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26 Aug 2021, 1:36 pm

I joined WP 8 years ago today. While I did not post in this section right away this seems like a good time to reflect.

Two words come to the fore when thinking about how things have devolved more than they have evolved over the last eight years, disheartening and frustrating.

One constant topic over the last eight years is what has become know as cancel culture, the narrowing of what can be expressed without significant consequence. It has had the opposite effect on me. I am human and like everybody, I have my triggers. Eight years ago I was never what was considered "politically correct". While I understood the "slippery slope" argument against banning speech there were some things I thought should be banned. Those things were just too much, those saying those things were abusing their freedom of speech.

While I still believe certain things are offensive and those espousing them are abusing their freedom of speech the last 5 years have made real to me the consequences of the "slippery slope" and the hypocrisy of me saying cancel culture is bad except for what I find offensive. While there are a few things I personally boycott. you are not going to get me to call for others to boycott things, words, or people. I also think I am offended, or bothered less by certain things than I used to be. This has been a conscious effort on my part not to be that "snowflake".

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman


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26 Aug 2021, 3:08 pm

I think "cancel culture" is an over correction for centuries of oppression and violence against certain groups of people. Some may see it as beneficial to society, but I see it as counter-productive to the kind of dialog that can lead to more positive changes.

I am amazed by the argument for censoring speech that isn't palatable for most of us. How do we move forward without allowing these conversations to play out? It's a form of authoritarianism that, well meaning or not, will have dire consequences to our society.

Those are my thoughts anyway.

What do you call a hot dog in a gangster suit?

Oscar Meyer Lansky


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Joined: 25 Nov 2010
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26 Aug 2021, 6:04 pm

Largely 'The Middle Men' Are Erased Now;

Most Everyone With the Opportunity to Mold the
Group Think of Culture; As It Has Always Been Done;
Keeping Or Changing Tradition Through Shaming The Behavior


And Or


Of Other Folks...

In 'Trump Town USA'

Homosexuals Hold Hands

In the Malls Freely Where You

Still Don't See That Happening
in my 'Smaller Trump Town USA';
Where Ignorant Folks Still Don't Wear
Masks Unvaccinated Packed Together
in Bishop Sponsored Ignorant Behavior
As Hard Church
Heads of Change

Lead to Tradition

Of Killing Fields

Together True too...

As Numbers of Infected

And Exposed Cases in the
DeSaTaNiS Ordered Unmasked
Schools are NuMBeRinG Now in the Over

(Cold Storage Units for the Mounting
Pandemic Dead in Alabama; the Ignorant
Tradition of State Next
to the Place

of 'Florida

Men' Here)

A Thousand

Category Where
the County Next
to Us Where Homosexual
Folks Wear Hand Holding And
Masks More in the Mall Have Four
Times Less Covid-19 Cases in A County
With Twice the Population; Difference is

Church Population


The Ignorance

Is Diluted and

Not As Much on the
Same Page as Living The Tradition of Death,

Holding Bold to Ignorance in My County of Daft Common Sense...

Beware Of the Locals; Beware of the Locals; Beware of the Locals;

My Mantra Ever Since the Onward Christian Soldier Bully Boys Threatened

Violence if i Dared Smile At the City Park And in the Halls of the Middle School
Desert Tribal Religion Same As It Was Frigging Two Thousand Years ago; only

Difference is; i am No Longer 5 Foot 10 And 120 Pounds in 8th Grade; Double the
Weight Over 6 Feet Tall Leg Pressing up to 1520 Pounds Dancing in Public in 'Trump
Town USA' in Both the Smaller and Bigger Towns, 8 Years Now to Date Today, 8.26.2021;

Yes Now for

15,303 Miles;

Mixed Ballet and
Martial Arts Baby;

i Cancel the Backwoods
Culture Here Without Any
Words at All; It's Possible to
Be As Free As You Like; Just Backbone IT and Do it;

Of course; Being Financially Independent Obviously
Helps; It's the Major Slave Road Block to Being Canceled
As Someone Else's Slave Though All of HiStory Up to this point...

If They Can't Take 'Your Job' Away;

If There's Always Somewhere Else to
Travel for Creativity And to Make New
FRiEnDS; 'They' Are Effortless to Make
Your Life Anything Less than What You Create now

of course

as that
to me with SMiles...


i haven't Steam Rolled Any Public 'Spreadnecks' With
my Public Dance Yet; That's the Only Paradigm i have to fit....

i Started Off Slow With Shock and Awe A Blast in Reverse Dance; And not
UnLike Boiling Frogs in a Pot Slowly; A 'Nut Cracker Suite' They Tolerate....

And even

Applaud Now...

Like the Scene
With Pee Wee Herman
Winning Over the Ignorance
That Says Frowns Are A Joy to Share...

And It's True As Far as the 'Wrong Planet'; FOR THE
LAST 8 YEARS' i've Had People Telling me What i Do is
Worthless Here; sure All 62,300 Views
of A Monologue/Soliloquy/One Sided
Dialogue of Free Verse Poetry

Expressing A Depth of the
Story in Philosophy of ALL
Recorded Here in a Year

From Places Where the Reviews

Are No Different Than the

Rave Dances With the

Younger Generations
(3 Below me Now)

in Dance Halls

Who Aren't

So Uptight

And Butt Hurt
Adverse to the
More Liberal Extraverted Open
Minded Humans who Exist too...

There is a Place for Everyone

Free and Happy With Enough

Avenues Now to Arrive For Those
Not Afraid of the Call to New Adventures...

Yet Again, i Reiterate, Financial Independence is a Great Starting Point...

i Know Very Few People Without it; Who Truly Are Experiencing The Crux
of the 'American


Or Any

in the World, Overall...

Money MaKinG, Root oF ALL Dis-Content...

Not in my Job Description To Change What
Folks Love Till Their Last Dying Day of Life...



Endeavor InDeed....

MoneyGod, Overall, Cancels
Any Chance of A Culture of Individual Happiness...



True it's Hard
For Most Folks
To Catch Up With
Original Creativity

As Obviously There
is No Pre-Determined
'Target Audience' Except Those
Who Still Have Awe And Wonder
Of A Child Viewing A New Colored
Butterfly in A Garden That is Still Eden...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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