Professor Jordan Peterson on climate change and climate poli

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22 Jan 2019, 8:02 pm

He gets a little tetchy...<chuckle>


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22 Jan 2019, 8:12 pm

Genetically Modified Sceptic has done a few great videos exposing some of the crazier things Peterson believes.


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23 Jan 2019, 12:47 pm

Having Problems Posting Seeing if one Line will work..:)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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23 Jan 2019, 1:02 pm

Dude has Incredible Verbal IQ And Profound 'Grandma Glass' Is Less Now Than Half Full Syndrome Suffering From Depression Chronically And Seeing Reality through Hopeless Lens Of Thorns Failing to See The Human FLoWeR
The Politics oF Forgetting The Dance And Song oF LiFE iN Data Download Head With No LoVE MaGiC Been THeRE Done It JusT YucK The Sky is Falling With No Fun...

In other Words, Jordan's Lack of Faith In Humanity is Missing the Vital Element of Connecting Love WHere Mostly Hairless Apes JoYfuLLY Working Together Tend to Get the Jobs so Much Greater Done with Positive Light Of Emotions instead of Fear of the Dark in Negativity. It doesn't Matter How High One's Verbal IQ is Without the Weight of Love to Move Mountains of Progress and 'Climate Change' too.

Jordan Suffers from Clinical Depression and those of us who have Experienced this and fully moved out to the other
Side of the Dark Side of the Moon Come to See the World More as Flowers Warm of Rose Than Thorns Alone So Cold.

I Viscerally Feel Jordan's Darkness, Truly Feeling sorry for his Reality now as those of us who have been THere will understand so much better than those who have not visited the 'Dark Side of the Moon' Enduring Love Shedding.

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


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23 Jan 2019, 4:18 pm

aghogday wrote:
Dude has Incredible Verbal IQ And Profound 'Grandma Glass' Is Less Now Than Half Full Syndrome Suffering From Depression Chronically And Seeing Reality through Hopeless Lens Of Thorns Failing to See The Human FLoWeR
The Politics oF Forgetting The Dance And Song oF LiFE iN Data Download Head With No LoVE MaGiC Been THeRE Done It JusT YucK The Sky is Falling With No Fun...

Translation: He is in touch with reality... :mrgreen:

aghogday wrote:
In other Words, Jordan's Lack of Faith In Humanity is Missing the Vital Element of Connecting Love WHere Mostly Hairless Apes JoYfuLLY Working Together Tend to Get the Jobs so Much Greater Done with Positive Light Of Emotions instead of Fear of the Dark in Negativity. It doesn't Matter How High One's Verbal IQ is Without the Weight of Love to Move Mountains of Progress and 'Climate Change' too.

He is simply stating his observations...<shrug>

Also, we need to differentiate between working effectively together and, my focus, being in touch with reality...
Emotionalism may create harmony, but it lacks intellectual integrity...
Emotionalism distorts reality which may sooth the person/a-community, but may pervert observable reality...

In addition, consider the definition of "group think":
"Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.

Groupthink requires individuals to avoid raising controversial issues or alternative solutions, and there is loss of individual creativity, uniqueness and independent thinking."

Groupthink's goal is to create social harmony, but it does so often/usually through intimidation and the corruption of reality...

aghogday wrote:
Jordan Suffers from Clinical Depression and those of us who have Experienced this and fully moved out to the other
Side of the Dark Side of the Moon Come to See the World More as Flowers Warm of Rose Than Thorns Alone So Cold.

Please don't generalise here...<hug friend>
There is no logical/psychological reason why everyone *should* default to a certain outcome in this context...
Peterson even mentions that here in this podcast, in reference to negative events in early childhood...
It is not a right or wrong situation...
Not everyone who is brutalised during infancy will turn into an antisocial personality type, but there are those who do...
And the converse is apparently true also...

aghogday wrote:
I Viscerally Feel Jordan's Darkness, Truly Feeling sorry for his Reality now as those of us who have been THere will understand so much better than those who have not visited the 'Dark Side of the Moon' Enduring Love Shedding.

Well, I have been there too and can identify with Peterson's negativity towards: "life, the universe and everything"...
But not his need to incorporated an element of divinity/spirituality in his philosophies...
He seems to be an inbetween between you and I...<chuckle>



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23 Jan 2019, 4:25 pm

aghogday wrote:
Having Problems Posting Seeing if one Line will work..:)

Hallelujah! :mrgreen:


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23 Jan 2019, 4:30 pm

Daniel89 wrote:
Genetically Modified Sceptic has done a few great videos exposing some of the crazier things Peterson believes.

There are certainly fractures in Peterson's reasoning these days...
As I have mentioned previously, I think he is over extending himself, philosophically and sociologically speaking...<shrug>


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23 Jan 2019, 5:41 pm

Pepe wrote:
aghogday wrote:
Dude has Incredible Verbal IQ And Profound 'Grandma Glass' Is Less Now Than Half Full Syndrome Suffering From Depression Chronically And Seeing Reality through Hopeless Lens Of Thorns Failing to See The Human FLoWeR
The Politics oF Forgetting The Dance And Song oF LiFE iN Data Download Head With No LoVE MaGiC Been THeRE Done It JusT YucK The Sky is Falling With No Fun...

Translation: He is in touch with reality... :mrgreen:

aghogday wrote:
In other Words, Jordan's Lack of Faith In Humanity is Missing the Vital Element of Connecting Love WHere Mostly Hairless Apes JoYfuLLY Working Together Tend to Get the Jobs so Much Greater Done with Positive Light Of Emotions instead of Fear of the Dark in Negativity. It doesn't Matter How High One's Verbal IQ is Without the Weight of Love to Move Mountains of Progress and 'Climate Change' too.

He is simply stating his observations...<shrug>

Also, we need to differentiate between working effectively together and, my focus, being in touch with reality...
Emotionalism may create harmony, but it lacks intellectual integrity...
Emotionalism distorts reality which may sooth the person/a-community, but may pervert observable reality...

In addition, consider the definition of "group think":
"Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.

Groupthink requires individuals to avoid raising controversial issues or alternative solutions, and there is loss of individual creativity, uniqueness and independent thinking."

Groupthink's goal is to create social harmony, but it does so often/usually through intimidation and the corruption of reality...

aghogday wrote:
Jordan Suffers from Clinical Depression and those of us who have Experienced this and fully moved out to the other
Side of the Dark Side of the Moon Come to See the World More as Flowers Warm of Rose Than Thorns Alone So Cold.

Please don't generalise here...<hug friend>
There is no logical/psychological reason why everyone *should* default to a certain outcome in this context...
Peterson even mentions that here in this podcast, in reference to negative events in early childhood...
It is not a right or wrong situation...
Not everyone who is brutalised during infancy will turn into an antisocial personality type, but there are those who do...
And the converse is apparently true also...

aghogday wrote:
I Viscerally Feel Jordan's Darkness, Truly Feeling sorry for his Reality now as those of us who have been THere will understand so much better than those who have not visited the 'Dark Side of the Moon' Enduring Love Shedding.

Well, I have been there too and can identify with Peterson's negativity towards: "life, the universe and everything"...
But not his need to incorporated an element of divinity/spirituality in his philosophies...
He seems to be an inbetween between you and I...<chuckle>


True 'FAct'; it's easy to see
that Jordan's World is 'Gray SHades'
of Purgatory to somewhere close to Hell;
And yes that is His Reality; but there are so many other possibilities
For those who Become 'Big Lebowski Achievers'; Hehe, i never take Life
too Seriously By the way with that 'Meme' in Art of Mind and Body Balancing Soul'.

My Friend, Jordan doesn't
Acknowledge Climate Change
Is Real According to the State of the Science and Makes Excuses
For Donald J Trump As that has Zero to do with Intellectual Integrity; and i'm not saying you disagree.
Honestly, all that's left i see is a 'Pile of Manure'; as far as this Video goes; but i enjoy some of Jordan's other
Opinions, where he is actually Knowledgeable about the Facts/Myths; and not Lent Toward the Politics of the 'Right'
For His Overall 'Incel' Target Audience for Pay
of 'Men' Without Social Roles;
(Lost 'Boys' as 'they' say
Little Man Syndrome for
Jordan and Trump too)
Now Per As you
Winks with
Hugs too, Science Shows
That Human Emotions come First
And Reasons come next and until
one becomes Friends with their 'Shadow';
Truly Friends with their 'Emotions'; they may end up like Jordan; again been there and overcome in Light over Dark.
And by the Way, too, More than Less is neither An Absolute or a Generalization for me; Just a 'Real Life' Observation
from actually Directly Communicating with Over One Hundred Thousand Flesh and Blood Humans then and more God
Now As Lord Knows, i also worked WITH the Public for Decades too; not easy but possible to achieve with smiles too..;)

And Speaking of Group Think, Empirically Measurable as such; I Have not come across a More Rigid Group Think
Online Demographic of the Population than what i've come to find on this Internet site over the Last Few Years;
as one word out of line and folks as a Group May go 'Bizarre' Against Change. But that is Autism my Friend;
Yes, this is Text Book Autism Averse to Change to be expected. My Therapist Says More than Less i've done
the impossible and cured the Symptoms for Real
as she's
both sides
of that reality for/as me too as
I used to do all of my life in the
"Straightest of Lines", before i actually Lived; People Named me Plastic and Computer then too; just my life of course
Now as hehe; no one will ever prove now that i am not an original; no need to worry about copyrights either, hAha;
Per Empirical Measure, 45 out of 50, on the Autism Quotient Scan Before July 2013; and 11, After August of 2013
as after that i Eventually Became a Public Dance Legend with proof on Request Based on Viral Video Comments;
Also moving from INTJ to ENFP on the Briggs and Myers Personality Assessment too as i still go both ways too;
Additionally, Moving from the Mid 50's on the Emotional IQ Test to Mid 90's Within the Same Span of Months;
hey, i say, if i can Move over to Heaven that Much there is additional Hope for Jordan, a few Years Younger than me.
Dam that Dude Acts Old i'm still Practically A Child at HeART; Haha, And all the Young Women Love to Dance with me
With over 2000 Autographed Selfie Smiles for Evidence of that; but i am a 'Gentleman' still; as i don't do the 'Buddy Love'/ Jerry Lewis/Dr. Jekyll/
Mr. Hyde Shtick Stuff.

Additionally, Extremely Interesting to me at Least, as in the Poetry World Organized as such, Folks are As Literal And Science Minded Overall as Folks are here; A Commonality is High Levels of Verbal IQ for Words and Low Levels of
Intuition past Counting Syllables and the Such for Poetry Science like Martial Arts Science too that doesn't have a
Clue For Original
Art Creativity in Flow;
Seriously, if the 'Strike'
or Words haven't come
Before; that throws the so-
called 'Opponents' way out
of Balance from the Flow as
Fascinating all of this is to me
as i continue to Learn and Evolve more
per Yin and Yang too my Friend; Arts and Sciences as they say too So
As always Have a Nice Day With Forrest Gump Smiles too Mixed With Batman True..;)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !


Joined: 11 Jun 2013
Gender: Non-binary
Posts: 26,635
Location: Australia

23 Jan 2019, 8:53 pm

aghogday wrote:
True 'FAct'; it's easy to see
that Jordan's World is 'Gray SHades'
of Purgatory to somewhere close to Hell;

It is odd to me that people deny the reality of life being an unfortunate, brutal accident...
But deny they do...<shrug>
6 psychology : a defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality
in denial
: refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant
a patient in denial about his health problems

aghogday wrote:
My Friend, Jordan doesn't
Acknowledge Climate Change
Is Real According to the State of the Science and Makes Excuses
For Donald J Trump As that has Zero to do with Intellectual Integrity; and i'm not saying you disagree.

I was a little surprised by Peterson's position, but is he really a climate change "denier"?
Frome memory, wasn't the question posed to him in that particular video, that climate change would unite the community...and his answer was an elegant: "No"...?

"...perhaps humanity might finally find it's global map of meaning?"...
In this video, his comments involved disunity...
Please correct me if I am wrong...

Regarding my position on climate change:
I am considering my position on climate change...<chuckle>

I consider myself an intelligent independent person...
I do not embrace Groupthink...
I tend to take much longer in reaching an opinion regarding complex subject matter...
A complex subject is...errr...more complicated, and needs more consideration no? :mrgreen:

Reflect on this:
The human psyche is overall an abomination when you consider the evolutionarily inspired self interest, "will to power", propensity to lie, arbitrary moral constructs, cognitive dissonance, confirmation bias, politically inspired motivations, economic exploitation, etc...

Also, most people seem to embrace heuristics:
A heuristic technique (/hjʊəˈrɪstɪk/; Ancient Greek: εὑρίσκω, "find" or "discover"), often called simply a heuristic, is any approach to problem solving or self-discovery that employs a practical method, not guaranteed to be optimal, perfect, logical, or rational, but instead sufficient for reaching an immediate goal. Where finding an optimal solution is impossible or impractical, heuristic methods can be used to speed up the process of finding a satisfactory solution. Heuristics can be mental shortcuts that ease the cognitive load of making a decision. Examples that employ heuristics include using a rule of thumb, an educated guess, an intuitive judgment, a guesstimate, profiling, or common sense.

"Heuristics" are a starting point, not "the-be-all-and-end-all"...
It is the lazy "man's" go to...

When it comes to more complex subject matter, I may use the heuristic approach as a starting position only, and then investigate further, hence the greatly extended time in forming an opinion...

And consider the sodomy of truth in the past by well known proponents of the man made climate change construct...
I have started another thread on this so I will stop here...

In a "nutshell":
Climate change is too complicated to jump to conclusions...

Also consider:
For me personally, it is not an issue I am going to angst about since it is a breeder problem...<chuckle>
And I agree with Peterson, the selfishness/self-interest of most people in general will mean a cohesive/unified/collective "every-shoulder-to-the-wheel" approach is an unrealistic and naive expectation...
It is also a practical nonsense since the maths predict negligible temperate improvement even with massive, economy destroying measures...

You breeders out there...
Get a wriggle to speak...if you must have those warm and fuzzy emotionalistic feelings...<chuckle>

aghogday wrote:
Honestly, all that's left i see is a 'Pile of Manure'; as far as this Video goes; but i enjoy some of Jordan's other
Opinions, where he is actually Knowledgeable about the Facts/Myths; and not Lent Toward the Politics of the 'Right'
For His Overall 'Incel' Target Audience for Pay
of 'Men' Without Social Roles;
(Lost 'Boys' as 'they' say
Little Man Syndrome for
Jordan and Trump too)
Now Per As you
Winks with
Hugs too, Science Shows
That Human Emotions come First
And Reasons come next and until
one becomes Friends with their 'Shadow';
Truly Friends with their 'Emotions'; they may end up like Jordan; again been there and overcome in Light over Dark.
And by the Way, too, More than Less is neither An Absolute or a Generalization for me; Just a 'Real Life' Observation
from actually Directly Communicating with Over One Hundred Thousand Flesh and Blood Humans then and more God
Now As Lord Knows, i also worked WITH the Public for Decades too; not easy but possible to achieve with smiles too..;)

And Speaking of Group Think, Empirically Measurable as such; I Have not come across a More Rigid Group Think
Online Demographic of the Population than what i've come to find on this Internet site over the Last Few Years;
as one word out of line and folks as a Group May go 'Bizarre' Against Change. But that is Autism my Friend;
Yes, this is Text Book Autism Averse to Change to be expected. My Therapist Says More than Less i've done
the impossible and cured the Symptoms for Real
as she's
both sides
of that reality for/as me too as
I used to do all of my life in the
"Straightest of Lines", before i actually Lived; People Named me Plastic and Computer then too; just my life of course
Now as hehe; no one will ever prove now that i am not an original; no need to worry about copyrights either, hAha;
Per Empirical Measure, 45 out of 50, on the Autism Quotient Scan Before July 2013; and 11, After August of 2013
as after that i Eventually Became a Public Dance Legend with proof on Request Based on Viral Video Comments;
Also moving from INTJ to ENFP on the Briggs and Myers Personality Assessment too as i still go both ways too;
Additionally, Moving from the Mid 50's on the Emotional IQ Test to Mid 90's Within the Same Span of Months;
hey, i say, if i can Move over to Heaven that Much there is additional Hope for Jordan, a few Years Younger than me.
Dam that Dude Acts Old i'm still Practically A Child at HeART; Haha, And all the Young Women Love to Dance with me
With over 2000 Autographed Selfie Smiles for Evidence of that; but i am a 'Gentleman' still; as i don't do the 'Buddy Love'/ Jerry Lewis/Dr. Jekyll/
Mr. Hyde Shtick Stuff.

Additionally, Extremely Interesting to me at Least, as in the Poetry World Organized as such, Folks are As Literal And Science Minded Overall as Folks are here; A Commonality is High Levels of Verbal IQ for Words and Low Levels of
Intuition past Counting Syllables and the Such for Poetry Science like Martial Arts Science too that doesn't have a
Clue For Original
Art Creativity in Flow;
Seriously, if the 'Strike'
or Words haven't come
Before; that throws the so-
called 'Opponents' way out
of Balance from the Flow as
Fascinating all of this is to me
as i continue to Learn and Evolve more
per Yin and Yang too my Friend; Arts and Sciences as they say too So
As always Have a Nice Day With Forrest Gump Smiles too Mixed With Batman True..;)

Well, I read through your post but you are getting to my threshold...<chuckle>

I guess if I wanted to I could let myself embrace a more emotional lifestyle and perhaps change my tested personality type, but there is nothing in it for me because I "enjoy" being rational so much more...
And as I have said in the past, "reason" has been my saviour from the "pit of despair" I had been in for around a third of my early life...
Any reasonable person would agree that if something works well, why go back to something that didn't, right?

You embracing emotion works for you...
Have I ever suggested you change to suit my POV?
And yet, I have the impression you are trying to change, or rather think it would be to Peterson's and my benefit to adopt your lifestyle...
Can you see why it seems to me that you don't have as great a respect for individuality that I have?

Overwhelmingly, I work on the principle of: "To each their own"..."Whatever floats your boat or bakes your cookies"...
Rightly or wrongly I have the impression that you are trying to push the missionary position...err...philosophically, rather than sexually...<chuckle>
Hands of my individuality, please... :mrgreen:

You make an interesting point about change...
Are you suggesting you have overcome your autistic neurology?
I find this difficult to accept if you are...
Could you elaborate?...

Cheers, cobber...

P.S. If you keep the length of your reply to "bite sized"...errr...size, it would make things easier for me...
What I usually do with large, complicated post, is reply in a number of separate posts...


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24 Jan 2019, 12:44 am

Pepe wrote:
aghogday wrote:
True 'FAct'; it's easy to see
that Jordan's World is 'Gray SHades'
of Purgatory to somewhere close to Hell;

It is odd to me that people deny the reality of life being an unfortunate, brutal accident...
But deny they do...<shrug>
6 psychology : a defense mechanism in which confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality
in denial
: refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant
a patient in denial about his health problems

aghogday wrote:
My Friend, Jordan doesn't
Acknowledge Climate Change
Is Real According to the State of the Science and Makes Excuses
For Donald J Trump As that has Zero to do with Intellectual Integrity; and i'm not saying you disagree.

I was a little surprised by Peterson's position, but is he really a climate change "denier"?
Frome memory, wasn't the question posed to him in that particular video, that climate change would unite the community...and his answer was an elegant: "No"...?

"...perhaps humanity might finally find it's global map of meaning?"...
In this video, his comments involved disunity...
Please correct me if I am wrong...

Regarding my position on climate change:
I am considering my position on climate change...<chuckle>

I consider myself an intelligent independent person...
I do not embrace Groupthink...
I tend to take much longer in reaching an opinion regarding complex subject matter...
A complex subject is...errr...more complicated, and needs more consideration no? :mrgreen:

Reflect on this:
The human psyche is overall an abomination when you consider the evolutionarily inspired self interest, "will to power", propensity to lie, arbitrary moral constructs, cognitive dissonance, confirmation bias, politically inspired motivations, economic exploitation, etc...

Also, most people seem to embrace heuristics:
A heuristic technique (/hjʊəˈrɪstɪk/; Ancient Greek: εὑρίσκω, "find" or "discover"), often called simply a heuristic, is any approach to problem solving or self-discovery that employs a practical method, not guaranteed to be optimal, perfect, logical, or rational, but instead sufficient for reaching an immediate goal. Where finding an optimal solution is impossible or impractical, heuristic methods can be used to speed up the process of finding a satisfactory solution. Heuristics can be mental shortcuts that ease the cognitive load of making a decision. Examples that employ heuristics include using a rule of thumb, an educated guess, an intuitive judgment, a guesstimate, profiling, or common sense.

"Heuristics" are a starting point, not "the-be-all-and-end-all"...
It is the lazy "man's" go to...

When it comes to more complex subject matter, I may use the heuristic approach as a starting position only, and then investigate further, hence the greatly extended time in forming an opinion...

And consider the sodomy of truth in the past by well known proponents of the man made climate change construct...
I have started another thread on this so I will stop here...

In a "nutshell":
Climate change is too complicated to jump to conclusions...

Also consider:
For me personally, it is not an issue I am going to angst about since it is a breeder problem...<chuckle>
And I agree with Peterson, the selfishness/self-interest of most people in general will mean a cohesive/unified/collective "every-shoulder-to-the-wheel" approach is an unrealistic and naive expectation...
It is also a practical nonsense since the maths predict negligible temperate improvement even with massive, economy destroying measures...

You breeders out there...
Get a wriggle to speak...if you must have those warm and fuzzy emotionalistic feelings...<chuckle>

aghogday wrote:
Honestly, all that's left i see is a 'Pile of Manure'; as far as this Video goes; but i enjoy some of Jordan's other
Opinions, where he is actually Knowledgeable about the Facts/Myths; and not Lent Toward the Politics of the 'Right'
For His Overall 'Incel' Target Audience for Pay
of 'Men' Without Social Roles;
(Lost 'Boys' as 'they' say
Little Man Syndrome for
Jordan and Trump too)
Now Per As you
Winks with
Hugs too, Science Shows
That Human Emotions come First
And Reasons come next and until
one becomes Friends with their 'Shadow';
Truly Friends with their 'Emotions'; they may end up like Jordan; again been there and overcome in Light over Dark.
And by the Way, too, More than Less is neither An Absolute or a Generalization for me; Just a 'Real Life' Observation
from actually Directly Communicating with Over One Hundred Thousand Flesh and Blood Humans then and more God
Now As Lord Knows, i also worked WITH the Public for Decades too; not easy but possible to achieve with smiles too..;)

And Speaking of Group Think, Empirically Measurable as such; I Have not come across a More Rigid Group Think
Online Demographic of the Population than what i've come to find on this Internet site over the Last Few Years;
as one word out of line and folks as a Group May go 'Bizarre' Against Change. But that is Autism my Friend;
Yes, this is Text Book Autism Averse to Change to be expected. My Therapist Says More than Less i've done
the impossible and cured the Symptoms for Real
as she's
both sides
of that reality for/as me too as
I used to do all of my life in the
"Straightest of Lines", before i actually Lived; People Named me Plastic and Computer then too; just my life of course
Now as hehe; no one will ever prove now that i am not an original; no need to worry about copyrights either, hAha;
Per Empirical Measure, 45 out of 50, on the Autism Quotient Scan Before July 2013; and 11, After August of 2013
as after that i Eventually Became a Public Dance Legend with proof on Request Based on Viral Video Comments;
Also moving from INTJ to ENFP on the Briggs and Myers Personality Assessment too as i still go both ways too;
Additionally, Moving from the Mid 50's on the Emotional IQ Test to Mid 90's Within the Same Span of Months;
hey, i say, if i can Move over to Heaven that Much there is additional Hope for Jordan, a few Years Younger than me.
Dam that Dude Acts Old i'm still Practically A Child at HeART; Haha, And all the Young Women Love to Dance with me
With over 2000 Autographed Selfie Smiles for Evidence of that; but i am a 'Gentleman' still; as i don't do the 'Buddy Love'/ Jerry Lewis/Dr. Jekyll/
Mr. Hyde Shtick Stuff.

Additionally, Extremely Interesting to me at Least, as in the Poetry World Organized as such, Folks are As Literal And Science Minded Overall as Folks are here; A Commonality is High Levels of Verbal IQ for Words and Low Levels of
Intuition past Counting Syllables and the Such for Poetry Science like Martial Arts Science too that doesn't have a
Clue For Original
Art Creativity in Flow;
Seriously, if the 'Strike'
or Words haven't come
Before; that throws the so-
called 'Opponents' way out
of Balance from the Flow as
Fascinating all of this is to me
as i continue to Learn and Evolve more
per Yin and Yang too my Friend; Arts and Sciences as they say too So
As always Have a Nice Day With Forrest Gump Smiles too Mixed With Batman True..;)

Well, I read through your post but you are getting to my threshold...<chuckle>

I guess if I wanted to I could let myself embrace a more emotional lifestyle and perhaps change my tested personality type, but there is nothing in it for me because I "enjoy" being rational so much more...
And as I have said in the past, "reason" has been my saviour from the "pit of despair" I had been in for around a third of my early life...
Any reasonable person would agree that if something works well, why go back to something that didn't, right?

You embracing emotion works for you...
Have I ever suggested you change to suit my POV?
And yet, I have the impression you are trying to change, or rather think it would be to Peterson's and my benefit to adopt your lifestyle...
Can you see why it seems to me that you don't have as great a respect for individuality that I have?

Overwhelmingly, I work on the principle of: "To each their own"..."Whatever floats your boat or bakes your cookies"...
Rightly or wrongly I have the impression that you are trying to push the missionary position...err...philosophically, rather than sexually...<chuckle>
Hands of my individuality, please... :mrgreen:

You make an interesting point about change...
Are you suggesting you have overcome your autistic neurology?
I find this difficult to accept if you are...
Could you elaborate?...

Cheers, cobber...

P.S. If you keep the length of your reply to "bite sized"...errr...size, it would make things easier for me...
What I usually do with large, complicated post, is reply in a number of separate posts...

"No" as an absolute is rarely an answer that Works Historically as such too when it comes to what Human Potential
May or May not be in both Working together as Apes Stronger together over Dark/Light Cultural Binds that Bond
or Individual Efforts; Reminds me of a Master's Level Sociology Class where the Professor said I was overzealous
to Suggest i could keep my Health as far as 'Vitality' and Strength through my 50's until 60's as the Textbook
Showed Gray Haired Folks in Therapy Pools for Bad Backs and the such. Of course that Research was done on
a Couch Potato Average of Greatly Induced Cultural Behavior With Habits Sitting in Front of Screens of Course
Held Hostage in their Homes by all types of Electronic Devices as that issue was even smaller in the Early Cable 80's.

I came with a Triple Major as specialization, hehe; obviously, isn't my Forte as i tend to move around. Anyway
With a Health Science Major, Along with Anthropology, and Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Hanging around
"Jocks" and "Nerds" and to Be Clear I was somewhat Good Looking then and Very Strange to Most Others
Except for a Few Woman as Women seem to stay by my side, particularly when i Just dance now and
don't Speak. Anyway, too, I already Studied Jack LaLanne, Recognizing from His Case Study so far out
of the Social Potato Norm of Later Life in Sedentary ways of Activity that towing 70 Boats in Your 60's
Swimming Across A Bay somewhat Bound and Tied up is surely not out of the Question still
if we just continue to Adapt to Struggle in Moving Ways like any Wise Mostly Hairless Ape
who does not sit down on the Jobs of Life Growing 'Stagnant' as Such Aging Much Faster.

Jordan Recognizes Climate Change is Possible But Stays on the Choir Sheet
of the 'Right' that Suggests it is Politically Manufactured by the 'Left'. I don't have
any Children either my Friend who are Living but my Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion
And overall Cognitive Empathy Extends out Far Beyond the Shell off My Life. That's a Real
Deal as Assessed by both Maslow and Fowler too in terms of beyond Self-Actualization too
Transcending through the Rest of Nature Caring about it too including Humans too of course;
Commonly, Recognized as Agape Love that is much more than a Choice As a Real Emotional Feeling
And Sense of Pure Bliss and Nirvana And Satori And Etc., within; Oh Lord, a limitless number of metaphors
for the Essence of Pure Heaven within as that is sort of Like What Happens After 'Kundalini' Rises as Well

I am not Directing anyone to Change; I lived a Pretty Good 'Book Learning Life' Before the Stress of my Job
almost Literally Killed me. Nah; I was not a Dance Legend then just what they named at Work as a Reliable
Commodity as 'they' Bled every Bit of the Blood out of my Working Onion 'they' could get out of me as truly
My Problem then was I did not know how to say no. But Again, when it comes to Humans and what they will
or will not Accomplish, the Variable of Human Emotions is not a Repeatable Science Project that will be reliably
Measured with Just a Black and White, No. "In my opinion, it will not work", would have been A More Rational Answer
for any Human Being; Oh Lord, Particularly a Psychologist, one would hope but it bears noting that many folks who
still go into that Profession are missing certain Elements of Life as Pleasure and are hoping to Figure themselves
Out First. Jordan is a man who admits he does a poor job Regulating His Emotions as that is an Intelligence that
may Sink or Swim any of us, when Faced with Stressful Situations in Life. Trust me, i know, as i recently became
Very Very Emotionally Attached to a Very Beautiful and Very Close Friend and Had to Explain that to my Wife
as that is something that Rationally, I did not think was possible that proves i am only human too; hehe; I
didn't think there was any Danger of that with any Woman Several Decades my Junior With Smiles and
there really isn't still as Love is Crazy and so is the Human Condition overall as let's Face the Truth
too from Top to Trump Bottom too that NeuroScience Suggests We Basically all Hallucinate our
Realities Subconsciously Based on Our Experience of 'fore; So, Best Be we Feed our Self Joyful
Activities now if possible of Course according to the Textbooks of Neuroscience now at Least
too; Repeat a Good time Like a Reliable Number in a Bathroom Stall of our Brain As Such so much
Better than Just a "Romans 10:9" Pamphlet Floating in a Toilet for us to Read about Hell/Heaven Just once.

I don't see Life as a Science Project; for me at least, attempting to be a Perfectionist seeing Life as
An Equation to Be Solved did almost kill me. I would never Force my opinion on anyone else all
i can report is what has or hasn't worked for me; But I could surely show you 1300 Viral Video
Comments, i recorded from the Metro Dance Audience assessing me mostly as the Happiest
Person they've Ever Spotted in their Life. Other than Getting Emotionally Attached to someone I will
Likely Never meet in Flesh and Blood; Seriously, You Would Likely Never Meet a More Rational Person in the Flesh
and Blood, My Friend. I exercise what Feels Good to me; and this is Just Part of my Work-out to stay up my Friend;
It's also an exercise of Semi-Colons and Periods and Commas and such as that Too; Just to stay a bit Logical too..;)

I aim for a Yin and Yang Balance; Shoot to the Moon, Bounce Across the Sun Far Beyond the Stars and Back to the
Ground Floor of the 'Wrong Planet' too; hehe; True, it's Nice to Visit the Bottom of the Pyramid of Maslow's and
Fowler's Capstone Rooms too and to Be Clear that is surely not directed at you as an individual my Friend as
you are on your way up in a way that suits what you wish for your life; to each her and or hiS own my Friend..:)

Autism is Assessed according to Behavior; I changed my Behavior in Empirically Measurable Ways as noted by
my Psychotherapist who suggests i have in effect remediated what she will describe as the Challenges of Autism.

As far as the Neurology goes; hehe; i still cannot stand to touch Man Made Stuff and Lord Knows i do still engage
in Special Interests that go on and on and on and on and on again. She Just thinks i am the Happiest and Friendliest
Person she's met since FRED was originally put iNto FRiEnD. If anything, i am way too nice and way too Friendly to
the Extreme so much Unconditionally that it weirds many folks out it seems except for folks who never actually
Communicate with me in Dance And Top of the Class Female Accountants in India and Folks like that as outlier as me.

I Embrace Outlier With All of my HeART..:)

I really was trying to make this Brief if the problem still isn't obvious enough; hehe; As the Record Shows, i make Women Happy when i smile at them; and the Shades i Have to Wear these days are a bit like Birth Control as 'they' don't get lost
in my Green to Blue eyes; just reporting what the documentary record suggests my Friend; hehe; Life is PRETTY Good.

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24 Jan 2019, 8:18 pm

aghogday wrote:

Jordan Recognizes Climate Change is Possible But Stays on the Choir Sheet
of the 'Right' that Suggests it is Politically Manufactured by the 'Left'.

Both sides of politics sodomise the truth for their own political agenda...<shrug>
That is why it is silly to take what is said, by either side, at face value...
We are talking about neurotypicals here with their propensity towards having little respect for the truth...

aghogday wrote:
I don't have
any Children either my Friend who are Living but my Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion
And overall Cognitive Empathy Extends out Far Beyond the Shell off My Life. That's a Real
Deal as Assessed by both Maslow and Fowler too in terms of beyond Self-Actualization too
Transcending through the Rest of Nature Caring about it too including Humans too of course;
Commonly, Recognized as Agape Love that is much more than a Choice As a Real Emotional Feeling
And Sense of Pure Bliss and Nirvana And Satori And Etc., within; Oh Lord, a limitless number of metaphors
for the Essence of Pure Heaven within as that is sort of Like What Happens After 'Kundalini' Rises as Well

I hope you aren't suggesting I am not a compassionate person...
To the contrary, to the point I will turn off the news at time because I don't need to be reminded how foul life is...
My point is that those with offspring overwhelmingly have the onus...

I am not a slave to this life system...
I did not sign any contracts in blood to adhere to other people's madness...
I refuse "to sacrifice the reality of his(my) own existence to the deluded consciousness of others."
I find groupthink abhorrent and an insult to individuality and the intellect...

So I choose what responsibilities I accept and which ones I don't... :mrgreen:

aghogday wrote:
But Again, when it comes to Humans and what they will
or will not Accomplish, the Variable of Human Emotions is not a Repeatable Science Project that will be reliably
Measured with Just a Black and White, No. "In my opinion, it will not work", would have been A More Rational Answer
for any Human Being;

Autistics often have difficulty with neurotypical jokes...and visa versa...

Answering a very complicated, long-winded question with a "no", etc, is a classical joke...
And the audience well and truly got the joke...
I got the joke too...
You didn't... :mrgreen:

aghogday wrote:
Oh Lord, Particularly a Psychologist, one would hope but it bears noting that many folks who
still go into that Profession are missing certain Elements of Life as Pleasure and are hoping to Figure themselves
Out First. Jordan is a man who admits he does a poor job Regulating His Emotions as that is an Intelligence that
may Sink or Swim any of us, when Faced with Stressful Situations in Life.

His lack of emotional intelligence is a trait he shares with most autistics, myself included...
This lack of EI is part of the reason I find my emotional aspect such a burden...
"One man's meat is another man's poison"...

aghogday wrote:
Life is PRETTY Good.

For you...<chuckle>
Good luck to you... :mrgreen:


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24 Jan 2019, 9:15 pm

Pepe wrote:
aghogday wrote:

Jordan Recognizes Climate Change is Possible But Stays on the Choir Sheet
of the 'Right' that Suggests it is Politically Manufactured by the 'Left'.

Both sides of politics sodomise the truth for their own political agenda...<shrug>
That is why it is silly to take what is said, by either side, at face value...
We are talking about neurotypicals here with their propensity towards having little respect for the truth...

aghogday wrote:
I don't have
any Children either my Friend who are Living but my Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion
And overall Cognitive Empathy Extends out Far Beyond the Shell off My Life. That's a Real
Deal as Assessed by both Maslow and Fowler too in terms of beyond Self-Actualization too
Transcending through the Rest of Nature Caring about it too including Humans too of course;
Commonly, Recognized as Agape Love that is much more than a Choice As a Real Emotional Feeling
And Sense of Pure Bliss and Nirvana And Satori And Etc., within; Oh Lord, a limitless number of metaphors
for the Essence of Pure Heaven within as that is sort of Like What Happens After 'Kundalini' Rises as Well

I hope you aren't suggesting I am not a compassionate person...
To the contrary, to the point I will turn off the news at time because I don't need to be reminded how foul life is...
My point is that those with offspring overwhelmingly have the onus...

I am not a slave to this life system...
I did not sign any contracts in blood to adhere to other people's madness...
I refuse "to sacrifice the reality of his(my) own existence to the deluded consciousness of others."
I find groupthink abhorrent and an insult to individuality and the intellect...

So I choose what responsibilities I accept and which ones I don't... :mrgreen:

aghogday wrote:
But Again, when it comes to Humans and what they will
or will not Accomplish, the Variable of Human Emotions is not a Repeatable Science Project that will be reliably
Measured with Just a Black and White, No. "In my opinion, it will not work", would have been A More Rational Answer
for any Human Being;

Autistics often have difficulty with neurotypical jokes...and visa versa...

Answering a very complicated, long-winded question with a "no", etc, is a classical joke...
And the audience well and truly got the joke...
I got the joke too...
You didn't... :mrgreen:

aghogday wrote:
Oh Lord, Particularly a Psychologist, one would hope but it bears noting that many folks who
still go into that Profession are missing certain Elements of Life as Pleasure and are hoping to Figure themselves
Out First. Jordan is a man who admits he does a poor job Regulating His Emotions as that is an Intelligence that
may Sink or Swim any of us, when Faced with Stressful Situations in Life.

His lack of emotional intelligence is a trait he shares with most autistics, myself included...
This lack of EI is part of the reason I find my emotional aspect such a burden...
"One man's meat is another man's poison"...

aghogday wrote:
Life is PRETTY Good.

For you...<chuckle>
Good luck to you... :mrgreen:

Smiles, for the Record, at least for now,
'The Right' is just about Lost from the Truth and the Left Lies too.
True; Politics isn't always about the Truth but a Circus is a Circus.

Jordan wasn't making a Joke; Humor isn't his thing; but the Audience (Jordan's Choir Boys)
Laughed for the Joy of 'Schadenfreude' too as after all A Woman Was Questioning Him; His Target
Audience's Biggest Fear; This is Social Science 101; and with practice easy to determine (it seems).

There is no doubt in my Mind that from an Armchair Analysis at least that the
Asperger's Broad Band Force is Great With Jordan; Additionally, many of his Target
Audience Members too as far as Black and White Thinking and Absolutes Like 'No'
when most everyone else may see that as a 'non-sensical' answer; Broader Autism
Phenotype to be more specific; for Jordan, No means No; hehe; again with little to no Humor;
It's very likely that folks on the Autism Spectrum in the outer fringes wrote 'the Bible' too; Zero Humor.

Hey, You are practically the only Person who Treats me like a Human Being Here that's always a Big Surprise to me;
Of course you have Empathy, Sympathy, and Compassion; You are a Human Being; You Pass that test easily; heHe
(Joke). It's not easy to tell what a Person is like from their responses online; some of the Greatest Wind Bags online,
are practically silent in real life. And Lord Knows; the Keyboard Warriors; Barely Removing themselves from their chairs.
I rather meet a Person in Flesh and Blood Real Life to see what they are like as Non-Verbal Communication is 60 Percent
of Humanity Anyway as Science Shows. Somedays, a Photo says more than '6.66 Million Words'; hehe; i Love Pictures, too.

Smiles, my Friend as Group Think is Fun to Observe and Actually Funny too; and Sure Sad and Even Minion Ridiculous too;
But I Still Enjoy Church for some simple Reasons; I like the Human Connection; I like to Sing; And i Love to Thrill Elderly
Women With My Auto-Tune Voice; Other than that; every once in a while A Human is not afraid to Hold my Hand
When the "Lord's Prayer Comes"; The Way i deal with the Cognitive Dissonance as Biblical History is my thing too
as a Hobby for Study is i Replace the Essence of Love with all Their Statues and Three Letter Idol Words; and only
Admit to what i Believe. Those Communion Wafers are tasty too; but the only reason i really go up there is to amuse
the Children who are about to fall asleep Bored in the Pews with Funny Dance T-Shirts i wear when i go out to Public Dance After Church. i Love People; the 'Crazier' they are the more interesting they are to study. Again, Have a Great Day Pepe; in a couple of Hours i am going out to Dance my 246th Dance Week Night With all the Cool College Age Folks at
the Big Metro Dance Hall where not unlike the Great TV Show 'Cheers', i am Recognized as the 'Norm' of Dance.
It's true it's nice to go to a place where no one knows Your name but they Truly Feel 'You', Never the Less; and
that's what makes Emotions Great; the Essence of Connection Underneath all the Words/Labels We say; Other
than that If i 'speak up' it's more like John Nash and "A Beautiful Mind" but i'm not afraid of 'the Blonde' as i
study everyone up close and Personal as the Photos continue to iLLusTraTE that Prettily too; hehe; Thanks
For the discussion; always stimulating my Friend; Everything in Life cannot be Pretty Women; almost but
heHe; hAha;
My Closest Women
Friends and Wife are
the Most Beautiful Princess
Women of all; yes, evidence provided on request..;)

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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24 Jan 2019, 11:52 pm

This is one of Jordan's stronger skill sets - ie. identifying the actual complexity of problems that people have the habit of glossing over to score points with friends.

I think anyone who takes global warming seriously should pour donations into alternative energy R&D and any neat entrepreneurial projects like mining the Pacific garbage patch for recyclable plastic. Something else that's been interesting to see on that last note:

“Love takes off the masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within. I use the word "love" here not merely in the personal sense but as a state of being, or a state of grace - not in the infantile American sense of being made happy but in the tough and universal sense of quest and daring and growth.” - James Baldwin