York Mosque praised for offering EDL protesters tea

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01 Jun 2013, 3:59 pm

Tequila wrote:
Dhawal wrote:
It's these kind of statements that take away the credibility of your posts.

What do you think of Sayyid Qutb?

Don't tell me UKIM has links with him as well! He's been dead for years! (To the best of my knowledge)

What is the single most frequent thought that aspies have?

How do NTs do that?


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01 Jun 2013, 4:01 pm

Fogman wrote:
So they plan on killing off their opposition slowly by giving them sugar diabetes, then? :lol:


What is the single most frequent thought that aspies have?

How do NTs do that?


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01 Jun 2013, 4:01 pm

Dhawal wrote:
He's talking about hardliners or groups linked with hardliners, not about muslims in general.

A sizeable proportion of UK Muslims - especially amongst the young - support or sympathise with Islamist terrorist actions in the UK and abroad. It's not even a secret. See http://my.telegraph.co.uk/danielpycock/danpycock/956/what-do-british-muslims-think-of-the-uk/.


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01 Jun 2013, 4:02 pm

Dhawal wrote:
Don't tell me UKIM has links with him as well! He's been dead for years! (To the best of my knowledge)

Answer the question?

If you answer the question, I'll give you my own answer.

They fete him, by the way. He continues to provide inspiration to Islamic extremists and terrorists up to the present day.


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01 Jun 2013, 4:23 pm

Tequila wrote:
Dhawal wrote:
He's talking about hardliners or groups linked with hardliners, not about muslims in general.

A sizeable proportion of UK Muslims - especially amongst the young - support or sympathise with Islamist terrorist actions in the UK and abroad. It's not even a secret. See http://my.telegraph.co.uk/danielpycock/danpycock/956/what-do-british-muslims-think-of-the-uk/.

Do I see a mask slowly getting peeled off? It's scary honestly.
Tequila wrote:
Answer the question?

If you answer the question, I'll give you my own answer.

They fete him, by the way. He continues to provide inspiration to Islamic extremists and terrorists up to the present day.

Well atleast to you I owe an answer. You answered my questions more or less honestly, not like the others who disappeared without explanation.

I feel that he's responsible for extremist Islamic ideology to a great extent. As far as terrorism is concerned I feel the CIA is far more responsible for empowering Mujahideen and creating Osama, than Sayyid Qutb will ever be.
Though I still don't get what UKIM and EDL's tea party has to do with that.

What is the single most frequent thought that aspies have?

How do NTs do that?


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01 Jun 2013, 5:34 pm

Sayid provided the demonic ideas and the motivation. The CIA, stupid and shortsighted (it is run by goyim b.t.w) provided the money and the hardware because of the Soviet involvement in Afghanistan.



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02 Jun 2013, 4:06 am

ruveyn wrote:
Sayid provided the demonic ideas and the motivation.

He also prominently features on the UKIM's syllabus.

Wolves in sheep's clothing.

We don't know much of what is preached in these mosques, because no-one other than Muslims go in there.

Harry's Place carries a lot of material - both now and in the past - about so-called 'moderate' Muslims and venues that cater to extremists whilst pretending to be moderate. The OP would do well to leaf through the archives. This stuff has been documented for years. http://hurryupharry.org/


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02 Jun 2013, 4:25 am

Dhawal wrote:
I don't think the conversation got intense. But still, I'll get to your page. You posted two comments -
cyberdad wrote:
I think even you would admit that's inevitable. A majority muslim population will invariably impose religious law followed by restrictions relating to dress, drinking alcohol etc on the rest of the population. A completely muslim country is described as dares-salam (abode of peace) where a non-believer (non-muslim) would not be permitted to live or even enter (such as in Saudi Arabia).

cyberdad wrote:
Do you really think there is a customised version of islam that is applied to western countries? we have areas of Australia (like in the UK) where majority are muslim such as the suburbs of Lakemba in Sydney. Such places Australian women are unable to walk without wearing muslim outfits (even in daytime). Entire areas being purchased for muslim only housing in Queensland, Western Australia and New South Wales. These things do concern the rest of us. Cups of tea are very nice but they don't change the plan in the Quran for world domination.

Some primary questions -
The country of your concern - is it Australia?
The imposing of sharia law on non-muslims - examples?
Muslim outfits - does that include anything other than hijab?
World domination - can you to elaborate?

I hope you can leave ruveyn's points out of Our discussion the way you left out the tea :).

Country of concern - Australia, although looking at the UK it gives us a taste of the future
Imposing of Shariah on non-muslims - not directly, currently there are groups in Australia lobbying for the implementation of Shariah law pertaining to muslims in Australia. The lobbying power of muslims in Australians is quite significant and out of proportion to their respective numbers such that the prime minster's ethnic affairs portfolio hand picked a consultation group of stakeholders in the ethnic community 80% happen to be muslim!

Examples of where these legal ramifications start include i) suburb in Sydney with a predominant muslim population imposing (through coercion) dress codes on western women walking or living in the suburb when in public. This has been happening in the UK and France in residential areas such as housing commission areas where there are large concentration of muslims ii) muslim women choosing to wear hijab have the right not to take of their head covering in banks, police stations and other places where normal members of the public would be arrested iii) the imposition of halal certification on food products and food throughout Australia which I understand is subsidised by the general taxpayer even though this is only required by a tiny fraction (2%) of the population. In addition the right not have halal products when most packaged meat products have the label, many people object to the cruelty of halal slaughter iv) the imposition on councils to approve buildings that are for islamic religious purpose that obsruct views, clog road parking and create noise issues for residents v) the re zoning of residential area earmarked for public housing to be muslim only residences in order to create mini muslim only suburbs utilising both money from homebuyers plus overseas money sourced from Saudi Arabia and gulf states vi) the apparent lack of police protection or civil rights for apostates who want to leave islam or women or girls who want to leave their families vii) the apparent lack of police protection for new converts who are coerced into religious practice and spied upon and have the civil rights infringed if they are caught drinking alcohol or socialising with women (even at work).

We have this pressure from a meagre 2% of the population on the rest of the population. While the issues I have raised are not all directly a result of Shariah law the writing is certainly on the wall. I should also add the clamp down on freedom of speech for non-muslims to discuss the prophet mohammed in public is certainly against Australian law but permitted under the guise of anti-discrimination. Remember the issue people have is with the religion, not with the people. Civil rights of women who are forced to wear hijab and undergo circumcision is another area where Australian civil law is usurped by internal shariah law that protects arachiac and bacward practices under the guide of islam.'

The key to understand world domination and manifest destiny in islam is given in the Quran itself. I won't bore you with extracts or surahs but as you are familiar with islam (as am I) then you will know what I am talking about.


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02 Jun 2013, 4:32 am

ruveyn wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
Dhawal wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
Political power sufficient to impose Shariah on the entire country. I know, I know. It is not likely. But it is possible.


You mean not just personal laws for Muslims, but penal laws for the entire population?

I think even you would admit that's inevitable. A majority muslim population will invariably impose religious law followed by restrictions relating to dress, drinking alcohol etc on the rest of the population. A completely muslim country is described as dares-salam (abode of peace) where a non-believer (non-muslim) would not be permitted to live or even enter (such as in Saudi Arabia).

one of the fundamental concepts of Islam is the struggle between the dar al Harb (that is us) and the dar as Salaam (the domain of Submission). The goal of Islam is to make everyone either Submit, or be a dhimi and pay protection money to be left alone and even then under severe restrictions. In the dar as Salaam non-believers live at the sufferance of their Islamic masters.


It's interesting that Dhawal (who is in all probability an Indian muslim) never addressed your post but chose to make a personal slur on us as "keyboard warriors"

Yes I am aware of this struggle you refer to, it is the central tenent of islam. Many muslims will claim they are peaceful and follow what the Quran and Hadith refers to as lesser jihad which is about the personal or spiritual journey of the individual muslim. The reality is the lesser jihad can only take place once the greater jihad is complete, that is the overcoming the dar el Harb and the establishment of the dar es salaam. That is the will of Allah and the method by which this is achieved is fairly explicit in the Quran.


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02 Jun 2013, 5:10 am

I was the one who brought up the concept of keyboard warriors by using the term armchair warriors initially

I wish people wouldn't make up pretexts for having a go at others

Keyboard/Armcharior Warriors is exactly what most people on PPR/News forums are anyway - they're not exactly in the heat of battle themselves are they?

Dhawal isn't Muslim either - he states it earlier on

It's easy to see how the castigation and misrepresentation starts

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02 Jun 2013, 5:41 am

I'm not getting personal, and a few points of clarification, Dhawal was the one who used the term keyboard warriors (not you) but (to be fair to him) he was referring to all of us. Dhawal is trying very hard to defend islam, I find that odd for somebody who claims not to be a muslim to be so defensive. But I am not discounting the fact he may be. It's easy to see why many topics on forums never address underlying issues because of fear of political correctness.


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02 Jun 2013, 5:47 am

I used the term armchair warriors first and he corrected it to keyboard warriors so I raised the concept, he just commented on it

This is a clear sign that you're targetting him

If I was being targetted today it would be me you'd have attributed the reference to

I've seen it all before on forums - pack mentality

"Let's go after the Muslim who has said he isn't a Muslim but he is Indian - that's close enough so let's pretend he's a Muslim

He actually said this:-

"I'm neither christian nor muslim, but I've grown up with both. None of them spoke of solidarity or respect to me, they lived it."

Way to go for intelligent, respectful debate!

Why shouldn't any person defend a group of people they have time for. I have no problem with Muslims who act in a peaceful, respectful manner. It's called tolerance of other people.

The IRA were/are Catholic but I don't see all Catholics as terrorist bombers

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02 Jun 2013, 6:31 am

cyberdad wrote:
ii) muslim women choosing to wear hijab have the right not to take of their head covering in banks, police stations and other places where normal members of the public would be arrested

Hijab is not the problem - no-one objects to a simple headscarf.

Anyone who was white/non-Muslim wearing a niqab like outfit (like this...)


...in a bank or a supermarket would be refused service or arrested. But Muslims get a free pass in the UK to wear this stuff anywhere and everywhere. Even in the airport.


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02 Jun 2013, 6:36 am

nessa238 wrote:
The IRA were/are Catholic but I don't see all Catholics as terrorist bombers

They were mostly nominally Catholic. Same was the UDA/UVF are nominally Protestant.

The IRA and UDA committed their atrocities due to ethnic nationalism.

Islamic terrorists commit their atrocities due to a literal reading of the Quran and Hadith.


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02 Jun 2013, 6:37 am

Tequila wrote:
cyberdad wrote:
ii) muslim women choosing to wear hijab have the right not to take of their head covering in banks, police stations and other places where normal members of the public would be arrested

Hijab is not the problem - no-one objects to a simple headscarf.

Anyone who was white/non-Muslim wearing a niqab like outfit (like this...)


...in a bank or a supermarket would be refused service or arrested. But Muslims get a free pass in the UK to wear this stuff anywhere and everywhere. Even in the airport.

Isn't that a burkha?

I don't like the head to foot covering - I find them scary and far too excessive

I sometimes see women/a woman walking up our road wearing one and they really annoy me - it's taking women's freedom
backwards in my opinion

They are oppressive

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02 Jun 2013, 6:42 am

Tequila wrote:
nessa238 wrote:
The IRA were/are Catholic but I don't see all Catholics as terrorist bombers

They were mostly nominally Catholic. Same was the UDA/UVF are nominally Protestant.

The IRA and UDA committed their atrocities due to ethnic nationalism.

Islamic terrorists commit their atrocities due to a literal reading of the Quran and Hadith.

Religion was playing a major role in it though

There are moderate Muslims/ones who don't adhere to their faith

I bet plenty of Islamic terorists haven't read the Koran much if at all - they'd just rely on what others told them
Many terrorists seem quite stupid to me and not the type to study anything in depth

I bet the two Woolwich murderers don't read a lot - I'd put money on it!

'Sentimentality is a superstructure covering brutality' C.G Jung