"Will Biden And The Dems Finally Get it?" - Andrew Sullivan

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05 Nov 2022, 12:03 pm

You ought to be able to read one blog post for free:

https://andrewsullivan.substack.com/p/w ... ly-get-7a7

FYI I voted in Georgia and voted straight Democrat. But, I am an Andrew Sullivan fan and generally agree with him on his take. In case you do not know, he is a Gay Catholic married to a black dude. Most Dems I know are privately shaking our heads at the extreme stupid crap coming out of our annoying 15% "woke" crowd. The crime stuff - we are looking at the data and going, "its still far below historic rates," but that doesn't work with voters. You definitely can't be proposing eliminating bail in a rising crime environment. Its a surefire way to lose.

While I voted for Stacey Abrams, I look forward to her defeat finally ending her political career in statewide politics (and hopefully national). I agree with Dems more on policy - I favor single payer universal health care, higher taxes on wealthy, and I support FDR, LBJ, and the Civil Rights Act - but this wing that lives in this alternate universe where going soft on crime is a good thing needs to be shut up. I think she is a truly awful candidate who has been posturing for national spotlight since day one to pay her personal debts off (shes like 200k in personal debt, she needs the book sales).

I thought about it a lot and see that a hard defeat on Tuesday (though I am really hoping to retain a Senate seat) ought to be a wake up call for the national Dems.

I've been "fact checking" what he claims in his blog and a lot of it is overblown. Biden more or less reversed the college sexual assault rules to Obama era. Maybe I'm missing something, but I hardly think his changes will result in a wave of women falsely accusing men of rape.


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05 Nov 2022, 2:28 pm

stratozyck wrote:
I've been "fact checking" what he claims in his blog and a lot of it is overblown. Biden more or less reversed the college sexual assault rules to Obama era. Maybe I'm missing something, but I hardly think his changes will result in a wave of women falsely accusing men of rape.

It did during the Obama years, and largely against minority male students to boot, Reason has excellent coverage on it. The policy laid out in the "Dear Colleagues" letter basically turned college sexual assault/harassment investigations into show trials, with the investigator acting as both prosecutor and judge, the accused having no right to counsel or to confront their accuser (or often even know what they were being accused of), a virtual presumption of guilt, etc; reversing that was one of the few unalloyed good policies of the Trump administration.

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05 Nov 2022, 2:32 pm

I don't think the Dems will get the message, they'll just double down like they did in 2016 on the electorate being too racist and sexist to support their enlightened candidates and policies, their delusions are on par with the Q people in regards to the actual popularity of their policies and rhetoric and why they lose elections. They're so convinced that the general public is brainwashed by Fox News that they don't realize that their own bubbles are even thicker and that it's they who are living in the dream world, it's quite funny and ironic looking at it from the outside, and I hope to enjoy their world crumbling down around them on Tuesday.

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05 Nov 2022, 11:00 pm

Dox47 wrote:
I don't think the Dems will get the message, they'll just double down like they did in 2016 on the electorate being too racist and sexist to support their enlightened candidates and policies, their delusions are on par with the Q people in regards to the actual popularity of their policies and rhetoric and why they lose elections. They're so convinced that the general public is brainwashed by Fox News that they don't realize that their own bubbles are even thicker and that it's they who are living in the dream world, it's quite funny and ironic looking at it from the outside, and I hope to enjoy their world crumbling down around them on Tuesday.

Your understanding of the Democrats is incomplete. It sounds like it comes from someone who doesn't actually know many actual Democrats.

It isn't one party with one agenda - thats why they can't get turnout high. Its like a twister game of multiple interest groups.

Presidential nominees are effectively chosen by Southern Black Baptists.

The people you are referring to are not them - they are actually as socially conservative as the GOP base.

The GOP has a solid media marketing campaign from top to bottom and right wing media echoes it - the Dems do not. Mainstream Dems faint at the mention of "defund the police" and they have no control over some local whackos saying it.

Defund the police was soundly rejected by the Democratic platform, yet people like Andrew Sullivan still can't quite accept that. The equivalent would be assuming all GOPers are the same as MTG - but in all fairness MTG is being floated as a VP candidate so.... maybe its not so far off.

Biden said no to "defund the police" as did most top Democrats - yet the right wing media machine is effective at continually painting the entire party as "defund the police." I mean the top Dem said no to it, it wasn't in the platform, what the F more are they supposed to do about the mayor of DC? Expel the mayor from the party? Its an open primary anyone that wins it can be called a Democrat.


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06 Nov 2022, 6:54 pm

stratozyck wrote:
Your understanding of the Democrats is incomplete. It sounds like it comes from someone who doesn't actually know many actual Democrats.

LOL, did you not notice my location, or any of my frequent rants about what the Democrats who are the super-majority in my area are doing, or about my liberal friends and family? No, my problem is that I know too many of them too well, that's why my contempt is so deep and genuine.

stratozyck wrote:
It isn't one party with one agenda - thats why they can't get turnout high. Its like a twister game of multiple interest groups.

I never said it was a monobloc, and the GOP has similar issues with competing interest groups, though I'd argue that the lunatics running the asylum dynamic is stronger with the Dems right at the moment, as the GOP nuts don't control so many highly visible industries.

stratozyck wrote:
Presidential nominees are effectively chosen by Southern Black Baptists.

The people you are referring to are not them - they are actually as socially conservative as the GOP base.

Sort of, but the people I'm referring to punch well above their weight in influence through their control of social and legacy media and insinuation into various big business enterprises; why is Biden pandering to the woke left so much if it's the more conservative southern black Baptists who really matter? Do you think those black voters' top priorities were canceling the KXL pipeline, bailing out student debt, and bringing back show trials on campus?

Also, just FYI I was married into a black family for a while, I'm very familiar with how socially conservative that community actually is, the Democrats only exist as a viable party due to the GOP brand being so toxic with them, otherwise they'd be natural Republican voters.

stratozyck wrote:
The GOP has a solid media marketing campaign from top to bottom and right wing media echoes it - the Dems do not. Mainstream Dems faint at the mention of "defund the police" and they have no control over some local whackos saying it.

LOL, the GOP has FOX News and that's about it, and unlike the Dems, they don't have every mainstream network attempting to amplify their worst weirdos and conflate them with the entire party, hence the many morons on here who speak confidently about conservatives in a way that makes clear that they've never actually met one to those of us who have. The GOP does have better message discipline, but I'd put that down more to the ideology not having the youth fetish that the left does than anything, you don't often see Republicans bending over backwards to accommodate and pander to teenage activists like the Dems do.

stratozyck wrote:
Defund the police was soundly rejected by the Democratic platform, yet people like Andrew Sullivan still can't quite accept that. The equivalent would be assuming all GOPers are the same as MTG - but in all fairness MTG is being floated as a VP candidate so.... maybe its not so far off.

The smarter politicos rejected it because they could see that it was politically toxic, but that does not mean that it wasn't a real thing that was really pushed by powerful forces within the Democratic coalition; as a Seattle resident in 2020, I got to see up close and personal just how serious about it they were, and not for the first time. I'm also friends with enough leftists who still endorse the sentiment if not the slogan and more quietly these days to know that it's still a driving force in US left wing politics, even if they've chosen to de-emphasize it at the moment out of political expediency.

stratozyck wrote:
Biden said no to "defund the police" as did most top Democrats - yet the right wing media machine is effective at continually painting the entire party as "defund the police." I mean the top Dem said no to it, it wasn't in the platform, what the F more are they supposed to do about the mayor of DC? Expel the mayor from the party? Its an open primary anyone that wins it can be called a Democrat.

Well, stopping pretending that record rising crime levels, the 2020 protest violence, crazed homeless people taking over major cities, etc aren't figments of the right wing imagination would be a good start, but I doubt that's going to happen.

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07 Nov 2022, 6:46 pm

The perception that homeless people are "taking over" New York City is overblown. What could be true is that they have taken over the subways during overnight hours.


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07 Nov 2022, 7:27 pm

There are some valid points in the piece, but its getting harder and harder to pull people out of their bubbles. Our hope seems to lie in the fact that the middle bubble, overlapping both parties, is growing, with more and more people realizing their own party has gone too far and finding the best connection with others in the same boat. However, I don't know how we're going to get that middle bubble to field a viable candidate, instead of being stuck with who the left and right extremes come up with. Our current voting system favors the extremes, and that is a simple fact, with more and more state legislatures making moves to protect the extremes.

Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).