Will a self-professed atheist ever occupy the White House?

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23 Jul 2021, 10:07 am

Perhaps one of the prejudices that still remains somewhat acceptable is prejudice against atheists. I have little doubt that atheists have very likely took up residence at the big house on Pennsylvania Avenue, which is why I chose to use the words "self-professed." It still remains poltical suicide to proclaim that you don't believe in God.

Will this ever change? That is the question.

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23 Jul 2021, 10:49 am

Some Americans

BelieVE iN A Same 'Capitalistic

Competitive Christian God' That 'Trump' BelieveS in
Still; And Those Like 'Him' With Little Human Empathy

For Others Different Than They Are With Little Compassion,
Not Even As

Much as A
Literal Dog;

It's No Wonder

Trump Didn't Like Dogs

As True Dogs Are More Loving

Than Any Entity of Reality Torturing

What is Created Forever for Revenge on Enemies...

i Think The Question That Should Be Asked is, Will

Christians Ever Create A Real All Loving Merciful Forgiving

God That Has Honor And Integrity And Doesn't Go Back on Their

Word When the Going

Gets Tough

And Other

Folks Get Rough
And Mean too; Instead,

They BeLiEVE iN A 'Trademark God'
of LoWeST Common Denominators;

All the Colors of Trump As Far as i am

Concerned, 'the Big Lie' Is Already Established in 'That Book'

From the Get Go of



Only Wishing to
Spread Faux Carrots
And Sticks For Faux News
to Subjugate, Master, And

Control The Masses Through
Life; at Core of Course Through Control
of Reproductive Freedoms Against Pleasures...

Putting People to
Shame in Fear;
Same Old Damning

Way Group Think
Bonding Over Dark Most Always Does...

HeHe, Trump BelieveS in A Theism of 'HEism'...

Nothing Much New Since Humans Started Hoarding Grains
in Silos Creating CuLTuRES oF Have's and Have Not's For Buy and Sell...

A Theism
Of Real

Love With

Honor and

Integrity With

Truth in Life to Boot...

For Individual And Group
Rights to Life, Liberty, And
The Pursuit of Happiness, A Real
Cool Idea; Yet The 'Group Right'

Part oF iT

Is Always

A Potential of
A Real 'SH8T SH8W'
Now Hitting 'The Fans'
Who Support the 'CR8P' Shared...

Yawn... Glad i LiVE iN A Forest Free
As LonG As This Peace of Eden Lasts for me

Of Course too;

Or 'Trinity', 'Trina',
'Katrina', Whatever
Ya Wanna Call 'Her' Now...

It Kinda S88KS, 'the Pandemic'
Shut Down the "Xion Rave Dance"...

Yet, Hey, i Got A Good 6 Years in Before
The Dance Hall Ended By COVID-19, Dead, Cold...

Yet, It's Still ALWaYS Free Dance in Public Stores
As Ya Ain't Gonna Shut The 'Holy Walmart Dollar Down'...

Ya Know 'That 6 Pointed Star' in Walmart; That's A Symbol
of the 'God' Exercised Most in the Modern Christian Religion...

Meanwhile, Not
Much 'Really'


i Continue
to Move and
Repose; Dance
And Sing Free Like the
Rest of Real Naked Nature,
Unadulterated, By Human SH8T SH8W 'Matrix' CR8P...

Be Back Later...

Got A Few

More 'Calls' to make..;)

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23 Jul 2021, 11:09 am

Many of the early presidents were secular humanists, but no open atheists so far.

Though I am a Christian, I am ok with an atheist president.

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23 Jul 2021, 11:30 am

We'll get one eventually. Plenty of people will whine about it.
I can already see the Christian right try to argue we couldn't have an atheist president because they can't be sworn in with a Bible. Since I've seen that be their reaction to the idea of a hypothetical Muslim president.

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- Brian Wilson

Δυνατὰ δὲ οἱ προύχοντες πράσσουσι καὶ οἱ ἀσθενεῖς ξυγχωροῦσιν.
Those with power do what their power permits, and the weak can only acquiesce.

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23 Jul 2021, 11:32 am

roronoa79 wrote:
We'll get one eventually. Plenty of people will whine about it.
I can already see the Christian right try to argue we couldn't have an atheist president because they can't be sworn in with a Bible. Since I've seen that be their reaction to the idea of a hypothetical Muslim president.

I'd choose a 3rd Edition Player's Handbook. :nerdy:

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23 Jul 2021, 11:58 am

There's a passage in the Bible that might sum up why it is still acceptable:

"A fool hath said in his heart there is no God."

I probably didn't get that precisely right, but it's close enough. That probably accounts for a great deal of the prejudice against non believers.

There are still laws on the books in Southern states that prohibits atheist from holding public office.

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23 Jul 2021, 12:15 pm

I think it’s inevitable given enough time. There have been atheists in the House for a while and Krysten Sinema recently became the first modern Senator to identify as irreligious (Bernie Sanders and a few others decline to give any identity, which is a bit different; Sanders has said he believes in God).

It is very strange that atheism and irreligion are so rare among elected officials in the US. Large parts of the country are largely irreligious or at least secular enough that they wouldn’t care if their representative was irreligious too. Among young people it is even stronger. As long as places like Georgia and North Carolina are swing states then probably no presidential candidate is going to want to alienate religious voters, but it’s definitely possible to see a path to the White House that works for an irreligious President in a decade or so.


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23 Jul 2021, 1:09 pm

VegetableMan wrote:
Will a self-professed atheist ever occupy the White House?
One can only hope so.

Total separation of Church (Religion) and State (Politics) is of paramount importance.

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23 Jul 2021, 1:15 pm

VegetableMan wrote:

There are still laws on the books in Southern states that prohibits atheist from holding public office.

Yes there are, though the Constitution overrides that. Makes me wonder why they're even allowed to have those laws on their statute books. I suppose in practice it makes little difference - if they hate atheists then they're never going to let one get very far whatever the rules say.

As for the question in hand, I think it'll happen one day if things continue to go the way they're going, though it may take decades. Christianity in the USA is currently at about 65% and has declined by about 12% over the last decade. Extrapolating, it might be down to 5% in 50 years' time, though extrapolation isn't the same thing as certainty, and who knows what "magic number" is required to return an openly atheist president?

It's strange for me to see the numbers in the US that still seem to think atheists are horrible people - I'm from the UK where the government "doesn't do God" as Tony Blair put it, and atheism is far better respected, certainly not a bar to public office. Not that I'd get too worked up about it. We might be winning the race to secularity, but I've yet to see any strong evidence that our government is better than that of the USA.
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23 Jul 2021, 1:42 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
roronoa79 wrote:
We'll get one eventually. Plenty of people will whine about it.
I can already see the Christian right try to argue we couldn't have an atheist president because they can't be sworn in with a Bible. Since I've seen that be their reaction to the idea of a hypothetical Muslim president.

I'd choose a 3rd Edition Player's Handbook. :nerdy:

3rd edition? Heretic. Swear on 5th edition or go back to 2000, heathen.

I'd suggest swearing the president in with the Dungeon Masters Guide, but some might consider the sweeping powers of a DM to be unconstitutional.

Diagnoses: AS, Depression, General & Social Anxiety
I guess I just wasn't made for these times.
- Brian Wilson

Δυνατὰ δὲ οἱ προύχοντες πράσσουσι καὶ οἱ ἀσθενεῖς ξυγχωροῦσιν.
Those with power do what their power permits, and the weak can only acquiesce.

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23 Jul 2021, 2:17 pm

Vegetable's quote is right on the money.

Psalm 14.1 of the King James Bible says exactly what Vegetable said.


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23 Jul 2021, 3:38 pm

Theyve done surveys over the years. The upshot being that Americans would vote for a blind lesbian Muslim Black woman before they would vote for a cis gender heterosexual White non disabled man....who was openly Atheist. As you said its the last prejudice standing.

I would say "yes, society is SLOWLY tending toward being able to accept that, but it wont happen in anyone here's lifetime".


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23 Jul 2021, 4:51 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
Vegetable's quote is right on the money.

Psalm 14.1 of the King James Bible says exactly what Vegetable said.

Yep. And Romans I has some choice hate-speech about us too. I was shocked at how many Americans think their scriptures are the absolute truth from cover to cover. Not really surprising they'll never vote for an atheist.
"filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful"
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?s ... rsion=AKJV


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23 Jul 2021, 5:52 pm

A Side Show of The Roman Empire

To Bond And Bind Minions Together

For Despicable Leader Rule; All Thru

The Use of Faux Made Up Carrots And

Sticks; Of Course, Ridiculously Creating Them

After Death; Not Much Different Than A 'Shady Lot'

Used Car Sales Person's Guarantee On A Note Pad;

Scribbling It On A Desk Behind Their Backs;


Fool's Gold For

Charlatan's Taking

From Minions, Feeding The Bait, Hook, Line,

And Sinker Swallowing IT All In One Lifetime Now...

Thing Is, When 'Religious Ignorance' Separates From

'Caring State', Eventually Fool's Gold Isn't the Forced

Value on 'The Masses' It Once Was;

And Of Course This Is
Happening Now

As All

Studies of
American CuLTuRE Do SHow;

As Even 70 Percent of Catholics

Do not Believe A Pagan Magic Trick

Zombie Cult Of Turning A 2,000 Year Old Dead

Corpse into A Flesh and Blood Bread And Wine Man to Literally Eat...

No Doubt A Large Portion of the 30 Percent Who Still

Believe IT Remain Unvaccinated As Well As Minions Tend
to Flock Together Around Most Despicable Conspiracy Theories Still...

As Long as

Some Despicable

Authority Generates

The Conspiracy They
Kneel Before And Still Worship Now
AS IGNoRaNCE Continues to Harm,
Rape, Maim, And Kill; Despicable
Leaders And Minions Hand-in-Hand Make;

As Long As The State Provides Adequate
Safety Nets for Survival; The Lies Will Die With
Progressive Nature of Actual Empathy And
Compassion For All Humans And Nature True...

It's Getting Hard Enough to
Find A Republican Leader

Capable of Telling

The Truth;


Or Later


Truth Will
Rule More Important

Than Continuing Snake
Oil Sales, Thousands of YearS Old...

Perhaps, Good News That Love Is Real
Will Come to Eventually Rain A Reign
For Real That's True As Long As Those
Who LiVE iN Socio-Economic-Soul-SCaRCiTY
Get Lifted Out of 'The Pit' For Real in Greater

Abundance of Balance For All To BREaTHE LoVE FReeR...

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24 Jul 2021, 1:08 am

An atheist has probably already done so. It wouldn't surprise me to find out one of them faked being devout in recent decades; it would be political suicide otherwise.


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24 Jul 2021, 5:16 am

QuietThoughts wrote:
An atheist has probably already done so. It wouldn't surprise me to find out one of them faked being devout in recent decades; it would be political suicide otherwise.

Thats not the question.

The question is whether or not someone whopublicly identifies as atheist will ever win the Oval Office.

In the UK politicians conceal their faith. In the US pols conceal their lack of faith. Tony Blair waited until after he left office to come out of the closet as a fervent convert to Catholicism.

But there probably have been atheists among US presidents in the last few decades. Supposedly Reagan was atheist- despite him advocating that schools teach children the "judeochristian religion" (there is no religion of that name)-the opposite of Blair.