After the Boomers Are Gone, the Bloodshed Begins

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10 May 2019, 1:24 pm ... egins.html

The Boomer Age is drawing to its close. When one speaks of this group, it tends to mostly focus on white Boomers (not that others are outside the group, but to such a great extent, it really does mean those of mostly European background, if for no other reason than they have been the largest demographic group). When that age does end, we will see an ever dwindling European demographic majority in many Western nations (Canada and the USA are almost certainly the first, soon followed by a variety of European nations). That significant point of majority will be fading, as the numbers precipitously drop until below 50%. The question looming then is, what is next? Will it be the glorious Brave New World of harmonious multiculturalism or an uneasy balkanization that trends ever more to tribalism and violence? Based on existing evidence and studies, I believe that it will be closer to the latter.

A major demographic shift is impacting most Western nations, some more than others. This shift will lead to a far more multicultural/ethnic scenario, with those of European background as the minority within the next few decades. At first blush, many will say this is not a problem, holding out the wonders of civic nationalism and existing relative stability and prosperity with an already highly mixed demographic. The problem here is that this position doesn't really hold water in the long term, as can be demonstrated by existing nations who have not been able to sustain a similar state of peaceful existence and by studies that point in the same direction.

In the case of historical examples, we can point to places such as South Africa, Brazil, and the Rwandan and Yugoslavian debacles of the 1990s as a counterpoint to the belief in a multicultural paradise, as each has had great disharmony and violence between the different ethnicities who live there. The balkanization of Yugoslavia is a likely outcome facing a large number of Western nations — something that has been the case throughout history. (Even those of much more similar ethnocultural background have had difficulties assimilating and living together, such as the Irish and Italians who first arrived in the New World with significant tensions and clashes with the already existing citizens of North America.) Another case in point in history is the former Soviet Union's policy of population transfer, which was meant to break down nationalist sentiment but created various degrees of disharmony throughout its former "empire" (notably in Ukraine).

As far as studies that support this same concern, one can simply refer to Robert Putnam's article, later a book, "Bowling Alone," which denotes that the more a nation's ethnocultural homogeneity dissipates, the more its social capital and cohesion erode. A liberal academic and former member of the Carter administration, Putnam was reticent about revealing his findings, as they did not align with what he had hoped for. After waiting a decade, he finally did publish his findings, compounded and made more egregious by the additional years of data that just more fully affirmed what he dreaded in the first place. More recently, a working paper called "The Nature of Conflict," written by Cemal E. Arbatli, Quamrul H. Ashraf, and Oded Galor (names that hardly ring out as typically WASP in origin), further entrenches much of what Putnam asserted (as does, to a great extent, renowned military historian Martin van Creveld, who has gone so far as to argue that mass immigration is invasion — i.e., effectively another type of warfare). Others who have made similar claims, based on these and other studies (notably Mark Steyn and Douglas Murray), have similarly argued that a fully multicultural Western world will not end well and that any negative aspects will assuredly show themselves once the Baby-Boomer generation has disappeared. (Note: Any such conflict cannot be seen as a "white versus nonwhite" scenario. There will almost certainly be multiple intersections that may lead to conflict, such as was seen during the L.A. riots of 1992 and Ferguson, Missouri 2014, where black curiously attacked Asian, especially Korean, residents, to their ultimate chagrin. In addition, we are just as likely to see at least some alliances among those of closer cultures or concepts of what ideals should exist for a civil society — example: those of European background aligning with those of Far East Asian ethnicity.)

I want to stress that what is to come may not be as bad, or, if one gets more dramatic, horrific as it could be. The title of this article was meant to be provocative, not necessarily prophetic. Undoubtedly, though, there will be varying degrees of stress (social and economic) and disharmony, depending on the nation or region of a nation. As mentioned before, there will almost certainly be some positive outcomes, alliances, and assimilation and integration, but the question is, to what extent and how much will in-group preference end up overriding any such positive outcomes? Although I truly hope we do not see anything like a Yugoslavia or Rwanda scenario, we must be realistic and be prepared for any eventuality, especially when there have been strong historical, anecdotal examples, as well as academic studies that suggest we are headed for at least some turbulence once the Boomers are gone.

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10 May 2019, 2:46 pm

Possible changes when the 50 million (mostly richer, white) Baby Boomers die off
-"Your a peeing" (Eur-o-pean) jokes won't be PC, because white people will be a minority. :P
-Poor people will finally get their way, and make everyone miserable like them. :P
-The term "token white guy" will refer to shows with a lone white character. :P

Seriously, though, American "melting pot" means nearly every American has some European ancestry.

Especially, considering, Hispanics mostly have European ancestry.

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10 May 2019, 2:51 pm

They won’t ever die.They can afford clones.

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10 May 2019, 3:04 pm

Yeah, f*****g boomers, I can't wait until they're all dead! (s**t, wait! I'm one!)

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10 May 2019, 4:05 pm

As long as they take their *&^%$#@ "Boomer Music" with them!

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10 May 2019, 4:30 pm

My neighbor(retired nurse) is the “collector boomer.”House in one of the larger cities here,country house with acreage,extra country house with acreage, and a vacation house in New Mexico.All the toys,guitars,quads,horses,tractor, inheritance from deceased WW 2 vet,etc...
Plus the awful music and they dress just like the one on the skit.

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10 May 2019, 6:44 pm

I won't be around so meh. :mrgreen:

VegetableMan wrote:
Yeah, f*****g boomers, I can't wait until they're all dead! (s**t, wait! I'm one!)


U and me both, bro. 8O


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10 May 2019, 8:07 pm

VegetableMan wrote:
Yeah, f*****g boomers, I can't wait until they're all dead! (s**t, wait! I'm one!)

Yer damn straight! It the boomers (like you and me) that has totally f!cked up the GenX’ers, Gen Y’ers, the Millenials, and the forthcoming generations until the end of time! We boomers shouldn’t be called: instead, we should be named greedy motherf!cking sons of b!tches!


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10 May 2019, 8:27 pm

Meistersinger wrote:
VegetableMan wrote:
Yeah, f*****g boomers, I can't wait until they're all dead! (s**t, wait! I'm one!)

Yer damn straight! It the boomers (like you and me) that has totally f!cked up the GenX’ers, Gen Y’ers, the Millenials, and the forthcoming generations until the end of time! We boomers shouldn’t be called: instead, we should be named greedy motherf!cking sons of b!tches!

I suggest what political economist Mark Blyth proposed: "the greediest Generation"

But of course, everyone just takes what they can. And the weak suffer what they must.

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11 May 2019, 8:53 am

Where's Michio Kaku's hyperabundance when you need it? We could use a dose of that right now to 'bread and circus' things a bit.

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11 May 2019, 11:24 am

Fnord wrote:
As long as they take their *&^%$#@ "Boomer Music" with them!

Boomer music?

Would the University of Oklahoma have to retire the phrase “Boomer Sooner”?

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11 May 2019, 12:28 pm

Mom once said that "I am getting so sick of hearing about 'baby boomers'". Of course I was appalled, and had to inform her that both of her kids WERE/ARE boomers.

But in all fairness to everyone, including mom: folks don't realize how long a span of birth years is put under the rubric of the "baby boom". Many think that its just "the first five years after WWII", when in fact the 'baby boom" went from 1946 all of the way to 1964. In many families both the parents AND the children are considered "baby boomers". So it can be confusing.

The year my sister was born, 1959, had more births than any other year (before or since) in American history except 2007. It was the peak year of births in US until the end of the 20th century.

Interestingly the peak year for births for the WORLD until the end of the 20th Century was 1972 (not long after the US baby boom ended). World population continues to grow, but the number of births declined after that year.


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11 May 2019, 1:03 pm

Never identified as a Boomer, born in ‘64.Bio mom was a Boomer.
Boomers didn’t grow up with Sesame
Some say Gen-X started in 1961. ... x-genx.asp

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11 May 2019, 1:11 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
Fnord wrote:
As long as they take their *&^%$#@ "Boomer Music" with them!

Boomer music?

Would the University of Oklahoma have to retire the phrase “Boomer Sooner”?

Boomer Sooner actually doesn’t even belong to the University of Oklahoma. It’s actually Yale University’s Boola Boola, written by Cole Porter. :x


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11 May 2019, 2:56 pm

The article linked by the op is absolute, fear-mongering, nonsense!

You look at the genetics of any human on earth and you will see he/she is a mix of more than one ethnic group or race. Take my son for instance. His blood line is a mix of Italian, French, German, Dutch, English, Scottish, Gypsy, and Abanaki Indian heritage.Take one of those heritages, lets say the Italian part, and you find that it in and of its self is formed from a mixing of Umbrians, Sabins, and Latins, all distinct ethnic groups at some point in history.

It is true that if a government pits two or more ethnic or racial groups against eachother they will fight, as was the case in the former Yugoslavia, Apartheid South Africa, Rwanda and here in the U.S. There's an easy solution though. Don't have the government pit people against eachother.

Long story short. Multiculturalism is the norm, not the exception.

By the way I don't know what baby boomers have to do with any of this.

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11 May 2019, 3:12 pm

Misslizard wrote:
Never identified as a Boomer, born in ‘64.Bio mom was a Boomer.
Boomers didn’t grow up with Sesame
Some say Gen-X started in 1961. ... x-genx.asp

I haven't posted here for a while but myself, I was born in 1966. I prefer the term for a niche generation that covers early X'ers and late Boomers called "Generation Jones." I remember when TV was black and white and the Moon landings yet when I was a teenager, I had a computer in the home (TI-99/4A and Apple //e) as well. Some say Jonesers go from 1955-65, but since a year really doesn't make a difference, I see myself as a Joneser as well as an early model X'er. Sesame Street came out in 1969 so I was among the first generation to watch it although I leaned towards Mr. Rogers more. I try not to paint with a wide brush, not all Boomers (or Millennials) are bad, you have good and bad in every group.