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01 May 2011, 6:34 pm

Goal Cultural Assimilation of Mexico


Offer illegal immigrants of a certain age an education on the condition they return to Mexico(one time temporary of course)

Setup a program with Mexico that allows them to pay for an education in America for their citizens.(or allows a citizen in Mexico to sponsor an education in America for someone else.)

Get rid of the border factories.

Convince Mexican government to actively fund it's(small business loans and such) own manufacturing and service sectors.

This would result in culture bleed from America to Mexico, Mexico would of course eventually set up it's own universities and it might also stem some illegal immigration flow.

Problems: Cartels(maybe a police action with Mexico's consent), borders would also have to be strengthened to prevent returning, the time spent getting an education would have to not count for residence. There are probably plenty of others but whatever I can work with this.

I would put it in a better format but I'm a bit busy right now, any other potential problems would be helpful. The overall goal is to make Mexico comparable to America economically and bring it more in line with America culturally.


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01 May 2011, 6:38 pm

Also assimilation is probably the wrong word, it's just to give Mexicans less reason to want to come to America, and perhaps help their country as a whole in the process.


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01 May 2011, 6:45 pm

ikorack wrote:
Goal Cultural Assimilation of Mexico


Offer illegal immigrants of a certain age an education on the condition they return to Mexico(one time temporary of course)

Setup a program with Mexico that allows them to pay for an education in America for their citizens.(or allows a citizen in Mexico to sponsor an education in America for someone else.)

Get rid of the border factories.

Convince Mexican government to actively fund it's(small business loans and such) own manufacturing and service sectors.

This would result in culture bleed from America to Mexico, Mexico would of course eventually set up it's own universities and it might also stem some illegal immigration flow.

Problems: Cartels(maybe a police action with Mexico's consent), borders would also have to be strengthened to prevent returning, the time spent getting an education would have to not count for residence. There are probably plenty of others but whatever I can work with this.

I would put it in a better format but I'm a bit busy right now, any other potential problems would be helpful. The overall goal is to make Mexico comparable to America economically and bring it more in line with America culturally.

And just what shall we do about the drug gangsters in Mexico who have not one bit of regard for law, order or decency?



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01 May 2011, 6:50 pm

ruveyn wrote:
ikorack wrote:
Goal Cultural Assimilation of Mexico


Offer illegal immigrants of a certain age an education on the condition they return to Mexico(one time temporary of course)

Setup a program with Mexico that allows them to pay for an education in America for their citizens.(or allows a citizen in Mexico to sponsor an education in America for someone else.)

Get rid of the border factories.

Convince Mexican government to actively fund it's(small business loans and such) own manufacturing and service sectors.

This would result in culture bleed from America to Mexico, Mexico would of course eventually set up it's own universities and it might also stem some illegal immigration flow.

Problems: Cartels(maybe a police action with Mexico's consent), borders would also have to be strengthened to prevent returning, the time spent getting an education would have to not count for residence. There are probably plenty of others but whatever I can work with this.

I would put it in a better format but I'm a bit busy right now, any other potential problems would be helpful. The overall goal is to make Mexico comparable to America economically and bring it more in line with America culturally.

And just what shall we do about the drug gangsters in Mexico who have not one bit of regard for law, order or decency?


I don't see why we would do it at all if the drug cartels where still present hell I might say that a police action should be done on it's own merits.


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01 May 2011, 6:51 pm

ruveyn wrote:
And just what shall we do about the drug gangsters in Mexico who have not one bit of regard for law, order or decency?


Legalize drugs, of course.


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01 May 2011, 6:55 pm

I think you have some good ideas. I'm against police action in Mexico, however, for a few reasons; The US has intervened there before, and a lot of Mexicans resent it; the Cartels could play as if they are Freedom Fighters a la Pancho Villa and possibly sway public support in their favor; and the US citizens would not necessarily support this as, asides the costs of police action/occupation, the risk that Cartels will retaliate heavily in US territory increases dramatically. The Cartels are well armed and have a lot of ex-military... Coincide this with the support they would likely get from Mexican underclass and its illegal immigrant diaspora in the US and you could have a real domestic terrorism problem

Hm, I agree with pandabear though: legalize drugs and the Cartels become pointless

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01 May 2011, 7:08 pm

Vigilans wrote:
I think you have some good ideas. I'm against police action in Mexico, however, for a few reasons; The US has intervened there before, and a lot of Mexicans resent it;

Eh, good point but I don't really see it as a mitigating factor. It's never affected a war decision before.

the Cartels could play as if they are Freedom Fighters a la Pancho Villa and possibly sway public support in their favor;

Oh no it's way past that point.

and the US citizens would not necessarily support this as,

See my response to the first section

asides the costs of police action/occupation, the risk that Cartels will retaliate heavily in US territory increases dramatically. The Cartels are well armed and have a lot of ex-military... Coincide this with the support they would likely get from Mexican underclass and its illegal immigrant diaspora in the US and you could have a real domestic terrorism problem

Retaliation isn't really a valid reason not to go to war, if all signs point(and they do) to an action being necessary and the only response is that the designated enemy will fight back, well all you've really pointed out is that we will have to fight to eliminate the threat. and that's not something to disagree with but it doesn't help any argument against an action being necessary. That is the necessity of an action isn't dictated by it's cost.

If by underclass you mean criminals then I see no reason to be concerned just take them out with the cartel, if by underclass you mean poor, then you are mistaken about the current state of Mexico. I don't see why the Mexican diaspora would be offended by the idea of Mexico being purged of the cartels, although they might be offended by U.S. intervention that is no indication that domestic war would break out, as there is no reason they would desire to prevent such an action. If it moves to occupation and united states takeover, then we might have a problem.

Hm, I agree with pandabear though: legalize drugs and the Cartels become pointless

They also deal in political corruption(bribery) kidnapping, blackmail, and murder. If we legalize drugs all it would do is allow the cartels to import their drugs into the U.S. legally. It might cut into there profits but it wouldn't eliminate any crime present in Mexico.


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01 May 2011, 7:21 pm

I'm pretty well in agreement with you, but I still think that a US invasion is usually enough to sway opinions negatively- a war of misinformation will be fought, and in the end, the invading army usually is the one who looks like a bad guy, whether their intentions are noble or not. The Cartels have a lot of money, money that can be used to manipulate media worldwide. It happens now, all the time, with different subjects. I don't think its unreasonable to think that the Cartels would be able to shift their image from villains to heroes to the world if the US was an invading army. I can almost bet there would be debates on the subject here in the PPR. I really would anticipate them using Pancho Villa as their mascot. Perhaps some of the US' enemies might even get involved in funding them
Legalizing at least cannabis would take that out of their hands, as there is not much reason to import from Mexico if you can (very, very easily and cheaply) produce it in the US. That would cut a huge amount of their funding. But drugs like heroin, cocaine, etc, would be harder to manage

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01 May 2011, 8:07 pm

End the drug war, cut all aid to the corrupt Mexican government, end birthright citizenship for illegals, and seal the border the best you can. Let the Mexican people do the rest. Intervening in Mexico would be the worst possible thing we can do.


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01 May 2011, 8:52 pm

Jacoby wrote:
End the drug war, cut all aid to the corrupt Mexican government, end birthright citizenship for illegals, and seal the border the best you can. Let the Mexican people do the rest. Intervening in Mexico would be the worst possible thing we can do.

What do you mean, illegals do not get citizenship by birthright.


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01 May 2011, 8:54 pm

There are a lot of places in Mexico where its very clean, pleasant, and first-world. A big part of that I think has been the influence of NAFTA. There are upscale malls in the Monterrey area for example where you can spend close to $200 USD for a pair of pants if you aren't watching the tags.

I would agree with those who said end the war on drugs or at least legalize marijuana. When they're profitability tanks at the same time as the standard of living in Mexico is already rising and the general public has not only more choices it becomes clear to the public that the disorder and distrust or unease that the cartels cause in terms of foreign investment puts the cartels directly in conflict with their own self interest. Those two things together I think would reduce the cartels from having a stranglehold on the country to being a minor nuisance.

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01 May 2011, 9:29 pm

ikorack wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
End the drug war, cut all aid to the corrupt Mexican government, end birthright citizenship for illegals, and seal the border the best you can. Let the Mexican people do the rest. Intervening in Mexico would be the worst possible thing we can do.

What do you mean, illegals do not get citizenship by birthright.

Their children do.


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02 May 2011, 3:39 am

Jacoby wrote:
ikorack wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
End the drug war, cut all aid to the corrupt Mexican government, end birthright citizenship for illegals, and seal the border the best you can. Let the Mexican people do the rest. Intervening in Mexico would be the worst possible thing we can do.

What do you mean, illegals do not get citizenship by birthright.

Their children do.

Children born in America by definition cannot be illegals.


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02 May 2011, 10:42 am

ikorack wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
ikorack wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
End the drug war, cut all aid to the corrupt Mexican government, end birthright citizenship for illegals, and seal the border the best you can. Let the Mexican people do the rest. Intervening in Mexico would be the worst possible thing we can do.

What do you mean, illegals do not get citizenship by birthright.

Their children do.

Children born in America by definition cannot be illegals.

Yea that's why we should change it. Jus soli to jus sanguinis. That is the policy of almost every country in the world but the US.


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02 May 2011, 11:06 am

Jacoby wrote:
ikorack wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
ikorack wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
End the drug war, cut all aid to the corrupt Mexican government, end birthright citizenship for illegals, and seal the border the best you can. Let the Mexican people do the rest. Intervening in Mexico would be the worst possible thing we can do.

What do you mean, illegals do not get citizenship by birthright.

Their children do.

Children born in America by definition cannot be illegals.

Yea that's why we should change it. Jus soli to jus sanguinis. That is the policy of almost every country in the world but the US.

They do it let's do it too, that's not justification for a change in the constitution. There is nothing wrong with having children born on American soil as Americans, just make it so that illegals don't have parental rights when it comes to American children, that would likely clear things up.


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02 May 2011, 9:10 pm

positioning 5 army divisions along the border and making it a felony to knowingly harbor, hire or do business with someone that is in the country illegally will achieve a better result.