auntblabby wrote:
Edna3362 wrote:
I just want to know where did such people get the idea even way, way long before. And I'm sure it's older than it seem as OP post year indicates.
from caveman days to be a bit more precise. people listened to the caveman who gave accurate warnings.
Which caveman figured that there's is such thing as beyond anxious brain and anxious brain in the modern era is exploitable? (Thinking of masters and slaves, thinking of symbols of status and ties with security in survival mode)
Who observed that other cavemen are like frogs in slowly boiling water?
Or, in, like, people, collectively speaking, can be in an abusive relationship for one? (Perpetrator and victim dynamics and cycles, except perpetrators are the minority and victim is the majority)
And, well, obviously, is such 'bloodline' or 'group' exists?
Like, opportunistic caveman passes it to their kids or do they have this exclusive club who will attain such knowledge, keep them to themselves like the rulers they were?
Also, obviously, why not a lot of people seem to be aware of it even in this modern era?
And, like, why are most humans in this era are still helpless to get out of it, collectively speaking and despite of any recent knowledge or awareness that all of that 'business' should not be 'normal'?
Is it like one of those annoying historical traumas or something?
The topic of anxiety, personally, is something I cannot relate well.
But I had rare times that I experienced it; to imagine dealing with something like that on a regular basis let alone 'normalized' will certainly affect anyone who doesn't have an anchor and metacognition to know better.
And from where I came from, it's not a very well talked about topic.
The topic of stress however, does and how it affects me.
Since from where I came from, 10-12 hrs a day and 5-6 days a week work is the norm at large; and yet still in poverty line, so reliant on aides...
I already seen what it looked like here; there's no big pharma milking cash off psych meds (yet) cause many are too poor to afford that.
I'm not entirely sure what it looked like there...
I imagined that many of normal human responses to extreme stress is medicalized instead of processed or solved from it's root causes...