group is actually willing to share power and wealth, and which narcissistic, hypocritical, delusional asshat says he's doing that when actually he's doing the complete opposite? Hmmm tricky. Even if I hadn't loaded the question I'm sure you'd have worked it out. There's nothing remotely anti-establishment about Trump, he IS the establishment but with a silly hat and a big mouth.

We have a similar situation in the UK where the privately educated, ex-City of London commodity broker, East India Club member and good friend of Baron Pearson of Rannoch, the 21st Baron Willoughby de Broke, and the 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley has somehow dressed himself up as a Robin Hood-style saviour of the working classes. Even though all he promises is more of the right-wing Conservatism we've had for most of the last 40 years, but more extreme. Viva la revolucion!


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29 Jun 2020, 7:17 pm

Pepe wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Karamazov wrote:
If the superlatively orange one loses the upcoming election, what is the likelihood he will seek to challenge that outcome in both the Supreme Court, and the court of public opinion?
Nearly absolute, in my opinion.  He hates losing, and he hates "losers", so he would likely seek vindication if only to soothe his own ego.
Since when has Trump had an ego?...
Good question.  If we accept the psychoanalytical definition of "ego", we get...
A psychoanalytic term denoting the part of the personality which carries on relationships with the external world.  The ego is conceived as a group of functions that enable us to perceive, reason, make judgments, store knowledge, and solve problems.  It has been called the executive agency of the personality, and its many functions enable us to modify our instinctual impulses (the id), make compromises with demands of the superego (conscience, ideals), and in general deal rationally and effectively with reality.  It operates largely but not entirely on a conscious level, and in a mature person is guided less often by the pleasure principle than by the reality principle -- that is, the practical demands of life.  It may, however, be torn between these two opposing forces.  The ego, unlike the id, is not ready-made at birth.  It develops slowly as the child learns to master his impulses, know what behavior the world requires, and use intelligence in meeting difficulties.  A person who develops a "strong ego" successfully integrates the demands of the id, superego, and reality.  He therefore does not have to resort to rigid defenses or escape mechanisms in handling the stresses of life.  An individual with a "weak ego" is dominated by unconscious impulses and may disintegrate under strain, with the result that mental symptoms or character defects are likely to develop.
By the foregoing definition, that last line (in bold) seems to apply most accurately to president Donald J. Trump.  Now, I'm no expert on the subject, but in my honest opinion, DJT's personality is dominated by impulses, he is already cracking under the strain of trying to hold his subjective reality together, and his character defects have already been well-developed.

So yes, DJT has an ego, but it is likely a weak one, and his id seems to be fully in charge.

This Psychology Dictionary Definition.

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29 Jun 2020, 8:08 pm

Fnord wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
... mebbe the expelled moderates of both parties can put aside their differences and form a true centrist third party?
It's been tried.  Those attempts have failed because those who can put aside their many differences have no incentive to form a party, while those who cannot put aside their many differences end up forming many parties.

What is needed is a coalition of moderates (e.g., "The Moderate Coalition Party"), wherein the differences are preserved and the primary goal -- preventing either of the other two parties from having a clear majority -- is established and acted upon.

But that is not likely to happen, either.

The term "moderate" is often a misnomer. Many "moderates" are actually conservative on some issues and progressive on other issues. Like you.

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29 Jun 2020, 9:56 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
Pepe wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
But I wanted the Lab. :cry:

Doggo just for you!



Aren't labs supposed to be yellow?

Only Old Yeller.

Looks more like a Hershey to me. (Labs come in black, yellow and chocolate. To me, their coat color doesn’t matter, since almost every lab and golden retriever I ever met were none too bright.)


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29 Jun 2020, 10:07 pm

Surely he won't stop dominating ramps though.

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29 Jun 2020, 10:37 pm

Pepe wrote:
Will the Republicans whine as much as the Democrats if they lose?

Would that even be possible?

Out of curiosity, if Trump loses but Republicans get house and senate, would it be possible for them to impeach Biden for the Ukraine\Burisma dealings (the bar for impeachment is much lower now than it was pre-Trump)?


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30 Jun 2020, 12:35 am

Brictoria wrote:
Pepe wrote:
Will the Republicans whine as much as the Democrats if they lose?

Would that even be possible?

Out of curiosity, if Trump loses but Republicans get house and senate, would it be possible for them to impeach Biden for the Ukraine\Burisma dealings (the bar for impeachment is much lower now than it was pre-Trump)?

Except that's all fictitious on the Republican's' part.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer