What's the craziest conspiracy theory you believe/entertain

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04 Aug 2021, 2:26 am

I'm just curious as to how far on the conspiracy theory spectrum you lie. Remember conspiracy theories fall on a broad spectrum with at the lowest level people who are total unquestioning conformists to everything the mainstream media spoon feeds them, to those more critical of certain narratives, to those more critical of certain institutions, to those who believe in nefarious liaisons and ties between colluding groups, all the way to the most extreme conspiracy theorists literally believing in a cabal of Jewish reptilians who govern the entire world and have been systematically controlling all of world history for millennia as part of a grand plot to rule the world

Whether we like it or not all of us fall somewhere on the conspiracy theory spectrum

So my question is, where is the furthest you'd possibly go on the conspiracy theory spectrum??

For me personally I do think the mainstream media is part of an elite 5th column to destroy America from within

I dont believe the death of George Floyd was faked as some conspiracy theorists do but I do believe the media capitalized on his death for nefarious purposes to essentially divide America further

I believe all of Big Pharma is one massive corrupt drug cartel

I believe the 2020 election was rigged, but I also believe the 2016 election was rigged also so I'm not a Trump supporter

So here it is.

Now your turn to be as conspiratorial, tinfoil hat wearing, and skeptical as you want

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04 Aug 2021, 3:21 am


You want us to ...share ...to what degree of insane we are??????


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04 Aug 2021, 4:13 am

That sounds like a reasonable request.

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04 Aug 2021, 10:34 am

Here's my non-answer:

Whenever I hear some complicated theory that "the government" is trying to do something nefarious, my reaction is ... "Naw - our government is far too dysfunctional to carry something like that off."

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04 Aug 2021, 10:40 am

naturalplastic wrote:

You want us to ...share ...to what degree of insane we are??????

Hell yeah!! !

Let's go all out and distrust s**t:

"One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it."

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04 Aug 2021, 11:08 am

You mean the earth is millions of years old type of thing?

Or do you mean that the government puts spycameras in birds that are programmed to divebomb car front windows with their poop sort of thing?

What sort of thing do you mean?



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04 Aug 2021, 11:12 am

I believe Big Pharma denies us a cure for cancer. I won't donate any money to cancer fundraisers.

It's partly PTSD, but I just won't.

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04 Aug 2021, 11:14 am

Or that the sons of Jeeves and Worcester are trying to take over the world?



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04 Aug 2021, 12:13 pm



I believe that...

BOTH of these things happened

The Moon landing was faked in 1969, and

That the Philadelphia Experiment really happened in the middle of WWII in circa 1943.

The Government is covering up the fact that we are ...more primitive than you think we are ( we didnt really have the technology to land a man on the Moon in 1969, and still dont have that).

AND the government is covering up the fact that we are MORE ADVANCED than you think we are, by covering up the fact the US Navy was able to get a 2000 ton Navy destroyer to travel in time. :lol:

The moon trip (which was based upon physics discovered by Newton 300 years ago) is beyond us, but..almost 80 years ago we had the ability to send a 2000 ton warship several days back in time based upon physics that hasnt been invented yet (when the best the hadron collider at Cern can do today in the direction of time travel to is get subatomic particles to age and decay a little more slowly than normal).

How's that?

Two contradictory conspiracies!

Do I win the "Bat s**t Award" for crazy, or what? :D


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04 Aug 2021, 2:33 pm

IsabellaLinton wrote:
I believe Big Pharma denies us a cure for cancer. I won't donate any money to cancer fundraisers.

It's partly PTSD, but I just won't.

Why is Cancer Research (charity) so heavily advertised and sponsored? And there's even a CR lottery. I refuse to support them also.

I'm not supporting that people deny cancer treatment, far from it. That happened to a family member, and she died from it by refusing treatment and just by taking natural remedies. (Off topic) My nan then got cancer and denied it for a couple of years also, and informed me she had cancer by the way of, "I might have cancer, so perhaps you should stop being selfish for once". I just stormed out.

Yes, I've noticed I've been making topics about me. Screw it, I don't care.


(Back to topic)
I believe COVID19 is very much real, but all the governments are heavily IDing us for our own "safety" and milking this pandemic for all they can get. I believe COVID passports are going too far, and I believe they are going to make IDing permanent for every transaction we make, whether it's going to large events, abroad, going to the pub, shop etc. We need to stop this now. In my opinion.

They're also heavily IDing people on welfare benefits, and how many of those has this pandemic created?

In the UK they are using algorithms to see which people are "most likely" to commit fraud who claim housing benefit (Help with rent costs). That sounds like a conspiracy theory but it's actually true.

(Completely on topic :P )
I think Edward Snowden is very cute. :D In his personality and his looks. I think he's gorgeous. His extremely high intellect and standing up for what is right. He's so hot.

I've left WP.


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04 Aug 2021, 4:01 pm

Mountain Goat wrote:
You mean the earth is millions of years old type of thing?

Or do you mean that the government puts spycameras in birds that are programmed to divebomb car front windows with their poop sort of thing?

What sort of thing do you mean?

Those poor birds will someone thing about the birds!...... 8O

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04 Aug 2021, 4:13 pm

smudge wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
I believe Big Pharma denies us a cure for cancer. I won't donate any money to cancer fundraisers.

It's partly PTSD, but I just won't.

Why is Cancer Research (charity) so heavily advertised and sponsored? And there's even a CR lottery. I refuse to support them also.

I'm not supporting that people deny cancer treatment, far from it. That happened to a family member, and she died from it by refusing treatment and just by taking natural remedies. (Off topic) My nan then got cancer and denied it for a couple of years also, and informed me she had cancer by the way of, "I might have cancer, so perhaps you should stop being selfish for once". I just stormed out.

Yes, I've noticed I've been making topics about me. Screw it, I don't care.


(Back to topic)
I believe COVID19 is very much real, but all the governments are heavily IDing us for our own "safety" and milking this pandemic for all they can get. I believe COVID passports are going too far, and I believe they are going to make IDing permanent for every transaction we make, whether it's going to large events, abroad, going to the pub, shop etc. We need to stop this now. In my opinion.

They're also heavily IDing people on welfare benefits, and how many of those has this pandemic created?

In the UK they are using algorithms to see which people are "most likely" to commit fraud who claim housing benefit (Help with rent costs). That sounds like a conspiracy theory but it's actually true.

(Completely on topic :P )
I think Edward Snowden is very cute. :D In his personality and his looks. I think he's gorgeous. His extremely high intellect and standing up for what is right. He's so hot.

You sound pretty intelligent yourself

Your theories and my theories are almost identical

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04 Aug 2021, 4:20 pm

smudge wrote:
IsabellaLinton wrote:
I believe Big Pharma denies us a cure for cancer. I won't donate any money to cancer fundraisers.

It's partly PTSD, but I just won't.

Why is Cancer Research (charity) so heavily advertised and sponsored? And there's even a CR lottery. I refuse to support them also.

I'm not supporting that people deny cancer treatment, far from it. That happened to a family member, and she died from it by refusing treatment and just by taking natural remedies. (Off topic) My nan then got cancer and denied it for a couple of years also, and informed me she had cancer by the way of, "I might have cancer, so perhaps you should stop being selfish for once". I just stormed out.

I'm sorry about the loss of your family members. Same here. Every relative who's ever died in my family, both sides, as far back as we can trace, has died of cancer. Likely at least 25 people I could name including my dad. No car crashes, no heart attacks, nothing. OK, actually one suicide but he did have cancer at the time.

I have no problem with people getting cancer treatment. I have no problem with funding for cancer research, either. I fully support the scientists, doctors, nurses, surgeons, and oncologists. I even support the use of most cancer medication which is on the market today -- I just don't think it's as good as it could be. I think the medicines are enough to put people in remission and for the most part keep them alive, or give them a better quality of life than if they didn't take the medicine. My issue is that I think Big Pharma could likely "cure" most cancers medicinally, instead of putting people in remission, but it's not as lucrative for Big Pharma to do that. If the cancer was totally cured no one would need to buy their drugs after the first round of treatment. They'd rather draw it out for years and years, promising hope but no total cure.

I believe surgery and radiation are as good as they can be. That's not Big Pharma.

My dad was treated worse than a dog when he had cancer. The local cancer society which is funded as a cancer charity, did nothing for him. There was an incident of grievous, inhumane mistreatment he received from the cancer society which I can't even share. It was that bad. If he had been a dog, the media would have been all over it and people would have run screaming about the injustice. Unfortunately he was just a mere mortal, so they allowed him to be humiliated and belittled through criminal negligence. That's where our donation money goes, when it's not lining the pockets of pharmaceutical giants.

I do have PTSD about it. But I'll never donate one red penny to the cause until I'm sure the money is being used properly, and not siphoned out to corporate greed, advertising propaganda, and Big Pharma.

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04 Aug 2021, 4:49 pm

am very sorry about your Dad , i wish i knew the story behind it.?
Can easily understand about the ptsd from it .
And having cancer in in the family so strong would be on guard about it for yourself .
Hope you live long and prosper .

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04 Aug 2021, 7:36 pm

naturalplastic wrote:


I believe that...

BOTH of these things happened

The Moon landing was faked in 1969, and

That the Philadelphia Experiment really happened in the middle of WWII in circa 1943.

The Government is covering up the fact that we are ...more primitive than you think we are ( we didnt really have the technology to land a man on the Moon in 1969, and still dont have that).

AND the government is covering up the fact that we are MORE ADVANCED than you think we are, by covering up the fact the US Navy was able to get a 2000 ton Navy destroyer to travel in time. :lol:

The moon trip (which was based upon physics discovered by Newton 300 years ago) is beyond us, but..almost 80 years ago we had the ability to send a 2000 ton warship several days back in time based upon physics that hasnt been invented yet (when the best the hadron collider at Cern can do today in the direction of time travel to is get subatomic particles to age and decay a little more slowly than normal).

How's that?

Two contradictory conspiracies!

Do I win the "Bat s**t Award" for crazy, or what? :D

ha! easy: neither time nor the moon exist, which was clear to the immortal Atlantians already in Antiquity. Then Atlantis sank. But also, at the same time, and before that, because time is a construct invented by the date-and-time-settings-lab at microsoft to justify their gigantic expense bill

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04 Aug 2021, 11:34 pm

I'm not sure how much of it I buy into, but I can definitely believe that 9/11 was an inside job.

Crisis actor stuff is pretty crazy, some of it's true.

If Jeffrey Epstein killed himself, I will eat my hat. (a lot of people consider this to be a conspiracy theory)

Ditto to Kurt Cobain.

Not really a "conspiracy theory", but I believe that the Mayan calendar predictions came true.

Was there a conspiracy for the US government to assassinate Marylin Monroe and JFK?? I don't know, I don't think we'll ever know.

Area 51 has aliens? Seems more plausible every time the military releases new evidence. But it also seems plausible that it's just a top secret military testing site.

I believe there are tons and tons of bots on social media platforms who are spreading Q misinformation (there's a lot of data to back this one up).

salad wrote:
I dont believe the death of George Floyd was faked as some conspiracy theorists do but I do believe the media capitalized on his death for nefarious purposes to essentially divide America further

BLM was already a huge movement. If not him, it would've been someone else.
I do think it's kind of strange that they latched onto Floyd so hard and kind of forgot about everyone else who died, though...

salad wrote:
I believe all of Big Pharma is one massive corrupt drug cartel

Speaking of which, this one's kind of out there, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a conspiracy to put artificial sweeteners into as much US food as possible, because they cause diabetes, and insulin is BIG big big money.

Also I would not be surprised if they have a cure for it.

salad wrote:
I believe the 2020 election was rigged, but I also believe the 2016 election was rigged also so I'm not a Trump supporter

But the 2020 election was rigged, 100%. Trump and Dejoy made no attempt to hide it.
"Oops, we accidentally broke the USPS. Also, BTW, Trump voters, please avoid mail-in voting and only vote in person!"

naturalplastic wrote:
The Moon landing was faked in 1969...

I used to believe that when I was younger, but then I read an article that debunks all of the theories.

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