:-) Don't mind me :D (you knew this was coming)

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11 Nov 2016, 9:27 pm

I'm back now after a totally unfair ban for a week but that's okay since I've been busy with finals AND it doesn't hurt that my analysis of US politics was more correct than any of the pollsters or media pundits and I never wavered on this so I am feeling a supreme sense of vindication. I argued against the polls the entire time, I never believed Nate Silver was this wiz kid guru that the left likes to make him out to be, I called out how these polls were manipulated and how the media was straight up working with the Hillary campaign. People attacked me in the worst ways possible, saying the most mean and hateful things they can say about somebody in their self created little world. People called me paranoid, people called me delusional, people said I was brainwashed, that I was a cult member, that I was a paid shill, that I hate women, that I am anti-intellectual for not heeding to establishment beliefs. NO, I was RIGHT and YOU were wrong so I would like maybe a little credit for having my finger on the pulse instead of just repeating talking points and left wing mantras(natural electoral college advantage, minorities, women!)

I always said this election would come down to the rustbelt, I believe I specifically mentioned Pennsylvania being the state that would flip the election. Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, I was saying this like a year ago. The stories about Trump were highly coordinated smear campaign conducted illegally I think between the media and Clinton campaign. I spoke of paid agitators which has been proven true, I spoke about how it was Hillary supporters who were violent not Trump one and have been proven right again.

Please please, Mr. President-elect Trump, I can't take all this winning! It's too much!

Now how funny is it now that the people that made such a stink about Trump accepting the election results and that 'love trumps hate', they claim to be so afraid but they've unleashed a massive wave of violence and are by far the most hateful people in the country. Sore losers make winning just that much sweeter, it exposes these people for the inner fascists they are. Love did indeed trump hate tho I do agree, LOVE of OUR country won on Tuesday!

I'm even right about the markets!

We may actually have peace in our time with Trump as our president, Hillary risked nuclear war with Russia and wanted to continue the failed foreign policy of this country over the course of the last however many decades. This can be a new era, we don't have to settle for mediocrity and the idea that this is as good as it gets. 'Make America Great Again' is such a powerful slogan, the people that live in the echo chamber bubbles on the coasts and at liberal universities simply are ignorant of the working class in this country and look down at the rest of us living in 'flyover country'.

Bernie really stepped in it today, it's embarrassing that Democrats lost white working poor? Maybe stupid statements like "white people don't know what it is like to live in the ghetto, when you're white you don't know what it is like to be poor", I don't think a more out of touch elitist statement has ever been said since Romney's "47%". Democrats lost because they abandoned the working class to embrace Wall Street and extremist identity politics, they are the party of insiders and DNC has been exposed as a total farce. The Democrats are in for some rough years, 2018 is not going to be a typical midterm and will likely result in a stronger GOP majority in the senate and possibly even a filibuster proof one since Dems have like 25 seats up the the GOP 8 which are almost safe seats while the Democrats have to defend multiple one's that Trump won.


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11 Nov 2016, 9:38 pm

I like your Trump video! :mrgreen:

Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.


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11 Nov 2016, 9:50 pm

Welcome back!

I was wondering that too, where do Democrats go from here ....

They blame most everything on "white racism".

That kind of mentality probably greatly hinders their ability to actually help white people.


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11 Nov 2016, 10:39 pm

I think they're probably in the wilderness for some years now and the more they fight it the worse they will look, Democrats are back now where they were under Reagan. The DNC pretty much needs to be flattened, it is corrupt to it's core and I sincerely doubt it can be fixed. I don't see leftists abandoning identity politics, it is a religion to some of these people and they're worse the most self-righteous evangelical. The Democrats strategy was demographic change rather than molding their policies to the wants and needs of the biggest demographic in this country. You can't expect to go all in hating poor white people then win their vote, they were offered nothing by the Democrats except ridicule and blame for all their problems. Trump won because he tried to compete in all 50 states and talked to all demographics, he didn't write votes off and expanded the tent. The Democrats took a very narrow uncompromising path thinking they had no way of losing, they were wrong.

They have a few encouraging rising stars like Tulsi Gabbard and Cory Booker, I think Booker would probably have a good chance at winning the nomination in 2020 since he's the most Obama like candidate they can run and I mean that not just because he's black but more so his personality plus he has a record of working across the aisle. Tulsi is one of the few Democrats to stand up to the corrupt DNC and she also spoke out against the reckless sabrerattling against Russia. The cupboard is bare otherwise, Democrats need term limits more than Republicans to be honest. The Democratic party will never change until its base starts holding its leadership responsible, the Republican base was not afraid of the party establishment and their fearmongering about any dissent leading to inevitable defeat. Grassroots needs to target their establishment, they need to primary people and drain their own swamp not afraid of losing if it means they finally get a candidate they believe in. I don't see much changing, these people are raging at the third party voters too and are blaming them for Trump winning, everyone but themselves. They will lose forever until they realize the mistake of their ways.


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11 Nov 2016, 11:13 pm

I wondered where you went.Even though we disagree on some political beliefs you were always respectful in expressing yourself to me.Congrats on your candidates victory.

I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi


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12 Nov 2016, 4:15 am

The one blessing the Democrats have now is that they will be able to run against the Republican run government in four years, without having to take responsibility for government mismanagement.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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12 Nov 2016, 6:58 am


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12 Nov 2016, 7:09 am

Jacoby wrote:
...Now how funny is it now that the people that made such a stink about Trump accepting the election results and that 'love trumps hate', they claim to be so afraid but they've unleashed a massive wave of violence and are by far the most hateful people in the country.

You're right about this. The election was fair, there is no need for demonstrations. It's like an adult tantrum.

I think you're right about other things too. Perhaps I have been too hard on Trump. I don't like what he said about grabbing women and I don't like his vindictiveness, but neither of these things means he can't be a good leader.

So ... you were right and I was wrong.


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12 Nov 2016, 9:44 am

Jacoby wrote:
I spoke about how it was Hillary supporters who were violent not Trump one and have been proven right again.

Not really proven right, someone shot in direction of protesters last night.

Trump won because he tried to compete in all 50 states and talked to all demographics, he didn't write votes off and expanded the tent, [...]

He didn't talk to all demographics; certainly not to those caring about human rights.

androbot01 wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
...Now how funny is it now that the people that made such a stink about Trump accepting the election results and that 'love trumps hate', they claim to be so afraid but they've unleashed a massive wave of violence and are by far the most hateful people in the country.

You're right about this. The election was fair, there is no need for demonstrations. It's like an adult tantrum.

I think you're right about other things too. Perhaps I have been too hard on Trump. I don't like what he said about grabbing women and I don't like his vindictiveness, but neither of these things means he can't be a good leader.

So ... you were right and I was wrong.

Personally I never doubted that Trump could win; I was hoping he wouldn't win but I could see that the Trump appeal is in it's core something naively emotional that can't be properly probed by the rational analysis of political pundits.

Down with speculators!! !


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12 Nov 2016, 10:45 am

I'm glad you're back. We need more young people speaking plainly but civilly, which is what I've always known you to do. People like you bring the energy on behalf of older, tired folk like myself. ;)


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12 Nov 2016, 11:23 pm

Welcome back and mea culpa, it seems you've had a better idea of what's going on politically than I have.

Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.

- Rick Sanchez


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13 Nov 2016, 12:50 am

It has to do with a few factor mainly with geography and the fact that our elections are swung by a small amount of swing voters in select states and I just happen to come from one of these places this time, the message of 'Make America Great Again' might not make that much sense in the fabulously wealthy booming liberal cities on the coasts but the language Trump used is some something that spoke to heart of people that live in rustbelt who have felt completely abandoned by the government. Where I was from it was better 10 year ago, it was better 20 years ago, it was better 30 years ago, it was better 40 years ago, some of these places have been rotting for half a century now with absolutely no hope of ever turning around so the idea that there were racial connotations to that slogan I think couldn't be more out of touch for the vast majority of Trump supporters. Michael Moore understood it the same way I did, we obviously disagree on pretty much everything but we're from similar places and we understood something about to motivations and desires of this electorate that others didn't. People not from these places I just don't think understand.

Another factor I think into my insight and why I didn't doubt myself about this election was from being a Ron Paul supporter which had given me experience with the media smear machine and the rigged politics of the establishment. Polls in particular were something that I knew were being manipulated to push agendas long before Trump came to the scene. I used to called a conspiracy theorist and paranoid for believing these things but it was right all along.

I was also already well educated in the wicked corrupt ways of the Clinton's since I was a pretty young child and I think a lot of people were ignorant of the extent of corruption in Clinton world, they actually bought the nonsense about these scandals being a 'vast right wing conspiracy' and that it was simply partisan witchhunting. Thank god for Julian Assange and Wikileaks as it confirmed pretty much everything I ever believed about the Clinton's. People were ignorant to how deeply unpopular and flawed Hillary was as candidate, I would say her flaws and unpopularity probably share a big part of the reason this country elected its first black president and then Donald fricking Trump. Think about that, imagine taking a time machine back 10 or however many years ago and telling yourself that, it almost got a 75 year old Jewish self identified socialist from Vermont the nomination and probably would of if it wasn't rigged from the beginning. I never had any doubt in victory against Hillary, the only possible way she could win the presidency was by gaming the system and she almost did. A wimp like Jeb or Romney or Kasich would of lost easily, Rubio probably could of been able to win, I sincerely doubt Cruz would of won but perhaps it would of been possible against Hillary Clinton. The GOP finally nominates a candidate with some testicular fortitude and what do you know, they win!


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13 Nov 2016, 1:30 am

Jacoby wrote:
It has to do with a few factor mainly with geography and the fact that our elections are swung by a small amount of swing voters in select states and I just happen to come from one of these places this time, the message of 'Make America Great Again' might not make that much sense in the fabulously wealthy booming liberal cities on the coasts but the language Trump used is some something that spoke to heart of people that live in rustbelt who have felt completely abandoned by the government. Where I was from it was better 10 year ago, it was better 20 years ago, it was better 30 years ago, it was better 40 years ago, some of these places have been rotting for half a century now with absolutely no hope of ever turning around so the idea that there were racial connotations to that slogan I think couldn't be more out of touch for the vast majority of Trump supporters. Michael Moore understood it the same way I did, we obviously disagree on pretty much everything but we're from similar places and we understood something about to motivations and desires of this electorate that others didn't. People not from these places I just don't think understand.

Another factor I think into my insight and why I didn't doubt myself about this election was from being a Ron Paul supporter which had given me experience with the media smear machine and the rigged politics of the establishment. Polls in particular were something that I knew were being manipulated to push agendas long before Trump came to the scene. I used to called a conspiracy theorist and paranoid for believing these things but it was right all along.

I was also already well educated in the wicked corrupt ways of the Clinton's since I was a pretty young child and I think a lot of people were ignorant of the extent of corruption in Clinton world, they actually bought the nonsense about these scandals being a 'vast right wing conspiracy' and that it was simply partisan witchhunting. Thank god for Julian Assange and Wikileaks as it confirmed pretty much everything I ever believed about the Clinton's. People were ignorant to how deeply unpopular and flawed Hillary was as candidate, I would say her flaws and unpopularity probably share a big part of the reason this country elected its first black president and then Donald fricking Trump. Think about that, imagine taking a time machine back 10 or however many years ago and telling yourself that, it almost got a 75 year old Jewish self identified socialist from Vermont the nomination and probably would of if it wasn't rigged from the beginning. I never had any doubt in victory against Hillary, the only possible way she could win the presidency was by gaming the system and she almost did. A wimp like Jeb or Romney or Kasich would of lost easily, Rubio probably could of been able to win, I sincerely doubt Cruz would of won but perhaps it would of been possible against Hillary Clinton. The GOP finally nominates a candidate with some testicular fortitude and what do you know, they win!

But what will people in the Rust Belt do if or when Trump doesn't deliver on promises of prosperity? Remember, Trump chose to ally himself to the anti-union right; as it was the unions who had grabbed big business under the belt and twisted till said big business shared in the gains earned by working people.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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13 Nov 2016, 3:03 am

Well it is yet to be seen what Trump will deliver on, as much as I have predicted so for I don't think anybody can predict the next 4 years. I am hopeful for our new president, the first time in long that I've felt optimistic about some the issues in this country and abroad being solved. I don't think I will ever regret not voting Hillary Clinton, for as much a I liked Trump I was voting just as much against Hillary.

I think a lot of it has to deal with the strategy of the Democratic Party going forward and I think it can't be one simply of identity politics and self-righteous scorn. This anti-white element among progressives is most definitely real and it shouldn't be confusing to them why they lost the white working class, they simply weren't welcome. If Democrats continue down this path then I foresee these place to continue trending more and more Republican.


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13 Nov 2016, 9:21 am

Jacoby wrote:
I'm back now after a totally unfair ban for a week but that's okay since I've been busy with finals AND it doesn't hurt that my analysis of US politics was more correct than any of the pollsters or media pundits and I never wavered on this so I am feeling a supreme sense of vindication. I argued against the polls the entire time, I never believed Nate Silver was this wiz kid guru that the left likes to make him out to be, I called out how these polls were manipulated and how the media was straight up working with the Hillary campaign. People attacked me in the worst ways possible, saying the most mean and hateful things they can say about somebody in their self created little world. People called me paranoid, people called me delusional, people said I was brainwashed, that I was a cult member, that I was a paid shill, that I hate women, that I am anti-intellectual for not heeding to establishment beliefs. NO, I was RIGHT and YOU were wrong so I would like maybe a little credit for having my finger on the pulse instead of just repeating talking points and left wing mantras(natural electoral college advantage, minorities, women!)

I always said this election would come down to the rustbelt, I believe I specifically mentioned Pennsylvania being the state that would flip the election. Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, I was saying this like a year ago. The stories about Trump were highly coordinated smear campaign conducted illegally I think between the media and Clinton campaign. I spoke of paid agitators which has been proven true, I spoke about how it was Hillary supporters who were violent not Trump one and have been proven right again.

Please please, Mr. President-elect Trump, I can't take all this winning! It's too much!

Now how funny is it now that the people that made such a stink about Trump accepting the election results and that 'love trumps hate', they claim to be so afraid but they've unleashed a massive wave of violence and are by far the most hateful people in the country. Sore losers make winning just that much sweeter, it exposes these people for the inner fascists they are. Love did indeed trump hate tho I do agree, LOVE of OUR country won on Tuesday!

I'm even right about the markets!

We may actually have peace in our time with Trump as our president, Hillary risked nuclear war with Russia and wanted to continue the failed foreign policy of this country over the course of the last however many decades. This can be a new era, we don't have to settle for mediocrity and the idea that this is as good as it gets. 'Make America Great Again' is such a powerful slogan, the people that live in the echo chamber bubbles on the coasts and at liberal universities simply are ignorant of the working class in this country and look down at the rest of us living in 'flyover country'.

Bernie really stepped in it today, it's embarrassing that Democrats lost white working poor? Maybe stupid statements like "white people don't know what it is like to live in the ghetto, when you're white you don't know what it is like to be poor", I don't think a more out of touch elitist statement has ever been said since Romney's "47%". Democrats lost because they abandoned the working class to embrace Wall Street and extremist identity politics, they are the party of insiders and DNC has been exposed as a total farce. The Democrats are in for some rough years, 2018 is not going to be a typical midterm and will likely result in a stronger GOP majority in the senate and possibly even a filibuster proof one since Dems have like 25 seats up the the GOP 8 which are almost safe seats while the Democrats have to defend multiple one's that Trump won.

The outcome of this election was a much, much needed course correction. It was necessary for the welfare of the United States of America to take the wind out of the sails of the liberal-progressive-left wing Elite. I hope they learn some humility from this.

Socrates' Last Words: I drank what!! !?????


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13 Nov 2016, 9:25 am

Jacoby wrote:
I'm back now after a totally unfair ban for a week but that's okay since I've been busy with finals AND it doesn't hurt that my analysis of US politics was more correct than any of the pollsters or media pundits and I never wavered on this so I am feeling a supreme sense of vindication. I argued against the polls the entire time, I never believed Nate Silver was this wiz kid guru that the left likes to make him out to be, I called out how these polls were manipulated and how the media was straight up working with the Hillary campaign. People attacked me in the worst ways possible, saying the most mean and hateful things they can say about somebody in their self created little world. People called me paranoid, people called me delusional, people said I was brainwashed, that I was a cult member, that I was a paid shill, that I hate women, that I am anti-intellectual for not heeding to establishment beliefs. NO, I was RIGHT and YOU were wrong so I would like maybe a little credit for having my finger on the pulse instead of just repeating talking points and left wing mantras(natural electoral college advantage, minorities, women!)

I always said this election would come down to the rustbelt, I believe I specifically mentioned Pennsylvania being the state that would flip the election. Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, I was saying this like a year ago. The stories about Trump were highly coordinated smear campaign conducted illegally I think between the media and Clinton campaign. I spoke of paid agitators which has been proven true, I spoke about how it was Hillary supporters who were violent not Trump one and have been proven right again.

Please please, Mr. President-elect Trump, I can't take all this winning! It's too much!

Now how funny is it now that the people that made such a stink about Trump accepting the election results and that 'love trumps hate', they claim to be so afraid but they've unleashed a massive wave of violence and are by far the most hateful people in the country. Sore losers make winning just that much sweeter, it exposes these people for the inner fascists they are. Love did indeed trump hate tho I do agree, LOVE of OUR country won on Tuesday!

I'm even right about the markets!

We may actually have peace in our time with Trump as our president, Hillary risked nuclear war with Russia and wanted to continue the failed foreign policy of this country over the course of the last however many decades. This can be a new era, we don't have to settle for mediocrity and the idea that this is as good as it gets. 'Make America Great Again' is such a powerful slogan, the people that live in the echo chamber bubbles on the coasts and at liberal universities simply are ignorant of the working class in this country and look down at the rest of us living in 'flyover country'.

Bernie really stepped in it today, it's embarrassing that Democrats lost white working poor? Maybe stupid statements like "white people don't know what it is like to live in the ghetto, when you're white you don't know what it is like to be poor", I don't think a more out of touch elitist statement has ever been said since Romney's "47%". Democrats lost because they abandoned the working class to embrace Wall Street and extremist identity politics, they are the party of insiders and DNC has been exposed as a total farce. The Democrats are in for some rough years, 2018 is not going to be a typical midterm and will likely result in a stronger GOP majority in the senate and possibly even a filibuster proof one since Dems have like 25 seats up the the GOP 8 which are almost safe seats while the Democrats have to defend multiple one's that Trump won.

You are so right! Here what might have happened if Her Hillaryship won: She would fail to address the economic woes of the U.S. correctly thus running into grave political difficulties. The way she would have taken to get the heat off of her would be to bet the United States into Yet Another War. Possibly against ISIS in Syria. Possibly a proxy war with Russia in the Ukraine. But young American men would have bled so Hillary could remain Queen of America.

Socrates' Last Words: I drank what!! !?????