I hate monotheism! In fact, most people do.

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10 Jan 2009, 8:26 pm

I just realized where hatred of Jews comes from. If you get a list of the accusations against the Jews, use the find and replace function in Word to replace "Jews" with "monotheism", seemingly hallucinatory charges make sense. Monotheism, specifically Christianity and Islam, really DOES have that sort of all consuming power over our lives and world affairs.

Monotheism is, for most people, an alien faith; their indigenous religions were wiped out by force by the monotheists. Also, monotheism originated with the Jews. Since for many centuries denying the existence of God-the God of the Jews-was punishable by execution, and in many Muslim countries still is, the only recourse for people who are fitted with the straitjacket of monotheism is to attack the originators, ie the Jews.

Desire to kill Jews is desire to kill the faceless beast of single deity religion. Since killing Christianity and Islam would be impossible, people kill Jews instead. This explains who countries with no Jews still hate Jews-they don't hate Jews but monotheism. Even in countries where freedom of religion is theoretically legal, the freedom in reality doesn't exist outside of a few major cities. Try being a Wiccan in the Ozarks and see how long you live. The only way to lash out is by bashing Jews.

If people would simply admit that they've been forced into an alien faith and trash said faith, hatred of Jews would largely go away, and monotheism would not be practiced outside of the Jewish tribe. Where's that pagan chick from the Ukraine? I'm thinking of her right about now. Does she still post here?


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10 Jan 2009, 9:39 pm

Monotheism does tend to be a little less accommodating of individual differences because there's one god and one one correct orthodoxy for all (although many denominations that each make this claim). Anyway I think your claims are off base. True, in the Ozarks, being anything but evangelical Christian will probably get you ostracized, but I don't think they'll generally kill a Wiccan. Anti-Semitism really isn't too prevalent in the U.S. anymore; suspicion of Muslims is much more prevalent.

Anyway hatred of Jews isn't so much for their monotheism but for their traditional semi-nomadic culture. The host culture has always looked suspiciously on peoples like Jews, gypsies, tinkerers, and other wandering, rootless peoples. Other reasons Jews were hated is that they were becoming wealthy by taking up banking in areas where the Catholic Church banned charging interest as the sin of usury.


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10 Jan 2009, 9:45 pm

I'm Jewish Reform here and basically I believed in God but my personalty is different from not being religious brought up because of parents. I actually respect other people's beliefs because everyone is unique in their own way.

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10 Jan 2009, 10:13 pm

NeantHumain wrote:
Anyway hatred of Jews isn't so much for their monotheism but for their traditional semi-nomadic culture. The host culture has always looked suspiciously on peoples like Jews, gypsies, tinkerers, and other wandering, rootless peoples.

Aspies? Makes me wonder if the reason we're so hated is that we're percieved to have zero stake in the wider culture, and scarcely seem to care about the preoccupations of NTs, AND have rootless tendencies, so we're a threat. Anyway, you're partially right, but that doesn't explain how the exact same charges get leveled against Jews across centuries and in widely divergent cultures. If you consider that the haters don't hate Jews per se but the Jewish God, the same God that rules absolute over their own lives, then it makes sense.


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10 Jan 2009, 10:22 pm

JerryHatake wrote:
I'm Jewish Reform here and basically I believed in God but my personalty is different from not being religious brought up because of parents. I actually respect other people's beliefs because everyone is unique in their own way.

Actually, most Jews throughout the ages never wished to convert the world. Traditional Jewish culture, as other cultures in West and Central Asia, is very live and let live. It is the goyim or Gentiles, interlopers who tried to usurp the Jewish God for their own ends and twist him into something he was not, who forced an alien God on millions. This tendency is ancient-the Christian New Testament records how Paul killed people who refused to give their money to him, setting the stage for 2000 years of insatiable monotheist greed. Muhammad ordered those who refused to convert to his faith beheaded, including Jews. To this day apostasy is a capital crime in Islam. Afghanistan was Buddhist until the Muslims killed the monks and forced laymen to convert. The death toll from Christian and Muslim conversion thrusts is truly staggering. When antisemites talk of "the Christian Holocaust" they are subconsciously referring to the slaughter of pagans by the followers of the Jewish God.

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11 Jan 2009, 1:52 pm

I personally am a nontheist and I have npo problem with Jews so maybe my opinion is off but:

I think most people hardly know what the indigineous religions of their ancestors are. If people truly beloieve in the one God then the religion is correct, so there shouldn't be a grudge. If they don't really believe and feel opressed then it would mostly be Italians (Romans) that they should dislike.

I think the Jews were an easy target for leaders to point to and setup as a villian for the public to focus on as a group with a different religion and very little power. They were also an easy target for the whold crucifixion thing...


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11 Jan 2009, 2:06 pm

so you're saying that the Holocaust wouldn't have happened if we kept making animal sacrifice for Zeus, Odin, Thor and the rest of the imaginary pantheon?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

not a bug - a feature.


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11 Jan 2009, 2:15 pm

anna-banana wrote:
so you're saying that the Holocaust wouldn't have happened if we kept making animal sacrifice for Zeus, Odin, Thor and the rest of the imaginary pantheon?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

well they would have never existed

but its still ret*d lol


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11 Jan 2009, 2:40 pm

I don't really make that distinction tbh. I think people are deluded into thinking that if we got rid of religions there would some how no wars and no problems. That's the kind of backwards thinking that they are trying to counter.


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11 Jan 2009, 3:13 pm

The question on whether monotheism originates with Judaism or Zoroastrianism is an interesting debate. Jews and Muslims claim that the respective founders of their faiths was Abraham, who lived approximately around 2,000 BC, while conservative Zoroastrians claim that Zoroaster lived 6,000 years ago. However, in Islamic view, monotheism started with Adam, the specific rites of the faith, such as prayer, charity, pilgrimage, etc, started with Abraham.

Anyway, Judaism is classified as Henotheistic by some, while few classify Zoroastrianism as dualistic (which is actually what the now-extinct Zurvanite branch was).

Hinduism, on the other hand, is a pantheistic religion - monotheistic at the core.

As for religion promoting anti-semitism, I partially agree with you, however, other factors must be taken into consideration. Like, colonial settlement, refugees, indiscriminate killing, etc. >_>

As for anti-semitism in Europe, I have no idea.

So, what's your view on other monotheistic religions? The Baha'i faith preaches peace, love, unity, and tolerance. Sikhism is yet another monotheistic religion. And then there's Zoroastrianism... Cyrus the Great freed the Jews, although it's not known whether he did become a Zoroastrian or not, he was indeed influenced by the faith.

anna-banana wrote:
so you're saying that the Holocaust wouldn't have happened if we kept making animal sacrifice for Zeus, Odin, Thor and the rest of the imaginary pantheon?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

They (the pagans) were quite tolerant over other people they conquered after the initial mass murder, rape, and pillage. At least it's forbidden in Islam and Judaism, although the Talmud and Hadith respectively do allow it after a couple of rebellions. Quite a revolutionary development for that age. I mean, Caliph Uthman decided to massacre the male population of Yazd after three whole rebellions! He must have been really fed up...

0_equals_true wrote:
I don't really make that distinction tbh. I think people are deluded into thinking that if we got rid of religions there would some how no wars and no problems. That's the kind of backwards thinking that they are trying to counter.

Good 'ol Stalin tried eliminating religion. So did Mao.


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23 Aug 2011, 11:59 am

i also hate monotheism.


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23 Aug 2011, 2:20 pm

What you seem to be saying is that devout christians hate Jews for paving the way to Christianity ( and muslims hate jews for paving the way to Islam).

Doesnt make any sense.


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23 Aug 2011, 4:02 pm

I think it is a bit simplistic to say the jews are attacked because they brought monotheism. jews are attacked because they are hated for financial and professional reason. they tend to be rich and professionals, and people who hate them think they are taking over their world.


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23 Aug 2011, 4:14 pm

This makes so much sense: I was raised a Lutheran but I am now an Atheist and I tolerate, just tolerate, Judaism, Christianity and Islam do to their illogical and dangerous beliefs. This is not to say that Ancient Greek Religion was better, but I certainly think that, though not perfect, Jainism and Buddhism are better and more in touch with reality.

Of course, trying to destroy Abrahamic Religions by force would be useless; I think the best solution is mass, compulsory education and a form of secularism that treats religion like any other organization: The Catholics must let women into the priesthood or the leaders will be legally punished, no exceptions for religious headgear nor no discrimination based on it is allowed and one is treated by the state exactly the same, without regard to their beliefs save if they can justify that their beliefs are reasonable and helpful to the community as a whole.


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23 Aug 2011, 4:21 pm

Czy, provka, provka, provka!


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23 Aug 2011, 9:58 pm

Let me get my tin foil hat on for this theory.