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19 Dec 2021, 6:47 am

I personally view him as a hero, even if he promotes capitalism & libertarianism, neither of which I support for the most part.

He was telling truth to power about authoritarianism & informing people about how governments manipulate & control their populations' over a decade before it became mainstream. He was prophetic in many ways & took so many bullets to speak his truth it must have been painful.

Yes, he made many missteps and ultimately he caused some real life chaos that brought him down.

But think about all of the other chaos that his enemies caused, thinking they were doing the right thing? The buildings that BLM burn down had owners. Their owners had families, their families had innocent children. Real life people get hurt when groups like BLM start burning things down.

Whilst Alex Jones supported Trump at one time - he did so because Trump championed Christianity and also law and order and justice, as well as rights for biological white men, who could be any kind of person inside their body, regardless of the colour of their skin.

There is nothing 'fake' about fighting for your survival as a black sheep/man inside a white sheep/man's skin.

Alex Jones disliked & dislikes Trump on many levels. Video below.

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19 Dec 2021, 8:10 am

blitzkrieg wrote:
He was telling truth to power about authoritarianism & informing people about how governments manipulate & control their populations' over a decade before it became mainstream.

No. His many far-fetched claims make a mockery of people who genuinely do "speak truth to power."

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19 Dec 2021, 8:21 am

Performance artist. According to his lawyer.

I've known about for yeas, before he was not so famous as he is now. Back when he was sneaking into Bohemian Grove. He's a interesting...guy. He's a pioneer in his field. Disinformation--or 'controlled opposition.' He's been doing this stuff full time for 30 years. There's definitely something 'spooky about him.

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19 Dec 2021, 8:27 am

I find him sad, mostly. A lost person.

blitzkrieg wrote:
He was telling truth to power about authoritarianism & informing people about how governments manipulate & control their populations' over a decade before it became mainstream. He was prophetic in many ways & took so many bullets to speak his truth it must have been painful.

This is untrue. Civilization has been questioned since its beginning, and certainly in our time much more useful things have been said by George Orwell or Jacques Ellul, to name two. Both living and writing before Alex Jones. He is to philosophy what Dr. Phil is to psychology.

Whilst Alex Jones supported Trump at one time - he did so because Trump championed Christianity

Name one way in which Trump actually resembles Christ. He wants governmental power and knows many Americans are Christian. Hence he "believes" in Christianity.


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19 Dec 2021, 9:20 am

Khan wrote:
Performance artist. According to his lawyer.

This statement has a measure of truth. He has 'controlled rage'. So really, he is crazy underneath the surface, but doesn't actually commit any crimes, most of the time. But his Sandy Hook fiasco had real world consequences, and in that sense, his removal from mainstream media was justified.

He has in a sense gathered a large following of people though to combat wokeism/wokeology, which would destroy the lives of persons who follow and live Christianity, so he is a hero in that sense.

Khan wrote:
I find him sad, mostly. A lost person.

blitzkrieg wrote:
He was telling truth to power about authoritarianism & informing people about how governments manipulate & control their populations' over a decade before it became mainstream. He was prophetic in many ways & took so many bullets to speak his truth it must have been painful.

This is untrue. Civilization has been questioned since its beginning, and certainly in our time much more useful things have been said by George Orwell or Jacques Ellul, to name two. Both living and writing before Alex Jones. He is to philosophy what Dr. Phil is to psychology.

Whilst Alex Jones supported Trump at one time - he did so because Trump championed Christianity

Name one way in which Trump actually resembles Christ. He wants governmental power and knows many Americans are Christian. Hence he "believes" in Christianity.

Alex Jones actually made George Orwell relevant again for the modern era. A lot more people were taking note of Orwell's work with Alex Jones pushing t-shirts like "the answer to 1984, is 1776" in on his Infowars store front.

I agree he is not an intellectual, but his genius is translating complicated ideas to audiences who cannot read in text, complicated ideas as opposed to listening to a guy shouting being his delivery method.

Trump doesn't resemble Christ in his personality - he simply supports Christianity and is influential, which is enough for his supporters.


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19 Dec 2021, 9:28 am

I remember watching this video in June 2013, after meeting a real life 'demon' and being ejected from a particular online group. The BBC interview in a studio, with the creepy paedo' statues outside of their corporation buildings.

"Disappear them", he says, when referencing the 'woke' establishment and their attitudes' towards Christians.

God does not approve.

Last edited by blitzkrieg on 19 Dec 2021, 9:38 am, edited 2 times in total.


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19 Dec 2021, 9:36 am

AJ was also saying Autism could be caused by brain damage, as early as 2009, despite mainstream media propaganda stating otherwise at the time. I only saw it in scientific journals in 2015, 6 years later, but my gut feeling told me he was telling the truth, back then, based on my experiences with vaccination previously.


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19 Dec 2021, 10:07 am

BLM bieng bad should have nothing to do with judging him.

One of his “missteps” was accusing murdered children of being crises actors which he is paying legally for. That undoes whatever good he has done.

He did ask some question nobody else would and “connect the dots” nobody else did. His “conspiracy theories” gave him a lot of attention. So he put out more theories leading to more attention. It became an addiction to the point everything became a nefarious hidden conspiracy that unlike the “sheepie” only he and his followers could see. He has no credibility which destroyed the credibility of beliefs he is associated with. Yes a few of them had some merit or revealed some partial truth. Yes guilt by association is unfair but it is a very real thing.

His central idea is that generations of elites are running a plot to control the world strains credulity. To be an elite one needs to have a massively inflated ego and be ambitious as hell. I just can not see these type of people working togeather and sticking to a plan for generations.

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19 Dec 2021, 10:18 am

ASPartOfMe wrote:
BLM bieng bad should have nothing to do with judging him.

One of his “missteps” was accusing murdered children of being crises actors which he is paying legally for. That undoes whatever good he has done.

He did ask some question nobody else would and “connect the dots” nobody else did. His “conspiracy theories” gave him a lot of attention. So he put out more theories leading to more attention. It became an addiction to the point everything became a nefarious hidden conspiracy that unlike the “sheepie” only he and his followers could see. He has no credibility which destroyed the credibility of beliefs he is associated with. Yes a few of them had some merit or revealed some partial truth. Yes guilt by association is unfair but it is a very real thing.

His central idea is that generations of elites are running a plot to control the world strains credulity. To be an elite one needs to have a massively inflated ego and be ambitious as hell. I just can not see these type of people working togeather and sticking to a plan for generations.

I agree with most of what you say.

I do think there is a capitalist class of - 'elites' that are controlling the direction of globalism, and they are in the death throes of trying to hold on. I hope, anyway.


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19 Dec 2021, 10:59 am

Basically, Alex Jones is A 'Christian
Evangelist', Yelling ON A Street Corner


Through A Bull Horn as 'A Routine.'

Some Folks FALL For

IT; Most

Folks Do NOT.

Note: Trump is
Also A 'Christian
Evangelist'. Conclusion:
'THAT Christian Evangelist' Has






It's really Sad to Watch People

Live A Life of Fear, Anger and Hate.

It's Even Sadder When

They Lead Folks

Down that


Path to NoWHeRE
Except DarK NoW.

Typically, Folks Who Follow that
Way of Life, Already Live With Emptiness
Within, in Some Kind of SCaRCiTY that

May Only Be Filled Up Temporarily Now

With the Addiction of Anger and Hate that
Is Just As Real As The Addiction to Drugs;

Where Ya Get the Noradrenaline and Dopamine
Fix to accommodate Low Levels of Serotonin and Oxytocin;

In Case, Anyone Wants to Know Where The Conspiracy Theories
About A 'God' oF All Love And Forgiveness And Mercy Gets HIS



Threatening to
Torture Folks
Forever; Same

Alex Jones
And Trump
Sentiment for
The Unfortunate


Yawn, Meanwhile
i'm Gonna Dance
And Sing, Just For the
Hell oF IT and Replace
'Them' And 'That' With Heaven Now.

And Typically, When Someone Suggests

That God Hates Anyone, They Are Not Speaking

of A God of All Loving Forgiving Mercy; They are


oF AN Angry God

of Fear and Hate;

Where They Project

Their Own Fear, Anger,
And Hate Through an 'Idol
God' That is Really 'A Devil' Within
That (Who) Needs Feeding of Fear,

Anger, And Hate to Feel Anything at all in Life...

It Also Makes

Small People

Feel Bigger Than
Nothing Within Now.

It's Not Really Funny; It's Just
Sad And Proves 'Life's Not Fair, My Little FRiEnD'

As Trump and Alex Jones' Comrade 'Scar' Related
on the 'Lion King Movie' And Don't Forget A Real

'King' Serves,

Gives Shares
Without Fear

For All with

Least Harm; Yes

Hope and Love

For the 'Lesser';

NOT Fear, Anger,

And Hate to Bring the Lesser Down Even More...

Anyway, 'The Lion King' Is One Fairy Tale of A Movie

WRaPPinG Most

of this Archetypal Human Story UP For/Against What Separates

A Villain

From a Hero.

A Hero Shows
Great Empathy For
All; Great Love, Forgiveness;
Great Mercy, Great Compassion




Basically, There Are Two kinds of Christians;
Those Who Live by All Love, Mercy,
Forgiveness, Compassion For ALL

And the Majority of Other
Christians Who Make the Most 'NOISE'.

'Pro Love Tip': Don't Do Trump And Alex Jones Style 'Christian.'

And to Be Clear, i Distance Myself from 'the Word'; For It is has Now
Become the


of Both
And Alex Jones;
Basically the Same 'Villain' And Real Foe AGAINST Love.

This is Clear, When Any Well Meaning Other
Wise Innocent Person Attributes

Christianity to
Alex Jones or Trump.

As All those Like 'Them'
Continue to Slaughter

Lambs for the Silence of the 'Sheep'...

So Ironically, Sadly, Changing them
into 'Matthew Goats' on Earth Now

In A Real Self-Fulfilling

Living Hell of Fear,
Anger, And Hate Now...

My Suggestion is

'Don't Drink the Kool Aid';

However, i Have Friends with
Advanced Collegiate Degrees Who Can't
Find Their Way Out of This DarK Labyrinth on Earth...


'Life Ain't Fair

my Little FRiEnD'

As 'Scar'

Yes, Trump And
Alex Jones Relate
From the 'Lion King Movie' Still...

"They Will Know We aRe Christians
By Our Love;" i Live in the Locality that
Once Held the Record Book Title for the

Most Churches Per Square Mile; Rarely

Have i Met Anyone Here Who Lives by a
Philosophy of Loving All...

Other Countries,


Yes; Particularly,

Indian Women;

And Some Muslim Women too....

Men, Not So Much; Particularly the
Ones Who are Taught Boys Don't Get to Smile
And Cry and If You See One Do it, Spit on them

And Call them 'Gay';

For We Wouldn't

Wanna Confuse

Them With Anything Associated With Love...

Ever See A Lion Walk Across The Savannah;
Very Gracefully Indeed, For in the Wild Kingdom

Balance and Peace At Rest When There is no Fight
or Flight Means Conserving Every Precious Calorie for Survival...

WHO 'DANCE' gracefully meekly as Last is First THiS WAY...

Sadly, Many Humans

Have too Much to Eat
And Are Gagging on Fear, Anger, And Hate Now...

Alex Jones and Trump Are Indeed 'the IDOL' For ALL OF WHAT THAT 'SCAR' MEANS.

When i Saw 'This Title', i Thought For Sure it Was A Parody; Sadly in a way i'm Not Surprised it's not...

Dont Dismiss

The Power of the
DarK Force; 'That Dude'
Who Was Just Laughing

At Alex Jones, And All those

Sitting Pretty in Feathered Nests
Who Were Just Laughing at Trump

Indeed made




Of Course, the 'Minion Series of Movies' Already Posed the Question
of Why Do Some Folks Follow the 'Most Despicable Leaders' and Indeed,


Science Answers
the Question for the
Power of What the

Addiction to
Fear, Anger, and Hate Brings,
Filling Up Empty Wells with No Bottom...

Okay, i've Provided What That Looks Like, now Let me

Show Ya All What it looks like When Love Comes into the Room of a Stranger;

'Hey! the person whose profile smells like love! I always get amazed the way you
leave serene words in my posts. My comment box will always remain indebted
to you & will always wait for the painting of your fingerprints :heart:'


It's True, i Rarely Receive 'Feedback' Like that When i Spread Love in My Locality

With the Most Christian Churches Once in the Record Books; However, when

i Dance in Public Freely, i Do Get Welcomes From Groups of Women Like Last

Night Who


Please Dance
For Us to Brighten Our Night..

i received That Sweetest Comment
Above While Typing this Essay

For the Difference

of What Makes

A Hero and A Villain;

Again, You Will Know A 'Real Lion King' By Their Love...

Anything Less, is Indeed Frigging Gaslit Faux Love News...

Trump and Alex
Jones are As

Far Away

From Love As Living HeLL ON EartH;

And Please Do Note, This Is All Just my Opinion;

And The Author of the OP Here; Yes, Seems Every
Bit As Nice as My Mother Who Followed Alex Jones Style Radio too...

There Was no Way to Get Through to Her; No Different than my Previous
FRiEnDS, Who Insisted i Supported The Sacrifice of Babies by Voting Democrat...

It's the Human


There is No
Escaping it;

Or Just Going to
India or Somewhere else like that to visit...

Yet Of Course, Some of the Male Indians i've met
Who Are More Subject to 'The Toxic Patriarchy'

That is More Specific to the Addiction of Fear, Anger, And Hate;

Ain't Much Different than Toxic Patriarchy, the Face of Trump, Jones,
And 'the Old Testament God' That Still Lives in Matthew's Version of
Burning Enemies Forever Either...

You'll Find it Everywhere

Ya Find the Addiction of
Fear, Hate, and Anger,

It's Just Part

of the

Human Condition...

And a Part of Nature
That is the Real God
Including DarK Makes LiGHT...

Where Both 'Scar' and the 'Lion King'
Serve a Purpose for the Whole Circle (Spiral) of Existence...

KATiE MiA FredericK!iI

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19 Dec 2021, 11:21 am

He's a disinformation peddler.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, this is part of our strategy” —Netanyahu
GOP Predators


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19 Dec 2021, 12:00 pm

Alex Jones is the ur-loon. Extremely famous and frighteningly influential, but one suspects that he would be able to convince anyone who was not already at least mildly unhinged. Jones may be partly in it for the money, but there is little question that he actually believes much of whatever falls out of his mouth.

This Encyclopedia of American Loons Article


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19 Dec 2021, 12:02 pm

blitzkrieg wrote:
Alex Jones actually made George Orwell relevant again for the modern era. A lot more people were taking note of Orwell's work with Alex Jones pushing t-shirts like "the answer to 1984, is 1776" in on his Infowars store front.

Jones might believe that, but Orwell would never say the answer to 1984 is 1776. Fair enough if you like Alex Jones, but Orwell has always stayed relevant.

Trump doesn't resemble Christ in his personality - he simply supports Christianity and is influential, which is enough for his supporters.

I don't see how he supports it though. His father was a slum lord and Trump has made a lot of wealth from owning property. Christ supported none of that. Trump might go to church, but he's not a Christian.

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19 Dec 2021, 2:15 pm

blitzkrieg wrote:
I do think there is a capitalist class of - 'elites' that are controlling the direction of globalism, and they are in the death throes of trying to hold on. I hope, anyway.

Well, yes, elites exist. Alex Jones certainly isn't the first person to notice or talk about that basic fact.

It's also true that elite people have more power than other people to cover up whatever crimes they may happen to commit, including child sex abuse if they happen to be so inclined.

But this doesn't mean they all belong to a millenia-old religious cult that practices child sacrifice and ritual sex abuse, as Alex Jones alleges. These allegations are at best a distraction from the real -- and much more prosaic -- harms caused today's increasing class divide.

As far as I am aware, Alex Jones DOESN'T advocate doing anything that could actually reduce the power of elites, such as restoring 1950's-style progressive taxation to reduce concentration of wealth.

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19 Dec 2021, 2:26 pm

I see someone like Alex Jones as a looney tune who worships cut-throat capitalism. I can imagine him saying to Trump "can you pull your cheeks a little farther apart so I can stick my nose further up your butt"? I see someone like Jones with 0% credibility. I feel he doesn't believe in most of what he is saying; he just espouses views that he feels will get him the highest ratings


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19 Dec 2021, 6:20 pm

blitzkrieg wrote:
I personally view him as a hero, even if he promotes capitalism & libertarianism, neither of which I support for the most part.

He was telling truth to power about authoritarianism & informing people about how governments manipulate & control their populations' over a decade before it became mainstream. He was prophetic in many ways & took so many bullets to speak his truth it must have been painful.

Yes, he made many missteps and ultimately he caused some real life chaos that brought him down.

But think about all of the other chaos that his enemies caused, thinking they were doing the right thing? The buildings that BLM burn down had owners. Their owners had families, their families had innocent children. Real life people get hurt when groups like BLM start burning things down.

Whilst Alex Jones supported Trump at one time - he did so because Trump championed Christianity and also law and order and justice, as well as rights for biological white men, who could be any kind of person inside their body, regardless of the colour of their skin.

There is nothing 'fake' about fighting for your survival as a black sheep/man inside a white sheep/man's skin.

Alex Jones disliked & dislikes Trump on many levels. Video below.

How can you say for sure Trump supported Biblical Christianity when he has billions of dollars and a worth of property and Jesus said give sell everything and give to the poor.Jesus and the New Testament when literally interepreted are much more closer to Marxism than the Gilded Age Capitalism economically speaking.Plus I dont think jesus would be fine with Trump running comitting adultery so many times.Also the Jesus of the Bible said that people on the Forbes 400 have a virtually impossible shot at getting to Heaven like the camel and the eye of the needle and all.He also lives in complete luxury which is condemned by James in the Epistle of James so as a Christian I dont think he comes very close to New Testament Values.

Last edited by Texasmoneyman300 on 19 Dec 2021, 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.