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23 May 2023, 12:38 pm

Ahead of Pride month Target is moving some LGBTQ displays away from the front of the store and reducing how much space is dedicated to it. They are concerned that they'll face similar backlash as Bud Light did with Mulvaney.

Personally, I don't see why Target should be all that concerned. There is a tremendous difference between putting Mulvaney's face on a product used by a large population who don't want to be seen as supporting trans issues and going into a store that might feature Pride-related merch yet won't force you to buy it. Budweiser did that--forced their customers to hold cans with Mulvaney on them, switch brands, or just not drink beer. I mean...I get tired of the same beer ALL THE TIME, so I switched from Bud Light to Yuengling weeks before Mulvaney. For a light beer, Bud ain't bad. But politicizing beer doesn't exactly entice me to want to buy it, either. And Yuengling just tastes better.

But I think reorganizing a Target store when really all anyone wants to do is pick up some new underwear is getting a little silly. Worst case scenario your 13 year old kid sees a swimsuit and asks mom what "tuck friendly" means. If Target wants to support LGBTQ by selling swimsuits at the front of the store, who cares? Unlike the Bud Light fiasco, I have a feeling that the only people who would make a federal case out of it are also the types who'd never shop at Target in the first place.

And Target really isn't all that great, anyway.


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23 May 2023, 3:53 pm

AngelRho wrote:

Ahead of Pride month Target is moving some LGBTQ displays away from the front of the store and reducing how much space is dedicated to it. They are concerned that they'll face similar backlash as Bud Light did with Mulvaney.

Personally, I don't see why Target should be all that concerned. There is a tremendous difference between putting Mulvaney's face on a product used by a large population who don't want to be seen as supporting trans issues and going into a store that might feature Pride-related merch yet won't force you to buy it. Budweiser did that--forced their customers to hold cans with Mulvaney on them, switch brands, or just not drink beer. I mean...I get tired of the same beer ALL THE TIME, so I switched from Bud Light to Yuengling weeks before Mulvaney. For a light beer, Bud ain't bad. But politicizing beer doesn't exactly entice me to want to buy it, either. And Yuengling just tastes better.

But I think reorganizing a Target store when really all anyone wants to do is pick up some new underwear is getting a little silly. Worst case scenario your 13 year old kid sees a swimsuit and asks mom what "tuck friendly" means. If Target wants to support LGBTQ by selling swimsuits at the front of the store, who cares? Unlike the Bud Light fiasco, I have a feeling that the only people who would make a federal case out of it are also the types who'd never shop at Target in the first place.

And Target really isn't all that great, anyway.

You make a few good points about Target being different than a beer can.

Kinda lost me on this "But politicizing beer," statement, though. What exactly do trans/human rights have to do with politics? :? trans/human & civil rights shouldn't even be political at all. They simply are what they are, should exist regardless of political affiliation, and should be respected by all.

Why are people pretending that basic human rights have anything to do with politics or left/right crapola? :?

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23 May 2023, 4:22 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
Why are people pretending that basic human rights have anything to do with politics or left/right crapola? :?

Oh, you already know what I'm going to say. Two things:

1. Follow the money.
2. Follow the votes.

Politics is about people. And some people are trans.


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23 May 2023, 4:55 pm

What money? Which votes?

Bit of a stretch to politicize peoples’ gender identity and suggest somehow money is changing hands and votes - what - bought ? :?

The only trans related votes I can think of are sane people voting against republican candidates for them being bigots against trans people. Other than that, wtf does gender have to do with politics or voting? Shouldn’t politicians be focused on things like the economy, jobs, immigration, defence etc ?

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23 May 2023, 5:02 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
Shouldn’t politicians be focused on things like the economy, jobs, immigration, defence etc ?

Those things don't win elections. Narratives win elections.


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23 May 2023, 5:03 pm

AngelRho wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
Shouldn’t politicians be focused on things like the economy, jobs, immigration, defence etc ?

Those things don't win elections. Narratives win elections.

Attacking minority groups as a bunch of hateful bigots decides elections in your country? :?

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23 May 2023, 5:10 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
AngelRho wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
Shouldn’t politicians be focused on things like the economy, jobs, immigration, defence etc ?

Those things don't win elections. Narratives win elections.

Attacking minority groups as a bunch of hateful bigots decides elections in your country? :?

If that's the prevailing narrative. Do you believe Biden is a hateful bigot?


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23 May 2023, 5:21 pm

AngelRho wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
AngelRho wrote:
goldfish21 wrote:
Shouldn’t politicians be focused on things like the economy, jobs, immigration, defence etc ?

Those things don't win elections. Narratives win elections.

Attacking minority groups as a bunch of hateful bigots decides elections in your country? :?

If that's the prevailing narrative. Do you believe Biden is a hateful bigot?

I've yet to see him spewing anti trans bs.

So it's a failed strategy yet as*holes gonna as*hole anyways even though they don't win elections for it? :?

And their behaviour gets excused as "campaigning," ?? :?

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23 May 2023, 7:39 pm

goldfish21 wrote:
I've yet to see him spewing anti trans bs.

So it's a failed strategy yet as*holes gonna as*hole anyways even though they don't win elections for it? :?

And their behaviour gets excused as "campaigning," ?? :?

I’m not concerned whether someone’s campaign behavior is nice or not, or whether someone is ethical or not, or whether someone is moral or not. The question is about the prevailing narrative. Don’t forget it was mere decades ago when being openly hateful towards gays was the norm. By giving trans people special protection, did we suddenly become moral, or is being trans still immoral? Or is morality an evolving thing? Or is it all the product or language and social constructs?

In other words, what is the prevailing narrative? I don’t believe that Biden has any genuine love for trans people. Biden and everyone else “loves” only things that win elections.

I firmly believe that Trump winning the election was not a matter of how well he conformed to the narrative. Not that much has changed. I mean, COVID, but that was really just a bump in the road. The main reason Trump was elected was the narrative included anyone EXCEPT Clinton. I think everyone knew that all they had to do was sit back and wait it out.

Trump’s most significant failure was in rejecting even the narrative that rank-and-file Republicans had set out. See what I mean? For a short time Republicans had control over the prevailing narrative. Most all your most notable leaders focus on shifting the narrative towards what’s favorable for THEM to achieve their agenda. It’s not that Trump couldn’t have EVER achieved his goals. It’s just that he wasn’t willing to give it the time that was needed. The voters weren’t ready for that—not even Republican voters. And it was Republicans, not Democrats, who were active in shifting the national narrative away from Trump. And, look…that all started well before the primaries. Trump was never going to win re-election.

Obama had the same problem with Obamacare. Democrats had ALWAYS wanted to push for a single-payer system. What became Obamacare had been pieced together and steadily revised since the 1980s at least. It was designed to fail. And by failing, it would prove to Americans that single payer was the ONLY way, shifting the narrative at least for liberals and moderates against conventional insurance programs. But its failure had a colossal backfire when it really only succeeded in making people miserable. The narrative never favored it.

But the difference between Obama and Trump was that Obama was an expert in controlling and shifting the narrative. And Obama observed that, as with Trump, “Americans just weren’t ready.”

Biden has worked overtime along with the rest of his party in solidifying support from the LGBTQ community. It would seem that works in his favor for the time being. Biden also does not make any effort to maintain an iron grip on the narrative. He doesn’t really lead. He’s just kinda passive. I don’t see that getting in the way of his re-election, though. But it’s a terrible strategy in the long term. Because that means he will prove ineffective when it counts. Trump’s policies have us a COVD vaccine within months. The liberal tactic would have been to bog the vaccine down in red tape until the virus ran its course—and then released a tried and true, tested vaccine and declared victory after it’s already too late. When Trump lost re-election, Pandora’s box had already been opened. And that meant liberals HAD to get behind the vaccine or risk their own careers.

Like I said, it had nothing to do with whether the vaccine actually saved lives. It was that the cat was out of the bag and libs couldn’t drag out the issue through regulations. Trump had made them look weak. Exploiting it was the only real option they had.

Getting back to trans rights…they are all just pawns in the election game. Republicans need girls to be scared of sharing bathrooms with boys. Democrats need free hormone therapy for kindergartners. And once elections are done and the party dujour comes out on top, you will all be forgotten in favor of some other manufactured crisis, some other narrative.


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23 May 2023, 8:16 pm


Umm, gays are ok but hating trans ppl is all the rage?


It’s LGBT, has been for 50+ years. Same rights to all the ppl represented under that acronym. Hell, the entire lgbt rights movement was started by a black trans woman at the Stonewall riots.

If your post is representative of your country.. what a backwards place. Everyone should be beyond this stupid bickering about who deserves basic human dignity and who it’s ok to hate.

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23 May 2023, 8:32 pm

goldfish21 wrote:

Umm, gays are ok but hating trans ppl is all the rage?


It’s LGBT, has been for 50+ years. Same rights to all the ppl represented under that acronym. Hell, the entire lgbt rights movement was started by a black trans woman at the Stonewall riots.

If your post is representative of your country.. what a backwards place. Everyone should be beyond this stupid bickering about who deserves basic human dignity and who it’s ok to hate.

Don't get me started on Canada. That's an argument you cannot win.


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23 May 2023, 8:44 pm

My aunt is already sharing dumb s**t on Facebook. They're mad about, not something that Target is selling, but that the planned designer for some of their Pride apparel has done other designs that reference Satan.

I would just go all out. Satanic Pride all in the front. Maybe some burning Bibles for dramatic effect.

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23 May 2023, 8:53 pm

Everything seems to be politicized these days -- what to wear, eat, drink, and drive; where to shop, live, and go to school; what kind of degrees you hold, where you work, and what you do to earn your pay; et cetera.  I read the following article and it seems to closely express my feelings and perspectives regarding human nature.

Conor Friedersdorf wrote:
A politicized life is a different beast, however.  It treats politics as a zero-sum game or a form of total warfare in which the other side must be obliterated.  It alters every aspect of your being: where you shop; what you watch on TV; what sort of music you listen to; who you associate with.  If you are not with the politicized being, you are against him -- and if you are against him, he is well within his rights to ruin you personally and economically.  You, the political other, are a leper to be shunned." . . .

 Why Everthing Is Politicized 

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23 May 2023, 9:46 pm

Nekomonster wrote:
My aunt is already sharing dumb s**t on Facebook. They're mad about, not something that Target is selling, but that the planned designer for some of their Pride apparel has done other designs that reference Satan.

I would just go all out. Satanic Pride all in the front. Maybe some burning Bibles for dramatic effect.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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23 May 2023, 9:50 pm

Fnord wrote:
Everything seems to be politicized these days -- what to wear, eat, drink, and drive; where to shop, live, and go to school; what kind of degrees you hold, where you work, and what you do to earn your pay; et cetera.  I read the following article and it seems to closely express my feelings and perspectives regarding human nature.
Conor Friedersdorf wrote:
A politicized life is a different beast, however.  It treats politics as a zero-sum game or a form of total warfare in which the other side must be obliterated.  It alters every aspect of your being: where you shop; what you watch on TV; what sort of music you listen to; who you associate with.  If you are not with the politicized being, you are against him -- and if you are against him, he is well within his rights to ruin you personally and economically.  You, the political other, are a leper to be shunned." . . .

 Why Everthing Is Politicized 

I guess. (Read post, not full article.)

Just all seems so weird to have such a polarized binary societal structure.

We have more liberal people and more conservative people and voters, but we’re still a whole lot closer together with a lot of overlapping grey area vs such opposing sides to everything.

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23 May 2023, 10:20 pm

Nekomonster wrote:
. . . I would just go all out. Satanic Pride all in the front. Maybe some burning Bibles for dramatic effect.
While I would not advocate for the Devil, whatever miffs off one of his minions would make me very happy, even if a few Bibles get burned on the minion's front lawn.


No love for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iranian Leadership, Islamic Jihad, other Islamic terrorist groups, OR their supporters and sympathizers.