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11 Aug 2023, 12:46 am

cyberdad wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
Wokes have consistently said to listen to a person's "lived experience". There is some merit to that. But when that person is a Jewish refugee from the Soviet Union, a Hispanic from Cuba, or has Asian background too often the assumption is that the person is a racist. There is a word for assumptions like that. It is prejudice.

You mean like Ukrainian refugees or Chinese migrants who bring with them the same stereotypes about race from their home country to America or Australia? it's still punching down. Yes they think they have a green light to imitate racists in their new home. Newsflash! two wrongs don't make a right.

Trying to reverse label people who have been historically underprivileged using the same language against them is like claiming women who continue to victimized by men in 2023 are actually the ones harassing men, egging them on to retaliate. Conservatives might think they are smart using coded language but they haven't won this battle, at least not yet.

Of course, there is overcorrection, I discuss this all the time in various contexts. Assuming all fear of illiberalism is a disguise for racism and not seeing things that you or I can't due to lack of actual experience especially when that author constantly attacks anti-woke illiberalism is what it is.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
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11 Aug 2023, 2:08 am

ASPartOfMe wrote:
Of course, there is overcorrection, I discuss this all the time in various contexts. Assuming all fear of illiberalism is a disguise for racism and not seeing things that you or I can't due to lack of actual experience especially when that author constantly attacks anti-woke illiberalism is what it is.

Speaking of lived experience, Russians who are the grandchildren of survivors of operation Barbarossa will have first hand experience of what life was like living under Ukrainian para-military intoxicated with nazism. The scale of atrocities committed by Ukrainians egged on by their benefactors in Deutschland in WWII id unlike any conflict in the history of the world. When the Ukrainians openly embrace neo-Nazis in 2023 as if there is nothing wrong is it any wonder the Russian people are incensed. Sure! Putin is exploiting the situation but I don't for one minute blame the Russians living in Ukraine for believing they are right.

There are overcorrections happening all over the world but giving a green light for white Cubans, Ukrainians, model minority east Asians and others to attack downtrodden minorities (seeing millionaire Asians protesting against black people getting entry into university is one of the sickest sights I've seen in a western democracy).


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18 Nov 2023, 4:08 am

Against the Israel-Hamas backdrop, a new book shows that identity politics is leading us down the wrong path - Cathy Young for Newsday
Behind a paywall

Since the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel, there has been a growing awareness in the United States of serious problems with a far-left progressivism whose mostly young adherents rushed to condemn the Israeli military response before it happened and now blame Israel itself for the terrorists’ atrocities. This appalling reaction did not occur in a vacuum. It was a result of an ideology, particularly widespread at elite colleges and universities but also influential in a wide range of other intellectual and cultural institutions, which sees everything through the prism of identity-based oppression and hierarchies of privilege — and ignorantly equates racially diverse Israel with “white supremacy.”

The problems with this ideology — groupthink, rigid “social justice” dogma, and a knee-jerk embrace of a simplistic analysis of complex issues — are explored in a timely and relevant new book, “The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power in Our Time,” by Yascha Mounk, a professor of international affairs at Johns Hopkins University.

The ideology Mounk flags has been variously labeled as “wokeness,” "social justice,” “critical race theory,” and “identity politics.” Mounk uses the term “identity synthesis,” referring to the fact that this movement purports to advocate against all forms of identity-based oppression.

Resisting oppression is, of course, a noble goal. But as the situation in Israel and Palestine shows, oppressor and oppressed are not always simple categories. Hamas, which enforces a brutal form of radical Islamism, is arguably less a champion than an oppressor of Palestinian people in Gaza — but many of the “woke” see it as fighting the Israeli oppressor. What’s more, while the situation in Israel and Gaza unquestionably involves horrific tragedy and suffering for everyone involved but day to day identity-based progressive activism often concerns itself, as Mounk documents, with the trivial pursuit of hyped-up offenses.

The policing of “cultural appropriation,” which bizarrely reframes cultural mixing as a form of oppression, is a particularly striking example. "The Identity Trap” features a mind-boggling anecdote from a Florida public school: A teacher of Nigerian background asked several students to wear the ceremonial clothing of his ancestral tribe to a multicultural show-and-tell. Two of the students were white and were promptly accused by some classmates and teachers of appropriating and mocking African culture. Despite the teacher’s intercession, the "culprits" were suspended.

One consequence of such petty bullying is that progressive organizations end up spending a lot of their time embroiled in internal squabbles over wrong words, wrong clothing, and other irrelevances.

“The Identity Trap” offers not only a convincing account of how the “identity synthesis” acquired its influence, but a blueprint for how to get out of this trap without becoming a reactionary who self-defines in opposition to whatever progressives support. Mounk’s prescription is classically liberal: freedom of speech, intellectual exchange which rejects the notion that ”oppressed” identity confers superior authority, and rejection of segregation, even the supposedly benevolent segregation of race- and ethnicity-based “affinity groups” to discuss racial issues.

Today, we can see more clearly than ever that identity politics are leading us down the wrong path. The liberalism of individual rights points the way forward.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
