Anyone afraid to take the covid vaccine because of Fauchi?

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04 Jul 2021, 1:51 am

Anthony Fauchi, who has had a hand in the vaccine, there is all this news now about how according to his emails, new about the Wuhan lab leak before now, which makes the vaccine scene suspect now. So now I am fraid to take it now because of this new light shedding.

But what do you think?


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04 Jul 2021, 1:59 am

I think fear of the Covid vaccine is the worst of the anti-vax movement coming to life. Anti-vax ultimately is death. That's what I think.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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04 Jul 2021, 2:15 am

Fauci promoted the vaccines—but didn’t directly had a hand in their development.

He believes an investigation into a possible Wuhan lab virus leak is warranted.

You’re reading too much anti-Vaxx propaganda, and tend to believe in conservative sources in general.

Take the vaccine!


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04 Jul 2021, 2:57 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
He believes an investigation into a possible Wuhan lab virus leak is warranted.

He completely dismissed the idea a year ago, then flip-flopped. It's okay to change one's mind, but he completely shot down the possibility, now he has seemingly changed his mind. Would've been nice if he said, "We'll consider all possibilities; for now, it seems like a naturally-occurring virus. But, no, we don't have enough evidence yet to say it's impossible it was man-made. We don't know for sure, and it's not outside the realm of possibility."

The man has held his post for 40 years. If the possibility it was man-made was real, he'd know. Whether it actually was the case or not, he'd know it was theoretically possible. Misleading the public is a bad thing.

Also, Trump spearheaded the vaccine. If he hadn't, you people would biitch and moan that he did nothing. But big, bad Trump was pro-vax. So, this isn't necessarily a Republican/Democrat thing. It's a question of integrity and honesty among people in power.


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04 Jul 2021, 3:34 am

Well idk whether covid leaked from a lab in Wuhan or not, seems the science is still pretty solid that it is best to get the vaccine either way. So I mean I got both mine already, and haven't had much ill effects outside it made my arm sore and I felt slightly sick for a day, so pretty sure it is fine.

We won't go back.


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04 Jul 2021, 3:35 am

ezbzbfcg2 wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
He believes an investigation into a possible Wuhan lab virus leak is warranted.

He completely dismissed the idea a year ago, then flip-flopped. It's okay to change one's mind, but he completely shot down the possibility, now he has seemingly changed his mind. Would've been nice if he said, "We'll consider all possibilities; for now, it seems like a naturally-occurring virus. But, no, we don't have enough evidence yet to say it's impossible it was man-made. We don't know for sure, and it's not outside the realm of possibility."

The man has held his post for 40 years. If the possibility it was man-made was real, he'd know. Whether it actually was the case or not, he'd know it was theoretically possible. Misleading the public is a bad thing.

Also, Trump spearheaded the vaccine. If he hadn't, you people would biitch and moan that he did nothing. But big, bad Trump was pro-vax. So, this isn't necessarily a Republican/Democrat thing. It's a question of integrity and honesty among people in power.

Trump didn't do crap in regard to the vaccine, he did a lot of nothing in regards to it and simply attempted taking credit for efforts he wasn't even involved in.

We won't go back.


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04 Jul 2021, 4:27 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
ezbzbfcg2 wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
He believes an investigation into a possible Wuhan lab virus leak is warranted.

He completely dismissed the idea a year ago, then flip-flopped. It's okay to change one's mind, but he completely shot down the possibility, now he has seemingly changed his mind. Would've been nice if he said, "We'll consider all possibilities; for now, it seems like a naturally-occurring virus. But, no, we don't have enough evidence yet to say it's impossible it was man-made. We don't know for sure, and it's not outside the realm of possibility."

The man has held his post for 40 years. If the possibility it was man-made was real, he'd know. Whether it actually was the case or not, he'd know it was theoretically possible. Misleading the public is a bad thing.

Also, Trump spearheaded the vaccine. If he hadn't, you people would biitch and moan that he did nothing. But big, bad Trump was pro-vax. So, this isn't necessarily a Republican/Democrat thing. It's a question of integrity and honesty among people in power.

Trump didn't do crap in regard to the vaccine, he did a lot of nothing in regards to it and simply attempted taking credit for efforts he wasn't even involved in.

Also, I recall how for the longest time Trump had called Covid a Democrat hoax. He had denied the validity of wearing masks, social distancing, and shutting down public places, things we know saved lives. He even called for the end of testing, idiotically saying it only drove up the number of Covid cases (that's like saying the heat wave we're experiencing today is caused by too many thermometers).

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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04 Jul 2021, 8:08 am

Fauci may or may not be a two faced liar, a completely uncredible source, but there are multiple credible sources that say it is effective and that the benefits far outweigh the risks such as peer reviewed studies. There is also the circumstantial evidence such as a higher percentage of cases in areas with lower vacation rates. So far even with fully vaccinated people who do get COVID-19 anyway these breakthrough cases tend milder or asymptomatic.

I am not saying getting vaccinated is risk free, there are a very small percentage of cases of vaccine injury and it is possible some variant will render the vaccine ineffective. There is no decision we make that is completely risk free but we choose to take these risks for the more likely benefits. In the case of the vaccine we not only have to consider the risk to ourselves but to the risks to others.

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04 Jul 2021, 8:20 am

No. I live in the UK. I'm not interested in American politics. Other countries than America are in this pandemic too and there have been many qualified people involved in vaccines than just this one man that has no hand in what goes on in my country.

I've had my first dose already.


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04 Jul 2021, 8:40 am

No, I trust science.  I do not trust politicians, QAnon, Maga, or any other ignorant conspiracy theorists.

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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04 Jul 2021, 8:49 am

But if the politicians are the ones controlling the science, doesn't that put the trust in question if one does not trust politicians?


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04 Jul 2021, 9:25 am

ironpony wrote:
But if the politicians are the ones controlling the science, doesn't that put the trust in question if one does not trust politicians?

Politics sometimes effects how scientists report their findings and politics determines how these findings are made into policy.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

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04 Jul 2021, 9:41 am

Consider Yourself Very, Very, Fortunate;

For Yes, Canada is a Country That Takes Care

Of Their Ignorant of Science Citizens As The Country
Continues to Practice Safe Pandemic Practices Now

Same As For 'the Elite', More Rational Indeed...

Obviously, Overall, From Advantage

Of More Advanced




By Nature in
Natural Selection

As Such in Some
cases too; Anyway,

My Super Intelligent
Rational Friends, for one,

A Professor Engineer Working

On Her PHD in Her Mid 20's, Didn't

Have the Advantage of 1st World Countries

Offering Vaccinations Liberally to Entire Populations;

As Healthy And Robust As She Was At the Top of Her Class

in First World Rational Intelligence, The Vaccination Wasn't Available;

And As An Indian Professor Engineer Unmasked

Lecturing Students

in Classes,

the Delta

Variant Killed

Her Very Dead as
One Day Her FRiEnDS

Just Said 'Astha Is No More'...

Here is A Picture of Astha in the

Collage of Photos Below Who Was Busy

Co-Authoring Her 8th Poetry Book, Again, While

Earning Her PHD As A Professor Engineer in India;

Consider Yourself Very Blessed to LiVE iN A Most
Caring Country of All For Its Citizens Who Have First
Rate Intelligence And Ignorance of Science the Same;

Do Yourself

A Favor and

Get Vaccinated

And Make Sure You
Live As the Delta Variant
Still is Nothing to Play With
As It Will Make Folks Just Plain Dead...

In Memory of Astha...

i Don't Get Angry at

Ignorance; IT Just Gets
Plain Dam Dead as 'Trump's Promise'
on '5th Avenue' Continues to Come
Deadly True; Sad, Sad, As the 'Trump Meme' is too...

Ignorance Harms, Rapes, Maims, And Kills; Never
Doubt the DarK Force Strength of Ignorance; the
Oldest Human Deadly Pandemic Indeed; This is

A No

If ya
Get Vaccinated...

And Potentially
The End of Another Human Story;
Wake Up My FRiEnD and continue to Breathe...
Your Choice of Course; The Beginning or End is

Yours to Create at least in part...

Yet See At Least

You Get that


Astha Didn't Get
An Option to continue breathing...

Yet Don't Feel Alone in this Ignorance;

i Am Fixing to Visit a Church Where Supposedly
The Sanctity of Breathing Life is Important; Where

All The Social Distancing And Masking Requirements
Are Removed And Less than A Handful of More Than
65 Percent UnVaccinated in my County in Church Take Any Precautions
to Protect All Their Neighbors From A Potential Still Evolving Pandemic;


i Live is
'Trump Town
USA', the Voting

Margins of the
Ignorant And
'Trump Voters' are
As Predictable as
Mosquitoes on a
4th of July Celebration
Night; Where Crowds of
Unvaccinated 'Trump Voters'
Will Celebrate Their Freedom to Die...

And Of Course, This Is a Generalized
Assessment; Ignorance Runs Now in All
Circles of Religion, Philosophy, and Politics

And Yes Overall Human Nature...

Humans Aren't

Rational at

Core; Science

Makes this Clear

in Data; And isn't hard
to see for folks With Any
Level of Rationality Left...

Anyway, the Government of
Canada Is Smart Enough to
Understand Our Human Nature; Go Canada
Go; Just too Dam Cold For Free Human Naked

Agency for me.. hehe...

i'll Stay With the

Panhandle of

Florida Now;

VERY Warm Year
Around; Safely


From the Ignorance

of my Nice Enough Neighbors;

Ignorance Will Be Very Loving And Kind too...
Honestly, These Folks Don't Deserve to Suffer and Die for it...

Sadly, in Some Cases, the Only Answer for Bigger Society is for

Ignorance in Cultural Forms of Traditions

to eventually

pass away...

That's Sad;

Yet Indeed,

A Rational

of Overall Human Nature;

With that Said; Please Do




You Will;

To Answer Your
Question Directly; And MUCH More
Concisely; i am Not Afraid of Ignorance;

i Take the Proper Precautions to Guard
myself From 'That Human Pandemic' that

to Sadly spread
Like The 'Human
Plague' it Has always been...
And Of Course Not Just For
Humans; the 1 in 8 Animal
And Plant Species that the

Most Ignorant Species

Of Animal on this

Earth is


to Do Away

With Extinct

in the Coming
Decades For what
even makes Life possible
on this Planet; Hopefully some
of the Largest Cultural Ignorant
Traditions Will Pass away sooner than that soon...



Will 'take
Care' of the
Rest of Us True...

Rest of Nature Doesn't
Play Clothed Human Games...

Karma ALWaYS Remains Naked
Mother Nature's Game For Real Now...


YES Living Escape.


KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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04 Jul 2021, 10:00 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
ezbzbfcg2 wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
He believes an investigation into a possible Wuhan lab virus leak is warranted.

He completely dismissed the idea a year ago, then flip-flopped. It's okay to change one's mind, but he completely shot down the possibility, now he has seemingly changed his mind. Would've been nice if he said, "We'll consider all possibilities; for now, it seems like a naturally-occurring virus. But, no, we don't have enough evidence yet to say it's impossible it was man-made. We don't know for sure, and it's not outside the realm of possibility."

The man has held his post for 40 years. If the possibility it was man-made was real, he'd know. Whether it actually was the case or not, he'd know it was theoretically possible. Misleading the public is a bad thing.

Also, Trump spearheaded the vaccine. If he hadn't, you people would biitch and moan that he did nothing. But big, bad Trump was pro-vax. So, this isn't necessarily a Republican/Democrat thing. It's a question of integrity and honesty among people in power.

Trump didn't do crap in regard to the vaccine, he did a lot of nothing in regards to it and simply attempted taking credit for efforts he wasn't even involved in.

Also, I recall how for the longest time Trump had called Covid a Democrat hoax. He had denied the validity of wearing masks, social distancing, and shutting down public places, things we know saved lives. He even called for the end of testing, idiotically saying it only drove up the number of Covid cases (that's like saying the heat wave we're experiencing today is caused by too many thermometers).

Yes, he called a hoax nearly from the start and tried everything to downplay it. He was mad that people were getting tested as it would make him look bad if there were more cases found. To him, it would go away with time without needing to do anything (except that many would die in the process.). He was more concerned about his poll numbers, rather than the death count. Ironically many of his potential voters ended up in the morgue via COVID-19 from his inaction.

Trump is not a friend to science. He only uses parts of it in his rants that could increase his poll numbers. Remember, he wanted to give medical advice to help cure the problem. Injections of bleach and internal UV light sources was his “ideas”, because he is so qualified to give such answers. He should be sued for malpractice from that alone, but he does not hold a medical license.


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04 Jul 2021, 10:33 am

ironpony wrote:
But if the politicians are the ones controlling the science, doesn't that put the trust in question if one does not trust politicians?
Politicians do not control science. Most are not scientists. They rarely understand science at all. What they do understand they either misrepresent for their own purposes or claim to be false.

Science is self-correcting, while politics piles mistake upon mistake upon mistake ... ad infinitum.

No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.


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04 Jul 2021, 11:21 am

ironpony wrote:
But if the politicians are the ones controlling the science, doesn't that put the trust in question if one does not trust politicians?

Really? What science are politicians controlling?