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10 Jul 2016, 6:13 pm

I'm Polish but i want know what Other People in Europe and America itself think about as Trump as potential president

I know that the Republican Establishment for it does not like him, preferring to someone "more politically correct" but he has a great social support, besides, if Republican establishment , had rejected him, he could compete as an independent candidate anywa, and then they could forget about Republican chance for presidency anyway:-)

So he is forced them to take him

I'm not an American but I like the guy, just for being able to force other people and organizations, the Republican Party in this case, too bow to his will! even if they had not want him att all, that he not go to any compromise that good for politician :mrgreen: ... 225AAGl1Cv


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10 Jul 2016, 6:41 pm

I think he's a mixed bag but so is Clinton, I think he is playing the game a lot smarter than most people believe, he's a very smart guy but he's kinda flitting in and out of character whenever it suits him. He's like bruce wayne except he embraces both sides of the coin, he has all the dough in the world so that isn't something he'll be swayed by, that doesn't automatically translate to ''superior candidate'' but it does play a role, he is learning as he goes along and he can't just rattle off whatever's in his head if he gets to the big seat. He has done an impressive number on his rivals because he knows how to play the game as well as them from his background but he also gives something different to the platform, he has his own mind for better or worse.

Clinton comes across as a scripted forcefed robot, she has hundreds of advisors taking care of foreign policy alone which can be a dangerous approach... as secretary of state she caused a lot of misery so Trump isn't the only hothead up there, she's also not the cleanest candidate ever... you know what you'll get with her, more of the same no matter what angle she is playing, is that better than Trump? Trump is a wildcard and his deficits are there for all to see, he has some refreshing ideas, some disturbing ones but I can't figure out how much he actually wants to attempt or if he's gonna tone it down on the trail to pander to a wider audience. It always cracks me up when he proclaims how many friends he has everywhere as if that makes whatever he's ranting about okay, he doesn't offer much depth in relation to addressing the problems he whines about, he just parrots the same crap.


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10 Jul 2016, 7:03 pm

What Do You Think About Donald Trump?....

AGGGHHHHHHH! (Putting finger down throat.)

Clinton's finest hour was when she was a brand new Secretary and she went to china. She was very clear and forceful before she left, saying she will let China know in no uncertain terms who's the boss. When she was very forceful with the Chinese government, their one comment (after she left) was "She is very funny."

But this time (Pleeeze don't let her win) she would be a real problem...with all her Mideast experience and all.


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10 Jul 2016, 8:15 pm

Trump will lower the prestige of the USA internationally.

He is a tycoon and a reality-show shrill. If he becomes President, he just might appoint the Kardashians to his Cabinet.

He's not qualified for the Presidency.


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10 Jul 2016, 8:30 pm

I believe he is more a force for change than Obama ever was.
He has a few black marks but not really much under the bed and not a stretched number of decades being a political establishment schill.

Since he is at heart a Progressive I hope he doesn't soften too much if he actually wins.

He is not a War Hawk or republican patsy and he is not owned by lobbyist. LEL ironically he has done some schmoozin and lobbying, he knows the game .... he is definitely RINO. But not the kind that backstabs conservatives. The people he plans to backstab were people he rubbed elbows with on frequent basis. Clintons, Bushes, Soros, Epstein.

He has no real idea than anecdotal, but he does empathize with middle class and upper middle class the most. He has made speeches since the 80s that whatever pinches his pocket is emptying and ruining the middle class and making bigger poverty class and how he can make it by but what are THOSE people supposed to do?

When Business is good he gets richer. Business... is bad. So bad he decided to run for President. He is not politically experienced but that has never been a requirement actually. I do wish that he had a bit of military time. I think every president should have had some service time so they get a small taste of man on the ground before sending them off to places we honestly have no business.

He is a fiscal conservative, flag-waving nationalist. Social progressive. Anti communist. Anti Big Govt. He was a firm believer in Universal healthcare, just disapproved of knee jerk grandstandin govt expanding implementation of something so expensive.
He has always loathed NAFTA. Been against globalization in the manner of NWO. He is a crass, egotistical New Yorker. His speaking manner drips NY.

He is very concerned about infiltration of terrorism which well, sadly is a side order when you have dish of Islam ordered.

He was for the earlier amnesty, but after it failed so spectacular has been anti amnesty and illegal since then.
He has always been for Stronger Border.

I am mostly familiar with him from a non TV way(I never watch reality shows they are ugly. Haven't watched TV in almost 3 years) because he was a member of the same party I was. The Reform Party. also Have copy of The Art of the Deal and The America We Deserve. He is not the buffonish rabble rouser I've watched this last 2 years.

You can say he is an ass. Ya. "Presidential & dignified" hardly. But sincerely loves America and is against anything that bleeds her. He is not anti-semetic. He is not anti-turkish /lebanese/egyptian. Or anti-hispanic. Not really anti-mexican. he is anti-illegal. He is not even "Anti" Muslim though he is profiling them heavily to close off a back door until things are better in hand. He believes like many Americans (least half of us by the polls); that Islam's culture, devout muslims, can never assimilate. American immigration was not about coming to set up your own mini country inside the country. It was about assimilating and learning language and being accepted as "one of us" no matter appearance or creed.
He is not racist bigot. He is biased, he is classist (And softer in that than I am even). He does not like "thugs""punks" "riff raff". So that means sadly a large portion of urban areas. And that if they are not casually dressed all american youngsters (no matter race), he will give them the hard eye.

I look his way hopefully as maybe the thing the cracks the ugly cores of one establishment, 2 sided party system and opens the field for more party candidates. If he keeps only 3 of his promises, I will be content for have voted for him.
If he betrays that hope, well at least i went with an unknown road that ended than the flooded road that I knew bridge washed out.

FFFFF Captchas.


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10 Jul 2016, 8:48 pm

I knew it! All a big publicity stunt!

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10 Jul 2016, 8:49 pm

Our only hope against the forces of Luci... I mean Hillary Clinton. Trump will bring real change to Washington, he will put America first, he will rebuild America, and hopefully he will make America great again!


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11 Jul 2016, 1:05 am

Trump is a very evil man. He's a liar and his supports ignore the fact he's lied so much, its pathetic really. He claims to hate the media- but thrives on any and all attention he gets. If the media ignored him, he would change his act somehow so he gets back in their good graces I bet.

He's bankrupt many businesses (but apparently thats "ok" to people because not every business lasts). He hasnt paid many workers (also ok because.. ? I dont even know). He's a racist slimeball that has no right in politics. He belongs in jail.

Hilary Clinton is the lesser of the two evils running. I think USA's best hope- house and senate become democrat controlled, so actual change can happen. Gun control laws as a big issue that needs to be settled, NO EXCUSES. We as Americans deserve to be safe. The NRA bribes of politicians needs to end.


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11 Jul 2016, 1:26 am

I try not to think about him. Or that other Democrat either. They're both icky.

Can you believe this country once had the choice between Thomas Jefferson and John Adams?

"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission – which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force." – Ayn Rand


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11 Jul 2016, 2:25 am

Earthbound wrote:
Trump is a very evil man. He's a liar and his supports ignore the fact he's lied so much, its pathetic really. He claims to hate the media- but thrives on any and all attention he gets. If the media ignored him, he would change his act somehow so he gets back in their good graces I bet.

He's bankrupt many businesses (but apparently thats "ok" to people because not every business lasts). He hasnt paid many workers (also ok because.. ? I dont even know). He's a racist slimeball that has no right in politics. He belongs in jail.

Hilary Clinton is the lesser of the two evils running. I think USA's best hope- house and senate become democrat controlled, so actual change can happen. Gun control laws as a big issue that needs to be settled, NO EXCUSES. We as Americans deserve to be safe. The NRA bribes of politicians needs to end.

Only Hitler and Stalin are lesser evils than the Clintons, they are criminals who consider themselves above the law. Trump has made billions multiple times over, his casinos in Atlantic City went bust because Atlantic City went bust not because of anything he did. Trump has actually created tens of thousands of jobs here in America while the Clinton's have exported MILLIONS of American jobs out of this country with the signing of NAFTA. Is addressing illegal immigration at all considered racist? Is addressing Islamic extremism at all considered racist? This administration can't even bring themselves to say the word. This political correctness is suffocating and is leading us to ruin.

Hillary and Bill truly belong in prison, hopefully that's where President Trump will put them when he takes office. No more special treatment for the most corrupt politicians in American history.


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11 Jul 2016, 2:44 am

Comparing them to Hitler and Stalin is not only ignorant, but petty and very immature.

Politicians are corrupt, I highly doubt the Clintons are the worst of the bunch.

Trump has created jobs and then refused to pay for the people! Trump scams people out of money (Trump University, Trump Institute, etc). I would bet for every job he has created, there's 10 or more people he hasnt even paid.

He also claims to "donate to charities" but the information about where it goes is suddenly missing and he has to take the time to look for it. Then he goes all paranoid acting like everyone is looking for something bad. Oh and lets not forget how he incites riots at the rallies. Then there's his namecalling that he does on a regular basis. His racist remarks. His fearmongering and so on.

Also lets not forget WHY CANT HE RELEASE HIS TAXES? Its now July. To my knowledge- everyone else has released info. I highly doubt he is still getting that "audit" he claims to always get. (I would love to see you correct me here. I don't follow the news all the time, but still nothing about his taxes being revealed as far as I know)

Stop avoiding the issues just because you hate the Clintons. Trump has zero right to be in power, he is a horrible person that

You will never believe anything Trump has done is bad, so any other candidate is instantly evil in your eyes.


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11 Jul 2016, 2:57 am

Trump is not racist or a bigot, and at the very least he is quite entertaining to watch. I would rather him than Hillary Clinton, though I won't be voting for him.

People keep saying he isn't qualified. You could make that argument, but he's certainly more qualified than Clinton. I don't care if America is a laughing stock with him in the White House, because we've been a laughing stock for a long time now. At least he wants to make America great again, whereas Clinton has no such intention. And even if he doesn't, I think he's exactly the president America deserves.

Trump 2016 :twisted:

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11 Jul 2016, 3:01 am

The issues you have with Trump are small potatoes and nonsense compared to the very real crimes the Clinton's have perpetrated against the American people. There is no equivalence, like at all. Donald Trump is a saint compared to the Clintons and yes it matters since that is who we are voting between, the Clinton's are OWNED by Wall Street and the special interests and have made themselves wildly rich because of this corruption. Remember when Hillary said her and Bill were "dead broke" upon leaving the White House? Well now their combined net worth is in the hundreds of millions and how? By giving speeches? I don't think Goldman Sachs pays you $25 million for speeches unless they think they're getting something in return. The Clinton Foundation took in millions and millions of dollars from foreign donors while Hillary was Secretary of State, that is no coincidence but rather pure corruption. In no way are they a lesser evil than anybody, not personally or professionally.


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11 Jul 2016, 3:24 am

Trump is a shallow, bloviating windbag, who parrots the bigotry and fear of the masses of his supporters, even though he is personally contemptuous of those bigotries and fears of his supporters, and indeed, is contemptuous of those supporters themselves. He courts white supremacists who support him by not refuting them, because he thinks he can ride into the White House on their backs, without considering the potential explosion of racial hate he could potentially unleash on America.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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11 Jul 2016, 3:38 am

Trump is not a racist and neither are his policies, his policies will do more to help the minority community in America than the globalist pig that is Hillary Clinton, she is a big part of the reason why there are no jobs or opportunity for these people. Remember the Clintons rode into office on the promise of being tough on crime and passed that crime bill that so greatly increased the prison population. That three strikes and you're out **** is on them.


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11 Jul 2016, 4:00 am

Jacoby wrote:
Trump is not a racist and neither are his policies, his policies will do more to help the minority community in America than the globalist pig that is Hillary Clinton, she is a big part of the reason why there are no jobs or opportunity for these people. Remember the Clintons rode into office on the promise of being tough on crime and passed that crime bill that so greatly increased the prison population. That three strikes and you're out **** is on them.

Funny that minorities don't see it that way.
And incidentally, several black leaders had originally supported the three strikes laws, before anyone considered the consequences.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer