Behold the face of American Free Speech/Anti-Islam

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29 May 2015, 1:11 pm


The fun starts at 2:54....

Free speech for the dumb... AND GUNS!

Is this what we've come to in America?

This guy seems to want a violent altercation to occur. This this okay?

Should this sort of behavior be protected?

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29 May 2015, 1:21 pm

That sounds like paranoia at it's highest. They stage the event then they tell people to bring guns because of paranoia over the event. It sounds ridiculous to me and I wouldn't go anywhere near such an event. Actually, the only reason I would go, if I did, is just to see if something would happen, not to participate. I wouldn't go knowing people were there with a lot of guns and anger though. Just doesn't sounds like a good situation to be in.

Should it be legal? Well, I think these people should worry about being charged with something if it does happen because I am pretty sure it's possible they could be. Like, if a riot occurs, they could be charged with incitement. Like with WBC, most likely they have a plan in place to shut it down before something happens, as in, if things get too tense, it stops immediately. Just gets them publicity which is what they are after.

Could be protected by first amendment like most hate speech is.


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29 May 2015, 4:13 pm

I watched part of this last night. I couldn't finish watching it, the sheer stupidity that they can't see they are no better than the extremists they hate is laughable. You can try to hide behind the right to free speech all you want, which I believe in as much as the next guy, but when they cry that the Islamists don't respect their right to free speech while not respecting their religious beliefs it makes for a weak case at best. I don't want to see anyone get hurt but if you're going to poke a bear with a stick then you deserve what's coming to you. :geek:

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29 May 2015, 4:19 pm

RoadRatt wrote:
I don't want to see anyone get hurt but if you're going to poke a bear with a stick then you deserve what's coming to you. :geek:

And if she didn't want to get raped, she shouldn't have dressed like that! :evil:

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29 May 2015, 4:41 pm

RoadRatt wrote:
...but when they cry that the Islamists don't respect their right to free speech while not respecting their religious beliefs it makes for a weak case at best. I don't want to see anyone get hurt but if you're going to poke a bear with a stick then you deserve what's coming to you. :geek:

You're dissembling there. Free speech is precisely the right to say something outrageously stupid, even if it butthurts other people's feelings no matter the reason.

This 'not respecting the religious beliefs of others' as a justification to limit free speech is utter nonsense. You can have two groups of very religious people on opposite sides of a road insulting and yelling crap at each other's religious belief and you have free speech. When one of those groups picks up rocks and starts throwing them to the other side, its no longer free speech...the side receiving the rocks is having its free speech suppressed by violence.

There's a reason why the west has free societies while many others do not. Look at Russia... for a little while it seemed free speech was a reality, after decades and decades of communist regime rule.... and yet Putin has already destroyed that hope utterly and it started with the most 'innocent' things like the p**** riots then the the anti-gay movement and now its expanded to every facet of their society. If they criticize the regime 'they deserve what's coming to them'.

The morons on this video are no different than the morons at the KKK. The more they spout that drivel the more they prove the stupidity of their mentality. When and if violence happens against these people, that 'deserve what was coming to them' actually becomes an act that legitimizes and backs up their drivel. Gives the movement more fuel.


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29 May 2015, 4:42 pm

I don't like the idea of this event. However there is no freedom from offense.

All ideas have to be open to challenge, whether it is well reasoned or not.


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29 May 2015, 4:49 pm

...I .


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29 May 2015, 4:52 pm

Dantac wrote:
RoadRatt wrote:
...but when they cry that the Islamists don't respect their right to free speech while not respecting their religious beliefs it makes for a weak case at best. I don't want to see anyone get hurt but if you're going to poke a bear with a stick then you deserve what's coming to you. :geek:

You're dissembling there. Free speech is precisely the right to say something outrageously stupid, even if it butthurts other people's feelings no matter the reason.

This 'not respecting the religious beliefs of others' as a justification to limit free speech is utter nonsense. You can have two groups of very religious people on opposite sides of a road insulting and yelling crap at each other's religious belief and you have free speech. When one of those groups picks up rocks and starts throwing them to the other side, its no longer free speech...the side receiving the rocks is having its free speech suppressed by violence.

There's a reason why the west has free societies while many others do not. Look at Russia... for a little while it seemed free speech was a reality, after decades and decades of communist regime rule.... and yet Putin has already destroyed that hope utterly and it started with the most 'innocent' things like the p**** riots then the the anti-gay movement and now its expanded to every facet of their society. If they criticize the regime 'they deserve what's coming to them'.

The morons on this video are no different than the morons at the KKK. The more they spout that drivel the more they prove the stupidity of their mentality. When and if violence happens against these people, that 'deserve what was coming to them' actually becomes an act that legitimizes and backs up their drivel. Gives the movement more fuel.


The post you responded to was nothing but victim-blaming.

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29 May 2015, 5:57 pm

Just good clean fun!

A bunch of beer drinking yahoos are encouraged to bring guns to an event designed to bait lone wolf Islamic terrorists.

What could possible go wrong?


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29 May 2015, 9:57 pm

After rethinking it, freedom of speech doesn't really even apply here imo. These people are out to harass and intimidate the Islamists, and they're not even targeting the extremists but innocent Islamic groups which is just plain wrong.

Now they want to put innocent Americans at risk by plastering buses with Muhammad ads. I'm glad to see that Washington, D.C. has prohibited this from happening. It's one thing to incite the Islamic extremists which they don't even have the balls to do. Instead they are taking their fight to innocent Islamists who don't hold the same beliefs as the extremists and putting them in fear of their lives, again just plain wrong.

They are no different from the people they hate. Personally I won't cry over their cold dead corpses if they get gunned down for their actions.

naturalplastic wrote:
Just good clean fun!

A bunch of beer drinking yahoos are encouraged to bring guns to an event designed to bait lone wolf Islamic terrorists.

What could possible go wrong?

What, no popcorn?!?

We need popcorn... and a video camera. :P

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30 May 2015, 1:32 am

The U.S. government could round them all up at their cartoon party. Force them to wear T-shirts emblazoned with their Mohammed cartoons, let them keep their guns, and then air drop them into the heart of ISIS country (in Syria, and Iraq).

Then they would then have all of the Muslim extremist targets coming at them that they could dream of.

And they would become targets for ISIS. And both groups of idiots could slaughter the other!


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30 May 2015, 1:54 am

naturalplastic wrote:
The U.S. government could round them all up at their cartoon party. Force them to wear T-shirts emblazoned with their Mohammed cartoons, let them keep their guns, and then air drop them into the heart of ISIS country (in Syria, and Iraq).

Then they would then have all of the Muslim extremist targets coming at them that they could dream of.

And they would become targets for ISIS. And both groups of idiots could slaughter the other!

Sadly it would only be a stop gap measure. You'll never run out of extremists on their side or ours.

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30 May 2015, 10:27 am

Is a Mohammad picture contest + anti-Islam rally free speech? Sure.
Is it heroic? Nope.
Is it brave? I don't believe so.
Waving guns outside a mosque while families inside do nothing but observe religious prayer? Sounds more like harassment and threatening.

I am all for mocking religion. Not because I want to offend religious people, nor to simply exercise free speech, but because I want to express the ways religion offends me.
I think these groups are more concerned with posturing. Anyone who attacks them is certainly at fault for their own violent actions, but this group and ones like them are not heroes of free speech.


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30 May 2015, 11:26 am

RoadRatt wrote:
After rethinking it, freedom of speech doesn't really even apply here imo. These people are out to harass and intimidate the Islamists, and they're not even targeting the extremists but innocent Islamic groups which is just plain wrong.

Yeah, this is kinda why I posted this. This really is not about free speech. This is about harassing people you don't like and trying to cause a confrontation.

Here's what they posted on their facebook page (complete with misspellings and grammatical errors):
People are also encouraged to utilize there second amendment right at this event just incase our first amendment comes under much anticipated attack.

You don't need guns to exercise free speech...

They encouraged people to bring guns in hopes they'd create an excuse to use them. This sort of activity should not be protected.

What these folks are doing seems a lot like fighting words and/or offensive speech and that's not necessarily protected.

I mean just the "f**k ISLAM" shirts some of the protesters wear could be considered generally offensive to anyone with a thimble full of class and specifically offensive to Muslims. Plus it's totally feckless and completely devoid of any sort of meaningful message. It's offensive simply for the sake of being offensive. That sort of speech shouldn't be protected.

However, these days many people have such an uncritical, unquestioning, fanatical devotion to "Free Speech."

It hasn't always been this way, and it needn't be this way now. Applying a bit of common sense to the issue didn't bring down the republic before and it wouldn't do so now.

The real threat to American democracy is apathy of the majority and zeal of as*holes like the guy in the video.

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30 May 2015, 12:10 pm

The reality of the matter is; if a group like this comes to the front of the HUGE Assembly of GOD Church where I live; that has policeman out in front OF the church directing in an out traffic from the highway; with guns protesting Christianity, drawing disrespectful photos of Jesus; they WILL be told to get the f*** out in no uncertain terms; but yeah; JUST GET OUT;

And there WILL be NO restraints of disagreement in the area community; as it is around 95% or so Christian leaning.

And truly these folks could be in more danger from the folks in the Christian Church than the Muslim church of minority where this Islamic protest is taking place. Mobs rule; the folks who are doing this are truly cowards of freedom of speech; as they would NEVER EVER do it; where Muslims are the majority; and if they do NOT like Christians they likely would have enough common sense and realize they have small enough 'balls'; NOT to attempt it at a congregation of literally several thousand folks attending the huge Assembly of GOD church in my locality.

Where I live; a person doesn't disrespect GOD or Women; if they plan to live comfortably.

While it's not exactly separation of Church and State; it IS both reality and mob rule; however
one ethically assesses it.

The problem here is; there is a right to freedom of religion; and from an ethical; and perhaps not legal
standard, per 1st and 2nd amendment rights; these folks are just cold hearted as*holes.

They don't even deserve visibility on the news as the weakest of cowards; picking
on a religious minority instead of facing up to the BIG BOYS OF LIFE. BULLIES; I DO
NOT; like in any shade of gray or white they come in..:)

It will be less than silly; and truly dangerous,

if they try this; in opposition to Christianity
ways; where I live; for sure.

I don't agree with all
of any religion;

but I do
agree with
allowing folks
the peace to practice
their individual religions;
without Bull-crap like this.

And truly they are stupid; as it
is a small world; and yes, a crazy
terrorist can find 'em, and go to
their frigging homes and kill their
entire family; with just a little techno
ability; the height of stupidity is risking
one's family; no matter the value of big talk.

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30 May 2015, 5:37 pm

Sure, we have freedom of speech, but with any freedom comes responsibility. While one has the right to use that freedom to inflame emotion, he or she has to ask: Should I? If knowing that sort of expression of speech is offensive to the point of sparking violence, then that's when self censorship should come in - not that those Anti-Islamic bigots are able to grasp such a notion, as they are so consumed with hate.

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