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28 Apr 2014, 11:34 am

Are humans animals?

I was unaware that there was even a choice B available?


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28 Apr 2014, 11:01 pm

Yes, and one of the least intelligent. In 100yrs there were be so many humans on earth that the population will strip the land and dry up all the usable water sources. What other animal on Earth can do that?

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29 Apr 2014, 1:06 am

Yes we are animals we are apes of the hominid species *drops the mike and leaves the stage*

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15 Feb 2016, 6:44 pm

Are animals people?


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16 Feb 2016, 10:28 pm

Housedays wrote:
I know we are classified as that from a scientific point of view, but what about from a philosophical point of view?

We are what we are. We are animals in the primate order. Obviously we are animals that have characteristics not shared by other animals. Aristotle referred to Man as the Rational Animal. We have speech and reason. No other primate has these characteristics.

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20 Feb 2016, 3:33 pm

What makes a difference between humans and other animals is just a matter of degree ; quantity, not quality.
But even when it comes to intelligence, humans are superior in some fields and animals in some others. Which is also true for any animal species.


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20 Feb 2016, 9:46 pm

NewTime wrote:
Are animals people?

That's a fascinating question - ie. yeah we're animals, would we be okay with giving rabbits, raccoons, and squirrels social security numbers, government representation, and turning into Jain vegans as not to become murderers?

To some extent, particularly when it comes to humans abusing animals - especially those we're fond of or close to, we take a dim enough view to do everything we can to throw the person in jail. Someone called 9/11 and said that a dog was thrown over a ledge into a river, oh wait, it's okay it's getting back up out, wait....oh no! It's being thrown back in!.... and it wasn't seen again - assumed dead. The news story sparked a significant social outrage and people agreed the guy was a monster and should be in jail. To a certain extent though I have to have some sympathies for people who criticize animal testing for being something like a Nazi Germany for animals. With PETA and Holocaust on a Plate it might go too far if, say, we have a contract with conscience to treat the animal well, give it a good life that it wouldn't have had otherwise, and end that life humanely for consumption. Part of that though, in my case, triggers a certain kind of horror when people play practical jokes with meat - ie. a sentient being gave up it's life so we could eat it between slices of bread and wash it down with a beer, and that's fine, to throw its remains on your girlfriend while she's putting on make-up and then throwing it in the trash - in it's own way that's a bit like blowing coke off the dog tag of a soldier who died protecting your freedom.

So while I don't know that most of them will have the type of cognition to be keen critics and participants in republican democracy any time soon, nor active participants in our economic and educational institutions, it seems evident that people increasingly see our responsibility to be good to sentient life and increasingly fewer people count everything from bacteria and plant life to bacteria as being as soulless and unconscious as a rock.

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21 Feb 2016, 1:14 pm

Yes, humans are animals and should be treated as such! Like animals.

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22 Feb 2016, 12:10 am

Humans are animals whether people like to admit it or not. In fact, I hate having to say "humans and animals", I prefer to say "humans and other animals", or I refer to other living creatures as "non-humans". But by non-human I mean in a good way, because humans are monsters. Humans evolved from a certain species of ape, that is why there are still apes, just like birds evolved from reptiles but there are still reptiles.

I wish humans were more like non-humans. But not in the physical sense, especially after seeing that photo of the dog-woman. 8O I guess I should be glad anthropomorphic non-humans only exist in the cartoons. :)


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22 Feb 2016, 8:49 am

We are in the Kingdom Animalia. We are animals.

We have many animal characteristics--anatomical, behavioral, etc.