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24 Feb 2024, 7:44 am

Editors note:
This combination of opinion and analytical piece is from a hard pro-Zionist outlet. I did cut some of the pure opinion language out but still had to leave a lot in to keep the flow. If you can get past the language the actual analysis is pretty good.

Is Biden worrying about losing the wrong voters? A poll shows New York Jews preferring Trump to Biden

Maybe President Joe Biden and his White House handlers are looking at their re-election problems through the wrong end of the telescope. Their top priority these days is doing something about their problems with the intersectional left-wing activist base of the Democratic Party that is unhappy about the administration’s support for the right of Israel to defend itself, as well as for the eradication of Hamas from Gaza after the Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel. A main focus of that effort, at least as far as the Biden campaign is concerned, is trying to win back the affections of Arab-American voters in Michigan, a key swing state in the 2024 presidential election.

Earlier this month, the White House sent a delegation of policymakers to apologize to Abdullah Hammoud, the pro-Hamas mayor of Dearborn, Mich., for the president’s pro-Israel statements, even though he had already begun to shift towards a more even-handed stance. The latest demonstration of their worries about Michigan was the decision to send Vice President Kamala Harris to the state to address the concerns of the increasingly loud voices within the party that are calling the president “genocide Joe” for his continued refusal to cut off the supply of arms and ammunition to Israel, as well for vetoing U.N.

While the unpopular Harris (her approval ratings are even lower than the president’s) is considered politically toxic outside of deep-blue enclaves, she was considered a good choice to send to Michigan because, as The New York Times put it, she “is seen as more critical of Israel than the president.”

While the president’s re-election campaign staff is laser-focused on Arab Americans and Muslims, is it possible that the Democrats are ignoring potential problems with what is, by any measure, the far larger number of voters who are Jewish and support Israel?

A surprising poll result
That’s a thought that may have crossed the minds of some political strategists this week when a Siena College poll of registered voters in the state of New York produced a rather surprising piece of data. The breakdown of the survey showed that those voters who identified themselves as being Jewish supported former President Donald Trump over Biden by 53% to 44% in a head-to-head matchup. When third-party candidates were offered as an alternative, including Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornel West, Trump still maintained an advantage among New York Jews, beating Biden by 46% to 38%.

If the poll is an accurate rendering of Jewish public opinion—and there are reasonable arguments to be made that it’s not—it reflects something of a revolution in American Jewish opinion.

While everything changes in politics, the one data point that has remained constant for the last century is that the overwhelming majority of American Jews have remained loyal Democrats. No Republican presidential candidate has won the Jewish vote since 1920. And, the Siena Poll notwithstanding, the chances of Trump doing so this year remain unlikely. But even if this result is an outlier, it should cause Biden and the Democrats to ponder whether their near-hysteria about their problems in places like Dearborn—which thanks to the openly antisemitic pronouncements of various imams in the mosques of a city with an Arab-American majority, coupled with the mayor’s support for the Oct. 7 atrocities, was dubbed the nation’s “jihad capital” by The Wall Street Journal—is a mistake.

most American Jews are understandably fixated on the surge in antisemitism in the United States, particularly since Oct. 7. While most Jews are accustomed to thinking of antisemitism as primarily a right-wing phenomenon, they know that the primary engine of Jew-hatred right now comes from the left—from some of the same voters that Biden is so worried about losing in the fall.

Growing concerns about antisemitism
The mobs chanting for the destruction of Israel (“from the river to the sea”) and for terrorism against Jews wherever they live (“globalize the intifada”) on college campuses and in the streets of American cities not only dwarf the tiny number of far-right extremists and neo-Nazis that so scared Jews in Charlottesville, Va., in August 2017. They also have more political influence.

This has sent shockwaves throughout the American Jewish community, including among liberals who felt most at home at the very same institutions that enable the demonizing of not just the Jewish state but American Jews.

If Jewish donors to elite universities are finally demanding that their administrations end their coddling of antisemites—and reverse their acceptance of the woke catechism of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) that grants a permission slip for antisemitism—then why should it seem surprising that some Jewish voters are doing the same to the Democrats?

Most Jews are still Democrats
Still, it would be foolish to jump to the conclusion that the Democrats’ stranglehold on Jewish votes is ending based on just one poll. While the minority of American Jews who are Orthodox or politically conservative have always treated Israel as a litmus test when it comes to voting, the majority who are politically liberal do not. For them, it is just one among many topics they care about. Other issues, such as their support for the right to abortion, the issue of climate change and other concerns that fall under the rubric of “social justice” are ranked as much higher priorities.

Moreover, the major shift in American politics in recent years should work to reinforce the traditional voting patterns of most Jews rather than overturn them. Democrats were once known as the “party of the people” but no more. They have largely become the party of the credentialed elites and Wall Street, while in the age of Trump, Republicans are now supported by working-class voters who used to be among the most loyal Democrats. In addition to the traditional political liberalism that is closely linked to their non-Orthodox beliefs, the majority of Jews are likely to be college-educated, which makes them among the least likely to be interested in changing parties.

And at a time of hyper-partisanship when political opinions now assume the role that religious beliefs used to play in most people’s lives, the bifurcation of American life is such that most liberal Jews think of voting Republican with the same horror the Orthodox regard eating non-kosher food. Placed on top of that the intense hatred for Trump felt by most liberal voters, who were unmoved by his historic support for Israel, and the case against a shift in Jewish voting seems even more unlikely.

Seen in that light, skepticism about the Siena poll is justified. As Mark Mellman, president of Democratic Majority for Israel, pointed out to JNS when asked about it, “the margin of error for Jews in the Sienna poll is plus or minus 13 points on each number.” He thinks that “this poll tells us very little about how New York Jews will vote.”

Even if the numbers for Trump are reduced by all of those 13 points, the number of Jews saying they’ll vote for him shouldn’t be dismissed.

Is the Jewish vote shifting?
There have already been some signs of a shift in Jewish voting patterns. For example, in 2022, 45% of Florida Jewish residents voted to re-elect Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis. National exit polls also showed that in 2022, one-third of Jews voted for Republicans—an increase over past years. In New York, Republican gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin, who is Jewish, did better than the average GOP candidate, sweeping in areas like Rockland County north of Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn that have large Jewish populations.

While New York is not in play this year, even a slight shift in the Jewish vote in battleground states like Pennsylvania, where Jews outnumber Muslims by 3-1, could turn the election as surely as any shift in the Arab vote could swing Michigan.

Those trends are likely to be even stronger this year with even liberal Jews worrying about left-wing antisemitism, and with anti-Israel and openly antisemitic members of Congress getting more attention as a result of Israel’s war against Hamas.

That’s why we shouldn’t be too quick to dismiss the Siena poll or to think that Biden might not have a bigger problem with many Jewish voters than his campaign thinks.

According to President George W. Bush’s White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, the poll was “stunning.” Fleischer, a board member of the Republican Jewish Coalition, told me: “Even if you discount this for being out of line, Biden’s frequent criticisms of Israel and the unwarranted pressure he is applying to the Jewish state during a fight for its survival, is causing his support to crater among a reliably Democratic constituency.”

He may be right.

The demographic trends that are causing a decline in those identifying as adherents of Judaism also may be redefining who it is that we are speaking about when we talk about the Jewish vote.

The impact of demography
Most of those who make up anti-Zionist groups like Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow that are opposed to Israel’s existence and lobbying hard to save Hamas—and who are given disproportionate coverage in mainstream media outlets—are members of a slice of the community that is increasingly less interested in claiming Jewish identity and tend to do so only to denounce the Jewish state “as a Jew.” With skyrocketing rates of assimilation and intermarriage among the non-Orthodox creating a new reality that has caused Jewish communities to become inevitably smaller, those who remain inside the tent are more likely to be more religious, as well as more concerned about preserving Jewish lives and Israel’s security than in virtue-signaling their concerns about Palestinians.

The 2024 election is shaping up to be a race unlike any other in American history. There is an incumbent in Biden with record-low favorability ratings rooted in the perception of his diminished capacities and failures in office, and a challenger in Trump who is considered beyond the pale and hated by half the country.

It would still be astonishing if Biden didn’t win the Jewish vote in November. But when you consider a surge of left-wing antisemitism and a president who seems more worried about offending antisemites than winning over Jews he clearly thinks are already in his pocket, it would be unwise to dismiss the possibility of a historic shift in Jewish votes.

Personal opinion:
As a hard anti-woke anti-MAGA person who happens to be a New York Jew, it comes down to this. The Republicans are a MAGA party, while the Democrats have kowtowed to the wokes way too much they are not a woke party.

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26 Feb 2024, 3:56 am

I'm imagining Ihan Omar ins't exactly an asset anymore for the Dems

Blue Jay
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26 Feb 2024, 12:11 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
As a hard anti-woke anti-MAGA person who happens to be a New York Jew, it comes down to this. The Republicans are a MAGA party, while the Democrats have kowtowed to the wokes way too much they are not a woke party.

Difference is what will a maga government actually achieve?

The answer is nothing, there's no motivation for a conservative government to do anything as it might alienate some part of your base.

It's why the wall never got built etc. Conservativism is about justifying doing nothing/the absolute bare minimum politically.

Turns out this is how not particularly open minded people feel about life. They don't want to be politically challenged, they don't want to make America great again, they simply have no interest in being comfronted by any form of politics.

The bizarrest affliction facing the American left is that they take it for granted that there's an inherent need for an ordinary individual to be engaged in politics.

Is the average American following the Dow Jones? Would forcing people to take check the DowJones index daily not cause a very very aggressive backlash?

The left is fixated with the idea that people are inherently interested in politics or want it as part of their life.

Our political system is a binary between change versus status quo. The goal of the left in theory is to propose changes people are wanting and ones that will work. As soon as they start acting as if change is inevitable they become a social cancer.

The absurd change no one was asking for is redefining jews as categorical white people.

Our perspective on the holocaust/jews doesn't need to be redefined.

The Gas the Jews movement in Islam is and always has been a major feature of the religion.

The original Islam, was a movement for christians/jews/believers of allah(at that point it wasn't Islam) all to unite.

The historical Mohammed was all about unifying people it's how he "conquered" the known world. It was only a century or so after the caliphate was established that the Quran was manufactured. The power structure wanted it to be very clear that only true adherents to Quaronic doctrine are true believers.

The Quran was engineered to have islamic supremacy as a central tenant of the religion.

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26 Feb 2024, 4:49 pm

I didn't read the giant wall, sorry.

But a surface note would be that the orange man himself is significantly pro-zionist. A lot of false dichotomy has been deployed to keep the Americans confused as their country is drained of all fiscal value. What the media does or doesn't say is simply optics and misdirect.

I hope I'm not too far off the mark, otherwise I'll have to read the wall. :D


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26 Feb 2024, 4:57 pm

cyberdad wrote:
I'm imagining Ihan Omar ins't exactly an asset anymore for the Dems

The pro-genocide faction already hated her.

It's more that Biden and others within the pro-Israel bloc have dared to suggest that Israel should kill fewer civilians. Trump would keep his mouth shut or even increase weapons exports to the genocidal regime; Biden dared to slow the export of weapons. He didn't even need to stop arms sales to Israel to trigger this fierce of backlash from the pro-genocide bloc.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, this is part of our strategy” —Netanyahu
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26 Feb 2024, 7:23 pm

ChiefEspatier wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
As a hard anti-woke anti-MAGA person who happens to be a New York Jew, it comes down to this. The Republicans are a MAGA party, while the Democrats have kowtowed to the wokes way too much they are not a woke party.

Difference is what will a maga government actually achieve?

The answer is nothing, there's no motivation for a conservative government to do anything as it might alienate some part of your base.

It's why the wall never got built etc. Conservativism is about justifying doing nothing/the absolute bare minimum politically.

Turns out this is how not particularly open minded people feel about life. They don't want to be politically challenged, they don't want to make America great again, they simply have no interest in being comfronted by any form of politics.

The bizarrest affliction facing the American left is that they take it for granted that there's an inherent need for an ordinary individual to be engaged in politics.

Is the average American following the Dow Jones? Would forcing people to take check the DowJones index daily not cause a very very aggressive backlash?

The left is fixated with the idea that people are inherently interested in politics or want it as part of their life.

Our political system is a binary between change versus status quo. The goal of the left in theory is to propose changes people are wanting and ones that will work. As soon as they start acting as if change is inevitable they become a social cancer.

The absurd change no one was asking for is redefining jews as categorical white people.

Our perspective on the holocaust/jews doesn't need to be redefined.

The Gas the Jews movement in Islam is and always has been a major feature of the religion.

The original Islam, was a movement for christians/jews/believers of allah(at that point it wasn't Islam) all to unite.

The historical Mohammed was all about unifying people it's how he "conquered" the known world. It was only a century or so after the caliphate was established that the Quran was manufactured. The power structure wanted it to be very clear that only true adherents to Quaronic doctrine are true believers.

The Quran was engineered to have islamic supremacy as a central tenant of the religion.

MAGA are not really conservative but radical. They share with the wokes the idea that the US is deeply compromised, for the wokes by systematic racism, for MAGA's the Deep State.

The first Trump administration was staffed by "traditional conservatives" so little got done. The expectation is that a second Trump administration would be staffed by MAGA's thus more things would get done.

Anyway, we are getting sidetracked by my handling of the situation.

Do you think enough Jewish Zionist Democrats because of the emergence of anti-Zionism among the Democrats will defect to Trump or stay home to change the election result? I think the vast majority of Jewish Anti-Zionist Democrats will "come home" but if the election is as close as predicted you only need a small percentage not to vote for Biden, so I have no idea.

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26 Feb 2024, 7:29 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
I'm imagining Ihan Omar ins't exactly an asset anymore for the Dems

The pro-genocide faction already hated her.

It's more that Biden and others within the pro-Israel bloc have dared to suggest that Israel should kill fewer civilians. Trump would keep his mouth shut or even increase weapons exports to the genocidal regime; Biden dared to slow the export of weapons. He didn't even need to stop arms sales to Israel to trigger this fierce of backlash from the pro-genocide bloc.

He wants to sell the Israelis more weapons as do most Republicans. It (as well as weapons to Ukraine) is being held up by the s**tshow in Congress.

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26 Feb 2024, 7:54 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
I'm imagining Ihan Omar ins't exactly an asset anymore for the Dems

The pro-genocide faction already hated her.

It's more that Biden and others within the pro-Israel bloc have dared to suggest that Israel should kill fewer civilians. Trump would keep his mouth shut or even increase weapons exports to the genocidal regime; Biden dared to slow the export of weapons. He didn't even need to stop arms sales to Israel to trigger this fierce of backlash from the pro-genocide bloc.

He wants to sell the Israelis more weapons as do most Republicans. It (as well as weapons to Ukraine) is being held up by the s**tshow in Congress.

I don't disagree with you on that.

That said, I don't believe the average voter is always motivated by nuanced and informed understandings of what goes on. I can see where someone who feels any criticism of the actions of the Israeli government are inherently antisemitic would feel motivated to view the Democrats as no longer a good ally, even if they don't see it as quite on par with the heiling and marching seen on the far-right.

If any criticism is too much, they're going to be uncomfortable as long as Israel's actions can't be ignored by even people who are mostly sympathetic to Israel. Once things calm down they might come home as you phrase it, supposing that home even exists anymore. Until then I can't blame them for saying a pox on both of your houses.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, this is part of our strategy” —Netanyahu
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27 Feb 2024, 4:56 am

funeralxempire wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
I'm imagining Ihan Omar ins't exactly an asset anymore for the Dems

The pro-genocide faction already hated her.

It's more that Biden and others within the pro-Israel bloc have dared to suggest that Israel should kill fewer civilians. Trump would keep his mouth shut or even increase weapons exports to the genocidal regime; Biden dared to slow the export of weapons. He didn't even need to stop arms sales to Israel to trigger this fierce of backlash from the pro-genocide bloc.

He wants to sell the Israelis more weapons as do most Republicans. It (as well as weapons to Ukraine) is being held up by the s**tshow in Congress.

I don't disagree with you on that.

That said, I don't believe the average voter is always motivated by nuanced and informed understandings of what goes on. I can see where someone who feels any criticism of the actions of the Israeli government are inherently antisemitic would feel motivated to view the Democrats as no longer a good ally, even if they don't see it as quite on par with the heiling and marching seen on the far-right.

If any criticism is too much, they're going to be uncomfortable as long as Israel's actions can't be ignored by even people who are mostly sympathetic to Israel. Once things calm down they might come home as you phrase it, supposing that home even exists anymore. Until then I can't blame them for saying a pox on both of your houses.

I would think the main motivation to "come home" would be Trump. The realization that the time for playing around as pro Israel as they might be they live here, and a third party vote or staying home equates to a vote for Trump.

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27 Feb 2024, 3:55 pm

ASPartOfMe wrote:
I would think the main motivation to "come home" would be Trump. The realization that the time for playing around as pro Israel as they might be they live here, and a third party vote or staying home equates to a vote for Trump.

I wonder if any would be tempted to vote for Trump before relocating to Israel, just to be petty.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, this is part of our strategy” —Netanyahu
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27 Feb 2024, 11:36 pm

I completely respect the opinions of Jewish Zionist Democrats who firmly believe in equality and freedom up until the millisecond their apartheid state is threatened. And woe betide any president who does not actively endorse every pile of Palestinian corpses! Biden deserves to lose all those votes for daring to suggest that maybe this time the whole genocide of non-Jews thing is getting a bit out of hand ("Like, absolutely, yeah totally gonna keep sending you guys weapons and everything but could you maybe kill slightly fewer civilians?")! The only acceptable position to the completely reasonable, totally anti-nationalist Zionist Democrat is uninterrupted arms shipments and unambiguous, unconditional support for any and all Israeli violence and segregation. Western values!!1!

ChiefEspatier wrote:
The Gas the Jews movement in Islam is and always has been a major feature of the religion.

???????????? What the fresh hell are you talking about??
I only have so much patience for people's willful ignorance about Islam. Does the phrase "People of the Book" mean anything to you? Do the people on this site legit think that Christianity has historically been friendlier to Jews than Islam? Do you think Jews were better off under the Byzantines than the Caliphate? Those tolerant Christian Byzantines banned Jews from so much as entering Jerusalem--it was the Muslim conquest that saw Jews regain the right to enter and worship in the holy city. Christians have spent the better part of 2000 years screeching that Jews are responsible for Jesus's death and that all Jews through all time carry that responsibility. Seems to me like this bit about "Gas the Jews" being a major feature of the religion is 100% Christian projection. Full stop. But after Certain Events Christians suddenly act like they've always treated Jews as a welcome, contributing part of Western Civilization (tm).

Anti-semitism as it currently exists in the Muslim world is an overwhelmingly modern phenomenon that exploded after the founding of Israel as a Jewish-supremacist state built on the genocide of non-Jews. This is not to say there was no antisemitism at all. (Can you think of anywhere the Jews have gone where they haven't faced some degree of anti-semitism? I sure can't). Jews were seen as precursors to Islam. Fellow followers of the God of Abraham. Jewish traditions and philosophy were hugely influential on Islam from day one. Jews in the Middle Ages had it far better (generally speaking) under Muslim rule than under Christians. Muslim rule of Iberia was regarded as a Golden Age for the Jews living there. We all know what the Catholics did to the Jewish and Muslim infidels once the Reconquista was complete (Or maybe none of y'all do. I don't know how little knowledge of history to expect from any of y'all anymore). (Monty Python did a great documentary on how nobody expected it)
The Quran was engineered to have islamic supremacy as a central tenant of the religion.

Goodness! A holy book states that the religion it advocates is the right religion? How intolerant! Good thing Christians and Jews don't have any such nonsense in their scriptures! Pfff, the absurdity of even suggesting that the Bible would say Christians are better than non-believers! Christians would never ever force people to convert to Christianity! Or maybe next you'll suggest that converts from Judaism to Christianity or Islam were (and to an extent still are) regarded as heretics and traitors to the Torah! Next you'll suggest that some rabbis have even advocated suicide before conversion away from Judaism!
(The joke is that these things are true, but it in no way prevents Christians or Jews from being tolerant of other religions. The same is true of Islam. Pull your heads out of the sand.)

I dislike derailing so from the original topic but it is willful, arrogant ignorance about Islam like this that leads to things like the Nakba, the massacre of Muslims in the Balkan Wars, the persecution of the Uyghurs, the Bosnian Genocide, etc. etc.

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27 Feb 2024, 11:46 pm

I'm sorry I didn't read everything because this is a very upsetting subject, and I certainly don't need to read Zionist rants at a time when 30,000 Palestinians, mostly children and women, have been murdered by the Israeli state.

It doesn't really make any difference to the outcome of the election if Zionists are against Biden. Only 2% of the US population is Jewish and only a subset of American Jews are Zionists, and most live in New York, which is not a swing state.

There are however many young people (and some not young) in the US who are upset with Biden for not stopping the killing of Palestinians, and they may refuse to vote for him, which could make a difference.


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28 Feb 2024, 8:03 am

bee33 wrote:
I'm sorry I didn't read everything because this is a very upsetting subject, and I certainly don't need to read Zionist rants at a time when 30,000 Palestinians, mostly children and women, have been murdered by the Israeli state.

It doesn't really make any difference to the outcome of the election if Zionists are against Biden. Only 2% of the US population is Jewish and only a subset of American Jews are Zionists, and most live in New York, which is not a swing state.

There are however many young people (and some not young) in the US who are upset with Biden for not stopping the killing of Palestinians, and they may refuse to vote for him, which could make a difference.

There are a decent amount of Jews in swing state areas such as Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Milwaukee, and in Michigan. In a tight election a few defectors can make the different.

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03 Mar 2024, 1:14 pm

ChiefEspatier wrote:
ASPartOfMe wrote:
As a hard anti-woke anti-MAGA person who happens to be a New York Jew, it comes down to this. The Republicans are a MAGA party, while the Democrats have kowtowed to the wokes way too much they are not a woke party.

Difference is what will a maga government actually achieve?

The answer is nothing, there's no motivation for a conservative government to do anything as it might alienate some part of your base.

It's why the wall never got built etc. Conservativism is about justifying doing nothing/the absolute bare minimum politically.

Turns out this is how not particularly open minded people feel about life. They don't want to be politically challenged, they don't want to make America great again, they simply have no interest in being comfronted by any form of politics.

The bizarrest affliction facing the American left is that they take it for granted that there's an inherent need for an ordinary individual to be engaged in politics.

Is the average American following the Dow Jones? Would forcing people to take check the DowJones index daily not cause a very very aggressive backlash?

The left is fixated with the idea that people are inherently interested in politics or want it as part of their life.

Our political system is a binary between change versus status quo. The goal of the left in theory is to propose changes people are wanting and ones that will work. As soon as they start acting as if change is inevitable they become a social cancer.

The absurd change no one was asking for is redefining jews as categorical white people.

Our perspective on the holocaust/jews doesn't need to be redefined.

The Gas the Jews movement in Islam is and always has been a major feature of the religion.

The original Islam, was a movement for christians/jews/believers of allah(at that point it wasn't Islam) all to unite.

The historical Mohammed was all about unifying people it's how he "conquered" the known world. It was only a century or so after the caliphate was established that the Quran was manufactured. The power structure wanted it to be very clear that only true adherents to Quaronic doctrine are true believers.

The Quran was engineered to have islamic supremacy as a central tenant of the religion.

The Gas the Jews movement in Islam

I'm sorry, the what now? I haven't heard of this movement, can you elaborate? This sounds like some /pol/speak, but I'm curious to hear if you have an actual source for this absurdism.

[edit]: You know, I thought about it for a second and "Gas the Jews" sounds an awful lot like what happened in 1940's Germany under a majority Christian government, could that possibly be where you got confused?


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03 Mar 2024, 3:20 pm

Lehi split from the Irgun militant group in 1940 in order to continue fighting the British during World War II. It initially sought an alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis, proposing a Jewish state based on "nationalist and totalitarian principles, and linked to the German Reich by an alliance"

It sure reads like it was the Stern gang (Lehi) took their inspiration from the Gas the Jews movement. They kept the fascist ideology, just changed their target. Even after Stern passed away the group embraced National Bolshevism, merging fascism with Stalinism.

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas, this is part of our strategy” —Netanyahu
Faschismus ist die Gewalt der Schwachen.